Fall 2016 | Issue Two

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#blm pg. 24

gender fluidity pg. 45

sexual assault on campus pg. 30


editor’s note I’ve written countless articles, research papers, scripts, rundowns, transcriptions, but yet this is the hardest thing I’ve had to write. This will be my last Editor’s Note so get the tissues ready (because I know I need them). If you had told me that I would be Editor-in-Chief of a magazine when I started at Central, I’d have said you were crazy. I graduated from high school in 2014 and took the trip across the mountains. My very first quarter I hated it here and wanted nothing more than to pack up and head back west. I mean come on, Ellensburg sucks sometimes, but now two years later I’m really sad to be graduating. Since this is the season of being thankful I’ll share my list with you guys. I’m thankful for: My parents who support every crazy idea I have, my friends who put up with me and my Pulsers who made my time at Central special. I am also grateful that I have food in my belly, a roof over my head and warm clothes on my body. But I know this is a privilege that not everyone is blessed with. As we carve our turkeys and stuff our faces with pie, millions of Americans sleep on the hard cold concrete outside. And as we lift our glasses to say cheers to a holiday built on the genocide of Native Americans, those same people are fighting for their right to clean water in North Dakota. Water is life and people in Flint, Michigan are still without that basic necessity. And because our job as journalists is to give a voice to the voiceless, we got serious this issue. After an election filled with racism, misogyny and homophobia we decided to write stories that will hopefully open some minds. We looked at the rise in reported rapes on our campus on pg. 30. We learned why the Black Lives Matter movement is important on pg. 24. And we gathered reactions from Central students about this significant time in our country's history on pg. 8. As I write my final farewell I’m filled with sadness and an overwhelming sense of pride. I am looking forward to my morning coffee, in my fancy apartment, reading my lifetime subscription of Pulse. Thank you Jennifer Green and the whole Pulse staff for taking a chance on me (I still can’t believe you guys let me run this magazine). Pulse has been my baby and I’m so excited to watch it grow. Stay Groovy,



in this our town



winter special









B L A C K L I V E S M AT T E R Why the movement is necessary


S E X U A L A S S A U LT What's behind the rise in reports on campus?

On the cover: Central student Wambui Front and back cover photos by Jack Lambert / Designs by Vanessa Cruz

issue mind & body

38 40 46 48


food & drink

50 52


after dark


THE 411 ON THE 253





Not in Our Kittco Peace March / Photo by Jack Lambert

pulse staff editors BAILEY WILLIAMS / editor-in-chief N I C O L E T R E J O -VA L L I / a s s o c i a t e & o n l i n e e d i t o r SIMONE CORBETT / assistant editor MANDI RINGGENBERG / assistant editor ANGELICA BARTORELLI/ features editor BAILEE WICKS / social media manager

designers VA N E S S A C R U Z / c r e a t i v e d i r e c t o r MADDIE BUSH / graphic designer ELIZABETH MASON / graphic designer TAY LO R M O R R E L L / g r a p h i c d e s i g n e r



faculty adviser JENNIFER GREEN (509) 963.1046 / jgreen@cwu.edu

business manager TA R A LO N G (509) 963.1026 / taral@cwu.edu

Pulse Magazine is a student-run lifestyle magazine, both in print and online at www.cwupulse.com. Student editors make policy and content decisions for the magazine, which serves as a public forum for student expression. Pulse serves the Central Washington University community with informative, engaging and interactive content covering campus and community life, trends and issues, and providing practical magazine and multimedia training.

Fall 2016 | Issue Two

On Nov. 9, 2016 Donald J. Trump was elected to be the President of the United States. No matter which party you voted for—or if you didn’t—this election stirred emotions in every American. Pulse gathered stories from Central students who reflected on this historical moment. Design & Illustrations by Maddie Bush

Our Town

warranted Fear Glendal Correa

My brother calls me in tears, all 235 lbs. of him. Lying down in the piercing silence of my whitewalled room, staring at my blank white ceiling, I pick up the phone. On the other side of the line I hear silence coupled with throat clearing and long heavy sighs. Finally, he says what he needs to say. “Hey man, don’t be going out late.” I’m use to these kinds of phone calls. I mean, he’s my big brother. He’s supposed to say things like “go to class,” or “be careful.” But this time his voice is tinted with a heavy heart.“I’m serious man, I can’t... I know how it can be out there and I need you to be safe.” I assure him that I will be and that the KKK threat was not attached to any violent acts, but now, tears begin to roll down my cheeks. You see my older brother protects me. He always has and always will, but this time he feels like he can’t. It’s not like the time he confronted my 6th grade bully, or the time we mourned our brother's death and he told me “Everything’s going to be alright.” This time is different. “Watch your temper, man. No, for real, because I swear if something ever happened to you...” I hear it in his voice: the trembling and helplessness knowing that this time is different. This time he can’t fight my battles and tell me everything will be alright. He can’t defend me or confront my bullies. “Please. Please just be careful... okay?” No older brother should have to feel this way and I had so much to

say. “Don’t worry.” “Nothing will ever happen to me.” “I’m safe.” But I too could not bring myself to confidently say those things without thinking about the white supremacy in my town and that now has a place in the White House. One hundred something miles away, my brother calls me worried, worried that in a town like mine, I could be exposed to violence, exposed to people who hate me because of the color of my skin, exposed to injustices that we thought no longer existed until our president gave them a voice. The only difference is this time he can’t shield me from these things. And that’s what hurts him the most. People say we are overreacting and that our feelings of fear are “unwarranted.” That our president elect will do a good job in office and that it is purely about politics. But those people are shades away from harm and do not have to consider skin color at the voting booths, a privilege that we don’t— and will never—have. When my brother’s finished talking I wait a second, gather myself, and respond with a soft “okay.” I want to tell him not to worry, but I know it won’t help. We ended our conversation as we always do, with the exchange of “I love you’s.” As we hung up the phone, his “I love you” echoed through my room. Through the white walls, sadness and fear, and back onto my white ceiling where I painted an America that made me feel just as important and safe as everyone else.

“This isn’t ASB election this is the fucking president get your heads out of your asses” @emily_cwu

“My political science professor hasn’t been to class since election night... Starting to think that man hightailed to Canada” @CiscoGraz

“The snapchat filter of Hilary Clinton won’t work on my phone, it’s probably because they know I’m with him.” @shiiana11

“The perception of this election being “two bad options” is not excusable, and flat out wrong. We had one moral choice, and screwed it up.” @Samuel_howard20


Fall 2016 | Issue Two

“I wonder; if Hillary wasn’t female.. if she would have made it as far in the presidential election”

“I think that all this election has taught me is how bullshit mainstream media is” @bmgreenleaf


Welcome Back America! Brooklyn Hargrave I’m going to be very honest and if you should disagree with me by any means then that’s okay. I’m happy to live in a country where we are able to talk and share our opinions freely and then perhaps agree to disagree.

woman, didn’t like black people, gay people, or Mexicans. Obviously millions of other “deplorable” people voted for Trump because we share the same views. I voted for him because I am tired of the same beaten path this country has been on.

As all of you should know by now, we just had our presidential election Tuesday, Nov. 9, 2016 and Donald J. Trump has been selected to be the next President of the United States. I’m not one that likes to get super political, especially when this is open for the public to read but I’m feeling a little risky today.

Speaking of the word Deplorable, let’s explore that for a second. The word Deplorable is to be disgraceful and cowardly, to spread hate and cause diversity. Kind of reminds me of the “Not my president peaceful protests.” That is not a protest, it’s a tantrum.

I voted for Mr. Trump. Yes, I voted for him. I’m sure you’re asking me ... ’you’re a woman and you voted for that pig of a man?!’ Yes, yes I did and I stand by my vote. You may think of me as a racist, sexist, bigot, homophobe, deplorable, incorrigible redneck with no education and no sense, well you couldn’t be more wrong.

These protesters are the EXACT reason why Trump won the election... because we “deplorable” people are tired of others burning our flag and then asking for a free hand out. They claim that Trump is going to destroy America.... as they go out and destroy public property, vehicles and burn American flags. You cannot complain about a problem when you‘re the one creating the problem. If he is NOT your president, if the American flag is NOT your flag... then this is NOT the country for you. NEWSFLASH! Burning the American flag does NOT disrespect Donald Trump... it disrespects those who died for it and fought to give these sore losers the right to BURN it. These protesters are creating diversity instead of accepting what is and making the best of it. They claim Donald Trump is not their president well guess what... you’re on American soil so yes, he is your president.

There are many reasons why I chose to vote for Mr. Trump. I want a new approach to strengthen our economy, I want to defeat ISIS, I want our borders secured, and I want our Constitution protected. Many people voted for Hillary because she’s a woman and many thought it was time to “make history” even if they didn’t agree with her politics. I’m a woman and I do not and will not ever stand with her and I can think of four good reasons: Sean Smith, U.S. Foreign Service Information Management Officer; J. Christopher Stevens, U.S. Ambassador to Libya; Glen Doherty and Tyrone S. Woods. I would rather be offended by something that Trump has said rather than be defenseless and left for dead by her. When I voted for Trump, nowhere in my reasoning did I vote for him because I didn’t want to elect a

It is not Trump supports vs. the never Trumpers anymore, it's Americans with Americans with Americans so it’s time to act like it and come together as a nation. This is a win for border security, law and order, jobs, national security and good ol’ fashion American Values. It’s time to make America wealthy again. It’s time to make American strong again. It’s time to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

Our Town

“Election drinking game: take a shot of bleach for every electoral vote Trump receives” @j_swoff

“No wonder all these states are legalizing marijuana. We all gonna need a fat ass blunt after this election...”

“Trump protest in Seattle, WA. solidarity, not scapegoating #NMP” @belladalmacio


WHY TRUMP IS A GOOD THING Will Schorno Trump wins and all the worst people in America are up in arms. It’s fantastic. Personally, I have wanted Trump to win since the primaries, for one reason and one reason only: culture. The left has won the culture war and for many reasons, for many years, that has been a good thing. Liberals have spearheaded a culture with more free press and free speech in general, sticking up for journalists of all creeds and backgrounds to freely exchange thoughts and ideas; even ones they did not agree with. However today, the liberal left, specifically modernliberals, violate all the free speech positions they once took pride in. This emergence of a culture which does not respect American values has taken not only the media, but college campuses which house the future leaders of America by storm. The language policing, safe-space, trigger warning culture propagated by the left has tarnished college campuses that were once a free market of thoughts and ideas but now are subjects of political homogenization and coddling, ensuring students are dumber and less well equipped leaving college than when they first enrolled. Safe spaces and trigger warnings ensure students will not be challenged but rather be babysat at the tender starting age of 18. But this also creates an environment hostile to anyone on the right and rather than engaging in debate, they kick, scream, sit in, ban conservative guest speakers, and in some cases, bring dildos to class. The left has become what they claim to condemn, bullies. Students who speak against this trigger-warning tyranny get routinely harassed by the “morally superior” left who feel justified in chastising their

conservative colleagues because they have been taught that the only right way to view the world is through a liberal prism, and any other point of view is bigotry of some sort. The insult words thrown by the left with no evidence to back up their claim are equally sinister: sexist, racist, misogynist, xenophobe, homophobe. If any of these insults were to stick to a certain individual their reputation would be tarnished and there is a good chance the victim would lose their job, but neo-liberals do not care because they feel justified in their hatred. This culture has ingrained itself into the media as well, due to an Obama presidency and an evolution of mainstream pop culture values from the left winning the culture war. Now journalism is nothing more than virtue signaling; the showmanship of moral superiority. Huffington Post, Gawker, Vice, Washington Post, and many other media outlets are guilty of this, blurring the line between factual reporting and editorials. For example, Washington Post, the news outlet responsible for exposing Watergate, dropped an article in late October this year titled, Is Your Dog’s Halloween Costume Sexist? In order to reverse this culture washed so far to the left, becoming so authoritarian one cannot dress up their dog without being labeled sexist, something big had to happen. The modern-liberals and the media had to be put in their place. Jeb could not do that. Rubio could not do that. Ted Cruz could not do that. Only Donald Trump had the power to be the biggest “f*ck you” in history to all the worst people plaguing America. And boy, this victory has been sweet. I cannot wait for Pennsylvania Avenue to be paved in golden T’s.


Fall 2016 | Issue Two

This is not the End K at e ri M ac k e y- M o s eley While many white, cisgendered, middle class American males fall asleep tonight with visions of sugarplums dancing in their heads, they should be aware of the restless, daunting night that lies ahead for millions of others.

man, the removal or death of millions of innocents cannot be placed solely on his words or ideologies —yet his speeches have elicited hate crimes to be enacted on numerous individuals who are simply participating in their government-given freedoms.

As the daughter of a British natural-born citizen who left his family and his home country for the betterment of his children, tonight’s results are scary. As the girl whose best friend is gay and struggles with days that are harder to get through than others, tonight’s results make one feel helpless to help her and make sure of her wellbeing.

