1 minute read
from Winter 2023
They say everything gets easier with practice. In my second quarter as EIC, that statement rings true. While I still have a long way to go, the lessons I’ve learned cannot be overlooked.
To the photographers this quarter, I am amazed by the effort and the beauty you all were able to capture in your photos. To the designers, I cannot begin to explain how stunning our magazine looks. And to the writers, the stories you conveyed this quarter are nothing short of amazing.
We talk a lot in class about how this magazine is not a single piece, but instead a collection of multiple efforts and works. While I get to write this fun little blurb and talk about my feelings, I cannot help but want to explain that this magazine is the combination of 23 people working every day to create something worth reading and worth publishing. While I still have a long way to go as an editor, and all of the staff still have things to learn and figure out, there can be no denying that this product is one of the best I’ve been a part of.
We have fun and lighthearted stories that catch your eyes on pages 20 and 78, hard-hitting and informational stories that make you think and ask questions on pages 40 and 49, and on page 10 we have a stunning model that is always on the move so he needs to keep his home on his back . I hope everyone enjoys this issue of PULSE magazine.
The PULSE staff put hours and hours into the making of this issue... not all were productive.