Prosody opens downtown, replacing Raw Space, and throws back-to-school bash Page 7 PHOTO COURTESY OF ODOGRAPHY
The OBSERVER Two-Time ACP Pacemaker Award Finalist
by the students & for the students of CWU
Fire watch Wildfires burn throughout Kittitas County
Total loss
Can you dig it? Volleyball Page 12
Page 3
RUBBLE Several houses on the Ellensburg Ranches have burned down.
Vol. 92 No. 1 Sept. 27 - Oct. 3, 2012
WILDCAT WALL Central has already defeated three ranked opponents this season.
Cover Photo Courtesy of Table Mountain Fire Incident Command
2 The Observer • Sept. 27 - Oct. 3, 2012
Color in the numbers
Alea Thorne Houston Carr Zach Smith Andrew Evans Mikey Riggin Matthew Thompson Chase Packman
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News Editor
Central Washington University hit record numbers with the newest wave of freshmen. A total of 1,440 students make this not only the biggest class, but the most diverse in history. “The freshman class is more diverse than ever,” Linda Schactler, director of public affairs, said. “It’s 30 percent students of color.” Schactler also said that CWU graduates a larger proportion of students who are Hispanic than any college in the state. Central’s enrollment numbers on all campuses top 10,700 this fall. John Swiney, associate vice president for enrollment management, attributes the numbers to how much Central has to offer, with online courses being one of the major draws. “The number of students that enroll in online courses has grown by 20 percent every year,” Swiney said. “And one out of every four students is from the Ellensburg campus.” Swiney also said Central’s online courses are becoming more competitive with other institutions’, as well as more beneficial to students. For example, if a student has two classes with time conflicts, he or she can attend one class and take the other online. So students don’t miss out on classes they want to take. Central has also become more competitive with its recruitment practices. Swiney mentioned that one of President
Former sheriff joins L & J board Staff Reporter
editors make policy and content decisions. The mission of the Observer is two-fold: to serve Central Washington University as a newspaper and to provide training for students who are seeking a career in journalism. The Observer seeks to provide complete, accurate, dependable information to the campus and community; to provide a public forum for the free debate of issues, ideas and problems facing the community at large, and to be the best source for information, education and entertainment news. As a training program, the Observer is the practical application of the theories and principles of journalism. It teaches students to analyze and communicate information that is vital to the decision making of the community at large. It provides a forum for students to learn the ethics, values, and skills needed to succeed in their chosen career. If you have questions call (509) 963-1073 or e-mail us at
Weekend sports information: Sunday 5 p.m. Letters to the editor: Sunday 5 p.m. Entertainment, meetings, calendar events, display ads, classified ads: Friday 5 p.m.
BY santos herrera
BY Peter O’cain
Editorial policy: The Observer is a public forum for student expression, in which student
Freshmen class most diverse, biggest ever
Kristin Gaskill Central Washington University 400 East University Way Bouillon Hall 232B Ellensburg, WA 98926 509-963-1026
Jim Gaudino’s first plans in office was to make Central more diverse. Therefore, the Inclusiveness Initiative survey took off. The survey allowed Gaudino and his team to see what was important in the eyes of students. According to the results, about 80 percent of participants enjoyed being at CWU, as well as felt welcomed. Another 90 percent of participants agreed that interacting with diverse individuals is a good thing. Thus, the question became: How can we more effectively reach out to students and let them know about all that Central has to offer? The answer came in the form of Central’s Prospect, Outreach and Retention Technology. CPORT works by connecting to students specifically. When a student takes the SAT or fills out an information request form, the information he or she writes down, such as age and ethnicity, is entered in the program. Once in the program, students will begin to receive emails and postcards from various groups on campus which may interest them and make them feel more welcome at Central. “Right now, this technology is being used only for diversity,” Diane Fishel-Hall, enrollment communication specialist, said. “However, the ultimate goal is to use this technology for everyone and anything. If a student likes horses, the rodeo club will talk to them. If a student likes gaming, the gaming club will talk to them.” Fishel-Hall said the beauty of this technology is that it’s completely student-tostudent interactions, not involving faculty or staff. Central students are the driving force reaching out to the people they once were.
After serving seven years as the sheriff of King County, Sue Rahr has joined Central’s Law and Justice Advisory Board. “We’re very happy to have Ms. Rahr on board,” said Charles Reasons, CWU’s law and justice department’s graduate program director. “I look forward to working with her.” In 2005, Rahr made history by becoming the first woman to be elected King County sheriff in the department’s 155-year history. SUE RAHR On March 31, Law and Justice 2012, Rahr retired Advisory Board Member after 32 years of service with the King County Sheriff ’s Office. The very next day, she was appointed director of the Washington State Criminal Justice Training Commission. Reasons believes having someone like Rahr on the board could help attract more women to the law and justice program. “She’s a trendsetter herself,” Reasons said. “She went through policing when there weren’t a lot of women in law enforcement.” Rahr recognizes she’s a pioneer for women in law enforcement, but she doesn’t believe there is anything stopping them from achieving their goals. “I want to convey [the] message to other women. If you get into law enforcement, you can make it what you want to make it. There are no barriers,” Rahr said. Sue Armstrong, a senior lecturer with the law and justice department, believes
the addition of Rahr to the advisory board will yield positive results. “It can only be a good thing,” Armstrong said. “She has actual law enforcement experience and political experience as well.” Reasons said he met with Rahr this past summer in hopes of developing a connection between the law and justice department and the WSCJT. For Rahr, this presented an opportunity for a mutually beneficial relationship. “We’re looking to develop partnerships with the big universities to see what opportunities might be there,” Rahr said. Rahr admitted that she doesn’t know too much about CWU’s law and justice program, but she’s confident the WSCJT can assist the instructors. “The first thing I need to do is learn more about Central,” Rahr said. “Once I see what’s being taught, I can see what can be worked on.” Rahr believes her experience running a large police force, which included over 1,000 employees and a $150 million budget, is the biggest asset she brings to the law and justice advisory board. “I have a lot of experience dealing with the very best police officers,” Rahr said. Rahr said her experience dealing with difficult scenarios will help as well. “I think I’ll be a little more aware where we need to focus our training on,” Rahr said. The advisory board meets twice a year and is comprised of 19 members. Reasons said the purpose of the meetings is to connect with the community and to keep up with trends within the law and justice community. It also allows for Law and Justice program directors to find out about internships and job opportunities.