The list of arguments continues. To that I say: He is only one man, who is stepping into the most powerful role in the U.S., let alone the entire world, the position of which has goals to obtain basic human rights and have some resemblance of political practice, none of which can be found for this man.

As the girl who is worried that her right to vote—a right that isn’t even a century old—or her right to reproductive freedom and control could be limited by a man who has no real say in the matter, tonight could very well be the step backwards that this nation as fought so hard against.

The position is to make everyone feel welcome, be they citizens by birth, or citizens by contribution and right. There is a responsibility to appreciate every difference of all individuals who make up this great country. It is not my place to say that one candidate would have done a spectacular job and others would not have, as it is also not my place to speak on behalf of the people of the entire nation... But what I will say is this: now is a time more than any other that we must draw together.

I should know, I am that girl. This week was host to one of the most influential presidential elections of America’s young history. While I have never been one to push my personal ideologies onto another, there is no question in my mind that this election has the possibilities to change the course of history. I’ve heard all the counter arguments: He’s just one man, political influence isn’t based on his sayso alone - yet supporters of his hold one woman responsible for the death of soldiers. He is only one

Democrat, Republican, Independent, we must ensure the citizens of these United States that they are heard, they are understood, and they do not stand alone. We must remind each other than no matter who holds the presidency, love trumps hate, and experience accounts for something. But most importantly, we must not succumb to fear. Because trust me, even though there is fear, our work has only just begun.

“Hillary sucks...Not like Monica though. -Bill Clinton”




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Fall 2016 | Issue Two

Story (and Story Title) by Elizabeth McCann Photos by Jack Lambert Design by Elizabeth Mason

Winter Special

Imagine sitting with your family at the dining room table. You know, the nice one that you only use for special occasions. Imagine an aunt or uncle bringing up a Father’s Day ad with a picturesque gay couple or a politician’s hateful rhetoric. Imagine the rest of the family shouting in agreement, while they reduce an entire population to long disproven stereotypes about promiscuity, faithlessness and moral bankruptcy. Now imagine how this scenario would affect you if you were lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer, intersex, asexual or pansexual. Central’s LGBT+ Community My own immediate family has always tried very hard to be accepting of my sexuality. Even though my parents are hippies, it took a lot of heartbreak and uncomfortable conversations for us to get to this point. I have been lucky in terms of having fairly progressive parents, but I know that many other LGBT+ folks are at an early stage where everything is still so uneasy.

The LGBT+ community is a hugely diverse group of people, so Pulse spoke with six individuals to get their first-hand experience with traveling home for the holidays. Japanese major Mary Treis says, “I want to talk to [my family] about these issues, but I don’t think they are ready for that conversation. It’s a process.” This holiday season, in the climate since Trump’s election, might prove even more fraught than usual. Going home for the holidays is supposed to be a break from the stresses of school, but for many LGBT+ students, it means going back to a whole different set of stresses. “It’s difficult to go home for the holidays because you know there’s going to be some tension,” says Event Management major Ashley Reynolds. “You don’t look forward to it.” Psychology major Lizzie Benson says visiting family “can be difficult because I am the rainbow sheep of the family.” She struggles to connect with her family, who tend not to understand her identity


Fall 2016 | Issue Two

or even the jokes she makes. “It can be hard to be surrounded by that kind of environment of just straightness.”

so proud of. [They] talk about it at every single family event,” but many of her distant relatives do not even know about her YouTube channel.

As an activist, Spanish and Literature major Patrick Carpenter feels that his worldview is constantly growing and changing. He says, “I always end up evolving in some way over the quarter, and they pretty much stay the same … It’s like getting pulled back to where I used to be.” It may take a while for them to come around because of how challenging it can be to unlearn decades of systemically ingrained anti-LGBT+ rhetoric.

During a trip to visit his grandparents, Biology major Grey Caoili says, “I basically had to go back into the closet [and] hide who I was again … I didn’t want to ruin my family vacation.” Grey brings up a confounding predicament that most LGBT+ people face when it comes to visiting family: negotiating a balance between respecting family members to maintain a peaceful environment, and standing up for who you are by being your beautiful self.

Tension Between Generations A big part of the struggle that parents of LGBT+ folks have is that they come from a time when homosexuality was still considered a mental illness. Homosexuality was removed from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders in 1973. Laws prohibiting same-sex sexual contact were not eradicated in the United States until 2003.

Responding to Hate Speech Everyone has a relative that gets way too political after one measly glass of wine and will at some point say something deeply homophobic. Try to remember that it is not about you as an individual. The homophobic speech getting thrown around the table like a stale dinner roll is about an abstract idea, not an actual person.

It is generally easier to come out to someone who will undoubt“You cannot control edly be accepting, so many In times like these Benson says whether or not your she tries to remember that “they LGBT+ people come out to family will say their friends before their famiare really trying, but sometimes ly. Austin, who asked not to be something hurtful, you they are just misinformed and identified by his real name, is do not understand that what can only control how they are saying is hurtful to me bisexual and is out to all of his you respond.” friends and coworkers, but not and other LGBTQIA+ people.” to his family. He says, “[Being partially out] sucks. It’s an interesting kind of anxNow more than ever, it is important to develop iety.” Situations of being out and proud at school a strategy for coping with politically fueled hobut in the closet at home is fairly common, espemophobic speech. Reynolds says her strategy incially for people who have only recently started the volves “normalizing” her sexuality by maintaining process of coming out. “a conscious effort to be who I am around them, because they don’t know who that is.” While LGBT+ folks in the closet have a singularly difficult time during the holidays, people who are You can't control whether or not your family will say out to their families may experience pressure to, as something hurtful, you can only control how you Patrick says, “reign in the gay a little bit.” respond. Carpenter points out that “whatever issue [family members] have with accepting people as YouTuber Adrianna DiLonardo, of The Gay Women’s the beautiful human beings they are, it doesn’t inChannel, says even she has experienced this pressure. validate you. … [Your] existence isn’t predicated “My parents tell me that they are okay with me beupon their opinion.” ing gay, but when the holidays come around and we see those distant relatives, my parents never want to So if all you can bear to do in that moment is leave talk about important things in my life.” Adrianna says the room and cry, do it and don’t feel ashamed. that her sister has a food blog which her parents “are Your feelings are valid.

Winter Special

Setting aside time every day to have a “respite from oppression,” as Austin says, is vital. Carpenter explains that for him, “the most anxiety inducing thing is thinking that you don’t have a way out or that you’re trapped.” Carpenter finds it helpful to be in a closed space, like a bedroom or his car, because “being able to close a door is a really powerful way to say ‘Now I can expand into this space and I don’t have to feel like things are pushing back on me.'"

It can be difficult to respond to politically fueled discrimination from family members, especially when you don’t want to start a fight. DiLonardo says, “I know it feels like anytime someone mentions the word ‘gay’ you will think it’s directed at you, and that ‘they know.’ [But whether] you are closeted or not, it’s important to stand up against those that preach hate. If you let them spew whatever horrible things are in their head and you don’t say anything they will continue to do so.”

The strong community that the LGBTQ+ has is one the biggest strengths. Utilize this community. If something a family member says has you craving affirmation, seek it out.

If something your family member says calls for a response, know that “You don’t owe people shit,” Austin says, “You don’t have to be nice to your grandma. You don’t have to be nice to anyone in your family. You don’t have to be out for the sake of other people. You just have to do what you need to do to survive and feel good about yourself."

When she starts to feel trapped, Reynolds says, “I’ll call up my best friend as soon as possible and talk it out for a little while.” Benson also recommends that you “have someone you can call and talk to when things get out of control.” DiLonardo says that if you don’t have a friend to call or text, “go online, because we queers are everywhere and you are not the only one that will be going through this, this holiday season.” Challenge Growth Within Your Family Carpenter tries to be open with his immediate family about his activism through EQuAl, but struggles with extended family members “who may not have the most kindhearted opinions about [LGBT+] people.” As much as he may disagree with some of the things family members say, Carpenter says, “I have to tell myself that it’s not my job to save them. It’s not my job to prove right or wrong, and trying to do that is just going to create a hostile space. I have to say ‘I’m accepting them as they are,’ and I have to understand whatever that means in the moment.”

With the results of the presidential election in mind, try to remember that this will be a particularly volatile holiday season. Engaging with such vitriol can be intimidating, but try to remember that you have a huge, colorful, passionate community behind you. You do not need to out yourself to your whole family to tell your drunk uncle that he is being homophobic. You do not need to start a fight to let your grandparent know that they are being hurtful. You do not need to be an ambassador for the LGBT+ community in every argument to demand respect. Ultimately, only you know whether your family members will be open to a discussion. Love yourself enough to do and say what you feel is right. But don’t let yourself be baited into a fight, especially at the risk of your own safety and emotional wellbeing.


A Light in the Dark Winter Holidays and the Fire that Fuels Them Story by Rune Torgersen / Design by Elizabeth Mason


s the cold of winter closes in and the sun descends early into the evening, the scent of baked goods, turkey and pine needles and the sight of snow on the horizon reminds us that, while the warmth of fall may be leaving us, winter holds more than cold and darkness. “There’s a social foundation for all religious experience, and the experience of gathering around a fire, seeing fire, being warmed by fire, especially when we are most imperiled…seems to be central to profound experiences of religious faith the world over,” says Mark Auslander, associate professor of Anthropology, and specialist in rituals and ritual symbolism. Ever since humanity learned how to spark a fire, Auslander says, producing the light has held strong ties to the kinship and familiarity many choose to dedicate their lights in the darkness to, when winter hits the hardest. Pulse compiled a list of a few rituals being practiced around this time of year.


Christmas is one of the more visible holidays in the U.S., due to its widespread popularity and cheery imagery. Christmas is the product of cultural evolution incorporating traditions from the Scandinavian Yule celebration and the Roman Pagan Saturnalia; both of which have the same central themes, namely, kinship, and the warding off of evil spirits. It is celebrated by decorating an evergreen tree, a symbol of life, with lights, family memorabilia, and other shiny objects. Then there is a feast with loved ones and an exchanging of gifts.

According to Auslander, “this very ancient idea of a cycle that out of the death of winter comes the rebirth of life…the regeneration of life. That’s often closely tied in with the use of flames or candles or kinds of illumination.


Hanukkah is the celebration of the rededication of a temple taken from Jewish control in 167 B.C.E. Once the small band of Jewish fighters, Maccabees, liberated and cleansed the temple of Syrian Greek control in 164 B.C.E., they celebrated the holiday of Sukkot, which they waited to do until they recaptured the temple. Hanukkah, which means dedication in Hebrew, lasts eight days. Hanukkah is celebrated by lighting a Menorah, a nine-branched candelabrum, each night for eight days, while having the central branch lit throughout. Games are played, and prayers are said, all with the candles of the menorah serving as the centerpiece. Over the course of the eight days, gifts between family members are exchanged and traditional foods, such as potato latkes and sufganiyot are consumed. This too is one of the rituals closely associated with the symbolic fire, according to Auslander. The cooking and sharing of food is the integral part that lies at the core of all religious faith. For more information: myjewishlearning.com.

Mawlid an-Nabi

Mawlid an-Nabi is the celebration of the birth of Muhammad, the prophet of Islam. It is celebrated on the 12th day of the third month of the Rabi’ al-Awwal, which is the Islamic calendar. The Islamic calendar is lunar and shifts 11 days every year on the Gregorian calendar, which

Winter Special

makes it fall on a Monday this year. As a holiday in the Muslim calendar begins at sunset the previous day, while observing Muslims will begin celebrating Sunday evening on the 11th. The holiday traditions vary wildly by the country; many agree reading poetry, specifically the 13th century, “Qasida Burda,” which praises both the prophet and the mercy who has become synonymous throughout Islam. Originally, the celebrations for the holiday involved magnificent feasts and extravagant displays of art and song. In later years, its become a more subdued affair, a personal ceremony of reverence for the Prophet. Makinde Mayowa AbdulQuadri, an exchange student at Central, chooses to honor the occasion with a simple, heartfelt prayer after performing the daily Salat. That isn’t to say it’s not publicly celebrated in other places. Sweets are handed out to children, alms are given to the poor, and families gather together and share a spiritual experience. While no actual fire appears to be present in the rituals, the concept of gathering of kin is an extension of it. This reverence for one’s past around this time of year, Auslander says, is an expression of the longheld idea that “out of the death of any individual or death of an individual year comes a form of symbolic immortality.” For more information: www. islamicsupremecouncil.org.


Kwanzaa is a celebration of preservation and African culture. It's a combination of different African holidays, ideals and beliefs. The colors of

Kwanzaa are black, red, and green, to symbolize the people, their struggle, and their hope for the future, respectively. To celebrate Kwanzaa, you place the symbols of Kwanzaa on a traditional mkeka mat in the central place of a home. Then, the Kinara candle holder is placed on the mat and the Mishumaa Saba (seven candles) are placed into it. One candle is black and the remaining six are split between red and green, which remain lit over the seven day celebration. Kwanzaa serves as a point of unification for many people who feel separated from their heritage or culture. “For all the differences in human spirituality and religions around the world, a fundamental idea is that social compact between individual human beings, something that transcends mere individual existence,” says Auslander, which Kwanzaa is a perfect example. The holiday of people who simply seek connection with their kin and their past. For more information: www.officialkwanzaawebsite.org.

