Is there a God's Spark?

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Nikos Guskos, Andreas Guskos Is there a God's Spark?

Source of Image: author’s archive, Sunset over the Ionian Sea, Petanoi Beach, Cephalonia, Greece.

CyberEmpathy - Visual and Media Studies Academic Journal ISSUE 10 / 2015 Hyper Visions ISSN 2299-906X

Nikos Guskos, Andreas Guskos

Is there a God's Spark? Abstract:

From ancient times humans were trying to understand how God's Spark works. Even a small dose of photon energy can stimulate (energetically) living beings - for example by visual contact, such as the effect of silent films on the spectators, where weak light caused their strong excitement.

Nikos Guskos Professor at West Pomeranian University of Technology & CONSUS S.A.

Andreas Guskos Professor at the Academy of Art in Szczecin, head of the Faculty of Visual Arts . Art activities: architecture, design, photography, multimedia, multi-disciplinary action.

CyberEmpathy - Visual and Media Studies Academic Journal ISSUE 10 / 2015 Hyper Visions ISSN 2299-906X

Yellow is a divine color and red is a color of the messenger between God and humans. Blue close to ultraviolet is the color associated with Zeus. This energetical range is connected with the emergence of bioorganic compounds. Someone can say that God sent his Son to Earth twice. The first time is associated with the emergence of life (animals were also allowed in places of cult). The second time is connected to the emergence of logos (gr. λόγος) (the places of cult were available for creatures equipped with the ability of thinking). 13,6 bilion years ago, in time t=0, the universe started with Big Bang. From time t=300 000 years after the Big Bang protons and neutrons emerged. After time t=300 000 to 10 000 000 years recombination occured and the atoms of hydrogen emerged. From t=10 000 000 to 1 000 000 000 years clods of matter combined into proto-galaxies. From time t=1 000 000 000 to 3 000 000 000 years quasars emerged. From t=3 000 000 000 to 8 000 000 000 years galaxies were formed and from time t=8 000 000 000 to 12 000 000 000 our Solar System emerged. About 500 000 years ago the Homo Sapiens appeared - a living intelligent being that raised two essential questions actual untill today - when life emerged and when thinking (intelligence) emerged. The Big Bang theory says that life emerged in water. In the evolution process a cooling system with stable temperature had to occur for the basic state of living matter (below 300 K). Organic compounds disintegrate in temperature above 170 °C and the bioorganical just above 45 °C. The water acts as a filter for electromagnetic radiation, especially for shorter waves (ultraviolet-blue) responsible for π->π* electron transfers. These are important in creation as well as disintegration of organic compounds. So isn't then when such temperature stabilisation occured, allowing the creation of proper matter in the so called primordial soup, that a God's Spark occured, igniting the replication processes (origin of life)? It hadn't to be a highly energetic radiation! Time of the setting Sun is called in Greece Ηλιοβασίλεμα (Kingdom of the Sun). It is time of dominant weak energetic radiation. The longest the lenght of electromagnetic wave is, the deeper is the penatration of human body (which is mostly consisted of water molecules). A man that weights 70 kg contains 4 g of iron, 1 g of zinc and 130 mg of copper. The number of Avogardo NA equals 6,022 x 1023 mol-1. The atomic mass of copper is 63,546 a.u. So we include inside us 0,13 / 63,546 x NA = 1,23 x 1021 copper complexes! We have 30 000 types of proteins, which gives us 1017 copper ions for each type of protein. In order to

CyberEmpathy - Visual and Media Studies Academic Journal ISSUE 10 / 2015 Hyper Visions ISSN 2299-906X

illustrate the size of that number, let us compare it with the size of human population on earth (around 1010), which is over seven rows smaller!

