10-Day Tour of the United Kingdom, featuring London, Bath, Cardiff and Oxford June 2 - 11, 2025
CWTHarvey'sTravelhasjust whattheDoctorordered,ameticulouslycrafted,bespoketourfortheardent British popcultureaficionado,andweincludedahealthydollopofhistoryforgoodmeasure!
ThisexclusivetourinvitesfansofbelovedshowslikeBridgerton,DoctorWho,HarryPotteraswellasfansof Englishliterature,suchastheimmortalShakespeare,toexploretheiconicstreetsofLondon,soakupthevibrant cultureofCardiff,andwanderthroughthestoriedhallsofOxford,intheaptlynamedtour"BritishFanfare".
2022 - 2023 ITINERARIES
Thisextraordinarytourgoesbeyondtheordinary,providinganadventurelikenoother. Experienceshavebeen carefullyplannedtoprovideadeepdiveintothebest ofBritishfilm,televisionandliterature,withplentyoffree timebuilt intofollowyourownfandompursuits.
At theheartofourexclusivehostedtours,arethemomentsthat becomememories. Whetherit'sthehistoric grandeurofShakespeare'sGlobeTheatre,theenchantingworldofHarryPotter,orthecharmoftheWelsh countryside,ourgoalistocreateexperiencesandmemoriesthatstaywithyouforever.
Meet your Tour Host :
Hello,mynameisCandiceHarnishandI amaVacationTravelAdvisorintheHalifax areaandhavebeenforover20 years. ForaslongasIcanremember,I havebeen fascinatedbyallaspectsculture,history,culinaryexperiences,andjust daytodaylife. Asanaturalextensionoftheseinterests,Iamanavidreader,enthusiasticaudienceof liveentertainmentandcinema,andalwaysonthelookout fornewrestaurantstovisit withfamilyandfriends. Asatravelprofessional,Ilovecuratingexperiencesand sharingmypassionfortravelwithmyclientssotheycanhaveunforgettabletravel experiences.
Iamthrilledtobehostingthisoneofakindtourandcan?twait foryoutocomewithmeonthisuniquelycurated CWTHarvey?sTravelexclusiveexperience.
OurjourneytakesusfromthebustleofLondon,bothmodernandhistoricandintothestoriedcountrysideofGreat Britain. Wewillrelaxinancient Bath,perhapsdelvingintothelivesofliterarygreatsAusten&Shelley,before movingontoWales,thelandofArthurianlegend. WewillexplorehistoriclandmarkssuchasCardiffCastleand TredegarHouse,aswellasthegorgeousnaturalcoastlinethat Walesisfamousfor. FreshwaterWest Beachhas beenfeaturedinnumerousfilmsandshows,includingHarryPotter,theDeathlyHollows. FromWales,wemake ourwaytolegendaryOxford,andthenbacktoLondontoindulgeinashoppingextravaganzaat theForbidden Planet Megastore. OurpenultimatedaywillbeafullimmersionintothewizardingworldofHarryPotterwitha visit toWarnerBrosStudios,King?sCrossStation,andLeadenhallMarket (otherwiseknownastheLeaky Cauldron). Whateveryourfandom,youwillfinditonourone-of-a-kindtour,whichwasdesignedtocaptivateand inspire.
Areyoureadyforagreat adventure?callmetostart yourjourney!
Sight seeing Highlight s:
- London| Bath| Cardiff, Wales| Oxford| London
- Tour of London - Tour of Oxford
- TheGlobeTheatre,BoroughMarket, RomanBaths,DunravenBay, Tretower Court, Freshwater West Beach,Tredegar House,Chepstow Castle,Cardiff Castle, WiltonHouse, Christ ChurchCollege,BodleianLibrary, Covered Market, Bridgeof Sighs, HarryPotter Studios, King'sCrossStationand Leadenhall Market.
- Westminster,includingtheHousesof Parliament,BigBenand Westminster Abbey
First Class Inclusions:
- Cherrypickedhotels,all triedandtrusted.