The Warmth of Fire

Ironically fire, or the symbol of fire, ties together many of the holidays you see being celebrated over the cold winter months. As Auslander puts it, “the fire communicates not just warmth and light and energy, but that social experience that transcends the loss of any individual member.” So, this winter, remember that we’re all gathered in the name of different holidays, but for a similar purpose. To warm ourselves by the fire, to shine a light in the dark, and to be close to those we hold dear.


Story by Mandi Ringgenberg Photos by Jack Lambert Design by Taylor Morrell

Keeping the snowbunnies warm and safe this winter In the Pacific Northwest, no matter what side of the mountains you live on, cold weather can get to the best of us. Many are the times we've wished we'd left home with another pair of gloves or hardshell over our Central (cotton) hoody.

the fabrics

Dr. Robert Perkins, director of Recreation, Tourism and Event Management at Central, is a firm believer in finding the right materials when enduring the colder weather conditions. Over the past several decades, Perkins has summited some of the tallest mountain peaks in the world: Mt. Kilimanjaro, Denali, McKinley and Aconcagua (part of the Andes mountain range in Asia) just to name a few. His highest elevation: approximately 22,00 feet (Mt. Aconcagua highest elevation is 22,840 feet). Today, when he goes on expeditions, he says “it’s more about meeting the people” than challenging himself to bigger elevations. Summiting some of the tallest peaks in the world and choosing the smartest outdoor apparel on his expeditions has easily become second-nature to him. “One of the enemies of cold is wind,” says Perkins. “Mountains will create their own weather at times,” and wind is a huge factor that will ultimately ‘make or break’ your experience.

Story by Mandi Ringgenberg Photos by Jack Lambert Design by Taylor Morrell

“Winter is not a good time to be climbing major mountains because weather can change quickly and it can be really nasty. It’ll put you in conditions you’ve never seen before, such as negative 20-degree temperatures with a 30 mph wind, so the wind-chill is -40,” Perkins says. Some outdoor enthusiasts may disagree with synthetics and prefer cotton for a base layer, as it is typically a softer material. But cotton absorbs moisture and doesn’t wick or allow the material to ‘breathe’, thus keeping the cold, wet material close to the body. “Cotton is a fabric that retains perspiration and can leave you chilled” says Steve Tischler, writer for REI’s website. Tischler describes that

Winter Special

cotton traps moisture, keeping the body cold and ultimately can lead to sickness, such as hypothermia. Synthetics instead transfer the perspired moisture from the skin, to the outer layer of the material, wicking the moisture away from your skin; something cotton does not do easily. Because the quality of fabrics have changed so drastically over past ten years says Dr. Perkins. One important thing to always keep in mind, says Perkins, is that “the body core [temperature] is critical… you cannot allow your body temp to drop” and picking materials that allow the body heat to ventilate when over working, says Perkins, can prevent trapping in excess amounts of heat and prove essential in regulating body temperature. This is why he often will bring half-zips or specifically, jackets that zip, rather than jackets that do not have the option of opening and closing.

for the love of winter sports

Central Wash. is a great location for big game (deer/elk) or small game (bird) hunting. “Ellensburg is a great place to do anything outside and hunting is one of them”, says Nick Poprawski, Outdoor Rentals and Pursuits shop attendant, trip leader and long-time experienced hunter. Poprawski, who has been hunting for almost a decade has grown to love the outdoor hunting locations in the Central Wash. area. As a shop attendant and trip leader for OPR, he’s used to educating people on the importance of layering on cold or warm trips. But especially when hunting, also recommends that “brighter colors are your best friend”. This allows fellow hunters to see each other and also acts as a safety precaution should anything go array, brighter colors will stand out more to emergency personnel. Central Wash. has a plethora amount of locations to get outdoors and adventure, from skiing to mountaineering. Tami Walton, owner of Mountain High Sports, has been running her outdoor gear shop since 1989. “We have awesome, supportive customers and it is fun to hear about their adventures. It also never gets old seeing all the new gear and clothing arrive every season. It is like Christmas every time the seasons change.”


This is your moisture-wicking materials, your non-organic materials. They dry faster (faster than cotton) and withstand uncomfortably hot or wet situations. Often times, socks, underwear and ‘long-johns’ are sold as synthetics. Usually just by the feel you can tell it’s a synthetic material, but also check the tag. Polyester, nylon or spandex or ‘polypropelene’ (a fibrous plastic material, similar to polyester) are all typically classified as ‘synthetics’.


These fabrics were not mechanically altered, blended or stripped from their natural state and typically are much warmer. Example fabrics/materials include down, fleece, bamboo, wool, hemp, etc


Different than ‘water-proof ’; resistance doesn’t full absorb water, but doesn’t fully withstand water penetration


Completely dispels any water from entering any part of the fabric


Fall 2016 | Issue Two

Since 1989, Walton has seen plenty of outdoor enthusiasts walk through her doors. Those looking for new running shoes or a head lamp for climbing, to snowshoes and ski rentals. For Walton the winter months are packed with her favorite outdoor sports. “I really just love to be outside and [staying] fit. Downhill skiing used to be my favorite, but now I really like skate skiing. It doesn’t consume as much of your day and you get a great workout.” Those who aren’t entirely sure where to go can be reassured by the friendly staff at Mountain High. “Yes, we love to help people decide where to go,” Walton says. “Often some of the staff have recently visited an area or have talked to someone that has so we can give up to date information.”

staying safe

In order to remain warm, it's important to think ahead. Either outdoors, summiting a mountain,

taking a short ski trip or even driving during the winter, Perkins always keeps in mind the future of his safety when outdoors in cold climate conditions. “You should always be thinking about what are the essential components. One is, you want to be rescued; how are [emergency persons] going to see you? Can you start a fire? Having matches or a lighter to assist you. Do you have a little bit of food?” “If you can plan out your route ahead of time,” as Poprawksi encourages, “that’s always nice”. And even if you are just walking to and from classes or work, Perkins highly suggests keeping your hands free as much as possible because it’s always a possibility a slip-up may occur. “I think it’s good to have your hands available for your protection. So, by doing something as simple as wearing a pair of gloves is much better than putting them in your pockets…that is the worst thing you can do.”

Winter Special

What does each layer consist of? Pulse has your essential three layers to keep you winter gear ready!

The Base Layer This consist of a moisture-wicking material and “next-to-skin” layer. All the other layers will predominantly aid in wind, water and snow protection; layer one is concerned with keeping you DRY first and foremost. Examples: Smart Wool, synthetic* tights (wool blend optional), Nike Dry-Fit tights and long-sleeves, Patagonia Capilene, Under Armor Performance underwear.

The Insulation Layer Next, this layer will trap your body heat in. This includes natural materials, such as merino wool, goose down, and other natural fibers. Looking for a vegan or non-animal based material? Try fleece and or synthetic fleeces such, I.e. Thinsulate or Patagonia. Examples: Polartec, Patagonia Synchilla, or GORE-TEX WindStopper.

The Protective Layer Rain or shine, wind or light breeze; this outside layer will block any natural force that wants to penetrate all three layers. This layer is typically water-resistant or water-proof, a hard-shell, wind-blocking material. The protective outer layer compliments everything inside and keeps the wind and water out. Tischler referred to it as the fabric with typically a “laminated membrane”. Examples: Outdoor Research, Marmot, Helly Hansen, Gore-Tex, Patagonia


Fall 2016 | Issue Two



BLACK lives

matter movement is \NECESSARY Story by Bailey Williams Photos by Jack Lambert Design by Vanessa Cruz



Fall 2016 | Issue Two

limate change isn’t the only thing raising the temperature across the nation. Tensions were immediately heightened when the results of the presidential election were announced in November.


Soon after, protests arose across America. Objecting to what is perceived as hateful rhetoric from new President Elect Trump, people are also taking proactive steps to educate their communities and those closest to them. While some parents teach their kids about the birds and the bees, many black youth are taught a different story. One that prepares them for the harsh reality that this world wasn’t built with them in mind. Robert Stephens, a 26-year-old black man, recalled the first time he got "The Talk" in an August 2014 article for Gawker, "What Black Parents Tell Their Sons About the Police.” “It was the last day of school, and I was walking with my dad, preparing to leave. Suddenly, he paused, looked at me intently and said, ‘Son, you’re a black male, and that’s two strikes against you.’ To the general public, anything that I did would be perceived as malicious and deserving of severe punishment and I had to govern myself accordingly. I was 7 years old.” It’s 2016, but racism still exists — it never left.

ALL VS. BLACK The term “Black Lives Matter” tends to rub people the wrong way. It is seen as an exclusion, which isn’t true. “I think the biggest misconception that a lot of people have, is that the black community and allies are disenfranchising other people by saying black lives matter,” says Armando Ortiz, president of Central’s Associated Students. “We’re trying to gain exposure to the injustices that our justice system has. We’re trying to find equity and equality in all of these spaces.” A common argument from the opposing side says that Black Lives Matter is anti-white, which isn't the case, says Jaeana Davis, Junior Central Musical Theatre major. "We are just trying to raise awareness to the genocide that is blackness, not only here in the U.S. but all around the world, black bodies are not respected or valued," she says. When people respond with “All Lives Matter,” they’re right. All lives definitely do matter but that’s not the point, as Yvette Maganya, a Seattle BLM activist, says. It’s not about excluding but bringing attention to a group of people that have been ignored for decades.

"#BlackLivesMatter is working for a longer systematically and


“The movement isn’t saying that black lives matter more than anyone else’s,” Maganya says. “It’s saying that black lives should matter, but the way our justice system, our media and our police have been operating, suggests that black lives do not matter.” In a July 2016 article for The Huffington Post, "Every Time You Say 'All Lives Matter' You Are Being an Accidental Racist," author Jesse Damiani wrote, “White America should be doing extra work to listen and understand.” “When you say ‘All Lives Matter,’ you’re drawing attention away from a movement that would help push the country toward the version of itself where all lives actually do matter. In other words, when you say ‘All Lives Matter,’ you are perpetuating toxic racism and in fact causing harm. Because when you do, you’re making it harder for the rest of the country to bring about positive change.” “You’re broadcasting to others that change isn’t necessary when it very much is," says Damiani.

HOW IT ALL STARTED Rewind time back to 2012. A young black man bought a pack of Skittles and an Arizona Tea from a local mini-mart. While walking home through a

gated community, where he lived, he was killed. The death of Trayvon Martin rocked the nation and gave birth to the Black Lives Matter movement. “Rooted in the experiences of Black people in this country who actively resist our dehumanization, #BlackLivesMatter is a call to action and a response to the virulent anti-Black racism that permeates our society,” the BLM website states. “Black Lives Matter affirms the lives of Black queer and trans folks, disabled folks, black-undocumented folks, folks with records, women and all Black lives along the gender spectrum,” it continues. The goals of the organization go beyond police brutality and encompass many problems that plague the black community. “#BlackLivesMatter is working for a world where Black lives are no longer systematically and intentionally targeted for demise," according to the website. BLM has inspired actions across the nation. Colin Kaepernick, a quarterback for the 49ers who made headlines earlier this season for kneeling during the national anthem, hosted an event in Oakland, Calif. on Oct. 29 for hundreds of black and Latino kids from the Bay Area.

world where Black lives are no inte ntionally targeted for demise." 27

Fall 2016 | Issue Two

Titled #KnowYourRightsOakland, the event was aimed at raising “awareness on higher education, self empowerment, and instruction to properly interact with law enforcement in various scenarios,” according to a press release. And celebrities aren’t the only ones who are making an impact on their communities. In October, around 2,000 teachers in the Seattle-area wore Black Lives Matter t-shirts to school to call for racial equity in education. According to organizers, who are members of a teachers’ union group, Social Equality Educators, the goal of the day was to affirm that “black lives matter in the public school.” Education is where it all starts, according to ASCWU President Ortiz, who says, “we need more curriculum implemented to teach people their history and rights.” “We need more educators of color. That’s the reason why I’m going into education because I want to show them I know what they’re going through,” says Ortiz. Davis says that people need to educate themselves and call out the people in our lives. "We have a lot of influence within our friend and family groups, so helping even just one person rethink racist ideologies, will help everyone in the long run," she says. The conversations of racial equality are as old as our nation. Historically underrepresented groups have been displaced, segregated, exploited and murdered at the hands of a systematic system. The movement for Black lives isn’t new, but it’s one that is very necessary.