The Observer • Sept. 27 - Oct. 3, 2012 3
Editor//Santos Herrera
“It was heart wrenching to know that there was nothing I could do to help them,” said Alexis Thomas, senior public Virginia Letson, 55, who goes by Gini, relations major. Thomas was one of many people in the expected to celebrate her 10-year wedding anniversary with her husband in the safety community who wanted to help out. She of her home. The call to evacuate that and some friends volunteered at the clothcame at about 5 p.m. on Aug. 13 would ing drive for a few hours, where she said change her entire life. Her husband, 30 to 40 people showed up to donate what they could. Terry Letson, 58, “Maybe you had lived in their can’t save their home for 27 years, Coming to work and house, but you can and in less than a being around the students is do something,” day would never see it again. The really healing, because you Thomas said. The community Letsons packed up want that normalcy. and families have some belongings, banded together but later found that -GINI LETSON to make the healthey could not have Barto Custodian ing process easier. brought enough. Coworkers, friends, “It’s funny the family and even things that you pack, because you think concerned community members were all you’re coming back,” Gini Letson said. The family was staying at the Qual- very instrumental in helping victims cope ity Inn in Ellensburg when they received with the loss. Central Student Cyndi Monroe was a dreadful phone call around 2 a.m. the following morning that their home had working when the fire broke out but still burned down. They burst into tears and did what she could to help support the embraced each other. With no homeown- firefighters and those affected by the fire. ers insurance, the couple is left with land Monroe said her first reaction wasn’t fear but sadness for those who lost their homes. but no home. “When I heard about it I brought a Letson spoke of the small things like a measuring cup or a pair of socks that you case of water to the fire station,” Monroe might think you have and then realize you said. Despite Letson and her family’s situadon’t any more. She took time off from work, but is now tion, she tries to remain positive. She has back at Central working as a custodian in not lost her love for life nor her kindness the newly rebuilt Barto Hall. She attri- to others. “At first you want to be angry, but then butes her ability to remain happy despite what happened to those around her, along you can’t imagine how those responsible with the firefighters who risked their lives. feel,” Letson said. Eyes damp with tears, Letson spoke “Coming to work and being around the students is really healing, because you of people she didn’t even know who were so willing to help out, and how much it want that normalcy,” Letson said. Some Central students were shocked to means to her. “I just can’t thank everybody enough,” hear about the fire and desperately wanted to do something. Many gathered at the Letson said. “I mean, we are on the way Holiday Inn Express to collect donations. to recovery.” BY JAYNA SMITH
Rising from the ashes
Assistant News Editor
(Above) Rubble is all that’s left of Gini and Terry Letson’s house. (Left) Gini Letson unloads freight at Barto Hall. For information on how to help Gini, contact her at:
Barto Hall custodian’s house burns down in Taylor Bridge Fire
Fires, haze surround Kittitas County, campus The main priority in combating the fi res is to secure public safety. Protecting Assistant News Editor livestock and property comes second, and Mother Nature literally struck Central unoccupied land comes last, Pyle said. Evacuation zones are based on three Washington on Sept. 8 in the wake of the levels. Level one is to alert people of the Taylor Bridge fire. The Central Washington community possibility of having to evacuate, level two had barely begun to heal before many lives gets residents prepared to leave, and level were shook again when lightning sparked three means residents are evacuated. “Safety is the number one factor,” Kithundreds of fires. “We have 4,000 lightning strikes and titas County Fire Chief John Sinclair said. The smoky air over 300 fires, and caused Central’s we are still finding football team to new fires,” Sharon Just know that everymove practices to Kyhl, fire informaNorth Bend and to tion officer, said. body is working as hard as hold its first home More fires are game in Bothell being discovered they can to solve this. because of inverSoccer moved its sion, or “sleepers” home game with -JOHN SINCLAIR which occur when Simon Fraser to Kittitas County Fire Chief heat created by Burnaby, B.C. lightning strikes lies The Kittitas dormant, and later County Public ignites, according to Christine Pyle, Ya- Health Department advises people to limit kima information officer. their outdoor activity, avoid overexertion The manpower needed to fight all the and try to keep doors and windows closed. fires is so extensive that there are three Anyone experiencing dizziness, headteams. The Wenatchee complex fires have aches, difficulty breathing, coughing, exburned over 42,000 acres and currently cessive phlegm or nausea should contact have nearly 2,000 personnel working on their healthcare provider. them. The Table Mountain fires are the Firefighters are working to keep the second largest, with 1063 personnel. fires contained but they know they won’t “Our resources have been spread pret- be able to extinguish all of them. Those ty thin,” Pyle said. fires will only be put out by what is called With the Wenatchee fires and the Table a “season ending,” where the weather Mountain fires moving closer to each oth- changes - most likely snow - will put out er, representatives said the two fires may the rest of the fires, according to Sinclair. eventually connect. On the positive end “Just know that everybody is working of the spectrum, the Yakima Complex is as hard as they can to solve this,” Sinclair almost completely contained. said. BY JAYNA SMITH
MASKED Students protect themselves from unhealthy haze on campus.
Taylor Bridge Fire • 23,253 acres burned • 63 homes destroyed • Fire 100% Contained
Wenatchee Complex Fires • Started Sept.9 • 53,144 acres burned • Containment 30% • 1,337 Firefighters
Table Mountain Complex Fires • Acres burned 37,677 • Containment 10% • 1,063 Firefighters
The Observer • Sept. 27 - Oct. 3, 2012
New Barto an early success
BY Santos Herrera
News Editor
Central’s newly rebuilt residence hall, Barto, gives freshmen and Douglas Honors College students a state-of-the-art home. Barto offers the latest technology to help students practice a green lifestyle. For example, every bathroom has motionactivated toilets and sinks, as well as light sensors that automatically turn off when the bathroom is not in use in order to save on water and electricity. “One of the things that we were intentional about is that we want students to learn from their living environments,” Richard DeShields, associate dean of student living, said. “The building itself is going to have monitors that students can watch physically, to see how energy use is being used in their wing and how much water their wing is using so that they can start being better stewards of our earth.” DeShields said. In addition to environmentally friendly technology, residents also have an enormous amount of space to study privately in groups, or to simply lounge with friends without disturbing others. All in all, several students said Barto has become a desirable place to live and has exceeded the expectations they had about college living. Freshmen residents Kirsten Selzler, Tori Massey, Brooke Reeves, and Alexa Williams all came to campus with the preconceived notion that college living would involve tiny rooms and old furniture. They were all surprised and grateful that Barto is anything but that. Since some of the rooms in the hall come equipped with a personal bathroom, there is a greater chance of residents not getting to meet each other in the hallway, so there is an open door policy instated to allow more interaction with other residents. This means residents keep their doors open so they can see and meet others walking by. “We’ve only been here a short amount of time and we already feel like we are close friends,” Wiliams said. “We are like one big happy family.” The biggest complaint that the residents had was getting used to having quiet hours, which proves to be a challenge for students all over campus. For others, such as Kyle Mollenberg, the move to college was more of a concern when thinking about living with a roommate whom he’d never met before. Fortunately, it all worked out for him.“I got to know him really fast,” Mollenberg
Santos Herrera/observer
THUMBS UP Residents happily enjoy room and board in Central’s newest residence hall.
said. “He’s pretty cool.” With the ability to house up to 360 students, the opening of Barto has allowed for Central to close Carmody and Green Hall for updating. DeShields said Carmody Hall and Green are not under renovation but preservation. “We’re just doing normal stuff. For example, we upgrade bathrooms because in Carmody they just have shower curtains and no walls,”he said. The re-opening of Carmody and Green will be based on the school’s need. For now, they will be used to house conferences. In the meantime, Barto has quickly become a favorite hang out for both onand off-campus students. For some, such as Selzler, Massey, Reeves, and Williams, Barto has become a home away from home.