- 4 nightsLondon,1 night Bath, 2 nightsCardiff and2 nightsOxford
- Transportationina luxuryair-conditionedcoachwithWiFi
- 9 Breakfastsand4 Dinners
- Restaurant gratuitiesfor includedmeals
- Anexpert Travel Director andProfessional Driver,Porteragewhereavailable
- All hotelstips,chargesandlocal taxes
- GratuitiestoTravel Director,CoachDriversandLocal Specialists
- Onegrouptransfer onthefirst andlast dayof guidedholiday
- Tour hostedbytravel professional at CWTHarvey'sTravel
Key Dest inat ion Highlight s:
- TheGlobeTheatrelocatedonthebanksoftheRiverThamesinLondon, isameticulousreconstructionoftheoriginal ElizabethanplayhousewheremanyofWilliamShakespeare'splayswereperformed.
- BoroughMarket,locatedintheheart ofLondon,isoneoftheoldest andmostrenownedfoodmarketswithoriginsdating backoverathousandyears,andoffersavibrant arrayoffreshproduce,artisanalfoodandgourmet delightsandtheperfect spot toexperienceculinarycultureofLondon
- HarryPotter Studios,locatedjust outsideofLondon,offersabehindthescenesexperienceintothemakingofthebeloved HarryPotterfilmseries. Youcanexploreactualsets,costumes,props,andspecialeffectsinthefilms,immersingyourselfin theenchantingworldofHogwartsanditscharacters.
- King'sCrossStation,anhistoricrailwayhubinLondon,abustlingtransportationbut but alsoasignificant cultural landmark,particularlyforfansoftheHarryPotterseries,asit isbestknownforPlatform9 3/4 whereHarryPotterandhis friendsembarkedontheirjourneytoHogwartsSchool ThestationnowfeaturesadedicatedPlatform9 3/4 installation, providingfanswithauniquephotoopportunity
- Leadenhall Market,nestledintheheart ofLondon,isahistoriccoveredmarketrenownedforit'sstunningVictorian architectureandvibrant atmosphere,datingbacktothe14thcentury,themarket boastsornatewrought-ironandglass structuresthathouseadiversearrayofshops,pubsandeateries.
- RomanBaths,areoneofthebestpreservedancient RomansitesinNorthernEurope Amagnificent complexbuilt around thenaturalhot springs,andoncethecentreforpublicbathingandsocializinginRomanBritain TheRomanBathsprovidea fascinatinginsightintoancienthistoryandtheenduringallureofthermalwaters.
- DunravenBay,locatedontheGlamorganHeritageCoast inSouthWales,astunningcoastaldestinationknownfordramatic cliffs,goldensandsandrichhistory. ThebayisalsofamousforthefilmingofvariousTVshows,includingDoctorWhoand MerlinandisacaptivatingescapeforvisitorsexploringthesceniclandscapeofWales.
- Freshwater West Beach,situatedontheruggedcoast ofPembrokeshireinWales,isrenownedforit'ssweepinggoldensands, rollingdunesandpowerfulAtlanticsurf. It isalsofamousforitsroleinseveralmajorfilmproductions,includingHarryPotter andDeathlyHollowsandRobinHood,it isamust-visit destination
- Tredegar House,locatedinNewport,SouthWales,isoneofthefinest examplesofa17thCenturymansioninBritain The grandestate,set within90 acresofbeautifulgardensandparkland,offersafascinatingglimpseintotheopulent lifestyleof theMorganfamily,whoresidedthereforover500 years.
- Chepstow Castle,perchedhighabovethebanksoftheRiverWyeinMonmouthshire,Wales,isoneoftheoldest surviving stonefortressesinBritain. Constructedbeginningin1067,shortlyaftertheNormanConquest,thisimposingcastleboastsa richhistoryspanningseveralcenturies. It isamust-visitforthosefascinatedbymedievalhistoryandancient fortifications.
- Cardiff Castle,locatedintheheart ofWales'capitalcity,isastunningblendofRoman,NormanandVictorianarchitecture, reflectingitslongandvariedhistory Originallybuilt asaRomanfort,thecastlewaslatertransformedintoaNorman strongholdandsubsequentlyremodeledinthe19thcenturybytheMarquessofBute.
