Goundswell September 2021

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What a cold, wet and wild winter period we recently endured with plenty of rain, even out here on the peninsula. We will all be looking forward to some warmer weather as the usual tell-tale signs that summer is approaching translates into more general activity around the Club from members commencing their annual boat maintenance to an upturn in bar and bistro patronage. We will have an exciting back end to 2021 as the Youth Sailing Foundation (YSF) starts ramping up after a good solid 18 months of work getting the entire Foundation off the ground. The YSF will be something truly fantastic, not just for the CYCSA but for the entire South Australian sailing fraternity.

Our Head Coach, Dale Geddes, has been working tirelessly on the programs, instructors, marketing, boat fleet and all the logistical requirements. Members may have recently seen a number of short video clips through our marketing channels created to give our members, the State’s sailing community and our corporate partners a professional introduction to the YSF and what it will entail. The YSF Advisory Committee met for the first time recently and I’m delighted to inform you of the abundance of resources from those on the Committee. Chaired by Board Member Doreen Perrin, other members include Caroline Cowen, Robbie Deussen, Colin Gordon and Nick Bice along with staff members Dale Geddes and David Royle to help steer the Foundation as it embarks on its inaugural voyage. By the time this year’s December issue of Groundswell is printed we should have delivered a number of our first programs and courses.

The current COVID situation alters nationally on a daily basis. Our one week lockdown in July saw the Club go into hibernation for a week. Let’s hope we can remain free of uncontained cases and continue into the long-term future with something that resembles normality. A huge thank you again to all members who continue to do all the right things in terms of signing in, distancing and mask wearing to ensure we are continually compliant. CYCSA badged masks have recently arrived and are available from the office for purchase.

With the past year seeing some significant Club projects being finalised such as the bathroom facilities, we look forward to attending to some other initiatives this year many of which have been in the planning stage for some time. A few of these are •

Slip wedge maintenance

Commencement of our Youth Sailing Foundation

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Port Vincent refurbishment

Completion of Marina East pontoon refurbishment/ replacement program Members’ laundry solution IT infrastructure upgrade

Dredging maintenance will commence at North Haven in October and we are still in discussions with the Yorke Peninsula Council regarding the low depth of entry at Port Vincent.

We welcome Harcourts Smith to the CYCSA as the latest Members Draw Sponsor. Kate Smith and her team are very well known along the LeFevre Peninsula as a secondgeneration property agency serving the needs of locals on the coast for over 35 years. Check out the Harcourts Smith links which are updated regularly through our Members Draw results emails for the latest local properties, many of which have a marine/nautical flavour. Wishing everyone safe boating.

Adam Hays General Manager

I would like to take the opportunity to welcome a couple of new staff appointments. Tania Dyer and Amanda Robinson have joined Reception bringing with them skill sets that complement our current administration team. I would also like to welcome and congratulate Tony Bailey, previously our Head Chef, into the role of Hospitality Manager. Tony is vastly experienced in all elements associated with running a hospitality business from front and back of house to sales and marketing and finance and customer service. He will be directing all things hospitality to ensure we maintain the momentum in growth we have experienced over the last year and also enhance member well-being by way of working alongside the Associations to deliver high quality member-related events and activities.


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