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MELISSA CARTER - I joined the Army Reserves in 2017 as a Light Cavalry Scout and I love the experience. The relationships I have built in the army are unmatched in civilian life. I am currently studying nursing full time at Uni SA and was drawn to a sailing opportunity through the Invictus Pathway Program. The Invictus Pathway Program is a wellbeing program for defence force veterans and first responders. I am passionate about support for veterans and first responders as having someone close to me suffer from PTSD, I have seen first hand how debilitating it can be. Things have come a long way since then and I am proud to get involved and be a part of a community which aims to support and improve the lives of those who risk their lives. Sometimes in life you have to set a new course. Sailing can seem very over-whelming at first, a bit like stresses in life. However once you start setting a course and working as a team it all falls into place. You find your bearing and sail towards a destination. Being on the water is very peaceful and rewarding. If you feel like your soul might need mending, sailing is good for that. I got a lot out of the experience and will continue to do so. I met new people from different walks of life and just working as a team and debriefing with the lads was worth the experience alone. However, learning to sail is an extremely unique adventure. Getting on the helm and realising, ‘I’ve got this’. ‘We have got this’. You have such a sense of pride and accomplishment when you put your skills into practise. I highly recommend this course as there is something in it for everyone. The training was safe and of a high standard. The trainer was down to earth, had a wealth of knowledge and he always had a darn good story with a decent punch line. I would like to further develop my sailing skills through the amazing opportunities offered at the Cruising Yacht Club of SA. The members at the Club are more than happy to have you on board and the Club has a very welcoming and friendly atmosphere. I have had an experience I will never forget and will continue to pursue.

AARON CARROLL - I spent nearly nine years in the Navy and left in 1998 so have been away from the military for quite a while though all my friends are still those I served with in the Navy. Although I’d spent a lot of time at sea it was only on warships and as a Sparky where I spent my time working on electronic systems and can only ever remember pulling on one rope the entire time I was in the Navy.

Over the past few years I’ve been watching a bunch of YouTube videos on sailing and that has really been where my interest developed. The terminology is very different to what I am used to and the vessels are a lot smaller but seeing people stretch their abilities as they pilot their boats to the far flung corners of the world is very motivational and inspiring.

I came across a notice on Facebook for the Setting a New Course with UniSA’s Invictus Pathways program and immediately applied for it and was lucky to be accepted. I was slightly reticent though as to whether or not I’d be able to perform as I’d hoped when on the boat due to service-related physical issues but I was soon hoisting the mainsail and jibing and tacking all over the place. It was a fantastic experience and our instructor, Hugh Longbottom, was an absolute professional whose teaching methods inspired us with confidence. The sensation of being under sail was peaceful and enjoyable and I can see why so many people love it.

I don’t know what my future holds in terms of future sailing and I shudder at the stories of dark nights and 11 metres waves on an open deck at sea but who knows. I can only thank everyone involved in getting this program off the ground (water?) and would recommend it to anyone who has ever thought about dipping their toes into the world of sailing.

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