THE QUESTION OF BLACK ON BLACK CRIME The frequent placement of blame for criminal activity on the black community ignores the factors that contribute to it and fuels the fire of racism. “Black people kill each other every day,” is a statement that floods social media feeds after reports of another unarmed black person being killed. Ortiz responds to this. “Black on black and brown on brown crime does happen, they’re right. But if

you look statistically, black people being killed by authoritative figures is way more than that.” Although true, crime does happen in the black community, using this argument distracts from the point, says Wambui, senior Central Philosophy and Psychology major. "It's a harmful rhetoric because it's justifying and disguising what the real problem is. We've grown up seeing our people being killed or treated terribly so we haven't learned how to love ourselves and our people. What does the world really expect?" Wambui asks. Maganya agrees. “The myth of ‘black on black’ crime deflects from the fact that police brutality and crime within the black community both derive from structural inequality. Black people care just as much about crime in their own communities as they do about addressing a discriminatory criminal justice system that targets them. Blaming the crime problem on black people is unfair and ill-founded.” She cites the FBI’s 2014 Uniform Crime Reports, which show that close to 90 percent of AfricanAmerican homicides were committed by other African-Americans while 82 percent of White American homicide victims were killed by other white people. Last November, Donald Trump got himself in hot water when he retweeted a chart with incorrect information along with an image that showed a darkskinned, masked man with a gun and "statistics" about deaths in 2015 that read: Blacks killed by whites – 2 percent Blacks killed by blacks – 97 percent Whites killed by whites – 16 percent Whites killed by blacks – 81 percent According to the FBI Homicide Data Table, the correct numbers are pretty far off from what Trump listed: Blacks killed by whites – 8 percent Blacks killed by blacks – 90 percent Whites killed by whites – 82 percent Whites killed by blacks –15 percent Trump's picture was inaccurate and the biggest disparity was with the white homicide victims. The image shows blacks as the primary killers of whites, but according to the data that isn't true. There isn’t any


scientific evidence supporting the claims black people are more violent or more likely to commit crimes than anyone else.

no lesser than anyone else in the country and that we have become and will become something with or without them behind us," Wambui adds.

“The reality is that because of a history of institutionalized racism, black communities have higher poverty rates, suffer from poorly funded schools, and are more likely to be targeted by police,” Maganya says. “For the most part, black civilians who shoot and kill, and terrorize other black civilians are caught, arrested, prosecuted and sent to jail. They are punished for their crimes. Outside a few exceptions, the same cannot be said about cops who target black civilians.”

In the end, Maganya says, “Black Lives Matter isn’t just about the loss of life, which is terrible. It’s about the lack of consequences when black lives are taken at the hands of police.”

According to the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), Criminal Justice Fact Sheet, African Americans now constitute nearly one million of the total 2.3 million incarcerated population. African Americans are also incarcerated at nearly six times the rate of whites. Maganya says there are many problems with, “the foolishness of attributing violent criminality to blackness rather than particular conditions fueled by some black people.” She adds, “The fact that someone is ignorant enough to even bring up 'black on black' crime as a rebuttal to us not asking to be unjustly murdered at the hands of the police tells me that that person is privileged enough to have never spent time in the communities that they’re speaking on. The term ‘white on white’ crime is essentially nonexistent, even though it does happen.” Earlier this year, Jesse Williams, popular for his role on Grey's Anatomy and his civil rights activism, delivered a speech when he was awarded the Humanitarian Award from BET. In it, he called out the critics of the movement:

forms of

RACISM In an article titled "What is Institutional Racism," Vernellia R. Randall, Professor Emeritus at University of Dayton School of Law, wrote: "Racism is both overt and covert, and it takes three closely related forms: individual, institutional, and systemic."

Individual racism

"Individual racism consists of overt acts by individuals that cause death, injury, destruction of property, or denial of services or opportunity."

Institutional racism

“If you have a critique for the resistance, for our resistance, then you better have an established record of critique of our oppression. If you have no interest in equal rights for black people then do not make suggestions to those who do,” he says.

"Institutional racism is more subtle but no less destructive. Institutional racism involves polices, practices, and procedures of institutions that have a disproportionately negative effect on racial minorities’ access to and quality of goods, services and opportunities."

Wambui agrees stating, "until people understand what we have gone through, they won't understand why we're doing what we are."

Systemic racism

"There is always a hope that things can be better and stronger, but I think the biggest thing that I can say is to keep pushing. To show the world that we are

"Systemic racism is the basis of individual and institutional racism; it is the value system that is embedded in a society that supports and allows discrimination."


Fall 2016 | Issue Two


Story by Simone Corbett, Nicole Trejo-Valli & Bailee Wicks Photos by Jack Lambert / Design by Taylor Morrell

What's behind the rise in reports on campus?



he Central Washington University campus has seen a jump in reported rapes. In 2015, Central reported 13 forcible rapes involving students, up from just two in 2014. The Central Wellness Center Annual Report for the 2015-2016 academic year tallied 135 cases of sexual assault/misconduct, domestic/partner violence, stalking, harassment and physical assault complaints.

"Young people [are] away from home, alcohol and other drugs are usually involved, and the freedom to do 'whatever' is implemented," Sleigh-Layman says. Not all sexual assault cases happen in fall quarter, but she says the majority do occur in the first six weeks of classes.

Part of that involves all of the new people you meet at the start of college. Central Police Chief Michael LuWhat's behind the dramatic increase in numbers? vera says that while "a far majority of sexual assaults Is it that students are feeling more comfortable are committed by somecoming forward with rebody that you know," ports, or are more sexual “I clearly said I didn’t want there’s also the fact that assaults actually occur"you still have people to have sex that night.” ring at Central? that are trying to figure out who their friends are Pulse interviewed police, administrative, athletic and aren’t" in those first six weeks. and wellness representatives on and off Central’s campus, and heard from one alleged assault victim, Another part, as Sleigh-Layman suggests, often inin an attempt to try to answer the lingering quesvolves alcohol and drugs. Mallory Morse, a health tion: Why? educator at the Wellness Center and member of the Center's Violence and Prevention Response Team, says the media often depict rapists as "a stranger A FIRST TASTE OF FREEDOM jumping out of a bush," but "most of the time it is Leaving the security of home is bittersweet. On the someone the victim knew and usually alcohol was one hand, you are hours away from your family and involved." friends and you now have to fend for yourself. On the other hand, you can make all your own decisions Richard DeShields, associate dean of Student Living, and you no longer need to explain where you are and says while alcohol is not always a contributing factor, when you plan on being back. But this newfound sexual assaults have proven to be more likely when freedom can come with challenges. it’s heavily involved. Morse agrees. "Alcohol is used as a weapon in many of these cases,” she says. “As an institution, we are worried about the first six weeks of freshman year,” says Staci Sleigh-Layman, Maria, a former Central student whose name we Central’s executive director of Human Resources, have changed because of the sensitive nature of her who is also the university ethics adviser and Title IX story, filed a report with Ellensburg police this fall coordinator. Title IX is the civil rights law that proalleging sexual assault after an incident with a fellow hibits gender-based discrimination, including sexual student. She told Pulse her story, which involved a harassment, rape or assault, at federally-funded inperson she knew as well as both alcohol and drugs. stitutions.

After meeting at a party, the male student asked Maria to go out for drinks. They had only briefly talked on Facebook and she wanted to "ensure this would be a purely platonic hangout," so she brought her roommate with her. While her roommate didn’t stay for too long, Maria did. She explained that he seemed harmless, so she continued to hang out with him and eventually they left for another bar. "At this point in the night, I had only had one mixed drink so I wasn't very drunk at all... He began to flirt with me and even though I was not flirting back, because I wasn't physically making him stop flirting with me, that meant it was okay for him. I wasn't too scared at that point because boys flirting with me never really makes me uncomfortable. So I just let it happen," Maria recalls. Before they went to the next bar, Maria says they “stopped at his place to smoke some weed. I wasn't very drunk but this is when I got really high." At the next bar, she says she was enjoying the scene, but her date appeared uncomfortable and anxious. He eventually ushered her out of the bar. Maria explained, "I didn't want to leave with him, but a part of me felt bad about rejecting him because he seemed like a really nice guy. So I went home with him."


Rape culture is a term originated in the 1970s by feminists. According to the organization Women Against Violence Against Women, the term “was designed to show the ways in which society blamed victims of sexual assault and normalized male sexual violence.” We assume it’ll never happen to us, and those who’ve experienced it often describe feeling like they stumbled into it or simply didn’t put a stop to it. People criticize the media and pop culture for normalizing rape and sexual assault by portraying women to be overly promiscuous and craving the attention of men. Yet sexual assault isn’t only a women's issue. It's also relevant to men and the LGBTQ+ community. “Anyone can be assaulted, you don’t have to be a female,” Sleigh-Layman says. On the flip side, some are concerned that universities have overcorrected, implementing policies that are unfair to alleged perpetrators. There has been a recent spate of lawsuits by alleged perpetrators, who claim they have been kicked out of school or otherwise punished based on allegations that were never processed through the criminal justice system.

HOW TO HELP A FRIEND: Going through sexual assault is not easy. It’s a very taxing, lengthy process and everyone reacts differently to the situation. If a victim confides in you about any sexual assault offense, here are some tips to help them out: If a friend confides in you, keep what is said confidential. This is key to providing a safe environment for them. After being sexually assaulted, many victims feel alone. It is important to stay with your friend to ensure their safety and provide emotional support."Everything that we do is completely confidential, 100 percent," says ASPEN's Dawn Brumfield. Listen and accept what you hear. Do not press them for more details. Allow your friend to reflect on what has happened and to share some of their feelings if they are open. "No matter what, let them know that they're not to blame and they're not alone," Brumfield says. While neither term is wrong, Brumfield says ASPEN prefers the word “survivor” to “victim," because “survivor” "adds strength and is more empowering than 'victim'." Lastly, you need to confirm the seriousness of the problem and let your friend know that she or he is not to blame. Many victims blame themselves for what happened, especially if the perpetrator was an acquaintance. Be patient and understanding. Survivors have their own time for recovery.

Greek Life and Athletics

Two campus areas that seem to be attracting a lot of attention on a national scale for reports of sexual assault are the Greek system and athletics. On Nov. 7, Washington State University enacted a moratorium banning all Greek life activities for the remainder of the semester "because of a growing number of assaults, rapes, falls and trips to hospital related to alcohol," according to a KING 5 report. The move made national news, but it isn’t the only school where Greek life has dealt with punishments and even lawsuits relating to sexual assault. In October, the University of California, Berkeley, put a ban on its Greek parties due to reports of sexual assault. As for athletics, there have also been major headlines regarding sexual assault. In early 2016, a former Stanford swimmer, Brock Turner, was convicted of sexually assaulting an unconscious woman, but only served a few months in jail, causing widespread controversy. This fall, Harvard canceled its men’s soccer season after players were discovered to have sexually rated female athletes. The documents recovered reportedly showed a “scouting survey” from 2012, which


Fall 2016 | Issue Two

continued into 2016, ranking female recruits based on their physical appearances. Kari Johnson, Central's assistant athletic director for compliance/senior woman administrator, notes the football team is currently the only athletics team on this campus required by its coaches to attend “Green Dot” trainings every year. “Green Dot” is a violence prevention program that focuses on educating bystanders about how to reduce power-based personal violence on campus and in their life. “It’s really great,” Johnson says, “because it gets you put in [a scenario], like how would you respond, would you do anything?” Johnson expresses a desire to see a greater emphasis on trainings like “Green Dot” among all athletic teams. “We really want to join forces with the Wellness Center and provide more education to student-athletes about what actually is sexual assault, sexual harassment, dating violence. Doing those type of things is really important,” Johnson says.

Defining Rape

Central's Annual Security and Fire Safety Report of 2015 splits sexual assault into two separate categories: forcible and non-forcible sexual offense. A forcible offense is any sexual act directed against another, whether that be forcibly and/or against the person’s will, or when the victim is incapable of giving consent. Rape falls under this umbrella, as does forcible sodomy, meaning oral or anal sexual intercourse, and sexual assault with an object, where an object or instrument is used to unlawfully penetrate, however slightly, the genital or anal opening of the body of another person. Non-forcible sexual offense is the act of unlawful sexual intercourse. This can involve incest, or non-forcible intercourse between people in relation to one another in cases where marriage is prohibited by law, or statutory rape, as well as non-forcible sexual intercourse with a person under the age of consent. The Student Sexual Assault Response report on Central’s website states that no form of sexual assault, sexual violence or sexual misconduct will be tolerated at the university in any form. It also considers sexual harassment to be in violation of the university Student Rights and Responsibilities Policy, along with state and federal laws.

“We want people to know that we want them to come forward and report so that we can try to prevent other cases happening on campus,” DeShields says. All acts of sexual violence are forms of sexual harassment covered under Title IX. These are typically committed using threats, coercion, physical force and/or intimidation. According to the American Civil Liberties Union, universities have in the past been sued for "indifference to known situations of harassment," including cases of rape and assault. According to a statistic often cited, including by President Obama, one in five women and one in 16 men are sexually assaulted while in college. These numbers have been both affirmed and questioned by other studies. Calculating rates of rape and assault is a complicated and controversial business. How rape and assault are defined varies, as does the sample size used to collect statistics, which explains why numbers are often different depending on what source you check. Complicating matters, many sources suggest that sexual assaults are the most under-reported crime of all.


