Your Guide to Staying Healthy On the Road

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Your Guide to Staying Healthy On the Road

As RVers, we’re constantly on the go, and it isn’t always easy to stay healthy while traveling – but we’re here to help. We’ve compiled three health-related articles sure to motivate you to stay active and make healthy choices on your next adventure. It all starts with a few simple lifestyle changes to get you and your family feeling energized and ready to take on the road ahead.

Check out our articles: Eating Healthy On the Road

Fitness On the Go: Workouts to Do On the Road

Staying Healthy On RV-cations

Eating Healthy on the Road

RVing often means traveling, and a lot of the time, grabbing fast food seems like the easiest option while eating on the go. But contrary to popular belief, eating healthy while on the road is actually possible and isn’t as hard as you might think! Check out our top tips on how to eat healthy while RVing.

Meal prep

Meal prepping is one of the top ways to save time and money in the kitchen - but it’s also a great way to eat healthy. Planning and prepping your meals ahead of time gives you no excuse to choose unhealthy options while on the go. We suggest picking one day a week where you plan out your (healthy) meals and begin prepping. It’s important to keep meals simple since you have limited space to cook in your kitchen on wheels. It’s also important to try to keep any perishable foods in airtight containers to preserve their shelf life.


Keep your RV stocked with healthy snacks When you’re traveling from point A to point B someone in your RV is bound to get hungry. So, take away the temptation of those gas station treats and rest stop vending machines by having an RV that’s fully stocked with healthy snacks. Protein bars and trail mix are great, filling snacks that can be stored for long periods of time. Having fresh fruit on board is also a great option that requires virtually no prep time. Some other healthy snacks perfect for road trips include: beef/turkey jerky, dried fruits, peanut butter, oatmeal, popcorn, string cheese, etc.

Eat local

One of the many beauties of being RVers is that we have the luxury of traveling to new places and experiencing new things - food included! There’s amazing, healthy food all over the country and we encourage you to check out the local cuisine on your next adventure. A great way to do this is to check out a local farmer’s market. You’ll be able to find the best seasonal, healthy options that all of the locals are eating. To make it even easier, you can check out Local Harvest, a website dedicated to finding you the nearest family farms, farmers markets, and restaurants that all feature local foods.

We hope these three tips have you thinking about how you’ll choose healthier options on your next trip. Food is the fuel that keeps us going, so it’s crucial to pick healthy options that will give you the energy you need to take on the day.


Fitness on the Go: We all know exercising and keeping fit while on the road can be difficult, especially when you’re confined to

Workouts to do on th

the close quarters of a motorhome or towable with no access to a gym. But it doesn’t have to be – with the right workouts on hand, making time for fitness will be a breeze. Here are 5 go-to routines for working out when actually ‘hitting the gym’ isn’t an option.

1.HIIT Cardio Circuits High intensity intervals, mixed with short breaks, are one of the best methods for getting your heart rate up in a short amount of time. Rather than jogging for your whole workout, try sprinting for 1 minute, walking slowly for 2, sprinting again, etc. – continuously for 15-20 minutes. It might seem long at first, but your metabolic rate will skyrocket, making this short series even more effective than a 45 minute run.


2.Countdown Conditioning Routines Rather than simply alternating between pushups and squats, try combining 3-5 different exercises, counting down as you go. For example: 25 squats, 15 situps, 10 pushups, 24 squats, 14 sit-ups, 9 push-ups, and so on. The constant variation will keep your mind from becoming weary and distracted, and by the end of the workout, you’ll have done more than you realized in just 15 minutes!

he Road 4.Take Advantage of Your Time Don’t use small windows of time as an excuse not to workout on your trip. Instead, use that time and choose one thing to do each day! Even if you only do a small series of crunch variations, using the little time you have each and every day will make all the difference in the long run.

5.Make It a Game Especially helpful if you’re traveling with young kids, turning exercise into something fun and different will encourage your group to want to stay fit, not avoid it! Try a simple trivia or guessing game, having someone do 10 pushups if they answer incorrectly; or, turn planks into a contest, seeing who can hold their form the longest. With a competitive drive and fun spin on working out, you’ll be able to stick to your fitness grind no matter where you travel!

3.Stationary Activities Try stationary activities when you can’t run or take up much space. On the road and bored? Try a wall sit and plank variation, hold a wall sit for 1 minute, then hold the plank for 1 minute, continuing until you’ve reached 5 minutes for each exercise. You’ll be surprised how time flies when your legs and abs are on fire!


Staying Healthy on R Is it really possible?

