Marco Marker He’s a joker who loves messing about, but he always means well, even if he sometimes gets things wrong.
Waxy Max He’s very sporty and football mad. On the outside, he’s tough, but underneath he’s got the biggest heart.
Philippa Feltpen A real peacemaker, she helps keep the other Pens in order by sorting out arguments and giving good advice.
Ooooh! This looks like it’s going to be a good one …
Squiggle and Splodge The Scribble twins! They’re both quiet, both shy. Although they may not look alike, they do almost everything together.
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Enter …
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Hey, S plo who m dge, ade yo u?
to get Helping you more to know God
Big and Small
Written by
Alexa Tewkesbury
pens7 Big and Small.indd 2
ading short Bible re Every day a help life with the is brought to haracters. of the Pens c rayer estion and p A related qu tten daily life. Wri apply this to sing ns, two focu in four sectio o tw f Pens and on the lives o g racters, youn on Bible cha learn be inspired to children will . and His Word more of God
4/1/11 09:47:48
What’s inside? iful World
God’s Beaut
The Story of Cre ation – When God ma de the world
Me! e d a M
Friend of Meeting Children – Jesus
Day 1
Day 10
Day 16
Day 26
Mixed Sources Product group from well-managed forests and other controlled sources Cert no. SGS-COC-003963 © 1996 Forest Stewardship Council
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Day 1
GOD’S BEAUTIFUL WORLD ‘He gives a command to the earth, and what he says is quickly done.’ (Psalm 147 v 15)
apple tree
Philippa was painting pictures of her apple tree.
You’ve only got one tree, but you’ve painted FOUR pictures – and they’re all different!
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‘Because,’ explained Philippa, ‘some trees change through the year.’ She pointed. ‘This picture shows my apple tree in spring.’ It was covered with blossom. ‘Here it is in summer.’ Bright green leaves were growing. ‘Now autumn.’ Apples hung on every branch. ‘And winter.’ The tree was bare. ‘What’s wrong with it?’ frowned Squiggle. ‘Nothing,’ smiled Philippa. ‘In winter, my tree goes to sleep – to rest and get ready to blossom again next spring.’ God loves variety in His world. He even made trees to look different at different times of the year.
How many differ ent kin ds of tr e es c an you think of?
r Pens Prear Gyoe d! You’ve Wow, my Fath any beautiful given us so m You. Amen. trees. Thank
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Day 2
God’s Beautiful World ‘Everything in heaven and earth is yours, and you are king … over all.’ (1 Chronicles 29 v 11)
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The sand was golden and soft. The sea was twinkly and blue. Marco and Max had just finished building a sand castle. ‘I’m boiling,’ puffed Marco. ‘Me, too!’ huffed Max. ‘Race you into the sea, then!’ grinned Marco. ‘Bet I’ll get there first!’ chuckled Max. They chased each other across the beach and – KERSPLASH – both leapt into the waves together. They jumped and kicked and splished and sploshed. ‘I’m much cooler now,’ cried Marco. ‘You’re much wetter, too!’ laughed Max. And the ocean’s wonderful waves whooshed and splooshed coolly across the sand. Beaches to get hot on and waves to cool down in – God made the seaside so special!
Have you eve r b e en on holiday t o t he se asid e? Wh at did you enjoy doing ther e?
Pens Pru aareyLeordrof
Dear God, Yo ty and the migh the salty seas e want to prais I d n a – s n a e oc You. Amen.
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Day 3
God’s Beautiful World ‘… God, the Creator of heaven, earth and sea, and all that is in them.’ (Psalm 146 vv 5–6)
How y man
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How many fish did you see at the aquarium?
‘Well,’ began Charlotte, ‘there were big ones, small ones, fat ones, thin ones.’ ‘But how many?’ Denzil asked again. ‘Well,’ continued Charlotte, ‘there were red ones, green ones, orange ones, blue ones.’ ‘How many, though?’ Denzil said. ‘Well,’ Charlotte answered, ‘there were stripey ones and spotty ones.’ ‘Have you seen ALL the fish living in the sea?’ Denzil wondered. ‘No,’ laughed Charlotte. ‘There are loads more in the sea than in the aquarium.’ ‘But HOW MANY?’ ‘Only God knows that, Denzil,’ smiled Charlotte, ‘because He put them there.’ God has filled the oceans with amazing life.
Ther e ar e fi sh in t h e s e a a nd in the aquariums w e c an visit. Wher e else do fish live?
Pens Preareyveer threy
h For all fish, w pe, ize, every sha s ry ve e , im w s I thank You, every colour, . Amen. heavenly Lord
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Day 4
God’s Beautiful World
ww n
‘Our Lord and God! You are worthy to receive glory, honour and power. For you created all things …’ (Revelation 4 v 11)
a a
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n n n n n n n n
It was bedtime but –
‘I’m going to stay up all night,’ said Splodge.
‘I’ll stay up, too,’ replied Squiggle.
Soon Splodge yawned, ‘We could go to bed for a little while.’ ‘We could,’ agreed Squiggle.
Tucked up cosily, Splodge sighed, ‘We could close our eyes for a little while.’ ‘Mine are closed already,’ murmured Squiggle … and they both fell fast asleep. ‘Bother!’ groaned Splodge next morning. ‘We didn’t stay awake.’ ‘I know,’ replied Squiggle, ‘but we needed our rest. Charlotte says that’s why God gave us the daytime for being busy, then the night-time for sleeping.’ God made night to follow day to give us time to rest.
Do you have a favourite to y to take with yo u to bed at night ?
Pens PraankyYeourthat
Father God, th at the end of when I’m tired n ht comes whe each day, nig men. I can sleep. A
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