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On a beautiful and very warm Saturday evening over 60 members and guests came together to celebrate the end of a very demanding year. In what is an important tradition the Club’s Associations gather for a casual BBQ (all BYO) and possibly a few Xmas libations. The event was hosted by the Cruising, Fishing, Racing and Social Activities who all generously contributed to another tradition, the free raffle. The Social Activities (SAC) spent time earlier in the day making the BBQ area festive and this year the SAC engaged the services of entertainer Angelo and his partner Vince. No dancing of course on the night but the music was fabulous and many members stayed on late to listen to the music, watch the sun go down and the heat of the day diminish. The Club’s Christmas Lottery was drawn on this night with three Club members enjoying prizes. See the winners below. Our thanks and gratitude to go major raffle sponsor Opal Diamond Factory along with Charlesworth Nuts for their generous support of the raffle. The Associations are an important part of Club life and this joint event is an enjoyable gathering for all those who participated.

Rosemary Gould SAC Chair

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