That variance in statistics plays into the reporting of numbers at Central as well. Central’s Annual Security and Fire Safety Report of 2015 includes 13

WHAT HAPPENS TO THE OFFENDER? Hard to Prove Sexual assault isn’t easy to report and can be even harder to prove without factual evidence. ASPEN (24-hour assault response) recommends victims preserve all physical evidence available to properly document a sexual assault or rape by not bathing, showering or douching until after a medical examination. Also, keep clothes from the incident in a paper bag to preserve evidence. If No Arrest, Then What? If there is no arrest, it’s still not over. The victim can apply through the court system to order a no contact form. Or the school can pull students from classes, change their housing, and give specific times during the day that they’re allowed to be in certain areas. Innocent Until Proven Guilty When looking at a case it’s the officer’s job to give everyone an equal opportunity for an investigation into reasonable causes proving they're responsible for the crime. “[We] must separate our gut from the law," Central Police Chief Michael Luvera says. "[We would] rather have people who committed crimes be free, than people who didn’t commit the crime be arrested.”


reports of forcible rape, four of forcible fondling, eight of domestic violence, one of dating violence and 17 of stalking. While a notable increase over previous years, this still represents small numbers on a campus of over 10,000 students. Is this representative of the issue of sexual assaults on campus?

mandated by the government, each case must meet specific definitions to be reported to Clery. For this reason, Morse says, the Wellness Center reports tend to have higher numbers because reported cases do not need to meet any specific criteria, and also include anonymous reports.

Morse adds: "I don't think the increase of numbers The Wellness Center stats vary drastically from the is necessarily from an increase in incidents, I think Central report because they encompass more kinds it's becoming much less of a taboo thing for people of cases. According to their Annual Report, there to seek any type of health resource for themselves... were a total 166 referrals made to the Center’s Vispecifically women—there's a lot more empowerolence Prevention and Response Team (VPRT) ment for them to find help." for the 2015-2016 academic year, of which 135 were cases of sexual assault/misconduct, domestic/ DeShields says the rise in reported cases of sexual partner violence, stalking, harassment, or physical assault is attributed by many to Central’s increased assault, and 31 were categorized as “other," which efforts in drawing awareness to the local resources includes "3rd party reports to the university, CWU available to students on how to report assaults. Alerts, roommate reports, students seeking services for non-students who were vicBrumfield, program timized, friend argumemnts "No matter what, let Dawn manager at Ellensburg’s ASand other discrimination." PEN (Abuse Support and them know they're Prevention Education Now), The report notes the referrals not to blame and agrees, suggesting that more were made to the VPRT, by “a people are reporting their cases conduct officer, other univerthey're not alone." because they are now more edsity office or a student self-reucated on how to do so. "People ferring. Outreach was initiated with those 166 are more aware of the process for reporting and are students. Of those, 99 followed up with the VPRT. feeling more comfortable with reporting because of The remaining 67 either declined services or never the resources that are available," she says. responded to the communication.” The numbers do not reflect whether the victims were students at DeShields adds: “Since we know nationally that it's the time of reporting or whether they occurred on under-reported, those numbers should be on the campus, but the report notes that the 99 represent rise because we need to be able to better allow stu"an 80 percent increase in support for individuals dents to know that we exist and respond to those from the previous year." needs.” According to Sleigh-Layman, “police statistics in“But when that number rises I also get very anxious clude only those cases which meet the definitions in and nervous about it because I want to make sure criminal law and within the confines of university that we don't have a culture that supports sexual property. The stats from the Wellness Center reflect predators," he says. all reports and contacts. Its definitions are much broader and include even anonymous complaints Luvera suggests that the rise in reported cases of which cannot generally be investigated by police.” sexual assault does not mean Central’s campus is less safe than other college campuses. In fact, he Morse says she believes the Wellness Center's data suggests there are likely "many campuses across this offers a more accurate depiction of sexual assaults nation that are reporting zero sexual assaults," and involving Central students, primarily because "not he has a "hard time believing that’s accurate.” everyone wants to report to the police," she says. She explains that data found in Central’s Annual Security and Fire Safety Report, also known as the Clery Report, only encompasses cases that are reported to police. However, because this report is

“When we get more reports we can give better services and when we give better services we’re going to retain more students and our students are going to share with other students that yes, this happens,


Fall 2016 | Issue Two

but here is the system, this is what they [Central] do and they don’t shy away from it,” Luvera says. “We want people to know that we want them to come forward and report so that we can try to prevent other cases happening on campus." Towards that end, this fall the university sent out a state-mandated survey on sexual assault to all students, faculty and staff members. The survey was conducted to help administrators gain a more accurate picture of the Central community’s experience with sexual assault, according to the email sent out with the survey. According to DeShields, the survey was sent to 11,709 students, around 10 percent of whom responded. Of the 16,062 faculty and staff members who were sent the survey, 21 percent responded. He says Central has had the highest response rate of universities in Washington so far. Some of the survey results, compiled as of Dec. 1, are illustrated on page 37. Final results are expected by the end of winter quarter. Jill Hoxmeier, assistant professor of Health Sciences and principal investigator on the survey, notes that while it's "hard to establish a trend" out of the data just yet, the survey "gives a lot of information to perceptions as far as university support" and was a good way "to increase awareness and resources available on campus." Luvera agrees: “We’re getting a more accurate reflection of what really is happening on our campus." He also cites the “head on” push from the office of President Gaudino himself to address the issues of rape culture and sexual assaults on Central's campus.

Caught off Guard

Despite all this, some students are still caught off guard. "I went to Central for three years and because I didn't hear about sexual assaults, I thought they weren't happening. But they were. They happen all the time… Just because we don't see it doesn't mean it isn't happening,” says Maria. "All those words of advice we hear, like ‘Stick with your friends,’ and ‘Watch your drink,’ and ‘Always have your phone on you and charged,’ sound cliché until proven real.” Maria’s account, told to Pulse and detailed in the Incident Report from the Ellensburg Police, describes several sexual encounters over the course of the night at the man’s house. In the police report, she

WHAT TO DO IF IT HAPPENS TO YOU: First, get to a place where you feel safe. That can be your home, a friend’s house, a doctor's office, or even a public place so you don’t feel alone. Then, it is important to review all options when it comes to sexual assaults. Reporting on Campus: You can report in many different ways on the Central campus. You can fill out a Behavior of Concern Report. That report then goes to the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities. From there you will meet with someone to talk about what happened, then go over options for your safety. After that, the school will hold case hearings that the victim can decide if he or she wants to attend, and the school will make a decision on the case and let the victim know the outcomes. Another option would be to go straight to the Wellness Center and tell them everything so they can file a report with the victim’s story, which takes out the necessity of attending a meeting with Student Rights and Responsibilities. Sometimes it is difficult enough to tell the story once. The written report, The Center's Mallory Morse notes, means that “students don’t have to go through the story again with another person, so they don’t feel re-victimized.” It is worth mentioning that no matter if you go to the police first, Central will receive the report after the police investigation and conduct its own investigation. An investigation through Central is entirely different than one done by police. If a person looks 51 percent guilty, they will be held responsible at Central, but with a police investigation, the alleged perpetrator is innocent until proven guilty. If you talk about your case with a faculty or staff member, they are required to report it. Reporting to the Police: When reporting to police, a victim needs to know the difference between Ellensburg Police and Central Police. If they go to Ellensburg Police first, the Central Police do receive the report if the victim is a student. Both police departments hold their own investigations into whether there is probable cause or enough evidence for an arrest. Investigations can last months, so it can be a lengthy process. Reporting Anonymously to either Central or the Police: By reporting anonymously, the victim’s name would not be in the report, but the perpetrator’s would be. This option, although comforting to some, does not give the victim all the information about further hearings and the final outcome. Not to Report at all: Sexual assaults are one of the most under-reported crimes. Even if a victim decides not to report the incident, they can still receive free counseling and help from both the Wellness Center and the Student Medical and Counseling Clinic. When choosing to not report at all, the victim cannot mention the perpetrator’s name to faculty or staff members, or else it has to be reported due to safety concerns.


A survey regarding sexual assault produced a 10 percent student response and a 21 percent faculty and staff response. Here are the results as of Dec. 1:


of students reported receiving information, programming or training as it pertains to sexual assault behavior, how to report complaint, and/or prevention efforts.


of faculty/staff reported that it was likely or extremely likely that CWU would support a person making a report.

says she told him she “did not want to have sex with him” but describes going along with the encounters. The police report reads: “She said she thought the ‘only way out was just to have sex’ because if they had sex, he would get tired, he would go to sleep and it ‘would be over.’” Maria told Pulse: "I clearly stated that I didn't want to have sex that night. I wanted to run away but I was stuck there. My ribs were aching for no reason, which is a problem I've had since the rape. My ear throbbed. I just broke down. I didn't understand what had happened… I just knew I was not okay with it. It was rough and I was in pain and I was tired... I stayed up for an hour or so crying. Then I faded into sleep."

Know Your Rights

Unfortunately, sexual assaults are often some of the hardest crimes to convict because of a lack of evidence available in many situations (see Sidebar on page 34). For this reason, the Wellness Center offers multiple trainings year-round to educate the campus community on what to do if you are sexually assaulted or if you’re witnessing a sexual assault. All freshmen are required to attend “Green Dot” training sessions during their first six weeks on campus, and the trainings are available for all students, staff and campus faculty. The Wellness Center is both a source for education and an intended refuge on campus for victims of sexual assault in any of its forms and regardless of the victim's relationship to the assailant. Morse says one of the primary objectives is to treat victims in a manner that doesn’t take control away, but empowers the survivor to determine their own needs and how to meet those needs (see "How to Help a Friend" on page 33).


of faculty/staff agreed or strongly agreed that they feel safe from sexual violence on campus.


of faculty/staff agreed or strongly agreed that they feel safe from sexual violence off campus.

“Our students fund our positions, the university does not fund it,” Morse says. “We are strictly here to help the students. We are free and confidential.” Maria, for one, has left Central and Ellensburg to try to heal. "I am leaving Ellensburg because of the anxiety attacks,” she says. "Because I can't be in the bars without having an anxiety attack. Because I can't walk outside my house at night without feeling like I am being watched. Because I am scared people are breaking into my home... Because I can't have a guy buy me a drink without fearing that if I don't have sex them they will get physically violent with me.” Maria's case was closed by the police (it remains active with the county prosecutor in case of new evidence). The male student involved gave a similar account of the events, but the police report notes that he said "at no point during intercourse did [Maria] tell him no or appear to be uncomfortable.” The reality is that sexual assault is a major issue. It’s happening in your neighborhood, it's happening on your campus, and it may affect the person sitting right next to you in class. But you can play an active part in reducing sexual assault. If you see or hear of someone in danger, don’t just stand by and do nothing. Your voice matters, and your actions matter. "I believe that any sexual assaults are too many," DeShields says. "So just simply because we are having higher numbers, I don't rest assured that we need to stop doing what we're doing.”





Fall 2016 | Issue Two


Mind & Body

the benefits of journaling Story by Simone Corbett / Photos by Ryan Moffat / Design by Vanessa Cruz


emember when it seemed like everyone had a diary? Whether it was an old notebook with “Private” plastered on the front of it, or the fancy battery-powered books with a password and lock, diaries were our safe place. Our place to confess our deepest worries and desires, free from the judgment of those who consumed our reality.

Mercer Creek Church’s College Ministry Pastor Bryan Halferty first picked up journaling when he was in eighth grade, and again when he was in college, as a method of reflection. Multiple tattered journals from even 10 years ago lined the bookshelf in Halferty’s office. Some of these he still picks up to reflect on today.

Now, it’s becoming increasingly less taboo to write down those thoughts we used to keep so private. Celebrities and public figures are openly sharing their journals with the public. Perhaps this has impacted the recent popularity of journaling among young people today. As it turns out, journaling can be tremendously beneficial to an individual’s mental health.

“You get to see your personality, you get to see what are the constants, what are the things that are maybe kind of more hard-wired into who I am as a person— you get to see kind of the mountain path,” Halferty says.

Journaling "allows us to get out parts of our inner dialogue that we usually wouldn’t talk about,” says Amy Claridge, a therapist and a professor in Family and Consumer Sciences. “Sometimes talking to other people isn’t the most comfortable thing to do and so journaling actually serves a similar purpose, it allows us to get out a lot of things that we usually wouldn’t say.” There’s science behind the therapeutic release that comes from journaling. It’s called narrative therapy, says Claridge. Narrative therapists believe your personal narrative is a fundamental part of any healing process. This type of therapy makes extensive use of journaling as a tool to help people tell their story, even when they may be too vulnerable to share it out loud. “That’s how we make meaning of things in our life is by telling our story; it’s how we process traumatic things that have happened or make meaning of positive things,” Claridge says.

