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Regular threat hunting minimises vulnerabilities

BoththeCISAandtheFBIencouragebusinessownerstoinvest inreal-timecontinuousthreat-huntingsolutionsofferedby providersofthe best cybersecurity consulting services. Real-time continuous threat hunting solutions have been created to offer bespoke preemptive threat hunting that includes–

● Searchingformaliciousactivities


● Stoppingattacks

● Reductionofdamagetodataafteracyberbreach occurs.

Often cybercriminals would use malware that is designed to remain hidden in plain sight that can carry on stealing huge packets of data without being detected. Most of the time, these stolen packets of data are encrypted and the source(s) of the data are corrupted remotely so that the owner of the data has topayahugeransominabidtogettheirdigitalpropertyback.

The whole aforementioned ordeal can be avoided when an entrepreneur invests in real-time continuous threat-hunting solutions. Furthermore, entrepreneurs can also train their in-house IT staff and workforce members to keep an eye out for the following signs –

● Unusual network activities

● Unauthorized access permissions

● An exponential increase in the read volume of the central database(s)

● Logins or data access requests emanating from locations outside the business premises

● Online activities during odd hours.

Keeping an eye out for the above-mentioned signs is a simple yet effective form of cyber security awareness training that can help entrepreneurs save a lot of time and money.

Businessesheavilyrelyonproprietarysoftwareandapplicationsfor allkindsofbusiness-criticaloperations.Entrepreneursneedto makesurethattheproprietaryapplicationstheiremployeesand clientsuseareperiodically–

● Scannedforvulnerabilities

● Updatedtokeeptheapplication(s)freefromunauthorised backdoorentrypointsand

● Patchedwhenevervulnerabilitiesareidentified.

Businesses that use outdated software are sending out invitations to cybercriminals to launch a massive cyber attack against them! To keep such instances at bay, business owners should invest in dedicated vulnerability assessment and scanning solutions offered byleadingcybersecurityconsultationagencies.

Vulnerability assessment and scanning solutions fall under the category of functional cybersecurity solutions that are developed to reveal in real-time all the weak spots in an enterprise-level IT infrastructure. Furthermore, by investing in custom vulnerability assessmentandscanningsolutions,entrepreneu

Entrepreneursalsoneedtomakesurethattheirin-housecybersecurity personnelaretrainedtokeeptabsonaccesspoints.Atthesametime, real-timeidentificationofanindividualaccessingin-housedataisalso crucialtokeepsecuritybreachesatbay.

Access and identity management solutions is a long-term solution

For the best results, entrepreneurs can partner up with reputed cybersecurity solution providers and let them retrofit the IT infrastructure withacustomIAM(IdentityandAccessManagement)solution.

The purpose of an IAM solution is to keep real-time tabs on logins and grant data access permissions. Furthermore, custom IAM solutions offered by reputed cybersecurity firms also allow entrepreneurs to manage access requests coming from their employees, business partners and customers. On top of this, IAM solutions can also simplify access level management for individualemployeeswiththehelpofAIandcontext-basedanalytics.

The result is a cybersecurity solution that is ever-evolving thud enabling entrepreneurs to have more control over the online activities of their venture.


The best preparation is to be aware of basic online security practices. For the best results, entrepreneurs should hire cybersecurity consultants and let the experts train their workforce. For more details, the reader is requested to consult with veterans of the sector like fnCyber.

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