1 minute read
Introducing The Case Western Reserve Observer
Shreyas Banerjee Executive Editor
You might have noticed that a couple of things are different around here. For the first time in 10 years, we have a new logo, color scheme and overall design. Beyond that, we also have a new name.
This has been a long time coming. Change is in the DNA of all universities as student bodies constantly turnover, but it is especially true at Case Western Reserve University. There are no long-standing traditions at this university because we are always trying something new in our search for our own identity. The Case Institute of Technology and Western Reserve University federation was only 56 years ago—28% of our 197-year history. As we have continued to deal with the aftereffects of the federation, our university has been markedly different each decade. This is not necessarily a bad thing.
In the very first Observer editorial (published on Sept. 5, 1969), we stated that “universities should be the last of the institutions in society to resist change.” We still hold that belief to our very core, and as the student body has changed, we—the student newspaper at CWRU—have changed along with it. The type of content we cover and how we cover it is constantly being revised as time continues. Meaning every 10 years or