- CoveredMarket,nestledintheheart ofOxford,abustlinghubofcommerceandculturedatingbacktothe18thcentury. This historicmarket,housedbeneathadistinctiveVictorian-styleroof,offersadiversearrayofshops,boutiques,andeateries.
- Bridgeof Sighs,aniconiclandmarkinOxford,picturesquestonebridgespanningtheRiverCherwell,that connectstwohalvesof HertfordCollege,andevokesasenseofromanceandmelancholy
- BodleianLibrary,situatedintheheart ofOxford,it'stheoldest andmostrenownedlibraryinEurope,withrootsdatingbackto the14thCentury. Itsvast collectionofover13 millionitemsspanscenturiesofhumanknowledge,raremanuscripts,historic mapsandpricelesstreasures.
Freshwater West Beach
Day t o Day It inerary:
Day1 (Monday,June2) London- UnitedKingdom WelcometoLondon
BrightlycoloredUnionJackspaveyourwaytoanunforgettablejourneythroughBritain,whichkicksoffinLondon. Afteryoutakeyourgrouptransfertoyourhotelenjoysomefreetime,perhapsvisit "TheCity"andseetheimposing domeofChristopherWren'sSt.Paul'sandtheTowerofLondon,oradmirethepageantryofroyalpalaces,cathedralsand parksexploringthecityonyourownterms. Laterthiseveningmeet yourfellowtravellersandTravelDirectorfora WelcomeDinneratalocalrestaurant.
Meal (s): Dinner | Hotel: TheTower Hotel,London(or similar)
Day2 (Tuesday,June3) London- United ExploretheSightsof London
Thismorningwe'llenjoyawalkingtourwithaLocalSpecialist,takeastrollalongtheThamesRiverandenjoytheiconic sightsofWestminster,includingtheHousesofParliament,BigBen,andWestminsterAbbey. Theselocationshavebeen featuredinnumerousfilms,includingJamesBondmoviesandSherlockHolmesadaptations. Next,we'llexperiencea touroftheworld-renownedGlobeTheatre. TakeastepbackintimetotheElizabethanera,immersingyourselfinthe worldofWilliamShakespeareandhiscontemporaries. Afterwardswe'llvisit theBoroughMarket,featuredinBridget JonesDiaryandHarryPotterandthePrisonerofAzkaban. Thisisagreat spot tograblunch,therest ofyourafternoon isat yourownleisuretoexploretoyouwish. Withafreeevening,perhapscatchaWest EndShowforanextradoseof Britishfanculture.
Meal (s): Breakfast | Hotel: TheTower Hotel,London(or similar)
Day3 (Wednesday,June4
Bath- UnitedKingdom
Thismorningembarkonajourneytodiscoverwhat's"great"about Great Britain,onthismesmerizingsojournpastthe rollinghillsandlushfarmlandsofEnglandtoWales,thelandofCastles Theelegant GeorgianarchitectureofBathtakes centerstageduringourvisit tothisfamousspatown. Here,we willseetheAbbeyandvisit theRomanBaths. Therest ofyourdayisat yourownleisure,perhapscelebrateBath'smost famousresident withavisit toTheJaneAustenCentre! Oralternatively,visit MaryShelley'sHouseofFrankenstein.
Meal (s): Breakfast | Hotel: Bailbrook HouseHotel,Beth(or similar)
Day4 (Thursday,June5) Cardiff - UnitedKingdom
Thismorning,we'llcrosstheSevernEstuarytoCardiff. Start yourdaywithadrivetoDunravenBay,astunninglocation featuredinvariousBritishfilmsandTVshows. Enjoyawalkalongthebeachandtakeinthebreathtakingviews. Next, visit TretowerCourt,ahistoricmedievalmanorhousethat offersaglimpseintoWelshhistoryandculture. Explorethe roomsandgardenswhileimaginingscenesfromyourfavoriteBritishperioddramas. Spendtherest ofyourafternoonat yourownleisureafteryourdayofexplorationbeforewejointogetherthiseveningforanincludedmealtoexperience Cardiff'sdiningsceneat alocalrestaurant.