Pregnancy Center of Kittitas County FREE Pregnancy Test. Caring. Confidential. Conveniently Located in Downtown Ellensburg 111 East 4th Street
The Observer • Sept. 27 - Oct. 3, 2012 5
Washoe tribute unveiled BY ALEA THORNE
Staff Reporter
The Ellensburg community gathered Sept. 22 at the new Friendship Park to honor the memory of Washoe, the chimpanzee who lived at Central Washington University and was the first non-human to use sign language. A life-size statue of Washoe signing the word friend now stands in the middle of Friendship Park after its unveiling. “Public art can enrich us individually and as a community,” sculptor Georgia Gerber sculptor said. “I hope this sculpture can be embraced not only as public art, but as a beloved landmark and a meeting place and a reminder of the people and chimps that have come before.” The memorial started with African music played by Acoustic Echoes, Kittitas Valley Children’s Choir and the Ellensburg Women’s Chorus. According to Jean Putnam, initiator of the Founders Club, the music was fitting for the memorial because Washoe was born in West Africa in 1965. Washoe was legally transferred to the United States and was the focus of a crossfostering research project exploring the interaction of genetics and environment. Washoe learned how to use spoons and bowls, wear clothes, paint, use the bathroom and perform sign language. Washoe came to Central with her adoptive son, Loulis, in 1980, where they were joined by Moja, Tatu and Dar. Washoe’s death in 2007 was reported in newspapers by every continent except
Antarctica, showing the impact she made on people around the globe. “Washoe was one of those things, a great teacher and an enlightened soul,” said Mary Lee Jensvold, director of the Chimpanzee and Human Communication Institute at Central. “That’s why we’re here today.” Not only was Washoe a great teacher about the animal kingdom, she also helped establish a relationship between humans and non-humans, Jensvold said “When I met Washoe, she quickly taught me my place in nature, particularly in her household,” Jensvold said. “Over time I quickly earned her friendship. I already miss her greetings.” Washoe will always be remembered for her kindness, because it lasted until her death. She will be remembered by many for her friendship according to Jensvold. “All of the people I know here today shared a connection with Washoe,” Jensvold said. To new friends, Washoe would ask to see their shoes and make the sign with two fists hitting each other. To closer friends, she would sign hug. “To be Washoe’s friend required humility and a good dose of servility. To be Washoe’s friend was a lesson on how to treat everyone,” Jensvold said. The idea for the park and statue was created by the Washoe Tribute Group. The planning started soon after her death in 2007, and ended with a total of about $95,000. “I say enjoy this park and pass on the story of Washoe,” Putman said while signing. “Thank you, Washoe, friend.”
YOU’VE GOT A FRIEND IN ME The new Washoe statue signs “friend” in the middle of the new Friendship Park in downtown Ellensburg on Fifth Avenue.
Campus Activities presents a CWU Homecoming Special Event
$12 CWU students, $20 GA, $27 Reserved
CWU is an AA/EEO/Title IX Institution. Persons with disabilities may request reasonable accommodation by contacting Campus Life at 509-963-1691 or
Tickets: Wildcat Shop & Welcome Center
The Observer • Sept. 27 - Oct. 3, 2012
Get out of my door There is a certain human mentality that has me really perplexed lately: Why do so many people continuously cram their way through an already open doorway because, for whatever reason, they cannot be bothered with opening another one on their own? This type of behavior can typically be witnessed Chanét Stevenson while entering Scene Editor or exiting just about any building on campus. Most campus buildings have double door entrances, yet all too often I encounter people trying to shove their way through a single doorway while making no effort to simply open the other door for themselves. Seriously, I do not understand this. The door isn’t a trap. You won’t end up in Narnia if you use it. Maybe you are afraid of germs, to which I am pleased to inform you that there is this really cool thing known as hand sanitizer that comes in portable sizes. I would advise that you invest in some if it will help you to open a door. Or maybe, just maybe, you are simply so lazy that the idea of having to extend your arm to open it is just too much. I do acknowledge, though, that there are excusable instances for this, such as someone with a disability and in need of assistance to get through the doorways, or when someone is simply being kind and holding a door for someone else. While I am always flattered whenever someone is friendly and holds a door open for me, I am not so amused when I am walking at my own pace through a door I opened myself, and all of the sudden I find I am being tailgated by a mob of people who are obviously in a hurry. Okay, one, it is extremely un-cool to tailgate in any situation, whether it be driving or walking. And two, if you are in that big of a hurry, do you really think that walking at my heels is going to get you through the doors any quicker? I think anyone who has been through the SURC building doors can attest to this. Perhaps the most ridiculous instances I’ve witnessed have occurred while I’ve been grocery shopping. It is common for many stores to have at least one automatic door and one manual at both the entrance and exit. In my experience, I have noticed that the majority of customers will walk directly towards the automatic door and even wait as 20 other people walk in ahead of them, all while not even considering to use the manual one. I fear for these people. What will they do if there ever comes a time when a store’s automatic door is not in working order? Will they just stand there, confused and complaining about how they can’t get in or out of the building? So to end, or perhaps make my point altogether, cramming your way through a crowded door instead of just opening another one is a less efficient and significantly more annoying way to get anywhere. Instead, I encourage everyone to channel their inner Robert Frost by taking the road, or in this case, door less traveled. It just might make all the difference.
Editor-in-Chief//Danny Schmidt
The Fail Mary
Seahawks controversial win causes uproar around NFL Seattle Seahawks quarterback Russell Wilson did something on Monday Night Football no other quarterback has ever done in NFL history: throw a game-winning interception. By now, many people have already seen highlights and heard rants about the Seahawks’ 14DANNY SCHMIDT 12 victory. With the Editor-in-Chief NFL officials on strike, replacement referees have garnered the majority of the talk in the first three weeks. There has been no shortage of Footlocker jokes. With Seattle down 12-7 with eight seconds remaining, Wilson scrambled around, threw the ball into the endzone from 24 yards out and the rest is history. It appeared Packers’ defensive back M.D. Jennings got his hands on the ball, but was wrestling for it with Seahawks receiver Golden Tate. It also ‘appeared’ Golden Tate pushed off of a defender, which should have resulted in offensive pass interference, automatically ending the game. There were plenty of comical situations after the catch. The funniest was
Dumb and Dumber, the two refs, who each signaled a different call. One official signaled a touchdown, the other a touchback. Shortly after, they agreed on a touchdown. The best part of the separate calls was that the two refs looked at each other as if they agreed, then turned and proceeded to unknowingly disagree. Golden Tate’s postgame interview with ESPN was another gem. When asked if he pushed off the defender, Tate’s response was, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” People are coming down hard on the replacement referees, but the blame shouldn’t be put completely on them. NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell took center stage in the blame game after Monday’s win. Sure the replacement referees don’t know all the rules, but is that really important? Since when is that in a referees job description? All of the officials ran off the field after the now-infamous play, because they didn’t know that when a team wins on the last possession, there must be an extra point afterward. In a statement Tuesday, the NFL said the referees missed the pass interference call, but stood behind the touchdown. Players, fans and coaches have been calling on Goodell to fix this problem
all season, but Monday’s game put the crtiticism over the edge. Athletes aren’t the only ones criticizing Goodell and the refs: Barrack Obama even tweeted about it, saying fans want to see the strike end. People are demanding Goodell hurry up and replace the replacement refs with the old ones, who probably only received death threats every other game. Some say if the strike doesn’t end, the NFL will lose fans, but there is no way fans will stop watching and going to football games. The NFL charges full price for preseason game tickets; they don’t care how fans feel about the refs. Now if the players went on a strike, that would be an issue. It would be hard for fans to watch football with no players on the field. There were negotiations Tuesday, so something could be settled soon. The NFL said the negotiations were scheduled for Tuesday before the Seahawks game, but who really knows? Until then, there’s nothing us fans can do other than hope we’re on the right side of the wrong calls. I say sit back, pretend there are no refs and watch the game. I know that may be impossible, but have fun with it. At least hearing them talk on the microphone is hilarious.