All things are parts of a single system, which is called Nature; the individual life is good when it is in harmony with Nature. (Zeno of Citium)1

In 1880 Alexander Graham Bell discovered the photoacustic effect by showing how a thin discs emits sound by the influence of the incoming electromagnetical radiation of the Sun. It occured that light can ignite sound. Photon is the smallest particle of light and phonon the smallest particle of vibration (sound). The energy absorbed from sunlight is turned into kinetic energy by the process of energy exchange. It causes heating of the exposed field, so then also a wave of pressure or sound. Later it has been also showed that materials exposed to invisible range of Sun spectrum (infrared or ultraviolet for example) can also generate sounds. By measuring the sound on different wavelengths we aquire the photoacustic spectrum that can be applied for identification of light absorbtion by particular materials. The photoacustic effect can be applied for research on solid state objects, liquids, gases or bioorganic materials (e.g. blood). The table below shows measurments of photoacustic spectras of different kinds of living matter and their components. Spn - spermidines (poliamines) are very important components of living matter. They pass information from proteins to DNA. In the table below there are wavelengths showed for which photoacustic absorbtion occurs.

Wavelength 位 [nm], source

Sample Spn323









Trunculariopsis Trunculus



Asterias Rubens (Starfish)



CyberEmpathy - Visual and Media Studies Academic Journal ISSUE 10 / 2015 Hyper Visions ISSN 2299-906X

Sea Urchin



Green and red leaf of Ficus Benjamina



Red fruit of Pyracantha Coccinea (Firethorn)



Human skin



Illustration 1 Diagram about the relation between electromagnetic radiation and wavelength. Source: Eric G. Blackman, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Rochester, course: Astronomy 104 - The Solar System, The Solar Spectrum,

CyberEmpathy - Visual and Media Studies Academic Journal ISSUE 10 / 2015 Hyper Visions ISSN 2299-906X

Illustration 2 The flag and emblem of the Byzantine Empire. The flag is consisted of 4 square fields. The upper left and the lower light fields show the purple Greek Cross. Its branches are symbolising the four directions of the world. It was introduced around 322 A.D. by the st.Pachomius as a sign weared by monks on their hoods. It was associated with earlier solar symbols. The 2 other fields show the golden Cross of Palaiologos on purple background with 4 golden letters B in the corners which are the abbreviation from the words: Βασιλεύς Βασιλέων, Βασιλεύων Βασιλευόντων (King of Kings, Ruling over Kings). The emblem shows a golden two-headed eagle with the imperial monogram. Around XVII century B.C. in Babylon and Assyria the sign of a cross was a symbol of a God-Sun. It is associated with the mystic tau sign, first letter of the name of Chaldean god Tammuz, which has initially the shape of X and later T with a lowered horizontal bar. In Egypt there was a very popular Anch Cross (crux ansata, T with a loop above), which ment life. Cross was also the symbol of Greek Dionysus, Babylonian Bel, Tyrian Dumuzi (counterpart of Tammuz) and Nordic Odin (Wodan). Source: Wikipedia. The cross sign was initially characteristic of solar cults, but transferred to our times on christianic background, the same as colors connected with solar cult.

CyberEmpathy - Visual and Media Studies Academic Journal ISSUE 10 / 2015 Hyper Visions ISSN 2299-906X

Illustration 3 Yellow/green (Maker) - Phonon (Spirit) - Red (Messenger/Mediator).

Illustration 4 Photoacustic spectrum of green and red leaf of Ficus Benjamina.

CyberEmpathy - Visual and Media Studies Academic Journal ISSUE 10 / 2015 Hyper Visions ISSN 2299-906X

Illustration 5 Hexaplex Trunculus. It was used in ancient times amongst others by Canaanites and Phoenicians for the production of purple-blue indygo dye.

Illustration 6 Ficus Benjamina. Source: Wikimedia, Forest & Kim Starr.

Illustration 7 Firethorn (Pyracantha Coccinea). Source: Wikimedia, KENPEI.

Illustration 8 Red Starfish (Asterias Rubens). Source: Wikimedia.

Illustration 9 The spectrum of the electromagnetic radiation of the Sun.

