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As with so many aspects of our lives the cruising community activities have been severely restricted over the last couple of months due to COVID-19. The usual cruise across the Gulf and catch up with fellow Club members in Port Vincent over Easter had to be cancelled due to regional travel restrictions. Quite a few of our boats however have sailed around our local waters, many staying onboard whilst at anchor. It has been great however to see lots of day sailors out and about taking advantage of our lovely Autumn days. Everything was going well earlier in the year with Club members sailing to Kangaroo Island and Port Vincent over the Australia Day Long Weekend. In addition, a number of boats participated in the Port Adelaide Sailing Club Adelaide to Port Vincent race. School’s Out flew the CYCSA flag doing well to win the race with a very small crew consisting of Club member Kerry Parker, Helen Kearney from the Squadron and the skipper. It was a lovely weekend with perfect weather and lots of boats bringing plentiful hauls of big blue swimmer crabs. Our last 2nd Saturday BBQ was held on 14 March just before the restrictions came into place. It a fun night but little did we know it was to be our last gathering for a while. Our popular cruising BBQs will resume in summer albeit with social distancing in mind. To keep in contact with our regular crew School’s Out held an award night over Zoom. Awards included: The ‘Trevi Fountain Holding Tank Explosion’ Award; The ‘HMS Victory’ Award for the crewperson having the most Tinder dates at a regatta; and ‘Yer Bum’s Oot the Windae’ Award for the best foreign language (Scottish) joke told during the season. As we continue to slowly come out of COVID-19 restrictions you will be able to keep up to date with all future cruising events and activities via the Club calendar and through the SA Cruisers communication forum. Simply email your request to join to: sa_cruisers@googlegroups.com
Adrian Wotton, Chairman Cruising Association and Rear Commodore
BBQ raffle prize winners: Adrian, Graeme & Jack
CA Sponsor