Violence: that’s the stuff I don’t like Chicago rapper mocks shootings Keith “Chief Keef ” Cozart is a 17-year-old rapper from Chicago, Ill. Before being able to vote or buy a pack of cigarettes, Cozart has a major record label contract and is the CEO of his own company, Glory Boyz Entertainment. Chief Ke e f ’s fame grew after his street anthem “I D o n ’ t Like” started playing on Chicago radio staCONNOR VANDERWEYST tions, and Sports Editor eventually started to circulate nationally. Fellow Chicago rapper Kanye West remixed “I Don’t Like” and released it on his compilation album “Cruel Summer.” However, Chief Keef isn’t just a simple teenage rapper trying to make it in the music industry. In 2011 he was arrested for aggravated unlawful use of a weapon and put under house arrest… at his grandmother’s house. Most recently he has been implicated in the murder of Joseph “Lil JoJo” Coleman. On Sept. 4 of this year, Coleman was gunned down while standing on the back of a friend’s bicycle. After being shot, Coleman tried to flee, but collapsed soon after because of his wounds. He was later pronounced dead at a nearby hospital. After Coleman’s death, Chief Keef tweeted, “It’s sad cus…Jojo wanted to be just like us #LMAO.” Laughing at the death of a teenager is something only a despicable person would do. As of July 2012, Chicago has had more than 250 murders. In
comparison, New York City, three times the size of Chicago, had only recorded 193 murders in the same timeframe. The rising violence in Chicago has even touched NBA superstar Derrick Rose. At a sneaker launch for his newest signature shoe, Rose broke down when discussing his hometown of Englewood, Chicago. Englewood is the same neighborhood that Lil JoJo was killed in. Hip-hop beef caused an 18-year-old to be murdered in cold blood. The media and music industry has enabled Chief Keef and will continue to turn a blind eye to Keef ’s ignorance as long as he continues to sell records. Widely regarded as one of the best MCs in hip-hop, Chicago rapper Lupe Fiasco recently spoke on the subject of violence in Chicago and the culture Chief Keef represents. “Chief Keef scares me. Not him specifically, but just the culture that he represents… The murder rate in Chicago is skyrocketing, and you see who’s doing it and perpetrating it—they all look like Chief Keef.” Of course, Keef responded by calling Lupe Fiasco a few bad names and threatened to smack him. The whole incident has caused Fiasco to reevaluate his entire career and he has suggested that his next release will be his last.
Dear Readers,
Chief Keef is bad for hip-hop and bad for Chicago. He has taken no responsibility for the type of culture he represents and tries to glorify in his raps. When elders like Fiasco try to call him out for it, he deflects with substance-less threats. The two greatest rappers of all time were murdered because of a stupid hiphop beef and now the world has had to wonder what could have been if Tupac Shakur and Christopher Wallace (The Notorious B.I.G.) had lived and continued their careers as the kings of rap. Kanye West needs to take a stand and admonish Keef for his insensitivity to his home city. West may look like a hypocrite after he already used “I Don’t Like” for his album, but it’s the right thing to do. He already looks like a hypocrite because he rapped about the surging violence in Chicago on his and Jay-Z’s song “Murder to Excellence.” “And I’m from the murder capital where they murder for capital / Heard about at least three killings this afternoon / Looking at the news like “damn! I was just with him after school” / No shop class but half the school got a tool.” As the leader of Chicago hip-hop, West needs to take a stand and try to stop the violence that is tearing his city apart.
The Observer welcomes brief letters of 300 words or less from readers on current issues. Please include your full name and university affiliation: year and major, degree and year graduated, or staff position and department. To be printed in the following week’s issue, please email your letters to by 5 p.m. Sunday. The Observer reserves the right to reject or edit for style and length. All letters become property of The Observer. Anonymous letters will not be considered.
The Observer • Sep. 27 - Oct. 3, 2012
Editor//Chanet Stevenson
New venue replaces Raw Space
Owners add lights, new menu items BY CHANET STEVENSON
Scene Editor
Prosody, formerly known as Raw Space, kicked off its opening weekend by hosting the Back to School Bash, where student enjoyed a night of music and dancing. Hosted by Jacoby Sampson, junior broadcast journalism, the Back to School Bash featured music provided by James Freelove who deejayed the event. Sampson explained how the idea of the Back to school Bash was to provide students a place to have fun in a safe and controlled environment. Throughout the course of the night, students in attendance danced and caught up with friends, while multicolored light effects splashed accross the room. When they were not joining in the music and dancing, attendees were able to watch the festivities from the café side via television screens that streamed live footage of the deejay. Julia Callahan, junior law and justice, explained how she had heard about the event at Fred Meyer Night when people were passing out flyers promoting the Back to School Bash. Callahan also described how she was having fun interacting with peers while attending the event. “I’m just looking to have some fun,” said Terry Areta, freshman aviation. Areta explained how the Back to School Bash was the second event he had attended at Prosody, and that he would definitely come to another one. Kurt and Tracy Oberloh, owners of Prosody, took over Raw Space just this September, and immediately went to work renovating the space. A new feature that has been added that Raw Space did not have are light effects that will be used during concerts and other events that take place at Prosody. The lights can also sync with the music playing and create effects
in time with the rhythm. Another new feature is the television screens that can be found along the walls throughout the café side of Prosody. These are used to steam live feed into the café of everything taking place in the main hall. Music videos can also be played on the televisions. When searching for new name ideas online, Tracy came across the idea of naming it Prosody because it is a theatrical term meaning the marriage of music and words. For the Oberloh’s, the name Prosody was perfect because they plan to feature different musical genres throughout the week. For example, Kurt explained how they hope to host an open mic night that will be open to all ages to perform and any talent they choose. They also plan to feature different bands to play at Prosody that will appeal to customers of all ages and musical preferences. Along with the music and lights, Prosody offers a new menu that is unlike any other in Ellensburg. Though they will also offer soups, salads and sandwiches, the Oberloh’s chose to serve dinner crepes as main entrées. They also plan to feature a new
photos courtesy of odography
DEEJAY James Freelove keeps the party going throughout the night at Prosod DANCING Students bust a move at Back to School Bash
drink every month as well as carry regional beers. Kurt explained how he hopes to work with Central Washington University and the community in planning events at Prosody. Tracy, who formerly worked in the registration office at Central, has helped plan Central’s graduations over the years, and has
much experience in planning the event. For the Oberloh’s, their overall hope is to give back to students and the community by working with them. They also hope to eventually bring in student interns that are interested in helping plan and prepare future events at Prosody.
The Observer • Sep. 27 - Oct. 3, 2012
Making the switch Students adapt to changes brought on by new school year Assistant Scene Editor
Books, student charges, parking, SURC food, classes and professors are all important parts of the first week of fall quarter at Central, but the most important part remains the student body, and what each and every individual student makes out of their first week is as personal as their student ID. Some can experience anxiety due to classes or living arrangements, others don’t worry about the details and greet the new school year with a warm welcome. As a senior, Kelly Hamilton is well versed in what to do during her first week back. Hamilton is studying nutrition and said she felt more comfortable this year. “I didn’t print off my schedule until the morning school started,” Hamilton said. Hamilton said her major requires a lot of memorization, so retaining information
over the summer was slightly nerve wracking, but other than that she is confident in her abilities. “I am not nervous because I have more friends and more study buddies; college feels more natural,” Hamilton said. Alex Smith, junior undecided, said he experienced a few more issues during week one this year as opposed to past years. “I wasn’t totally sure if I could pay for college this quarter,” Smith said. “My student loans didn’t come through right away, so that was stressful.” Smith said this is the first year he has to walk to class, but it is worth not living on campus. This wasn’t the only first for Smith this year. “I am 21 now, so I can drink without having to wor-CHARLIE SMITH ry about legal freshman psychology consequences,” Smith said. For other students, jobs and children offer much larger worries when trying to tackle the first week of school.
The first week really gave me a different perspective. I appreciate my parents a lot more.
