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MAY/JUN2011 When I was oh so much younger than I am now, I remember being really miffed that I didn’t look as beautiful as I thought everyone else did! I had knobbly knees, big feet, pale skin, freckles and a turned-up nose! I knew what I would change if ever I were selected by God for a 60-minute makeover! You might have said I had an ‘image problem’. The key moment of change for me was when I realised, deep down inside, that God had made me in His image, and that He loved me for who I was, despite my physical shortcomings, as I saw them! I am a one-off, designed to fulfil a specific purpose, with God’s designer label stitched onto my back! My lack of external perfection began to fade into insignificance as I grew in the confidence that only comes from knowing who I am in Christ. As you read ‘The Right Image’ section, I pray that God will work in your hearts too, giving you fresh insight into how God sees you. We also have for you Captain Josh and Pastor Paul – two chaps who certainly knew they were made in God’s image! Check out their amazing life stories. Happy May and June to you all … and remember God loves YOU – just as you are!

al i r o t i d e


old Testament Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numbers Deuteronomy Joshua Judges Ruth 1 Samuel 2 Samuel 1 Kings 2 Kings 1 Chronicles

2 Chronicles Ezra Nehemiah Esther Job Psalms Proverbs Ecclesiastes Song of Songs Isaiah Jeremiah  Lamentations  Ezekiel

Daniel  Hosea  Joel  Amos Obadiah Jonah Micah Nahum Habakkuk Zephaniah Haggai Zechariah Malachi

new Testament Matthew Mark Luke John Acts Romans 1 Corinthians 2 Corinthians Galatians

Ephesians Philippians Colossians 1 Thessalonians 2 Thessalonians 1 Timothy 2 Timothy Titus Philemon

Hebrews James 1 Peter 2 Peter 1 John 2 John 3 John Jude Revelation

OTHER CWR DAILY BIBLE-READING NOTES: For young people Pens for 3- to 6-year-olds Topz for 7- to 11-year-olds Mettle for 14- to 18-year-olds

For adults Every Day with Jesus Inspiring Women Every Day Lucas on Life Every Day Cover to Cover Every Day

Young People’s Every Day with Jesus (YP’s) is published by CWR, Waverley Abbey House, Waverley Lane, Farnham, Surrey, GU9 8EP, UK © CWR, 2011. All rights reserved. This ‘leave your fears behind, ‘cause God’s not confined, by obstacles or mountains or troubling times, you can do it all with God by your side, and you’re one of a kind,’ issue would never have happened if it wasn’t for ... Text: Paul Thompson @ Digital Dimensions • Senior Editor: Lynette Brooks • Concept development, editing, design and production by CWR • Killastrations: Mike Henson (Captain Josh) • Printed in England by Linney Print • The text in YP’s is republished every four years, working to a rolling four-year programme for 11- to 15-year-olds.

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1st May



EXODUS 17:8–16


‘So Joshua overcame the Amalekite army ...’ Exodus 17:13 ‘the Lord’s Joshua means ed on Egyptian name is inscrib salvation’. His e Israelites’ the time of th tablets made at naan. conquest of Ca in ean he Rank: Capta That doesn’t m the son of Nun. as was w r e he H ot D: m UN s BACKGRO rents or that hi e. When didn’t have pa am rn su ily m was his fa Catholic – Nun Nun event. it was a great rn bo as Joshua w r showing than Joshua fo er tt be n Nu is : There Prospects ust in God. courage and tr me NA ME: The na



bunch. Years of were a tough s ite el with ra Is e Th ypt left them as slaves in Eg d none An s. al or pumping iron ct ped up pe m pu d an ps ce le bulging bi chose to ad the man they an th r he ug to were sh. le – Captain Jo them into batt

h s o J

the chosen to lead ttling Nun was ba e 0 th 40 ua er sh ov Jo ict for their first confl er, Israelites into fearsome fight a as w he gh ou th w al ho d r years. An y. No matte lesson that da t ea re gr u’ a yo nt lp ar he le t God’s he you are, withou h ug in to up d s an nd g bi ld his ha hen Moses he ites a loser. Only w rce the Amalek fo ua sh Jo d ul co d Go to prayer to retreat. Joshua after write a note to to es os e M d ke God as ill terminate th ad, ‘The Lord w re em.’ It . th le t tt ou ba ab e th worry u don’t have to Amalekites. Yo


