Leadership: Reflections on Biblical Leadership Today by Brian Kerr | Christian Marketplace | September 2008 I would suggest that this well-written book is aimed at thinking Christian leaders or ministers. I think that Greenslade's concept of leadership is such that anyone involved in Christian ministry could benefit from it. The book is divided into four sections. The first considers why there is a need for leaders, the second looks at the nature of leadership, the third reflects on Jesus' leadership, while the final section explores the implications of Ephesians 4:11 (the 5-fold ministry gifts) for leadership today. For me the book starts where it should by emphasising that leadership is service. I liked this chapter on the plurality of leaders (two are better than one) and what he has to say on gentleness (not a quality always associated with leadership!). The short chapters make for greater readability. Greenslade is charismatic and some readers may not agree with his view that there are still apostles and prophets in the church today.