Meal (s):Breakfast,Dinner | Hotel: HolidayInnCardiff CityCentre,Cardiff
Day t o Day It inerary:
Day5 (Friday,June6) Cardiff - UnitedKingdom
Start yourdaywithavisit toFreshwaterWestBeach,abeautifulstretchofcoastlinethat hasbeenfeaturedinseveral Britishfilms,includingHarryPotterandtheDeathlyHallows. Takeastrollalongthebeachandenjoythescenery. After lunch,visit TredegarHouse,astunning17thcenturymansionthat hasbeenusedasafilminglocationforvariousperiod dramas. Explorethehouseanditsgrounds,imaginingscenesfromyourfavoriteBritishTVshowsandmovies. Next,headto ChepstowCastle,amedievalfortressthathasappearedinseveralfilmsandTVshows,includingDoctorWho. Explorethe castlegroundsandlearnabout itsfascinatinghistory. We'llendourafternoonwithavisit toCardiffCastle,whichhasbeen featuredinseveralepisodesofDoctorWho. Enjoyaguidedtourandexploreabit onyourown,soakingintheatmosphereof theDoctorWhouniverse. Enjoytherest ofyourafternoonatyourownleisure.
Meal (s): Breakfast | Hotel: HolidayInnCardiff CityCentre,Cardiff
Day6 (Saturday,June7) Oxford- UnitedKingdom
JourneytoWiltonHouse, ThroughLacock andOff toOxford Depart CardifftoOxford,acitysteepedinliteraryhistoryandhometotheiconicOxfordUniversity. Onthewaywewillvisit Lacock,apicturesquevillageinWiltshireknowforitsTimber-framedcottagesandunspoiledappearance. Spendsometime exploringthevillage,walkingalongitsquaint streets. Lacock'shistorystreetsandbuildingshaveservedasthebackdropfor numerousfilmandtelevisionproductionsincludingtheHarryPotterfilmsandDowntownAbbey. Enjoysomefreetimefor lunchat oneofLacock'scharmingcafesorpubs. Afterlunch,makeyourwaytoWiltonHouse,locatednearSalisbury. This historicestateservedasoneofthefilminglocationsforthepopularNetflixseriesBridgerton. Explorethegrandeurof WiltonHouse,includingitsmagnificent interiors,artcollectionandlandscapedgardens. Trytospot theroomsandsettings usedintheshow! OthernoteworthyfilmsandTVseriesfilmedhereareEmma,Pride&Prejudice,TombRaider,theCrown, andYoungVictoria. ArrivinginOxford,wewillenjoyanorientationtourofthecitytoviewtheRadcliffeCameraandthe BodleianLibrary. Thiseveningwe'llenjoydinnerat alocalrestaurant.
Meal (s): Breakfast,Dinner | Hotel: VocoOxfordSpiresHotel,Oxford(or similar)
Day7 (Sunday,June8) Oxford- UnitedKingdom
Todaywebeginourdayat Christ ChurchCollege,oneofthemostfamouscollegesat theUniversityofOxford Thisiconic locationwasusedforseveralscenesintheHarryPotterfilms,includingtheGreat Hall,whichinspiredtheHogwartsdining hall. Takeaguidedtourofthecollegetolearnmoreabout itshistoryandconnectionstothefilms. Next,headtothe BodleianLibrary,oneoftheoldest librariesinEuropeandanotherfilminglocationfortheHarryPotterseries. Admirethe stunningarchitectureoftheDivinitySchool,whichservedastheHogwartsinfirmaryinthefilms. Visit theRadcliffeCamera andexploretheQuadrangle,whereyoucanseeDukeHumfrey'sLibrary ThisstunninglibraryservedastheHogwarts libraryinthefilm,whereHarry,RonandHermioneconductedresearchandbrewedportions.
