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Haggai Post-Exile





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The Minor Prophets God speaks His prophetic word to His people in critical times. Prophecy is not for armchair speculators or futurologists but those who must know God’s will in times of crisis. Prophets covered in this issue

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Zechariah Malachi

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The Babylonians, under King Nebuchadnezzar, invade Judah and take captives back to Babylon. God speaks to His people through:



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Assyria asserts itself as a superpower and the ten tribes of Israel are taken into captivity. Samaria falls to the Assyrians in 722 BC. God speaks to His people through:

Babylonian Exile

c. 587–539 BC


Below: Gate of Nimrod (2nd capital of Assyria), near Mosul, Iraq. Nimrod was the location of the palace of Tiglath-Pileser III, a prominent Assyrian king from the time of the Assyrian Crisis.

Assyrian Invasion

c. 750–722 BC

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Left: Doorway, Babylon, near Baghdad, Iraq. King Nebuchadnezzar made Babylon one of the architectural wonders of the ancient world.


Latest Cover to Cover Study Guides: Life’s Most Important Questions

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Revelation 4–22

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Seven studies based on the parable of the prodigal son. Each of the studies explores a different aspect of grace – the richest of gifts – and the author’s hope is that we may all live in a fuller awareness of the amazing grace of Jesus.

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£2.49 (plus p&p) ISBN: 978-1-85345-425-7 Previously published as Every Day with Jesus for People in Search of God

Amazing grace

The Lamb wins! Christ’s final victory

Prices correct at time of printing

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