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ptation or le against tem When we batt forced are sometimes difficulties we ua sh ar of failure. Jo to retreat in fe ’t dn di ered when he was overpow not talk pport. So why su have prayer ations tu si h ug to t any with God abou s help? Hi nst and enlist you are up agai to up re how to squa He’ll show you . ss re og d make pr difficulties an Prayer ow all You that You kn Father, thank Your r fo k me to as about me. Help l al in it ke ta en to advice, and th . en Am e. lif y situations in m

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monday Genesis

2nd May Leviticus

EXODUS 33:7–11 ‘... but his young assistant Joshua son of Nun did not leave the tent.’ Exodus 33:11

was a tent p m ca te li e ra e the Is Pitched outsid ent to talk with God. They a w to where Moses ce, just as you would talk in n fa talked face to man was privileged to liste e friend. And on ations – Captain Josh. rs e to their conv


the camp shua away from Moses took Jo let the He talk with God. to learn how to ith w e ok n in as he sp young man liste sues. is al on rs pe nal and God about natio ua with had taken Josh Earlier, Moses i to learn na Si nt bed Mou him as he clim was only living. Joshua God’s rules for ain, but nt ay up the mou allowed halfw speak to it m m to the su Moses climbed this position he with God. From tention to the drew Moses’ at dient Israelites noise the disobe


they got drunk, were making as da and worshippe behaved wildly golden calf. shua at situation for Jo It was a tough lfway up the camp, or ha times. Outside eer clear st to he was able the mountain, es got im et m so his mates of the trouble ither did d be lonely. Ne into, but it coul tionship y the close rela he, as yet, enjo But by d. joyed with Go that Moses en n God he w d, d wante being where Go to God n te lis to w nt ho wanted, he lear vice. and take His ad


imes feel left Do you somet t enjoying a out? You’re no ith experience w ’ op ‘mountaint the in g in in jo not God and you’re se. el ne yo er ev wild times with e u’re stuck in th Like Joshua yo is th e worry! Us middle. Don’t hip closer relations a ild bu time to m Hi n to talk with with God. Lear e tim vice. And in and get His ad g nce the amazin rie pe you will ex ip sh nd ie fr close benefits that to your life. ds ad d Go with Prayer are Yo u that Yo u Fath er, thank e to m fo r m e. Help always th ere en. Am u. follow Yo tr us t Yo u an d


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3rd May



JOSHUA 1:1–9


‘I will give you every place where you set your foot, as I promised Moses.’ Joshua 1:3

Forty years after leading the Israelites into battle for the first time, Joshua was poised for action at the border of Canaan. Moses, their great leader, was dead and Joshua was now in charge.

On an earlier spying mission Joshua had noted the military might of the inhabitants of Canaan, but was convinced that with God’s help they could take the land. Now God was giving him the chance to put his faith into action. God promised to give Joshua all the land he stepped on from the desert to the Med, which meant he had to charge forward in his size 10 sandals trusting God that he would not come unstuck in the land of milk and honey. God gave Joshua the secret of success: learn God’s Word, think about God’s Word, obey God’s Word – not just the parts you like, all of it! God also gave Joshua a good reason why he should never bottle out of a battle. He would be with him just as He had been with Moses, and would never let him down.



text d is not just a The Word of Go ok. bo y or st ok or a book, a rule bo h ug ro th , ly us terio Somehow, mys , the life and the Holy Spirit d d are containe Go character of e w e tim more within it. The it, it and obeying g in ad re d spen be to life comes the more that n bodies and ow r ou shown in t New Testamen character. The d of or W e th as w s says that Jesu to form. Ask God an m hu in d Go you as s e like Jesu make you mor read His Word.