CyberEmpathy - Visual and Media Studies Academic Journal ISSUE 10 / 2015 Hyper Visions ISSN 2299-906X

From ancient times humans were trying to understand how God's Spark works. Even a small dose of photon energy can stimulate (energetically) living beings - for example by visual contact, such as the effect of silent films on the spectators, where weak light caused their strong excitement. There is a question connected with the origin of life about the role that yellow/green electromagnetical radiation of the Sun played in launching the living matter reproductors in the water. That matter is buildt basicallly by water molecules (above 70%). As high as the lenght of the electromagnetical radiation wave is and at the same time as low as the energy of photons is, the water is more clear (transparent). Are other parts of the body subject to similar impact of the photons as it is in case of the eyes? The answer to this question should get us closer to the mystery of the origin of life, as well as to the understanding of some ancient health practices. The illustration no 4 shows a proposal of radiation model, that is trying to visualize the God's Spark effect. The difference of energy between yellow/green and red radiation can be defined by the following relation: E = hν (yellow/green) - hν (red) = hc / λ - hc / λ΄ ≈ 3 χ 10-24 J ≈ 2 x 10-5 eV, where h is the Planck constant and λ, λ' are the lenghts of electromagnetical radiation waves for yellow and green colors. By using the Avogardo number we can estimate that the energy needed to cause electron transfers from basic to excited state from 3d levels in copper complexes inside a human is about 10-3 J. This can be determined empirically by wearing trunks outdoors in winter, on a windless sunny day (so a fast heat exchange wouldn't take place) and feeling no cold at all. There is a tradition among Idian people of wearing a red dot at the middle of brow ridge. According to Hinduism and Tantric Buddhism that is the location of the most important chakra, the so called Third Eye, associated with extrasensory perception. The red dot - Bindi - is supposed to protect against energy loss from that place. It could be hematite for example, that absorbs electromagnetic radiation of the Sun in the yellow/green range, leaving the red color visible. The difference of energy is turned into vibrations in infrared range (heat), applying a heat massage on that important place. Amongst Indian people there is a noticeably lower amount of health problems with sinuses than in the overall population. In China the beneficial effects of Sun radiation at surise and sunset (the lack of highly energetical photons) are utilized traditionally by opening the mouth, turning it to the direction of the sun and exposing it to the radiation. In several regions of the world, such as Crete, Cyprus and other Mediterranean islands, Caucasus, Japan or several regions of Brasil, it can be observed that the average life expectancy in the population is much above the global index. When visiting the local graveyards and seeing a gravestone of a deceased in the age of 97, the conclusion in the

CyberEmpathy - Visual and Media Studies Academic Journal ISSUE 10 / 2015 Hyper Visions ISSN 2299-906X

context of others is that he died in a young age. We are probably dealing with a phenomenon long life and old wine. A proper inclination and rotation of the earth relatively to the Sun causes proper insolation positively influencing the living matter. The solar radiation causes proper excitation in living organisms. A so called Channel Selectror is proposed, where excitations of such type can even regulate cancer processes13. It is commonly known that a diet with proper selection of nutritious components, also in terms of quality, is very important for health. That, what nature produced in the evolution process cannot be produced beneficially to health in a revolution manner (any mutations). The bared cost of industrial development is our worse health. There are known cases of unexplainable recovery of people terminally ill, such as the case of Stamatis Moraitis from the Greek island of Ikaria14. There is a following question: if nature (gr. φύση - physics) can equip living beings, and particularry thinking beings with a so called God's Spark (radiation in the range of d-d electron transfers - yellow/green/red), which can cause a state of excitement that blocks processes which are causing pathological states?

