eNewsletter 1
Welcome to the first edition of the Cygnus TSA eNewsletter This first term has been a busy one in the development of the Teaching School Alliance. The new website has launched, we are live on Twitter and have worked with other Buckinghamshire Teaching School Alliances to form a collaborative teaching schools network for Buckinghamshire ‘Teaching Talent’. I have been delighted that so many of you have given up time to meet me and discuss ways in which CPD can continue to be developed across the county. I hope you enjoy the first edition of our eNewsletter and please feel free to contact us with any ideas. The teaching school model is one that works best in the spirit of teamwork and collaboration and I look forward to further developing our links over the forth-coming months. One of the biggest changes to the educational landscape currently is the political intent that all schools will be academies by 2020 and indeed will be part of multi academy trusts. What does this mean? How are we supposed to respond? It seems sensible to explore these questions. I would be delighted if you would join me at a one day conference 12 January: to explore the possibilities. Karen Lloyd—Director Cygnus Teaching School School Direct Training We have 70 places for School Direct Initial Teacher Training across our Alliance. These are for salaried and non-salaried places across a range of subjects and include a few primary places. The trainee places have already been assigned to schools but occasionally we have a situation where a school is no longer able to host a trainee. If you have not applied to have a trainee with us next year but would like to, please do get in touch and there may be an opportunity for you to be involved, if not as the main placement we often need second placements for which you would be paid. Full details of the places we have available are on our website http://www.cygnustsa.co.uk/ which is regularly updated as places are filled. For further information about how you can be involved in Initial Teacher Training please contact our Director of Professional Learning Elizabeth Mansir: emansir@whs.bucks.sch.uk
Welcome to the Cygnus Teaching School Alliance | Cygnus ... Outstanding teaching and support for primary and secondary leaders Read more...
School Experience Programme If you are not using this programme it is something which is worth exploring. Many schools are inundated with requests from people who want to observe lessons prior to submitting teacher training applications. With this programme you can set aside days which you can advertise nationally so suitable applicants can sign up on line to visit. We have found this to be very efficient as you can direct general enquiries to this programme and ask them to register for places on line. The benefit to the school is you are paid £35 per day for hosting potential trainees of Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, MfL, Geography and Computer Science. You can also arrange for other subjects through this programme though you do not receive payment for these. Full details can be found at www.gov.uk/government/publications/school-experience-programmeinformation-for-schools
Visit our website at http://cygnustsa.co.uk/ Director of Cygnus Teaching School - Karen Lloyd at KLloyd@whs.bucks.sch.uk Teaching School Administrator - Rachel Cross at cygnustsa@whs.bucks.sch.uk
Follow us on Twitter @Cygnustsa
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SLE recruitment The first round of the SLE recruitment for this year is just drawing to a close and I am pleased to report that we have had applicants across a range of subject specialisms. We are working closely with two other teaching schools to provide an excellent training day for the successful applicants in January. Please follow us on Twitter to keep up to date with news on SLEs and future application rounds. If you are interested in commissioning the services of a Specialist Leader in Education to for example run a subject or thematic review. We currently have SLEs in Maths, English and Geography, and from January 2016 there will also be SLEs in MFL, Social Sciences and Technology. Returning to Teaching Programme Cygnus Teaching School are involved with the Dfe in a new programme for returning teachers in the Secondary Sector. This will be showcased via a national advertising campaign in January. We are looking for returners in Ebacc and difficult to recruit subject areas. Each returner will have a bespoke programme of support including classroom practice and pedagogy provided by Oxford Brookes University. If you could promote this via your own school communication networks this would be much appreciated. More information for candidates can be found at education.gov.uk/ returners. Mind-sets training Several colleagues attended Mind-sets training with Robin Lauder from Behaviour Buddies for an introduction to the mind-sets approach. The are all now talking about the ‘path to mastery’. The follow up session looks at brain plasticity and is run by Lucy Forbes who has a Masters in Health Psychology. She will teach how we can make use of this knowledge with practical applications in the classroom. The final session will be in the summer term developing your middle leadership in this area.
Bucks Berks and Oxon Maths Hub Wycombe High School is home to the BBO Maths Hub. The Maths Hubs programme brings together mathematics education professionals in a collaborative national network of 35 hubs, each locally led by an outstanding school or college. Maths Hubs harness all maths leadership and expertise within an area, to develop and spread excellent practice, for the benefit of all pupils and students. There are many funded opportunities for schools so please make sure your school is signed up to receive our regular newsletter which promotes all the activities and events you maths department can be involved in – most of what we offer is free! Please register by email to mathscourses@whs.bucks.sch.uk
Upcoming events: The New World of Multi Academy Trusts: What Are The Opportunities?: Tuesday 12 January (9.30 am—3.00 pm) at Cygnus Teaching School Alliance, Marlow Road HP11 1TB Developing a Mind-sets Approach in your Classroom: Friday 15 January 2016 (9.30 am — 12.20 pm) at Cygnus Teaching School Alliance, Marlow Road HP11 1TB Primary Middle Leaders Course: starts Thursday 21 January 2016 (2.00 pm) at Cygnus Teaching School Alliance, Marlow Road HP11 1TB Teaching Secondary English (rolling programme): Friday 29 January 2016 (9.30 am — 3.30 pm) at Cygnus Teaching School Alliance, Marlow Road HP11 1TB Lesson Observation and Feedback: Friday 5 February 2016 (9.30 am - 12.30 pm) at Cygnus Teaching School Alliance, Marlow Road HP11 1TB
Visit our website at http://cygnustsa.co.uk/ Follow us on Twitter @Cygnustsa Director of Cygnus Teaching School - Karen Lloyd at KLloyd@whs.bucks.sch.uk Teaching School Administrator - Victoria Plunket at cygnustsa@whs.bucks.sch.uk