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C of J w Fo

ch spyin u nd a n up

wednesday Deuteronomy

4th May JOSHUA 2:1–14,22–24


‘The Lord has surely given the whole land into our hands; all the people are melting in fear because of us.’ Joshua 2:24

Ten of the tw elve who first we spies n Canaan wan t into ted out of God ,s pla ns. Only Joshua and C wanted to in aleb va Forty years la de. ter, with Joshua charge, anoth in er spying missio n wa s underway to an update o get n the situation.

The daring spie s found a way into the fortified ci ty of Jericho. Rahab, a woman with a house built into the city wall, often en tertained trav ellers. When Rahab realised she was harbou ring Israelite spies, she didn’t betr ay them. Why? Well, ne ws of the way God had led the Israelites th rough the Red Sea had reached Jericho . People in the city were afraid of God – really petrified ! They were preparin g for siege, bu t Rahab knew the only way to be save d was to ask God for m ercy. The spie s agreed to spare Rahab an d her family w hen they returned to at tack the city. The news that the people of Jericho were up the w all with fear w as great news for Josh ua. God was al ready fighting for th em.


Rahab had a ba d reputation in the city for he r immoral lifes tyle. God had a high reputation in the city for the w ay He had led the Israelites to vi ctor y. Yet God was willing to spar e Rahab’s life when she asked for mercy. Thank God for the forgiv eness He has shown us. Instead of bringing us do wn, He wants to lif t us up. Prayer Father, thank You for Your willingness to forgive us if w e ask and for provid ing a way for us to receive Your fo rgiveness by se nding Jesus. Amen.

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5th May




JOSHUA 3:1–17 ‘Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do amazing things among you.’ Joshua 3:5

rdan The River Jo first was the border the eded Israelites neenter to cross to one Canaan. No to m expected thessing ro c attempt a t time at harves ver ri because the . But was in flood d of o God is the Grises. rp su

God 18 cal c ea up a be

til they had the Israelites un r fo t es ou gs in th ck their suitcas God didn’t sort yone had to pa er Ev t . ge em to th y d da ey had a done all He aske omised land. Th pr e . th m r Hi fo in t em trus and label th d renew their ht with God an the ark towards ng yi rr ca themselves rig s st ie pr e th t w llo fo to then God had no Then they had happened. But g the in g th in No ad . le er s til the priest the flooded riv ould happen un w ng hi yt an promised the water. ed their toes in ith, procession dipp d forward in fa ejackets) steppe lif . As t nk ou su ith e er (w w s The priest dn’t act they di d Go If e hit. k. on ar avy river out in carrying the he d in to take the pe as ep h st uc d m Go , so without they stepped in sed the Jordan os cr le op pe n Over a millio d was a wet sandal. d? The ark of Go le they crosse hi w d d ne ai Go m as re w d And where river bed an ed dle of the dry ne id e m w e re th in he w gh held hi d is always Go . ng si os cr st la there until the need Him. Him, when we


























? n we need Him re is God whe WIhe lty cu ffi di e N th A e of CAPTRigh t in the middl CAPTAIN us y to help stop AIN we face, read CAPT need e w ll A . ay aw t ep sw g in tt ge rection CAPTAIN ading in the di to do is be he AIN T P A C to go. God wants us









IN Prayer gettinCgAPTA e with Go AIdN Pray, spend tim CAPTahead and get the day ready to face He has ing the things into action do ow kn r . You neve CAPTAIN asked you to do ppen. ha ht ig IN thingsAm what amazing CAPT




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friday Deuteronomy

6th May JOSHUA 4:10–24


‘He did this so that all the peoples of the earth might know that the hand of the Lord is powerful ...’ Joshua 4:24

River Jordan e th k c a b ld lace God he tream at a p 18 miles ups As the Israelites . called Adam er, one man from v crossed o osen to pick h c s a w e ib ver each tr ne from the rinew to s e rg la a up y it to their bed and carr psite at Gilgal. cam

No sooner had the last person crossed the dry river be d than the flood waters surged down th e valley again. Twice last century the co llapse of cliffs at Adam has blocked the riv er, once for m ore than 21 hours. God caus ed a blockage that was exactly timed between the fir st and last person crossing the Jordan.