Chezla Cadwell, junior elementary just the grading scale. But when it comes education, is not only going to school, but to the first week of college for a freshman, is working three there is almost no jobs in order to warning for what pay for tuition to expect. I am not nervous because and remain fi“The first week nancially stable. I have more friends and more really gave me a “The first perspecstudy buddies; college feels different week was hective. I appreciate more natural. tic, but I know my parents a lot the campus remore,” said Charally well so that -Kelly Hamilton lie Smith, freshhelps,” Cadwell man psychology. senior nutrition said. Smith said he visFor some, ited his hometown the first day of of Tacoma this school can include taking others to school past weekend to see his parents and to as well. Amy Lynn McCoy, junior geogthank them for all they have done for him. raphy, drives her children to school in the Smith also had minor issues when movmorning shortly before she must arrive on ing into the residence halls, such as concampus, making traffic and pedestrians a necting to the internet, but other than that hassle for McCoy. “The good overcompensates the bad,” things were smooth sailing. Some of the best parts of the first week McCoy said, adding she was extremely of college life for Smith include lacrosse impressed by everything the school did for parties and “meeting the LAX bro’s.” transfer students in the first week. Like anyone’s first kiss or first time beFor KC Andrews, exercise science, hind the wheel, the first week of college is sophomore year was off to a good start unique for everyone. with no real issues. Andrews said she is Depending on what grade level stuslightly worried about classes getting harddents are starting, the first week can be a er as she gets further in her program. These students have all had some expe- pain, but it can also be a great beginning rience in college, whether it is experience to something new. in time management with homework, or
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The Observer • Sep. 27 - Oct. 3, 2012
Find your grind! A guide to the boldest local brews than just a place to dine, but customers are welcome to sit at the coffee counter and simply enjoy a cup of coffee. The Valley Café has been serving Starbucks brand espresso dating back to when Starbucks was simply a coffee roaster and distributor. The Valley Cafe also has one of the longest lasting accounts with Starbucks in the state of Washington.
Assistant Scene Editor
It is a little-known fact that coffee is the second most traded commodity on earth. Coffee can be blended, steamed, ground, brewed and iced in order to create the ideal pick-me-up. The ways in which it can be ordered are infinite, making it a popular choice among college students. The Starbucks chain has three locations intown. Here is a look at the locally owned shops: The Pit Stop Much like how study guides help students prepare for tests, having a guide to local coffee shops can be a useful tool in a quest to finding the perfect cup of Joe. The Pit Stop is a NASCAR themed local coffee shop where one can relax and refuel. Co owner Jim Baxter described his shop as a relaxing place for students to work on homework and take advantage of the free WiFi. Customers can watch racing events on the big screen projector while enjoying a beverage made with Dillanos coffee, a roast which originated in Sumner, Wash. They also offer free delivery, with a two-drink minimum, within the town of Ellensburg. Favorites among customers are the Red Bull Italian sodas and smoothies. The Valley Cafe Offering eclectic cuisine, 1930’s decor and Starbucks brand coffee, this café was the first place to offer espresso in Ellensburg in 1979. Owner Greg Beach emphasized how the Valley Café is more
D&M Coffee Company A locally owned and operated coffee shop that houses all the amenities fit for a busy college student. Free WiFi is available at all three locations, as well as freshly baked treats, soups and sandwiches. The house specialty is a coffee blend called Hi-Octane, a handcrafted recipe created by owner Mark Holloway. D&M also makes their own caramel sauce for their drinks. “Two For Tuesdays” is a great offer for students on a tight budget. Every Tuesday from 6 p.m.-10 p.m. students may receive two drinks for the price of one when they show their student ID. A local favorite is a Claussen, an Americano with cream and homemade caramel sauce. Winegars Homemade Ice Cream and Coffee Students looking for a hometown vibe and a delicious cup of coffee should head toward one of Winegars’ locations. They not only serve espresso and smoothies, but a vast assortment of homemade ice cream. Winegars was founded in, and remains exclusive to Ellensburg.
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10 The Observer • Sep. 27 - Oct. 3, 2012
CWU in the Canyon
Central Washington University students and community members volunteer at annual cleanup BY chanet stevenson
Scene Editor
Students and community volunteers with The Center for Leadership and Community Engagement are gearing up for annual CWU in the Canyon on Oct. 6. Formerly known as the Yakima River Cleanup, CWU in the Canyon is an annual project that is organized to help clean up and restore the Yakima River Canyon. “It’s much more than just picking up trash,” said Sam Fukuyama, senior accounting and supply chain management, who explained that the CWU in the Canyon project focuses on more than simply cleaning up trash, but also helping to restore campsites by cleaning fire pits and painting picnic tables. This year there are fifteen teams, each consisting of 6 to 8 volunteers that have been organized to help accomplish the project by being assigned to different areas throughout the canyon. Volunteers helping out include
Herder explained both students and that having volunmembers of the teers participate community as well. in the scavenger “It’s a true camhunt is important pus and community because it is one collaboration,” said thing to simply Lorinda Anderseparate people son, interim for the into teams and CLCE. make them work Braden Dentogether, but Herder, sophomore when volunteers public relations, also are able to get to added that withknow each while out the platform of participating in community help, the activities, they CWU in the Canare better able to yon would not be come together possible. Other anphoto courtesy of the clce and work as a nual projects simiVolunteers gather team. lar to CWU in the BREAKFAST for the breakfast of champions at Another imCanyon are CWU last years cleanup. portant reason on the farm, as well for forming the as CWU in the City. While working in small teams, teams is to help train student volvolunteers also participate in team unteers how to lead small groups building exercises, such as a scav- and apply their leadership skills. Volunteers begin the day with the enger hunt, to help break the ice so that everyone can become ac- “breakfast of champions,” which is quainted with one another. Den- also hosted by the CLCE. One per-
son that has become a familiar face at the “breakfast of champions” is Helen Wise, co-founder of the Yakima River Cleanup. Helen attends the event every year to help pass out breakfast to volunteers. After breakfast, volunteers are shuttled to their assigned areas via campus vans that are driven by other student leaders. Lunch is provided and at the end of the day, the groups return in time to attend the Central Washington University football game. Hillary Pelley, senior anthropology, explained how she is excited to be volunteering for the CWU in the Canyon project for the first time ever this year. Pelley emphasized how she is impressed with the group and feels that volunteering for the project is a good opportunity for students get involved with the community. Students who are interested in volunteering for one of the projects are able to by visiting the CLCE office.
The Observer • Sep. 27 - Oct. 3, 2012 11
Summer at the cinema BY JEFFREY ALAN COTÉ
Contributing writer
Many fine films were released over the past few months, so let me give you a roundup of what I found to be the most worthwhile. “Beasts of the Southern Wild” When I’m not reviewing current releases, I am generally methodical in the films I choose to see on my own time. I chose to see “Beasts of the Southern Wild” because it seemed like a truly original piece of work. Not only did this turn out to be true, but “Beasts” was so imaginative, so sincere and so inspiring that it easily won the right to be the first film I have ever seen in theatres twice. This little indie film, which features a dynamite performance from young debut actor Quvenzhané Wallis, explores the lives of the residents of a small bayou community after the events of a strong hurricane. What unfolds is a reflection upon natural life on Earth and what it means to be a purposeful human being. “Beasts of the Southern Wild” is a marvelous motion picture and likely to be considered one of the best films of the year.
REVIEW “Ai Weiwei: Never Sorry” Call me crazy for including a documentary in a summer movie list, but this is one film that you just can’t pass up. Ai Weiwei is a Chinese artist whose notable art and conscious brand of social activism has made him both famous and infamous the world over. His incredible journey in life reminds us of the importance of artistic thought and the necessity of free speech, and it also encourages us to reflect upon the worth of our own cultural and societal values. Whether you approach director Alison Klayman’s “Never Sorry” from an intellectual, cinematic or artistic point of view, this is without doubt a truly important piece of work.
“Moonrise Kingdom” Any fans of the quirky, fresh humor of director Wes Anderson should have no trouble appreciating “Moonrise Kingdom,” Anderson’s seventh and latest film. Set on a calm and picturesque island in New England, the story primarily focuses on the romantic exploits of a young boy and his escape from summer camp to meet up with the girl he is infatuated with. This seemingly adorable plot serves as the catalyst for the exploration of themes such as the innocence of youth and the romanticism of nostalgia. With beautiful set design, a well-written script and exquisite camera work, this is a film that is noteworthy in many different ways.