Day t o Day It inerary:
AfterwardstakeastrollthroughtheCoveredMarket,ahistoricmarketingintheheartofOxford. Whilenot afilming locationitself,themarketoffersacharmingatmosphereandplentyofopportunitiestoshopforHarryPotterandother Britishthemedmerchandiseandsouvenirs. Afterwardsvisit theBridgeofSighs,anotherHarryPotterfilminglocation. Enjoytherest ofyourdayatyourownleisure,perhapsconsiderjoininganighttimetourofOxford,whereyoucanhear ghost storiesandlegendsassociatedwiththecity.
Meal (s): Breakfast | Hotel: VocoOxfordSpiresHotel,Oxford(or similar)
Day8 (Monday,June9)
London- UnitedKingdom
TodaywereturntoLondon Wearriveat ForbiddenPlanet,locatedintheheartofLondon,it'sanexhilaratingexperience forfansofsciencefiction,fantasy,comics,andpopculture Therest ofyourdayisyourstoexploreasyouwish Perhaps visit theBritishMuseumandmarvelat itsvastcollectionofartifactsfromaroundtheworld. Thishistoricmuseumhas beenfeaturedinseveralfilms,including"Nightat theMuseum: Secret oftheTomb". Orchoosetovisit BakerStreetand seetheSherlockHolmesMuseum
Meal (s): Breakfast | Hotel: TheTower Hotel,London(or similar)
Day9 (Tuesday,June10)
Discover London
London- United
Today,spendthemorningexploringHarryPotterStudios,immersingyourselfinthemagicofthewizardingworld. AfterwordswewillembarkonatourofHarryPotterfilminglocationsaroundLondon. Visit iconicspotssuchasKing's CrossStationwhereyoucanvisit Platform93/4. Snapaphotopushingaluggagetrolleythroughthebrickwalltomimic HarryPotter'sjourneytoHogwarts. WanderthroughLeadenhallMarket,abeautifulcoveredmarketingintheheartof thecity ThislocationservedastheentrancetotheLeakyCauldronintheHarryPotterfilms Enjoythearchitectureand maybegrabasnacktogo. Thisevening,wejoinourfellowtravellersandTravelDirectorforaFarewellDinnerat alocal restaurant.
Meal (s): Breakfast,Dinner | Hotel: TheTower Hotel,London(or similar)
Day10 (Wednesday,June11
London- UnitedKingdom
SayfarewelltoyourfellowtravellersandTravelDirectorasyoureturnhomewithmagicalmemoriescreatedduringyour whirlwindtouroficonicfilminglocations. Afterbreakfast takeyourgrouptransfertotheairport.
Meal (s): Breakfast
Tour Cost
Term s and Condit ions: Price is per person, land only (CDN dollars), based on double occupancy Single supplement is available at an additional cost (limited space) A non-refundable deposit of $500 is due at time of booking, plus applicable travel insurance. Final payment is due March 20, 2025.
Not Included: Price does not include international airfare, travel insurance, items or meals not included in the itinerary, or items of a personal nature Please ask your Travel Advisor for international air options and pricing
Travel Prot ect ion: Please ask your Travel Advisor about your travel insurance options CWT Harvey's Travel strongly recommends the purchase of Travel Insurance for your protection and peace of mind Proof of insurance may be required
PRICES: All prices are in Canadian dollars unless otherwise indicated Prices are subject to availability and valid if booked by dates indicated Conditions may apply Where applicable, price will include all taxes, fees and service charges, and will be noted accordingly Prices may vary due to an increase in the exchange rate or a fuel surcharge imposed by carrier, cruise line transportation company or hotel. CWT Harvey's Travel shall not be liable for any fluctuation in price or change in schedule or equipment or accommodations for any travel booking or travel service to be provided by a Travel Supplier such as cruise line, hotel, tour operator or airline that occurs subsequent to travel CWT Harvey's Travel disclaims all liability for errors or bias in reservations, fares, or other information provided by any automated airline or other reservation system
DEPOSITS, PAYMENTS, CHANGES AND CANCELLATION PENALTIES: A non-refundable deposit is due at time of booking Travellers will be advised of payment terms and cancellation/change penalties at time of booking, where applicable Cancellation penalties may apply, final payments are due at the time indicated by your Travel Advisor
TRAVEL INSURANCE: Travel insurance is not included but strongly recommended Inquire for travel insurance options, coverage and applicable rates It is essential that adequate travel insurance be purchased prior to departure This should cover any medical situation such as and not limited to hospitalization, trip cancellation, curtailment of arrangements and baggage Proof of insurance may be requested prior to travel
LEGAL NAMES/ COPY OF PASSPORT: CWT Harvey's Travel requires legal names (first, middle names, and last name) as they will appear on your passport at time of booking Legal names are required for your cruise, tour, hotel and air transportation documents There will be a $50 charge, plus any fees applied by the airlines and cruise lines for name corrections after final payment