References: 1. Russel B. 2008, History of Western Philosophy: Collectors Edition (Routledge Classics), 28, 213. 2. Guskos N., Papadopoulos G. P., Likodimos V., Mair G. L. R., Majszczyk J., Typek J., Wabia M., Grech E., Dziembowska T., and Perkowska T. A. 2001. Photoacoustic Detection of d-d Transitions and Electronic Structure of Three Polyamine Copper Complexes, J.Phys.D: Appl.Phys. 33: 2664-2668. 3. Guskos N., Papadopoulos G. J., Likodimos V., Majszczyk J., Typek J., Wabia M., Grech E., Dziembowska T., Perkowska A., and Aidinis K. 2001. Electronic structure of polycrystalline polyamine copper dinitrate coplexes investigated by photoacoustic and EPR spectroscopy. J.Appl.Phys. 90: 1436-1441. 4. N.Guskos, V.Likodimos, J.Typek, and M.Wabia, EPR Study of Polyamine Copper Complexes, NATO Science Series, II. Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry 76, 519-523 (2002).

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5. N. Guskos N., Typek J., Papadopoulos G. J., Maryniak M., and Aidinis K. 2005. The linewidths and integrated intensities of the d-d transitions in pkotoacoustic spectra of polyamine copper(II) complexes. Materials Science-Poland 23: 955-960. 6. N.Guskos, G.P.Papadopoulos, V.Likodimos, S.Patapis, D.Yarmis, A.Przepiera and K.Przepiera, J.Majszczyk, J.Typek, M.Wabia, K.Aidinis and Z.Drazek, Photoacoustic, EPR and electrical conductivity investigations of three synthetic mineral pigments: hematite, goethite and magnetite. 2002, Mat. Research Bull. 37, 1051-1061. 7. Guskos N., Aidinis K., Papadopoulos G.J., Majszczyk J., Typek J. and Rybicki J. 2008. Photo-acoustic response of active biological systems. Opt. Mater. 30: 814-816. 8. Guskos N., Majszczyk J., Typek J. , Rybicki J. and Padlyak B. 2013, Photoacoustic response of a common starfish tissue. Ukr. J. Phys. Opt. 14: 44-49. 9. Guskos N., Papadopoulos G.J., Majszczyk J., Typek J. and Rybicki J., Guskos A., Kruk I., Aidinis K., and Zolnierkiewicz G. 2010. Photoacoustic Response of Sea Urchin Tissue, Rev. Adv. Mat. Sci. 23, 76-79. 10. Guskos N., Majszczyk J., Typek J. , Rybicki J. and Padlyak B. 2013, Photoacoustic spectra of green and red leaves of ficus Benjamina plant, Ukr. J. Phys. Opt. 14: 96-100. 11. Guskos N., Typek J. , Rybicki J., Guskos A., and Padlyak B. 2014, Photoacoustic response of the red fruit Pyracantha Coccinea, Ukr. J. Phys. Opt. 12. Mahmoud B. H., Hexsel C. L., Hamzavi I. H. and Lim H. W. 2008. Effects of Visible Light on the Skin. Photochem. Photobiol. 84: 450-462. 13. N.Guskos, G.Papadopoulos, J.Majszczyk, J.Typek, M.Wabia, V.Likodimos, D.G.Paschalidis, I.A.Tossidis and K.Aidinis, Charge Transfer and f-f Transition Studied by Photoacoustic Spectroscopy of [R(NO3)2(PicBH)2]NO3 and [R(NO3)3 (PicBH)2] Complexes (R – Rare Earth Ion), Acta Phys.Pol.A 103, 301-313 (2003). 14. Andrew Bomford, 2013, The Greek island of old age,

CyberEmpathy - Visual and Media Studies Academic Journal ISSUE 10 / 2015 Hyper Visions ISSN 2299-906X

Illustration 10 Sunrise over the Aegean Sea. Tyros Coast, Peloponeese, Greece.

CyberEmpathy - Visual and Media Studies Academic Journal ISSUE 10 / 2015 Hyper Visions ISSN 2299-906X

Is there a God's Spark? / N. Guskos, A. Guskos. CyberEmpathy: Visual Communication and New Media in Art, Science, Humanities, Design and Technology. ISSUE 10 / 2015. Hyper Visions. ISSN 2299-906X. Kokazone. Mode of access: Internet via World Wide Web:

CyberEmpathy - Visual and Media Studies Academic Journal ISSUE 10 / 2015 Hyper Visions ISSN 2299-906X

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