“The Avengers” This comic book adaptation from director Joss Whedon features a fun, actionpacked story with a great cast including Robert Downey Jr., Mark Ruffalo, Scarlett Johansson and Jeremy Renner. I am generally not one for comic book movies, but “The Avengers” is so entertaining and well-made I couldn’t help but love it when I saw it in theatres. With explosive special effects, funny dialogue and an expertly paced, easy-to-understand plot structure, “The Avengers” is the perfect summer blockbuster.
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12 The Observer • Sept. 27 - Oct. 3, 2012
Editor//Connor Vanderweyst
Pandemonium at the Pavilion
Volleyball upsets 13th-ranked Western Washington
Assistant Sports Editor
JUMPMAN Redshirt freshman Rachel Hanses spikes the ball between two Western Washington defenders during the Wildcat victory Saturday night. The Wildcats prevailed in four sets.
But the Wildcats have momentum on “I feel like those points are really important just because it rattles the team their side, riding a three-game winning up,” Kight said, “It gets our energy way, streak and an early jump on conference way up and we get super excited; it just play. Last Thursday the Wildcats defeated GNAC foe Simon Fraser in three sets, gets us that much more momentum.” 25-18, 26-24, 25Strategic time15. Andaya credouts by Head Coach ited Central’s balMario Andaya led to Our crowd was insane. It anced attack as a a chain of Wildcat points. helped so much to have all key point in the as Hanses “In timeouts, we the support, all the love out victory, and Hjellum had usually just compose there - it was so much fun. eight kills apiece, ourselves,” Quirk along with Dolan said. “We take a -KAELY KIGHT and Smith who breath and realize Sophomore libero had seven kills that we have to step each. it up, take this pass,. The WildCan’t let them get a run and really focus on that next point.” cats are currently tied for second in the Quirk also credited the Wildcats’ GNAC standings and will take on Seattle ability to stay focused, even when up or Pacific University in Seattle at 7 p.m. Padown, to the team’s practice preparation cific Time in their fifth conference match. and situational drills. But it was the loud chants from the student section that helped boost the team when they really needed it. The CWU women’s volleyball “Our crowd was insane,” Kight said. team was named GNAC team “It helped so much to have all the supof the week after its sweep of port, all the love out there – it was so much fun.” Simon Fraser and upset victory “Best crowd I’ve ever had here at against 13th ranked Western Central and they pumped us up,” Dolan Washington. Redshirt junior said. “The energy was awesome, so much fun.” outside hitter Emmy Dolan was Following their victory, Central was also named the Red Lion GNAC once again edged out of a Top-25 rankOffensive Player of the Week. ing in the weekly American Volleyball Coaches Association Division II poll, sitting at 26th.
Of the thousand-plus fans that filled the stands of Nicholson Pavilion to watch Saturday night’s match between the Wildcats and 13th ranked arch rival Western Washington University, only the faint were powerless in seeing it through to the very end. Time seemed to freeze as redshirt freshman Kaitlin Quirk stepped into her approach and tossed the ball high into the air. If the next point went to the Wildcats, the match would be won in four sets and the upset complete. As Quirk’s hand slapped the ball, the two teams broke into formation in unison and anticipated the return. The student section roared from behind the Vikings players to disrupt their defense as best they could, but it was up to the six Wildcats on the opposite side of the court to finish what they had started. The ball landed in the ready hands of a SETH LONBORG/OBSERVER Viking defender who dug underneath it to pass to another teammate. A volley en- SERVED Sophomore libero Kaely sued shortly after. Kight prepares to serve In a pivotal moment, redshirt freshman Catie Fry brought in the ball and Kaely Kight had 18 digs. Smith, who had set to junior Erin Smith, who was already the match-winning kill, added eight kills leaping up in the air to receive the pass. and six assisted blocks. Redshirt freshSmith hammered down the ball straight man Rachel Hanses and Quirk matched toward a pack of Vikings who were help- statistics, contributing six kills and six blocks apiece. less in defending it. Statistically speaking, the Wildcats The ball bounced off the Vikings’ hands and dropped down to the hard- were about as dominant as a team can wood – the match was won, 25-18. The be: Central’s effort led to an outstandWildcats on the court collapsed to the ing .318 hitting percentage, the most acground and hugged one another, with curate hitting WWU has faced all year. emotions that could only be interpreted On the opposite end of the spectrum, Central helped Western to their worst as joy written all over their faces. The celebrating Wildcats were met by shooting performance this season, who teammates pouring from the bench, fol- converted on only .136 percent of their lowed by a swarm of rejoicing fans. It attempted kills. Central also managed was Ellensburg-sized pandemonium at its find control the trenches, out gaining the Vikings 12-6 in blocks. finest. “We really didn’t let them go on any CWU’s latest upset over Western Washington in four sets marks the third runs,” Dolan said. “They would get a time this season that the Wildcats have couple points but then we’d just answer beaten a ranked opponent. CWU’s wins back, and that’s what I think won us the game. We played against Metro as a team, that was State and UC San Diego (13th and They would get a couple my favorite part.” Dolan 25th at the time, points but then we’d just an- andAfter the Wildcats respectively) only swer back and that’s what I jumped to an early go to prove that they’ve done it bethink won us the game. We lead after the first it was durfore and they’ll do played as a team – that was set, ing the second set it again. my favorite part. when the Vikings “It’s a huge win. would regain a We’re really early short-lived hold on on in conference -EMMY DOLAN the match, winning and to know that by the same score we can play at this Redshirt junior outside hitter of 25-22. level [is good],” In the third said junior outside hitter Emmy Dolan, who led the Wild- set, Central’s offense settled back into cats with 16 kills. “Western’s a great a rhythm and won by a margin of six team, they’re ranked, we always have points. But it was during the fourth set good competition. To see what we could when Western fought its hardest, matchactually do together, finally putting it all ing Central point for point. With the together was really awesome because score tied at 13, the Wildcats capitalized that’s just only exciting for the next cou- on several key offensive kills by Hjellum, ple games.” who was able to consecutively knock two The Wildcats improved their record or three kills into the hardwood. The with 8-4 overall and 3-1 in GNAC play. Wildcats were then able to maintain their Seven of Dolan’s 16 kills came during lead until the final kill by Smith. the first set, which the Wildcats won 25Madly contested scramble plays by, 22, allowing them to begin the match on Kight, Hjellum, Hanses, and redshirt their terms. freshman Zoe Iida helped turn the tide in Senior outside hitter Marcy Hjellum favor of the Wildcats several times when finished with 15 kills, along with 12 digs it appeared that the Vikings would get and seven blocks, while sophomore libero the point.
The Observer • Sept. 27 - Oct. 3, 2012 13
TRUCK STICK (Above) senior running back Demetrius Sumler sprints past the Azusa Pacific defense. (Right) senior running back Johri Fogerson eludes an Azusa Pacific defender.