The opportunity to vividly look back on the ups and downs of life is what motivates Central senior Pete Morgan to journal. “They say repetition is the greatest way to learn; I think journaling is one of those things that, if you journal, the intricacies of that experience you would often forget over time stay with you," Morgan says. "So the lessons that you learn from those experiences, they stay around longer in your head." Central sophomore Kaitlyn Kurisu has been journaling consistently for the past five years. “It’s a good way to write down memories and remember the small things that happen in life,” Kurisu says. “It’s a way to clear my mind, and it’s a way for me to vent and write down the things I’m going through currently in life.” Maybe journaling is something you used to love, but you’ve been having a hard time picking up a pen again. Or maybe you’ve never done any sort of journaling before and you just don’t know where to start. Wherever you’re at, it’s important to know that there is no wrong way to journal.


Fall 2016 | Issue Two

“Often times when I’m journaling, it’s not like, ‘Dear Diary, today I did this,’ it’s never that,” Morgan says. “It’s never consistent either. I don’t journal every day, I don’t journal every week, sometimes I don’t journal for months.” Morgan does however, keep a little black journal on him at all times to prompt himself to write down big or little things that might occur throughout the day. Halferty shares the same habit. “You could get counseling, be mentored, read a lot, all of those are very valuable—journaling offers something distinct and different from all of those,” Halfery says. “When you start getting into not just the ‘what’ but the ‘why’… then you start to open up some of those basement doors that we don’t often think about, and that’s where self-knowledge and self-awareness happens.” Of course, it may take some time to become vulnerable with yourself. Even if no one else is going to read it, self-confrontation can be intimidating. So Halferty recommends a few small, practical steps to get there. “Think about today,” Halferty says. “Buy a journal and commit to 15 minutes a day, morning or evening for one day, and then commit to doing it the next day.” Journaling doesn’t have to be a time-consuming activity. Kurisu says, “honestly journaling for five minutes a day is all I need.” Morgan recommends letting your emotions drive you deeper into journaling. “It’s between you and what you put on the paper. So if it’s intimidation of laziness, like ‘Oh man, I have to go do this,’ then don’t do it. But if it’s intimidation of confronting yourself then definitely

do it,” Morgan says. “If you don’t take time to really reflect on yourself and reflect on who you are as a person or what you’ve gone through, you’ll never know who you really are and you’ll never know where you’re gonna go.” Claridge says she’s noticed journaling make a difference in those who struggle with anxiety or the stigma related to asking for help. “In my subjective experience, I think journaling is really helpful to people who engage in it,” Claridge says. “They are the people who are most motivated to make change in their life, because they are actually practicing these skills every day.” If you don’t know where to start, Claridge recommends writing to your diary, yourself or another person. “You can pretend you’re talking to someone else, sometimes that feels better than pretending you’re talking to yourself, because that’s what’s stigmatized is the self-talk,” Claridge says. “So write a letter to your mom or write a letter to a significant other—that can be a really powerful experience.” Remember, just because a certain method works for one person doesn’t mean that it will work for another person. So try out different styles of journaling until you find the one that works perfectly for you. Years from now when you’re wondering how you handled that hurdle of today, future you might be thankful you wrote it down. After all, “the unexamined life is not worth living.”- Socrates

Mind & Body

FLU I D Story by Angelica Bartorelli Photo by Xander Deccio Design by Vanessa Cruz


Fall 2016 | Issue Two

A LOOK AT GENDER EXPRESSION BEYOND THE BINARY SYSTEM e live in a society that teaches us that W conforming is necessary to succeed. That being just like everybody else is essential if you want to

fit in. Society fails to acknowledge that there are individuals that don’t feel like everybody else. Their identity is neither here nor there and they are merely defined by who they are as a person versus the sex and body they were born into. Their perspective of life—body and soul—is fluid.

G e n d e r F l u i d i t y : W h at w e d o k n o w Within the last decade, the term “gender nonbinary” has grown to prominence. Those who are nonbinary or “gender fluid” fall within the wider definition of transgender, which is a person who does not conform to the standards of their sex. While there are no statistics regarding gender fluidity, it is estimated that approximately one to eight percent of the population refer to themselves as “gender diverse,” which ranges from gender fluid to transsexual. “We know gender exists on a spectrum and for some people, their gender expression – and their experience in their world based on that expres-

sion – changes,” says Assistant Professor of Public Health Jill Hoxmeier, who plans to conduct further research on assault against transgender identifiers in relation to their cisgender counterparts. “My research is in sexual assault and interpersonal violence, so I do a lot of reading on gender,” she says.

Misconceptions, Microaggressions and Stigma The gender and sexuality spectrums are often believed to be the same. Although they are linked, the sexuality spectrum accounts for every variation of human sexuality, whereas the gender spectrum places focus on various gender identifications. “Gender and sexuality are related concepts, but they are different,” Hoxmeier says. “I think another misconception… is that they are just on their way to identifying as transgender. Even trans people will identify as a transman or transwoman, and people who are gender fluid are rejecting a mutually exclusive [gender identity].” Negative, hostile or derogatory remarks made to individuals regarding their race, class and/or sexual and gender identities are known as "microaggressions," a term coined by Columbia professor Derald Sue. For those concerned about microaggressions and how to combat offensive remarks, Professor of Philosophy Cynthia Coe says, “There are plenty of resources that help those who are gender-fluid fight microaggressions.” The best way to combat microaggressions and other misconceptions is to offer ally support, according to Coe, because there is something “painful about navigating in [an] identity that not everyone recognizes.”

T h e a l ly a p p r o a c h As an ally, you are supporting and fighting for a mutually beneficial quality of life for others. Within the last few years, members of the LGBTQIA+ community have been granted more rights; however, there are still some basic rights that have yet

Mind & Body

to be granted and to allies, those are worth fighting for. Gender neutral bathrooms is one of those rights that has been under national discussion recently. If you are wanting to offer ally support, but don’t know how to approach a gender diverse individual, Rowan Segura, a junior at Heritage High School in Vancouver, Washington and gender neutral identifier, says, “Use they/them pronouns when meeting people who are new (or you're unsure of their pronouns), always be flexible and willing to listen and learn (it's confusing to us sometimes too), never ever use compliments that may make them uncomfy (and always be sure to ask, usually it's easy to decide.) And other than that, just be nice, be respectful.” Using gender neutral pronouns can allow you to learn someone’s correct answer or make it easier to ask questions such as, “What pronouns do you prefer?” Devin Beach, Central alumna and founder of the organization B Heard B Strong B Proud, works closely to “promote equality and civil rights for all,” regardless of their gender or sexual identification. She discusses her approach to being an ally: “In terms of being an ally, I try my best to keep educated as to what laws in our country affect my friends who identify as trans/gender-queer/etc. I do whatever is within my power as a "cis woman." I recognize that I have a certain level of privilege as a cis, white woman and I use that privilege to help

Gender fluid:

Beach even goes as far to express the lengths she’d go as an ally, “If that means a friend needs me to accompany them to a bathroom or lobby for gender-neutral bathrooms or what-have-you? I will do just that.”

Gender fluid and Sexual Perspective Luckily for Segura, the experience of being gender-neutral has been primarily positive. “So far I've been met with a lot of acceptance in both my family and in school. They respect my gender, my choices, and if they need to know they know,” Segura says. However, there have been some difficulties in the way they’re approached regarding sexual identity and preference. “I will tell you, it's been hard to define my sexuality since coming out as genderfluid. I can't say bisexual because I love genderfluid people as much as anyone else and that led me to identify as pansexual,” Segura says. “That's wonderful. I love it. I love people.” As for society, overall, Segura believes, “[Acceptance is] getting there. There's some way we can go, but I think we have come a long, long way. It's the same for transgender people since we're under the same umbrella.”

a changing or “fluid” gender identity.



my friends and family who - for whatever reason lack various types of privilege in our society.”

term for someone who exclusively identifies as their sex assigned at birth.

G e n d e r I d e n t i t y:

one’s internal sense of being male, female, neither of these, both, or

other gender(s).

Sex Assigned At Birth:

the classification of people as male, female, intersex, or another sex assigned at birth often based on physical anatomy.


encompassing term of many gender identities of those who do not identify with their sex assigned at birth.


preferred umbrella term for all genders other than female/male or woman/ man, used as an adjective. (Source: Trans Student Educational Resources)


Fall 2016 | Issue Two

Story & Photo by Robin Thaemert / Design & Illustrations by Maddie Bush

Most people who own a pet love what they get out of being an animalparent: furry snuggles, someone always excited to see you get home, and of course, unconditional love and loyalty. While these things are all great, your furry friend even comes with health benefits. Executive Director of Central's Student Medical and Counseling Clinic, Chris De Villeneuve, says, “Animals have a palliative effect, can calm, and relax someone who is anxious or upset.” This can be an alternative to taking medications that are used to treat anxiety or depression, which can have harsh side effects. There are certain qualifications that must be met in order to have an emotional support animal (ESA). Villeneuve says, “To get an emotional support animal a student should have depression, anxiety,

social anxiety or some other treatable diagnosis. Kleptomania, and a bunch of other diagnoses should not qualify as a reason for an ESA.” An ESA differs from a service animal, because the animal doesn't need to be trained to perform certain tasks for their owner. Emotional support animals are also not granted access to all public places, however they are allowed to live in a housing or apartment unit that has a ‘ no pet’ rule in place. Though the resident halls on campus have a no pet policy, there are exceptions when it comes to service and comfort animals. Richard DeShields, associate dean of student living, says there are currently 61 service and emotional support animals living on Cental’s campus, the majority being emotional support animals.

Mind & Body

As mentioned earlier, rules and regulations differ between emotional support and service animals and this is no excepetion on campus. DeShields wants students to be informed, “Though emotional support animals are allowed in residents halls, they are not allowed in student’s classes or the student union building. Only service animals are allowed in those on campus buildings.”

Former CWU student Alex Thomason has owned a registered emotional support dog named Calvin since 2014. Calvin is a Chihuahua Terrier mix that helps Thomason stay calm and relaxed while also being her best friend. Thomason says, “Being able to take Calvin with me is like taking a part of my home everywhere with me.” She sees Calvin as a furry companion that keeps her sane.

The process of getting an animal approved to live in a residence hall starts by registering with disability services. The paperwork is then passed on to housing where it ultimately gets approved or denied. DeShields says, “We won’t deny a student with a service or emotional support animal from living on campus, but we will have a talk with them about the responsibilities that come with owning an animal.” As many people know, owning an animal can be very rewarding, and even provide you health benefits, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t a big responsibility.

“I always feel calm in panic situations with him there and at peace,” Thomason says. She says that she went through her primary doctor to obtain Calvin as her ESA.

While some animals may provide comfort, others may have the opposite effect. De Villeneuve stated, “I’ m opposed to cats as emotional support animals. Exposure to cat dander has been correlated to increased allergies, eczema, depression and suicide.” Though he does not think that cats make a good emotional support animal, he believes many other animals do. “An example brought up on campus recently talked about a golden lab project; Labrador retrievers brought in to provide emotional support to students. I think activities like this are great, who would not want to pet adog or hold a bunny?” says De Villeneuve. “The problem with this is that these are temporary fixes, the dogs leave and the bunnies go back to their cages. Unlike service animals that have training and perform certain duties, ESA’ s are mostly there for companionship.”

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the National Institute of Health (NIH) have both conducted heart-related studies on people who have pets. The findings showed that pet owners exhibit decreased blood pressure, cholesterol and triglyceride levels, minimizing their risk for having a heart attack. For people who have already experienced a heart attack, the research indicates that patients with a dog or a cat tend to have better recovery rates. These benefits are thought to be connected with a pets tendency to help reduce or control their owners overall stress levels. Animals really can act as our own personal “furry doctors” right when we need them. If you struggle with depression or anxiety, talking to your doctor about getting an emotional support animal may dramatically improve your overall health without having to mess with sometimes risky medications. Forget an apple a day, having an emotional support animal in your life each day might actually be your cure to keeping the doctor away.

Want to get an emotional support animal? Consider this: 1 Do I have enough time to take care of a pet?

2 What will they do while I’ m in class? 3 What if they bark, bite, pee on the floor and get sick-- can I take care of that?

