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Time for Talk


Hey Squiggle, are you good at listening?

What’s inside? Day 1


to get Helping you more to know God

e r h t a F od G Written by

Alexa Tewkesbury

ading short Bible re Every day a help life with the is brought to haracters. of the Pens c rayer estion and p A related qu tten ri W daily life. apply this to sing ns, two focu in four sectio o f Pens and tw on the lives o g racters, youn on Bible cha learn to d be inspire children will . rd and His Wo more of God

Talki ng The L like Jes us – ord’s Pray er

I am Listening

Brandnew Wo rld – God t alks an d Noah li stens

Mixed Sources Product group from well-managed forests and other controlled sources www.fsc.org Cert no. SGS-COC-003963 © 1996 Forest Stewardship Council

Day 10

Day 16

Day 25

Day 1 TIME FOR TALKING ‘Kind words are like honey – sweet to the taste and good for your health.’ (Proverbs 16 v 24)




Denzil wanted his friends to know how much he loved them. He said to Philippa, ‘You’re so clever. You always know the right thing to say.’ He said to Max, ‘You’re such a great footballer.’ He said to Gloria, ‘You look lovely in your new hat.’ He said to Charlotte, ‘Your singing sounds even better than usual.’ Marco looked surprised. ‘Wow, Denzil,’ he remarked. ‘You seem so happy.’ Denzil grinned. ‘To tell the truth,’ he replied, ‘I’ve never felt happier.’ Talking kindly to others is good for them, and good for us, too.

W h at d o y o u like talking about?

er Pens Prthaey r, for


a Thank You, F re with each a h words to s help me other. Please my words always to use kindly. Amen.


Time for Talking

Day 2

‘Kind words bring life …’ (Proverbs 15 v 4)


best hat

What are you drawing?

When Charlotte went to visit Gloria, Gloria was busy drawing.

I’m designing a hat to make. There’s going to be a best hat parade and I want to be in it. It’s just …

‘What?’ asked Charlotte. Gloria sighed. ‘I don’t think my idea’s very good.’ Charlotte gazed at Gloria’s picture. The hat looked exactly like a beautiful cake. ‘That’s brilliant!’ squealed Charlotte. ‘It’ll be the best hat in the parade.’ ‘Thank you!’ beamed Gloria. ‘Let’s make it right now.’ Encouraging talk helps people do amazing things.

Do you know someone w h o ne eds encou raging today?

y er Pens Praa se teach Lord God, ple ords to me the right w can be an use so that I men. encourager. A



Day 3

Time for Talking

Squiggle and Splodge had borrowed Denzil’s favourite book. But when Denzil wanted it back, they couldn’t find it.

‘… my lips will never say anything evil, my tongue will never tell a lie.’ (Job 27 v 4)

They searched and they hunted. ‘Oh, no!’ shrieked Squiggle.


The book was outside – wet through because it had rained!


‘I’m telling Denzil you left it there, Splodge,’ said Squiggle. ‘I’m telling Denzil you left it there, Squiggle,’ said Splodge. They made each other very unhappy, until they decided to tell Denzil the truth: they’d both left the book outside, and they’d both save enough money to buy him a new one. God is sad when we tell lies. He wants us to speak the truth.

Pens Proad,ysoemretimes Why do you think it’s importa nt to tell the trut h?


Dear Father G an ems easier th telling a lie se th. Help me to telling the tru e t You want m remember tha lly. Amen. to talk truthfu


Day 4

Time for Talking ‘Do not use harmful words …’ (Ephesians 4 v 29)


missed party

Max and Marco were going to a birthday party, but Max was cross. Marco was late. They were missing the games. They were missing the fun. Worst of all, they were missing the party food. When Marco arrived, Max grumbled, ‘Why couldn’t you be on time; you’re so STUPID!’ Marco looked miserable. ‘Please don’t be cross, Max,’ said Philippa. ‘Marco didn’t mean to be late and now you’ve made him sad.’ ‘Sorry, Marco,’ smiled Max. ‘Come on then, I’m sure we’ll be in time for cake.’ Unkind talk makes people unhappy. How do you fe e l w hen someo ne says someth ing unkind to yo u?

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Lord Jesus, w help me not cross, please l words that to say spitefu eople. I want might upset p ve the way to talk with lo . You do. Amen


Day 5

Time for Talking

Gloria was looking pleased with herself.

‘… all … boasting is wrong.’ (James 4 v 16)

‘My garden has more flowers than anyone else’s,’ she boasted proudly. Max was looking pleased with himself, too.


‘I’m better at football than anyone I know,’ he bragged loudly.

proud pens

‘Never mind football,’ retorted Charlotte. ‘I’ve got the best singing voice in the world. Haven’t I, Philippa?’ Philippa was looking serious. ‘You have got a lovely voice,’ she said, ‘but God has given us the good things we have, so we shouldn’t show off about them. We should thank Him for them instead.’ Talking boastfully is a bit like being ungrateful to God.

Pens Praar Gyoed,rfor What gifts has God given You?


e Thank You, d r Help me neve . e creating m You have to forget that uch that is given me so m en. wonderful. Am


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