Wildcat blowout Central coasts past Azusa Pacific
combined for 274 rushing yards and four touchdowns. Sports Editor “I think the strength of our football On the other side of Snoqualmie Pass, team is running the ball,” Sumler said. over 100 miles west of Ellensburg, the “Me and Johri, we both are going to have Central Washington University football to take it up a notch.” team had their “home opener” at Pop Sumler led the Wildcats down the field Keeney Stadium in Bothell. The game on their first scoring drive, rushing the was relocated due to the poor air quality ball seven times for 43 yards. The drive in the Kittitas Valley caused by the sur- was capped off with a Sumler three-yard rounding wildfires. touchdown run that put the ‘Cats up 6-0 “Certainly, our thoughts and prayers halfway through the first quarter. The engo out to all the victims of the fire, but we suing extra point was blocked. still need to play a football game and move Not to be outdone, Fogerson added on and I thought our players and staff did another rushing touchdown early in the a nice job of it,” Head Coach Blaine Ben- second quarter pushing Central’s lead to nett said. 13-0. That lead quickly shrunk back down Even though it wasn’t the type of home to six after Azusa Pacific’s sophomore runcrowd the team was used to, the diehard ning back Terrell Watson broke a 64-yard fans’ presence was run to the end zone still appreciated. on the very next “I wish [the play. game] could have Central re[Humboldt State is] the been in Ellensburg, sponded with two defending champion and the straight touchdown but it felt good to rest of us are trying to take a scampers from have our fans here who are wearing shot at them. It’s going to be Sumler, the second the red,” senior coming on a 50quite a game. running back Deyard run made posmetrius Sumler sible after Sumler -BLAINE BENNETT said. cut back across the The eclectic mix defensive line and Head Coach of Wildcat fans inoutran the Coucluded CWU alumgar secondary. Afni, current students, ter Sumler’s third and members of the Bothell community. touchdown run, Central’s lead swelled to The crowd at Pop Keeney was treated to 27-7. a show as Central ran through the Azusa The Cougars countered by replacing Pacific Cougars en route to a 41-17 vic- their starting quarterback, junior Justin tory, improving their record to 3-1, 3-0 in McPherson, with junior Tyler Tuiasosopo. the Great Northwest Athletic Conference Tuiasosopo sparked Azusa Pacific with a (GNAC). two-play scoring drive punctuated by a “We got to celebrate tonight and then 54-yard touchdown pass, cutting Central’s put that behind us and get ready for next lead to 27-14. The Cougars added a field week,” Sumler said. goal to cut the deficit to 10. From that The Wildcat gameplan was obvious point in the game, Central dominated all from the opening drive: run the ball down phases of the ball. the throats of Azusa Pacific. The Cougars “We closed it out, but that’s what we had no answer for the two-headed attack do. That’s what we were taught to do,” of Sumler and fellow senior running back senior defensive lineman Jarrel Johnson Johri Fogerson. Sumler and Fogerson said. BY CONNOR VANDERWEYST
Senior quarterback Ryan Robertson connected with Fogerson for a 34-yard touchdown, and freshman running back Jordan Todd added the final points with a five-yard run. By the end of the game, the Wildcats gained 320 yards on the ground on 65 attempts, possessing the ball almost 10 minutes longer than Azusa Pacific. Dominating the ball on offense helped the defense stay fresh on the sidelines. “It helps a lot, you know,” Johnson said. “We get a chance to take a break a little bit, you know. They’re moving the ball consistently down the field, we get a chance to rest a little bit.” Robertson had a pedestrian day passing, throwing for less than 100 yards on only 12 attempts. Robertson connected on many simple swing passes to the outside and only threw one or two passes downfield. Beside giving up a few big plays on the back end of their defense, the Wildcats were solid, giving up only 17 points and turning the Cougars over four times. Senior linebacker Louie Bruketta secured the first interception of his career when he stepped in front of a Tuiasosopo pass while the Wildcats were backed up in the red zone. “Right when I seen it I just locked my eyes on it and I was like ‘I’m not going to
drop this,’” Bruketta said. The Wildcats hoped to have their Ellensburg opener this weekend against new rival Humboldt State. The Lumberjacks are 3-0 overall and are ranked 10th in the nation. Humboldt State is “the defending champion and the rest of us are trying to take a shot at them,” Bennett said. “It’s going to be quite a game.” Central will need to have a more diverse game plan that includes pushing the football downfield if they hope to stun the Lumberjacks. The game is scheduled for a 6 p.m. kickoff on Sept. 29 at Pop Keeney Stadium in Bothell. “We want to go in and we want to try and be 4-0,” Johnson said. “That’s the game plan.”
For up to date information on how the surrounding wildfires are affecting Central’s athletic schedule visit
14 The Observer • Sept. 27 - Oct. 3, 2012
McKole leads ‘Cats to tie with Falcons had nine saves during the course of the entire game. The teams finished deadlocked at 1-1. Defense proved to be clutch over 20 “Both teams had some great chances, minutes of extra time, as the Central we dodged a few bullets,” Farrand said. Washington University women’s soccer “We managed a goal and came away with team tied in-state rival Seattle Pacific Uni- a point where a lot of teams won’t get a versity. The game ended 1-1 on Saturday point off this team, but we got one.” night at Interbay Stadium in Seattle. The Poor air quality from the fires in Kitdraw puts CWU’s record at 3-3-2 overall titas Valley forced Central to make sevand even with SPU at 2-1-1 in the Great eral schedule changes over the past week. Northwest Athletic Conference. CWU had a home game against Simon Central’s season thus far has been Fraser re-schedmarred by injuuled for Burnaby, ries. Two players British Columbia have had ACL inSaturday was the first last Thursday. Sejuries and a third defender Allie time we’ve had a pretty com- nior has been out with Washburn said the plete line up in terms of the constant change of a broken collarbone. Head Coach plans had no affect midfield and the back line. Michael Farrand on the team’s comnoted the team petitive spirit. -MICHAEL FARRAND benefited from hav“We haven’t Head Coach ing a full squad for been able to work the first time this on as many things season. as we need, but “Saturday was clearly we came out and played hard, so the first time we’ve had a pretty complete I don’t think it affected us that much,” line up in terms of the midfield and the Washburn said. “We handled the adverback line,” Coach Farrand said. sity.” SPU flew out of the gates, using an agOn Monday Sept. 24 it was announced gressive style in the first half. The Falcons that senior forward Carson McKole was took the lead in the 31st minute on an in- awarded the Red Lion GNAC Offensive credible diving header by senior forward Player of the Week. In the two matches Megan Lindsey. Despite the score, Central this week McKole scored two goals and asmaintained their composure and gave the sisted on another. McKole has four goals Falcons a tough fight in the second half. and two assists this season. “We started off a little slow, but then Central looks forward to their next we picked it up and kept the intensity high game at St. Martin’s University on Thursthe whole time and especially the last two day Sept. 27 followed by another road trip overtimes,” said sophomore midfielder Sa- to Western Oregon University on Saturvannah Moorehouse. day Sept. 29. CWU’s persistence paid off as they broke even with the Falcons in the 63rd minute. Senior forward Carson McKole received a pass from freshman forward Lauren Duty, squared up to the goal and chipped in a 28-yarder over SPU’s goalie, Natalie Harold. It was McKole’s fourth goal of the season. The crucial shot tied up the score and forced the match to go into extra time. Overtime tested the persistence of the CWU defense. SPU held an 8-1 advantage in shots taken during the 20 minutes of extra time. The Falcons’ attack led to five corner kicks and several other opportunities to seize control of the game. Sophomore goalie Kayla Lipston responded to the stress by making two saves on eight total shot attempts by SPU’s attack. Lipston
Staff Reporter
KICKS Redshirt junior midfielder Kelsy Villegas dribbles the ball in a match last year against Northwest Nazarene.