4 If you’ re in a single or small space is it fair to the animal?

5 If you have roommates, would they approve and have you talked with them?


Fall 2016 | Issue Two

Story by Lexi Phillips Photos by Jack Lambert / Design by Taylor Morrell

We’ve all heard the saying that the holidays are the most wonderful time of the year. Well, it becomes a little less wonderful when we realize we don’t have enough money, or have no idea what to get our friends and family. The solution? Baked goods! Everyone loves food and even those who don’t celebrate seasonal holidays will love these yummy recipes. We tested various holiday recipes and these were the three unanimous choices of the lucky Pulse staff in class that day (see, it pays to attend class).

white chocolate & peppermint muddy buddies Total time: 10 minutes What's needed: 6 cup Rice Chex cereal 12oz white baking chocolate 1 cup crushed peppermint candies 1 cup powdered sugar What To Do: 1. Place Rice Chex in a large bowl. 2. Melt white chocolate. 3. Pour melted chocolate onto Rice Chex and gently fold until the cereal is fully covered. 4. Fold in crushed peppermint. ( peppermints can be crushed however desired) 5. Pour the powdered sugar into a Ziploc bag. Seal and shake until the cereal is coated. Enjoy! (Recipe: spoonuniversity.com)

Food & Drink

peppermint bark Total time: 1 hour, 20 minutes What's needed: 6oz dark baking chocolate 12oz white baking chocolate 3 tsp vegetable oil 10-12 crushed candy canes What To Do: 1. Melt half of the white chocolate and one teaspoon of vegetable oil together. 2. Once melted, stir in 1/3 of the crushed peppermints. Spread mixture evenly onto an aluminum foil-line 9x9 baking pan. (Note: use a food processor or rolling pin to help crush the peppermint.) 3. Place pan in freezer for 20 minutes. 4. Melt dark chocolate and one teaspoon of vegetable oil. Pour in long lines over the white chocolate layer and spread evenly. 5. Place pan in freezer for 20 minutes. 6. Melt remaining white chocolate and vegetable oil, then spread evenly over the dark chocolate. 7. Sprinkle remaining crushed peppermints evenly over white chocolate before it cools. 8. Place pan in freezer for 20 minutes. 9. Remove peppermint bark from the pan and break into pieces. Enjoy! (Recipe: sugarapron.com)

dark chocolate & peppermint oreo truffles Total time: 45 minutes What's needed: 36 Oreo cookies, crushed 1/3 cup peppermint candies, crushed 1 pkg. (8oz) brick cream cheese softened 1 tsp instant espresso 1 tsp warm water 16oz dark baking chocolate, melted 2 tbsp. crushed peppermints What To Do: 1. In the food processor, pulse Oreo cookies and peppermint candies together until fully combined. Dissolve the instant espresso and the water, then add to the Oreo mix. Next, add the cream cheese and pulse until fully blended. 2. Mold the Oreo filling into 1-inch balls, and place onto a parchment paper-lined baking sheet. 3. Put in freezer for ten minutes. 4. Melt the dark chocolate. Dip the Oreo balls in the melted chocolate using either a toothpick or a fork (or hands, if we don't mind getting messy) allowing each ball to be completely coated. 5. Sprinkle the top of the balls with the crushed peppermint candies and let cool on the baking sheet. 6. Refrigerate for one hour and dig in! (Recipe: forkknifeswoon.com)


Fall 2016 | Issue Two



Story by Ben Dugger / Photos by Jessica Graham Design & Illustrations by Elizabeth Mason & Vanessa Cruz

Dealing with your family during the holidays can be quite difficult. Some people use head phones to drown out the noise, others focus on the fact that it only happens once a year. I’d suggest, on the other hand, keeping your eyes on the prize— dessert. Dessert alone is great, but nothing helps turn a frown upside down like a quality, craft-made, frosty pint of beer. Dessert and beer go hand in hand and here are Pulse’s picks for the best pairing to get you through the holidays.

Food & Drink

Pumpkin Pie and Chocolate Porter No dessert is more popular during the holidays than pumpkin pie. Add a giant dollop of cool whip and you’re good to go on the treat. Per Kunkel, a great beer choice to go along with pumpkin pie would be “a darker porter, with chocolate notes. My favorite is the Plutonium Porter that we make of course.” Also, some good choices would be options like Ellensburg’s own Iron Horse Brewery’s Irish Death or Leavenworth’s Icicle Brewing Company’s Dark Persuasion.

Gingerbread and Pumpkin Ale Gingerbread is known for its spice and the nostalgic memory of making houses out of them as a kid. When pairing a beer with gingerbread, one must consider what flavor goes well with spices like nutmeg and cinnamon. The obvious answer would be the extremely popular seasonal beverage, Pumpkin Beers. Honestly, you can’t go wrong when deciding what pumpkin beer to pair with gingerbread. Suggestions include the several Elysian pumpkin beers such as Night Owl Pumpkin Ale, Dark o’ the Moon, or my personal favorite, Punkuccino. Other options are Portland’s Laurelwood’s Pumpkin Ale or Rogue’s Pumpkin Patch Ale.

Sugar Cookies and Coffee Stout Kaleb Kunkel, former Central student and current beer brewer for Atomic Ale Brewpub in Richland, WA and I both agree that frosted sugar cookies are a great treat, but their sweetness can be over bearing at times. A coffee stout would pair perfectly to help cut through the sugar, and nothing goes better with cookies than coffee. There are several beers brewed with coffee out there worth noting: Iron Horse Mocha Death, or Seattle’s Pike XXXXX Stout, or Seattle based Elysian’s Split Shot Stout

Apple Pie and Nut Brown Apple pie is another common treat, served with ice cream, whipped cream or just on its own. A caramelly, nut brown ale would complement apple pie’s fruitiness perfectly. Suggested pairings would be Newport based Rogue’s Hazelnut Brown Nectar or Kennewick’s Ice Harbor Brewery’s Nut Brown Ale.


Fall 2016 | Issue Two

Story by Nick Oliver Photo by Xander Deccio Design by Taylor Morrell



he power for anyone to create, upload and share music is affecting the music business now more than ever by letting listeners themselves answer the question of “What’s popular?"

"It was a time like no other, a time suddenly anything you wanted was easily accessible" says Ryan gibbons, on-air personality for 103.7 KISS-FM, Milwaukee.

Over the last 15 years, the internet has been influential to the music industry. But at the same time, so has the detrimental and digital impact of MTV, online-streaming and iTunes.

All of a sudden, all you had to do when you wanted to get your favorite artists’ music was pull up a search engine and type their name, accompanied by the words “Free Album Download”. Pirating, or pirates, began uploading and downloading files by the thousands and eventually, by the millions.

Rise of the Mp3

To fully explain, let’s rewind to the early 2000s when a little company, Napster, emerged around the same time as the MP3. Napster found a way to create a social network through music: the idea was to create a website where people met by sharing their love of music. Essentially, it was a virtual record store, only this time, the music was free. The introduction of Napster would serve as a flashpoint in the adolescent world of digital media. For the first time the consumer beat the industry to the technological advances and record label executives were not happy about this. Like always, college students were the first to catch on and pave the way for how we now collect and store our digital music.

The creation of Napster flipped the switch of the machine before it was shut down just a few years later. Developers of Napster would go on to help form companies such as Facebook, Spotify and iTunes, ensuring that the influence of Napster would be felt for years to come.

The Mp3 Effect

The line of demarcation (if there ever was one) was around 2008 when the listeners’ ears seemed to revert back to a ‘50’s-like’ paradigm, where artists were no longer concerned about making a good album, but rather solely producing a hit single and cashing out.

After Dark

The listeners followed suit and all of a sudden consumership was about how many songs were easily accessible on your listening device, such as an MP3 or Napster account. Artists like Nickleback, The Black Eyed Peas, Katy Perry, Pitbull, Rihanna, Flo-Rida, and Justin Bieber began to gain popularity on the Top 40 charts with singles that had little substance, just a hook that anyone could sing along to. “I remember in high school MP3’s were the big thing and it was all about who had the most music [on] their iPod,” says Cameron Ford, Central student and music director at 88.1 The ‘Burg. “All my friends would search the internet feverishly to find downloads of the latest big song.”

The Industry Now

The music industry is in a transition period, very reminiscent of the late 80s and early 90s. The last five to 10 years have been lucrative for pop stars such as Taylor Swift and Justin Bieber, much like the eighties were for Michael Jackson and Madonna. In 1991 a little band from Aberdeen Wash., named Nirvana exploded in the music scene and all of a sudden, bubblegum-pop was out and alternative had become the new mainstream genre. This is the moment rock fans were waiting for. “It's awesome to see rock coming back to fruition. EDM was basically the second wave disco, and the indie scene was basically the new beatniks. So now to see rock come back and more prominently punk-rock, it's cool to be around to be a part of its comeback,” says former Central student and lead singer of Midnight Lights, Casey Peterson. Much like the early 90s, the alternative rock sound is not made up on just a few defining bands, but rather many bands from different scenes. In our backyard (the Everett-Seattle scene) is in one of these blossoming movements. Bands like Fauna Shade, Midnight Lights, and Naked Giants are rising to prominence.

"It's an absolute privilege to be able to part of it. With several local radio stations and venues all working together to help bands play there music it is truly a promising, up-and-coming area for music,” says Peterson.

W h at ' s N e x t ?

Around the country, whether the North or Midwest, small scenes are popping up, each with its own bands and its own thriving culture. The best part is these bands are recording and releasing music for an audience of their peers. “I’ve noticed that when we get music from smaller bands that the recordings sound very homemade, and that bands from the same areas share a certain sound or quality,” says Cameron Ford. The band to cause the next major reset could already be around with bands like Green Day, Blink 182 and Metallica, still making music completely plausible that next big rock acts could already exist. "Some of the best music ever came from the 90s, bands like Green Day and Blink-182, just recently released what some would call ‘their best work yet’. People nowadays look back on the 90s as the good old days...So now when they listen to music from that time period, obviously it makes them feel happy," says Gibbons. Today's music seems to be missing the nostalgia of the “where were you when you heard?” type of moments from the 90s. "I'd honestly love to see a revolution. There are at least a dozen rock bands right now scattered throughout the country who play in dark, smelly bars late at night, yet have they the power and skill to bring rock music back to prominence,” says Gibbons. Artists like Solange, Kendrick Lamar, and Chance The Rapper have all released projects that have become instant classics in the world for R&B and hip-hop. It’s time for the next great rock band to come along and give the genre a much needed bump.


Fall 2016 | Issue Two

Story by Nick Oliver & Bailey Williams / Photos provided to Pulse / Design by Elizabeth Mason

The 253 (Tacoma and Federal Way) area has a blossoming music scene with groups writing, recording and producing their own work. And though the region is known for Macklemore’s catchy thrift shop single, the artists in the 253 are creating their own sound. PEASANTBOYS, ILLFIGHTYOU, Ralph Dozer, Yohiness, Blu and Zhanea June are making their mark on the underground music scene. Pulse got the 411 on what makes the 253 so special.

Zhanea June

When Zhanea June was just 6 years old, she debuted in her first solo performance— in an adult choir. “Growing up in the church,” the singer says, "is literally where I found my sound.” June recalls never denying her passion to pursue music, she just knew it would be in her future. “I honestly feel like there was this gift of song floating in the air somewhere looking for a new host and the moment I was born it struck me…[I am] almost certain I came out of the womb belting in B flat,” she jokes. When Hurricane Katrina devastated New Orleans, June and her family were forced to relocate to Washington state. After those hard times, she never forgot the place that gave birth to her singing talents.

After Dark

“My grandma always told me to remember who gave [singing] to me no matter who I share my gift with,” she recalls. “And it became this thing that no matter where I sing I make sure to acknowledge my grandma and God, my two first biggest fans. I point my left finger towards the sky as if they are pointing back at me saying, ‘that’s my girl.’” Remembering where she came from and staying true to herself are things she takes great pride in. “I’ve had a lot of opportunities to advance my career, but at the price of losing what makes Zhanea June, Zhanea June, and that’s not what this music is about. I’m not willing to give up a part of myself just to ‘make it,’” she added. And when asked if she writes her own music she exclaims, “Yes, yes, yes!” “How can I express my feelings or share my thoughts with the world if someone else writes them for me?” she asks. “I’m not afraid to be vulnerable or controversial which is why I do and always will write my music.” The first song that June ever recorded was in 2011, titled “Melodic You” by Dave B. “We got together that next week, I hummed the melody, and he played the cords. The song was produced and recorded in one day,” she recalls. Dave B is currently one of the hottest rappers in the northwest and he has set an example for June to believe that anything is possible, she says. “He’s all famous now, but it needs to happen again. Hopefully he reads this article and catches the hint— if not, I’ll just text his mama.” But when finally asked if she’s working on anything currently, June playfully responds, “Wouldn’t you like to know? Let’s just say I’m officially introducing myself Spring 2017.”


Yohiness doesn’t need a stage name because he says he’s fortunate to have a creative mother who gave him such a unique one at birth.

The rapper was born and raised in Federal Way, WA, a city that has more than meets the eye, he says. “I was exposed to a lot more than just rap music and R&B. I had friends who listened to reggae and electronic music. My dad is over 60 and he hates rap music,” he laughs. “All we listened to was soul/funk music.” Yohiness says he’s most proud of giving the people in his community a reason to embrace the the city of Federal Way. He says his upbringing impacted his music and takes pride in writing all of his own material. “That’s why it might take me six to eight months to drop a new project. Music is an outlet for me to express myself. I’m a nine-to-five working n*gga. My life isn’t on a constant change like a lot of the other artists we listen to today. They have tons of content to write about; I’m not in that position at the moment. Soon though,” he says. His favorite song he’s recorded is hard to pick, but “Dreams” brings back memories of a simple time. “Everything was organic and fun at the time,” he says. “No pressure. It was the first time I was being honest with myself and the people that were supporting me (I hate saying fans). After 'Dreams' I stopped fabricating sh*t, and just kept it all the way real.” When Yohiness says he reps Federal Way—he means it. His favorite collaborations include two artists from the same neck-of-the-woods who he says understand his vision. “Jay Morrison or Blu. It’s always organic with those two. They never try to overdue anything.” He’s been in the studio recording, but has no plans for a release date. Yohiness says he’s pretty spontaneous when it comes to putting music out. But he doesn’t spend all of his time in the studio. He’s hosted events at Q nightclub and recently Snoopadelic’s (Snoop Dogg’s DJ name) birthday party. A clothing brand, NO//COLOR, is in the works and although he wouldn’t give much detail he says, “It’s gonna be f*cking great.”