DOCUMENTATION/ MEDICAL REQUIREMENTS: A passport valid 6 months beyond your return date is required for Canadian citizens Landed immigrants will require a Permanent Resident Card to return to Canada Additional documentation may be required for non-Canadian residents Travel immunizations should be up-to-date (i e Covid-19, tetanus, diphtheria, polio, typhoid, hepatitis etc)
GRATUITIES: Gratuities included in tour are outlined; any gratuities not specified above, are not included in your tour
NOT INCLUDED: Visa (where applicable) and passport costs, immunizations (where required), flights, items of a personal nature such as laundry, phone Meals are not included for land portions of advertised itineraries unless otherwise noted Alcoholic beverages are not included unless indicated as part of your reservation
TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS: If you require assistance during travel, we recommend asking a travelling companion to accompany you Please advise your CWT Harvey's Travel travel advisor of any medical requirements or allergies at time of booking For hosted departures, CWT Harvey's Travel's hosts are along to assist you with any concerns or to answer any questions about the cruise or tour during the cruise or tour Hosts cannot be responsible for individual care Hosts cannot be held responsible for any circumstances shown in Disclaimer;Indemnity below Fares are capacity controlled & subject to availability Itineraries, hotel and any land program/shore excursions being offered are subject to change CWT Harvey's Travel's inventory for tours, cruises, hotel, air and other components is subject to supplier recall at any time Prior to booking, please consult all applicable Centers for Disease Control travel advisories, warnings, or recommendations relating to travel, at cdc gov/travel/notices Health and safety protocols, guest conduct rules, and regional travel restrictions vary by country and destination, and are subject to change without notice Due to evolving health protocols, imagery and messaging may not accurately reflect destination experiences, offerings, features, or itineraries
ACTIVITIES NOT INCLUDED: CWT Harvey?s Travel shall not be liable for the quality or safety of activities (such as excursions, optional tours, little extras and others) available at the destination that customers may wish to participate in, and which are not included in the package, nor for any other representation made by the operator of any such activities Any written or oral contract for all such activities shall be deemed to be made between the customers and the operator of such activities and shall be undertaken at the customers?own risk of loss, damage or injury CWT Harvey?s Travel shall not be liable in any manner for any complaints or claims that may arise as a result of participation in any such activities which are offered by third parties over whom CWT Harvey?s Travel has no control
SAFETY: Like anywhere in the world, visitors must always take reasonable precautions as opportunistic crime does happen and it can be best described a when an opportunity presents itself and subsequently tempts a person to steal Most accommodations offer in-room or reception safes to secure your valuablesTravellers are advised not to leave their belongings or personal property unattended Do not carry large sums of money or valuables on your person
FORCE MA JEURE: CWT Harvey's Travel shall not be held liable for failure in the performance of any of it?s obligations, including without limitation, for any loss or damage resulting from any delay, cancellation, loss of personal belongings, illness, bodily injury, accident, death, deterioration of travel services, inconvenience, loss of enjoyment, disappointment or frustration, either mental or physical, due to:an Act of God or Force Majeure; a war, revolution, insurrection, riot, blockage or any other unlawful act against public order or authority, including an act of terrorism or threat thereof; Fire, flood, explosion, earthquake, epidemics, quarantine, storm, lightning, tornado or adverse weather conditions generally; accident to or failure of an aircraft or equipment used in connection therewith, loss of or hijacking of an aircraft, or any shortage of or inability to provide labor, fuel or facilities; any strike or lockout, labor dispute or other industrial disturbance whether involving CWT Harvey?s Travel employees, the employees of its service providers or others upon whom CWT Harvey?s Travel relies; any government order, regulation, action or inaction or any failure to obtain the approval of a government authority having jurisdiction in the circumstances as may be required to conduct operations hereunder or any government or legal restraint upon such operation; others upon whom CWT Harvey?s Travel relies for the performance of the whole or any part of any Travel Services hereunder; any other causes beyond the reasonable control of CWT Harvey?s Travel and any other event not reasonably to be foreseen, anticipated or predicted, whether actual, threatened or reported, which may interfere with the operations of CWT Harvey?s Travel or of it?s service providers