Well, to keep things short - the answer’s yes! However, what’s so critically important for all RVers to keep in mind when it comes to health and fitness in relation to vacationing is the actual nature of “our type” of vacation. Yes, many RV enthusiasts take trips – anywhere from week long to multiple week long vacations. Sometimes, RV bloggers even travel the country for months at a time to document their experiences. Yet, the amazing thing about having an RV is gaining the ability to go on multiple short “vacation bursts” – weekend getaways or trips only a few days long in length, allowing us to escape from our busy everyday lives for at least a short period of time. These short types of vacations certainly have their advantages – when you take a long trip, for example, you’re obviously more likely to spend loads more money on food, souvenirs, adventures, tours, etc. However, when you only have a limited amount of time to explore a very specific area (or even just relax in a remote location of your choice), you’re forced to take the time you have and dedicate it to just that – being in the place you are for the time you have.

What do we mean by this in relation to health, though?

It’s easy to immediately assume that smaller vacations produce lesser opportunities to gain weight, or shorter periods of time to “relax and not workout.” After all, we’re removed from typical responsibility and everyday routines for smaller periods of time, so our indulgences shouldn’t really have that significant of an impact... right? No. Well, sort of. Here’s the deal with RV vacations – which do tend to be shorter in length during the winter, compared to those we tend to take in the summer (when the weather is much milder and enjoyable in more places across the country). Recreational Vehicles are an impressive investment financially – people don’t buy one and plan on only using it once or twice. They want to use it to go on trips with the people their care about, for any vacation they can – small or large, far away or nearby.




are adventurers & fun-loving But the thing about RVers is...

RVers are adventurers. RVers are fun-loving. And RVers honestly just want a chance to slow down, breathe, and enjoy the time they have to travel with their family whenever they possibly can. While non-RVers might go on 1-3 long-winded vacations a year, it’s pretty clear that most RVers are known to go on nearly countless trips a year in their vehicle. They use them for these types of vacations, and then they use them to attend the alumni tailgates at their Alma Mater’s football game. They use them to visit county fairs, trade shows, community meet-ups, and so much more.

As RVers, the fact of the matter is that we actually allow ourselves to vacation more than many non-RVers do. As much as we’d love to say that this means we save the thousands of extra calories that week-long vacations can pack onto our bodies, it’s not necessarily true. Let’s be honest with ourselves here - so many of us love the outdoors, adventure, and being active. But that doesn’t mean we want to get up at 6am and train for a 5k along the creek or mountainside on our vacation days. It also doesn’t mean we don’t eat out a ton, or that we don’t visit new bars and restaurants and try new recipes that are – well – definitely American, but perhaps not as figure-friendly as we’d like this time of year (also, let’s face it... most RV’s don’t allow for significantly ‘gourmet’ levels of cooking).


Staying Healthy on R

Is it really possible?(contin 6

It’s so easy to focus on everything we want to change in our lives: our bodies, our thoughts, the way we respond to things that happen around us, and so much more. So, it’s critical for us to realize two things.

Firstly, vacations shouldn’t be a time that


you either do or don’t plan and eat healthy meals, or when you can or can’t proactively exercise and workout. The fact of the matter is, you can and will do both – depending on what vacation you’re on, what time of year it is, and a number of other variables. So don’t hate yourself for eating that barbecue sandwich and bag of potato chips, and don’t argue with your spouse over whether or not to cook asparagus when you’re only away for a night. Over-thinking ‘healthy’ on vacation is a concept so many of us still have to master – both RVers and non-RVers.



Secondly, think about it this way: It’s only hard if you tell yourself it’s hard.

Try to take some time to think about small changes you can make to edit the way you experience your trips together. Rather than saying you’re going to get up and run a mile every morning, plan adventures with your family that promote fitness more than other activities you might choose. Go to that cookout, but beforehand, hike up that mountain you’ve been wanting to peak since you found your favorite hookup spot. Watch a movie

on the big blow-up screen with the other RVers, but play a game of water polo or basketball at the nearby court first. Before we start telling ourselves we need to change dramatically, it’s crucial that we realize the actual essence of our culture as ‘RV people.’ As we said before, we’re adventurers. We’re people who value family, who know the importance of escaping ‘real life’ every now and then, and we’re people who believe in enjoying every moment with fulfilling experiences that only come from travel, the outdoors, and a breath of fresh air away from home – whether that be 5 miles or 500 miles away. We’re already living a lifestyle that’s healthy for our minds. It might be hard for your family to eat healthy while on your RV trips, but just remember... everyone feels like it’s hard sometimes, whether they’re on vacation or not. So take the little steps. View it as an enjoyable process that’ll only make your trips more fun and exciting – not something that will put an exhausting damper on your experience.


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