Her deep soulful voice was once too big for her little body. Blu says she hid her talent for years due to harsh criticism from a friend’s sister at a young age. “She told me that I sounded like a man. My voice was a bit mature for my little body. That hurt my feelings and I became shy after that,” she says. Feelings are something Blu isn’t shy about sharing anymore and sometimes feels like expressing her emotions labels her music as “sad.” But unapologetically, she says, “I’m a sad gal.” This “sadness” has shaped her purpose in singing. “I’m really into the blues and spilling my soul all over a track one bar at a time. I’ll always tell stories of lovers and dreams and the wicked fantasies that I create.” The stories she tells are all written by her, something she is really stern about. “I feel I have a gift and a lot to say. Why would I waste it by letting someone else speak for me?” She says that asking her to pick her favorite song she’s created would be like asking a mother to pick her favorite child. “They’re all my babies,” she laughs. “Like I pampered, nurtured and raised all of them.” But if she had to pick her most recent release, HYAR with Siah, would be on the list. “I haven’t recorded an up-beatfeel-good song like that for a while. I look forward to making more dancy music.” The admiration between artists from Federal way is mutual her favorite artist to work with is Yohiness. “That boy is like my brother. We simply have such amazing musical chemistry. We finish each other’s lyrics, ad-lib for each other—the never ending amount of gigs on stage. It’s just way too fun.” She speaks highly of him because he took a chance on her. “He was one of the first people out in Fed and in general to pay some type of respect to me and my sound,” she says. Blu is currently working on her first solo project. She did all of the mixing, mastering and production by herself. “I’m really excited for it because I’m finally in charge now. ‘Freakz’ will be out Dec. 2, 2016.”

Ralph Dozer

Ralph Dozer is the new comer and avant garde of the Tacoma hip-hop scene, this fall he released his first EP titled “Twenty”. The project cites direct influences from artists spreading from as far as Daniel Johnston to Green Day. The Blu first track of the EP “XFRANCISBEANX” takes the name of the Kurt Cobain’s Daughter. “I just think she’s like royalty for our generation, so many of us hold Kurt up and its like she’s the heir to the thrown,” says Dozer. One of the songs on the EP titled “XBASKETCASE13X” takes the name of one of Green Day’s most popular singles. In the spirit of Green Day, the song addresses the down fall of American culture, by crying out “we used to be connected who detached us?” An important note about Dozer is that he’s not a rapper in the traditional sense, rather he is an artist creating for the sake of creating. “I want to create an experience for the listener, my music is not made to bump in your car…my music is made to chill and listen too and experience,” says Dozer. Dozer was inspired to begin releasing projects by listening to music by local artist PEASANTBOYS. “Hearing them rap about things like a uncertain future and wanting more out of life, and then to meet them and find out we were the same age…was like wow I want to try that.”

After Dark


The PEASANTBOYS are a set of twins who have been in the scene for about five years now. Formally known as “JAI X JRM” (pronounced: Jay and Germ), the twins Jeremy and Josh Miller have been rapping and recording since they were in high school. “We’ve always wanted to create something that matters, and share our commentary on the modern world,” says JRM. The PEASANTBOYS are as much skate punk as they are hip hop. “Every thing has a dark side, and everyone deals with it, what matters most is how you walk through the fire…if you’re working from nine to five and you hate you’re job you’re a peasant…you just have to have the mind of a king to make it through” JAI says. It’s that raw honesty and that hunger that comes through on their latest EP titled “Things Are Changing”. The title of the EP is appropriate considering that they went from literally three years of silence to releasing two EPs this year. “We’ve always been interested in writing about our point of view. We just want them [the listener] to get something meaningful however they can. Or at least help them think differently. We hope they get a new idea,” says JRM. The PEASANTBOYS, are heavily influenced by the sounds of Tacoma producer Kris P. who produced for the group on past projects and is also a member Tacoma Hip-Hop scene leaders ILLFIGHTYOU.


ILLFIGHTYOU are the older brothers of the Tacoma hip hop scene consisting of EvergreenOne (rapper), Khris P (rapper/ producer), and UGLYFRANK (rapper). Their bassy, drum-heavy sound is produced by the duo known as KReamteam, consisting of two brothers, group member Khris P and LOU SWANG. “I honestly can’t recall how we decided on the ILLFIGHTYOU name. If I remember correctly I think we were going to call the tape ILL FIGHT YOU and then we liked the sound of it so we said f*ck it,” says EvergreenOne. Their dark swirling synths and ominous piano lines have come to be defining sounds of the Tacoma scene. “We just do what we do man. This is how we want to rap and we are making the music that we really wanna make. It’s kinda hard finding bills that fit us as far as performing, but it doesn’t really matter to us,” EvergreenOne says in an interview with Noisey. As more artists in Tacoma refine their sound the outside world has seemed to take notice. ILLFIGHTYOU and PEASANTBOYS have done various concerts in Washington and LA, and they have been featured in publications such as Vice, Mass Appeal and Noisey. In an article by Mass Appeal the PEASANTBOYS and ILLFIGHTYOU are recognized for being Leaders in Northwest hip hop scene stating “Tacoma is the next Atlanta”. Of course referring to the fact that Atlanta is known for putting out so much quality hip hop music.

So whats next for the 253? Will it be the next Atlanta for hip-hop, or will it stay in the underground for awhile? Either way, there’s a beautiful and relevant music scene right in your back yard.


Fall 2016 | Issue Two

p u l s e 8 f e at u r e s


After Dark

Story by Angelica Bartorelli / Photo by Xander Deccio / Design by Vanessa Cruz

Lively, flying hair and leather-clad band members make up the female-fronted rock band CobraHawk. The band consists of Laykn Bury (lead vocals), Devin Duncan (guitar), Andrew Burr (guitar), Jeff Gerrer (bass guitar) and Nat Nickel (drums). The band credits much of their success to their Burgstock IV appearance, a battle-of-the-bands concert, which they won last spring and later that summer, performing at the Chinook Fest. After roughly three years together, the group is hungrier than ever to grow their appearance as a band, and along the way, kicking down the doors of sleepy rock and roll bars and shake things up in the local music scene. COULD YOU GIVE US A BRIEF BACKGROUND OF THE BAND’S HISTORY?

Nate: [jokingly] “Our background’s kind of a disaster, we’re very difficult people…” Lakyn: “Basically, we started as a cover band… [We covered] everything: 90s pop, 80s stuff, whatever.” Andrew: “It’s kind of like a punk rock spin on pop songs.” Lakyn: “And then we’ve just kind of morphed and started writing our own stuff.” WHO ARE SOME OF YOUR BIGGEST INFLUENCES?

Andrew: “Weezer, some Red Hot Chili Peppers, I love John Frusciante; he’s my favorite guitarist. Lately some pop-punk like: Modern Baseball… Joyce Manor.” Devin: “For me it’s a lot of more like heavier stuff, I used to be super into stuff like Metallica and Slayer and now it’s like a lot more “modern heavy bands.” LAKYN, I NOTICED SOME VOCAL INFLUENCE FROM KATHLEEN HANNA [OF BIKINI KILL]. AM I CORRECT AND WHO ELSE DO YOU TAKE INFLUENCE FROM?

Lakyn: “Well, Nirvana’s been my favorite band since I was like 8-years-old… I’m super into RIOT GRRRL and the first album I ever bought for myself was Live Through This by Hole.” WHEN YOU BLEW YOUR VOCAL CHORDS, HOW LONG WAS THE RECOVERY PERIOD?


Lakyn: "We've just for some reason got booked a bunch of shows back to back... Devin was actually responsible for it." Devin: "...I try." ALSO ON SOCIAL MEDIA, YOU KEEP POSTING ABOUT HOW YOU WANT YOUR FOLLOWERS TO STAY TUNED FOR COOL THINGS COMING UP. CAN WE GET THE 4-1-1 ON THAT?

Devin: "The biggest thing is, we're in the progress of recording our full album right now... That and just shows that are coming up. WHERE ARE YOU RECORDING?


Devin: "Yes, it's kind of our big thing right now. We're playing these shows; with the Arlington [show] it took us with traffic four ours to get there and it was just to play a show were we got paid a little bit. It went straight to the album fund." partnered with

Lakyn: "Probably like a day and a half... I've been doing it for so long, since I was 12-years-old, that it just... I'm kind of used to it..."

C o b r a Ha 61

Fall 2016 | Issue Two


WHERE ARE THEY NOW? Design by Vanessa Cruz

Over the years Pulse has evolved into the magazine you're reading today. Many editors, designers, writers and photographers have come and gone. We spoke to some past Pulsers to see what they're up to these days.

NATHANIEL DIEMER Editor-in-Chief 2013

BRIELLE RUTLEDGE Editor-in-Chief 2016

LINDSEY WISNIEWSKI Editor-in-Chief 2015

“I left the pastel bubble world of college high on the hopes of a bright future, realizing as I fell from the sky in flames that I forgot to take off my Central rose-colored glasses. I spent three years wading through the swamp we call the World of Adults, and now I have emerged upon the beach as a new, changed creature. By day, I work in the wonderful world of recreational cannabis retail management at one of the state’s top-rated Rec Shops (I’ve tried the stuff grown in Ellensburg; we deserve better). By night, I experiment with art and words, every day a new lesson not unlike those I learned from working for Pulse. I only regret not being able to stay there longer.”

“I wasn’t sure what was going to happen after [graduating]. I was just an overworked college student (like most of us) who was ready to move back to the city. These past few months, I’ve been living in Ballard, I interned for NEKO Cat Cafe managing their blog and social media, working as a promo assistant for Hubbard Radio and briefly freelanced for a Marijuana business trade journal. I’ve also been working on making more music for the band I’m in called “Hi Crime.” Like us on Facebook!”

“I’m at the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication completing my final semester of my Master’s in Sports Journalism. Since leaving Pulse it’s been a whirlwind, I’ve learned a lot from my hands-on experiences covering events like the Muhammad Ali funeral in Louisville, KY and the Fiesta Bowl here in Phoenix. I’m so grateful for my experience with Pulse to build my foundation in journalism and I certainly wouldn’t be in this career field without them (and advisor Jennifer Green) today.”

After Dark

LAUREL FISHER Lead Designer 2015

DANIEL BALDWIN Lead Designer 2014

MACKENZIE LOETE Art Director 2016

“I just was hired on at this design agency in Seattle called Gravity Creative. It’s my dream job where my career is at right now, and I’m so happy to be working here and reaaally fortunate to have a job right out of college. I’ll be working on graphic design projects for a large variety of clients. It’s a blast biking in the city, wakes me up in the morning. Anyways, happy to be working in an industry that I absolutely love in a city that offers so much inspiration and resources. Still miss Eburg a little bit though.”

“Shortly after leaving Central and Pulse Magazine, I joined the design team at a creative agency based out of Seattle, Twelve23. I worked there as lead designer for a year, then moved onto becoming Brand Design Manager at a startup in San Francisco, TINT. As Brand Design Manager, my day-today revolves around defining and maintaining our company’s brand through design. I recently started a photography company with one of my coworkers named Cole & Oak (representing Cole Valley & Oakland).”

“My professors always told me that working a 9-5 job was going to be a lot different than making it to class on time in college. I took the time to hand-paint all of my thank you notes to give to everyone who interviewed me. It was a memorable and personal touch that can get lost in our technology-driven world. I am now a CAD designer and the color coordinator for Tommy Bahama, located at their Corporate Office in Seattle. I come to work early and stay late because I love the creative atmosphere.”

ASHTYN MANN Features Editor 2016

PETER O’CAIN Story Editor 2014

HEIDI THAEMERT Graphic Designer 2016

“I am living in Ellensburg and still running Basic Bitch Wine Co. We are in the middle of changing winemakers and hopefully by next fall we will have our first vintage out and ready. Until then, I will be working in as many tasting rooms as I can and also running social media for a couple of companies.”

“I work for the Wenatchee World as a reporter covering city government, veterans affairs and anything in between, like wildfires or Pokemon Go. Away from the newsroom, I recently officiated a lifelong friend’s wedding and am training for my first powerlifting competition. And reading Pulse because, duh.”

“Throughout my internship I was working on creating an identity and brand for the SURC at Central. After my internship I moved over to Seattle. I just got a job working for Nordstrom, and the goal is to work up the corporate ladder and work for their graphics department. Since moving to the west side I’ve found my design groove and have discovered where my passion lies.” 63

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