The Israelites didn’t show passport s at the border crossing, but they had som ething to declare – the Lord is powerful! They arranged the 12 stones collected from the dry river bed into a monument to rem ind future generations how God had got them into the promised land. Joshua, who risked being thought of as a fool had God not stop ped the rive earned grea r, t respect as a leader. God undoubtedly was with him just as He had be with Moses en .




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The Lord is powerful! We know that, but we need to be remind ed. God asked Joshua to pile up 12 stones at Gilgal because He knows how quickly we forget His power. Rem ember some of the things God has done for you; you could even write them down – and send them in to YP’s or post them on the YP ’s forum (www.ypsonline.org.u k/forum). Praise God and give Him thanks!


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7th May Deuteronomy

saturday JOSHUA 5:8–6:5


‘... I have delivered Jericho into your hands ...’ Joshua 6:2

Joshua made some very stra nge preparations fo r war. God had promised the land of Ca naan to Abraha m and his Blocking the de sc en da nt , s on the conditi Israe on that all the Israelite males progress intolites were circumci sed. But the pr es th ent Israelites ha e promised lan d not kept thei d th r part in e w de a al s . So the Lord to the walled city o ld them to put matter right be this f Jericho, fore they wen the oldest in t into battle. No gain withou h t pain, as they say! city known toabited Th ey al so m ce a lebrated how n. Joshua had n God had led th out of Egypt by em having a Passov siege to a fo ever laid er meal. Th e ne xt day it was, rtified city Wot’s this? Th before. Was no ‘Wot’s this? ere’s ’ God had stop it time to ped His daily bread round of manna (the w build ramps? ord ‘manna’ means ‘what’s this?’). They no w had the choice of a full takeaway men u with a chef’s special of milk and ho ney. Once Joshua an d the Israelite s had sorted themselves ou t with God, th ey learnt that Jericho would n’t be a proble m – they coul walk it. Provid d ing they follow ed God’s battle plans it would take just 13 rounds to blast the walls down.



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Sometimes w e battle on ag ainst temptation or difficulties with out making progre ss, so it’s good to check out our lives and get in to the habit of meetin g up with God and other Christia ns on a regula r basis. Take time at ch urch to listen and talk with your youth group ab out what you’ve he ard, and you m ay start to get to know God bett er. Getting closer to God will he lp you to understand Hi m more, and al so helps in learning ho w to overcom e tough obstacles His way and not ou rs.

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sunday Deuteronomy

8th May JOSHUA 6:6–7,15–25


‘Shout! For the Lord has given you the city!’ Joshua 6:16

Hundreds of years before Joshua arriv scene, Jerich ed on the o had thick ci ty w stone towers and an enorm alls guarded by high ous ditch cut God’s strate gy of firing o in the rock. n all seven tru seemed tota mpets lly off the w all. God intended to bring Jericho do wn because its inha bitants were w icked. Strict instructions w ere given that no one was to take any of the idols or treasu res in the city. Why did God br ing the walls do wn in this way? Firstly, to teach the Israel ites that you win battles by obeying God to the last detail. Secondly, you win battles by blowing God’s trumpet, not yo ur own. Joshua and his troops didn’t ge t the medals for this campa ign – the glory w ent to God. Strangely enou gh, by obeying God and honouring Him Joshua earned great respect as a soldier, no t only among hi s troops but also among his enemies (see Jo shua 6:27). Did you notice that the Israelite spies kept their promise and spared Ra hab and her family? God ke eps His promis es and we should keep ou rs.


battle? arn from this What can we le lt for cu ffi di m is too Well, no proble rtant po im so al s me. It’ God to overco g in day quietly do we spend each ble, Bi e th ts – reading what God wan t ou ng yi rr m and ca talking with Hi w , no matter ho ns io ct ru His inst n he W . el fe ht mig ridiculous we day ch ea with God we keep in step us s ve gi fore He it’s not long be t. Ask ally shout abou re to ng somethi do, to u t He wants yo God today wha it! and dare to do

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