Flight schedules are subject to change without notice Customers having purchased air only must reconfirm their return flight within 24 to 72 hours prior to the scheduled take-off time CWT Harvey?s Travel undertakes to notify customers reasonably in advance through means it deems appropriate of any schedule changes resulting in the advancement or delay of the flight departure times or in the case of cancellation of a flight Whenever customers book connecting flights, they must allow sufficient time to make their connection No control can be exercised over air carriers to guarantee flight schedules, which may be altered by various circumstancesCWT Harvey?s Travel will not be liable for any change of schedule or a missed flight connection, including any additional fees incurred and special, incidental or consequential damages (including the carriage of baggage) arising from the foregoing, whether or not it had the knowledge that such additional fees or damages might be incurred
AIRPORT CHECKIN: It is recommended that customers arrive at the airport check-in counter at least three (3) hours prior to departure Failing this, their reservation may be canceled, and their seats assigned to other customers, with no right of recourse
SEAT ASSIGNMENT: Unless already pre-assigned, staff at the air carrier?s check-in counter conducts aircraft seating
COACH: A standard European coach will hold 48 guests
OTHER APPLICABLE CONDITIONS: Air transportation is subject to all applicable government regulations and is governed by the Montreal Convention, or the Warsaw Convention as the case may be, the applicable tariffs of the air carrier as well as the conditions of contract appearing on the airline ticket Any amendments or changes to the applicable air carrier?s general terms and conditions of carriage once filed with and approved by the federal regulatory authorities, are not subject to additional public notice and are legally binding
DISCLAIMER; INDEMNITY: In offering travel arrangements for sale, CWT Harvey's Travel acts only as an agent CWT Harvey's Travel, and their appointed hosts maintain no control over the personnel, equipment or operations of any supplier and assumes no responsibility for, and shall not be expected, asked or required to pay for any financial loss, personal injury, property damage, other loss, accident, delay, inconvenience or irregularity which you may experience either by reason of (1) non performance by any supplier for whatever reason; (2) wrongful, careless, negligent or unauthorized acts or omissions on the part of any supplier or its employees or on the part of any other party not under the control of CWT Harvey's Travel; or (3) any defect, breakdown, or other failure of any aircraft, train, automobile, ship, accommodation, or other equipment or instrumentality owned, operated or otherwise used by a supplier Other terms and conditions of your travel arrangements may be outlined in the supplier?s brochure and your travel documents and you should read them carefully Availability of refunds for unused travel reservations will vary with the type of reservations and the point your money immediately belongs to the supplier In the event of any bankruptcy, you should seek refunds directly from your credit card company, the supplier, its bankruptcy trustee or the applicable provincial compensation fund, if any If a Travel Supplier defaults prior to providing any travel service for which payment has been made by CWT Harvey's Travel to such Travel Supplier, the Traveller's, sole recourse for refund shall be with the defaulting Travel Supplier, its own insurer or any industry protective fund With respect to trust accounts, CWT Harvey's Travel will abide by all TICO (Travel Industry Council of Ontario) regulations
CWT HARVEY'S TRAVEL PRIVACY POLICY: Refer to www cwtharveystravel com for details on CWT Harvey's Travel Privacy Policy including the sharing and collecting of customer data, legal information and additional terms and conditions Contact your Travel Advisor for more details: CWT Harvey's Travel at 1- 1-866-926-4070, or email vacationtravel@harveystravel-cwt com