Thursday 9/20 CWU vs. SFU 3-1 Saturday 9/22 CWU vs. SPU 1-1 (2 OT)
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The Observer • Sept. 27 - Oct. 3, 2012 15
Loved ones remember CWU student who died BY DANNY SCHMIDT
Matthew Scott Trinkle, known for wearing neon jackets and riding tandem bikes, lived a life of adventure, fun and excitement. “He was the sweetest boy. He made friends with everyone. I don’t think anyone can tell you a single time he was rude to anyone,” said his girlfriend, Noelle Connelly. “He wore the craziest outfits. He belonged in the ’80s. He would just run with stilts on to class.” Trinkle died June 30 at Dragontail Peak in the Alpine Lakes Wilderness near Leavenworth. The 19-year-old finished his first year at Central Washington University in June. He was born Aug. 19, 1992, in Fort Benning, Ga., into an Army family. He lived all over the globe, from Germany to Hawaii, skied in the Alps, hiked the coast of Italy and walked the beaches of Normandy, his family said. “He experienced a tremendous amount for a 19-year-old,” his mother Laura Trinkle said. “He was a sweet, sweet kid who always had a smile on his face. He would help anybody with anything.” He graduated from Steilacoom High School in 2010, where he played football, golf and wrestled. Wrestling wasn’t Matt’s forte, but he never let that affect his attitude. In a match against the previous state champion, Laura recalls, Matt spent the majority of the time with his back on the mat. Once the match was over, and de-
spite the loss, Matt had a huge smile on his face and was thrilled that the state champion never pinned him. “He taught people how to be yourself and not worry about what other people think,” his mother said. “Be who you are and be true to yourself, and I think that’s what people learned from him.” Between graduation and CWU, Matt spent a year in Kansas. Laura had just gotten back from Iraq and wanted Matt to move with the family to Kansas so she could help her parents. He attended Kansas State University during the 201011 academic year. In the fall he attended the International Wilderness Leadership School in Utah for 12 credits. After his first year at KSU, he knew where he wanted to be: Washington. He was an avid outdoorsman and missed the mountains out West. He visited CWU as a senior in high school and knew it was the school for him. He transferred to Central for the 2011-12 year. At CWU His parents moved him into Beck Hall for his first year. He was majoring in geology. “He was incredibly smart but didn’t like to study,” Laura Trinkle said. “He was always happy. He was a friend, literally to everybody. He loved Washington state and those mountains.” He wasn’t a morning person, she said. “One day he had a test in the morning,” she said. “To make sure he got up in
time, he took an old-fashioned alarm clock and duct-taped it to his head. He got up smiling and said ‘it worked.’” Matt loved duct tape, and made anything he could out of it. He was involved in Live Action Role Playing, games where people act out characters’ parts. He had a group of friends who regularly played LARP at CWU. Matt joined CWU’s climbing team, another factor in his decision to transfer. “He had a great group of friends. He loved the climbing team,” Laura Trinkle said. “He was always up for an adventure. His friends would look at him and ask why they’re doing this, but then they’d all have fun.” On campus He met his soon-to-be girlfriend in Beck Hall. “He meant so much to everyone he met. He’s the kind of person that even if you meet him once, he makes you a better person for it,” Connelly said. “He was the most thoughtful person. He’d make everyone food and make sure they’re comfortable.” Matt typically walked around campus with a boombox on his shoulder, playing his favorite ’80s tunes on cassettes. He wore nylon neon jackets, straight out of an ’80s film. Matt asked Connelly out on March 5, though they had been best friends the entire year. While Matt was walking her to class, he played “Open Arms” by Journey
on his boombox and asked her on a date. He moved out of Beck Hall in June and into an apartment with his roommate, Brad Mitcham, and Connelly. On one occasion, Matt and Connelly had plans to go camping. Connelly got sick and wasn’t able to go. Matt turned his dorm room into one big tent and made her soup, giving them a camping experience inside. Matt had a tandem bike that he rode around the campus and town. He’d ride with Mitcham, Connelly and anyone else who was interested. Things worked out Both Laura and Connelly said that things always seemed to work out for Matt. He spent the past winter working at Crystal Mountain, but didn’t have a place to stay. He went to the firehouse and asked if he could volunteer there, and in return get a place to live. Matt slept on their cot for the winter. “He was never afraid to ask a question or give something a try,” Laura Trinkle said. “I’d ask, ‘Matt what’s your plan?’ And he’d say, ‘Oh Mom, you don’t need a plan.’”
Originally published in the Daily Record CWU STUDENT CONTINUED ON P.16
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16 The Observer • Sept. 27 - Oct. 3, 2012
The replacements
Dragontail Peak
Week four fantasy football pickups
Matt Trinkle planned to summit Dragontail Peak on June 30, but didn’t return home as planned. A group of climbers who ascended Dragontail Peak on July 1 found his body in a rock gully on the mountainside at about 7,600 feet. Rescue attempts began that day, but were held up until July 4 due to rain and wind. The Chelan County Sheriff ’s Office said he fell from a significant height. “They said he was rock climbing by himself, but he wasn’t. He was wearing his hiking boots,” Connelly said. “I don’t want people thinking he was doing something so irresponsible when he wasn’t. He wasn’t an irresponsible person at all.” At a memorial in Steilacoom, family and friends came to honor Matt’s life. “I think that listening to all the kids when we did his memorial in Steilacoom, the common theme that they all had was they felt like Matt taught them a lot of how to live life and how to enjoy life,” his mother said. “Be a friend to everybody.” He is survived by his mother and father, Laura and Matt Trinkle, his brother and sister-in-law, Mike and Erin Trinkle, sister and brother-in-law, Christina and Brad Langford, sister Michelle Stout and grandparents Lowell and Janice May and Jim and Nancy Bishop.
Sports Editor
Whoever said “you can never have too much of a good thing” is a liar. This year I was tricked into joining four fantasy football leagues. I had planned on doing only two, but my inability to say no to people caused me to inadvertently join a work league at my summer internship that I was leaving in one week and another with a group of friends. Now I am stuck monitoring four teams. I am spread so thin I can’t put my all into one team without neglecting another. However, the one advantage of being a slave to fantasy football is that I have some great ideas for waiver wire pickups that can help your team. Andre Brown is gone, get over it, but these players can help your team and solidify your bench with the start of bye weeks looming. Quarterback Jake Locker (TEN): Locker exploded in week three during an overtime shootout with the Lions. Locker finished with 378 passing yards, two passing touchdowns and 35 rushing yards. Locker ended up rushing for more yards than fantasy bust Chris Johnson. With the absolute and total regression of Chris Johnson it looks like the offensive load will fall squarely on the shoulders
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of the former University of Washington quarterback. Locker also has the athletiscism to scramble and gain yards on the ground. Kenny Britt should be up to speed within the next few games and that adds another weapon to Locker’s arsenal. Running Back Tashard Choice (BUF): At this point the Bills are getting ready to post Craiglist ads for running backs. Their starter, Fred Jackson, is expected miss another couple weeks and now their backup, C.J. Spiller, is set to miss about two weeks. Enter Tashard Choice. Choice is not your average third-string running back, having seen playing time with the Dallas Cowboys and the Washington Redskins. Running back does not take much adjustment. The routes out of the backfield are usually simple swing passes and the back just needs to pick a hole to run through on rushing plays. Choice should be able to step in and give quality production in the absence of Jackson and Spiller. Wide Receiver Golden Tate (SEA): No-handed touchdowns aside, Tate projects to be a solid weapon in Seattle’s evolving passing attack. As the season progresses Pete Carroll will have to give rookie quarterback Russell Wilson more freedom with the
offense. Everyone saw on Monday night what Tate is capable of... with a little help. He only had three “catches” Monday, but was targeted seven times by Wilson. Tate will be Seattle’s best receiving option going forward. Tight End Heath Miller (PIT): In one of my fantasy drafts Miller was the first tight end taken - before top projections Jimmy Graham and Rob Gronkowski. Needless to say, I laughed really hard. Fast forward three weeks and Heath Miller already has four touchdowns. The Steelers are on a bye this week, so he won’t make an immediate impact, but he is worth stashing if tight end is a position of need. Defense/ST Cincinatti Bengals: The Bengals get the ever-rattled Blaine Gabbert and the Jacksonville Jaguars week four. With the return of defensive end Carlos Dunlap, look for the Bengals’ front seven to create significant pressure on Gabbert and force him into mistakes. As long as the Bengals defense can shut down superstar running back Maurice Jones-Drew the Jaguars, will struggle to put up points.
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