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The Mayi Market

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The Mayi Market fresh food at regional mainstream prices

Our Cape York First Nations people are amongst the most disadvantaged in the nation yet have been paying prices up to triple the food costs in regional mainstream communities such as Cairns. One in five Indigenous people in remote areas report no usual daily fruit intake, with 15 per cent reporting no usual vegetable intake. Apunipima Cape York Health Council reports diabetes in children as young as five years of age, and growing concerns about under-nutrition and early obesity. With a sturdy statistical relationship existing between food insecurity, affordability, and chronic disease, it’s clear that the exorbitant cost of fresh food in Cape York remote communities is contributing to a high prevalence of under-nutrition, obesity and diabetes in chronic co-existence. The Mayi Market was established to bring fresh fruit, vegetables, meat, seafood and eggs to Cape York remote communities at regional mainstream prices. To achieve this, food is delivered differently. The Mayi Market is a no-frills, not-for-profit, online model delivering food boxes to remote customers each fortnight. The Mayi Market was launched in Hope Vale on 1 May, Coen on 20 May and Wujal Wujal on 4 June. It will be progressively expanded to more Cape York communities in line with demand.



TOTAL CUSTOMERS 232 people have ordered from the Mayi Market at some point by the end of June 2020. In our first two months of operation, 51% of our customers made multiple orders, and we estimate that approximately 50% of households across Coen, Hope Vale and Wujal Wujal purchased at least one food box. PURCHASES $47,185 spent on fruit, vegetables, meat and eggs across the three Cape York communities between January–June 2020. 1,027 fruit, vegetable, and meat boxes were purchased by families.. MARKETS 10 markets were held in Coen, Hope Vale and Wujal Wujal in May and June. Deliveries occur once a fortnight to each community thus ensuring fresh, quality food is available on a regular basis for families. Families order their fruit, vegetable and/ or meat boxes in the week prior to the scheduled delivery.


The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the many layers of vulnerability experienced by our people—poor health, low nutrition, and poor eating habits ensure they are at great risk of this virus. Cape York Indigenous communities rightly restricted entry of all people in and out to prevent an outbreak, which meant that locals could no longer travel to larger centres to bulk buy a greater range of quality food at affordable prices. The Mayi Market was developed to address the long-standing issue of food security in Cape York, which has been exacerbated during COVID-19. The mission of the Mayi Market is to ensure a healthy diet is more attainable for all families by making fruit, vegetables, meat, eggs and seafood more affordable and readily available to everyone. To achieve this:

We provide standard food boxes for purchase and delivery each fortnight, which enables families to budget, get more for their money (compared to the local store), and plan family meals.

Costs are kept low by purchasing food below retail prices from a local food supplier that sources fresh produce straight from local Cairns farmers and primary producers. Food box contents also vary from season to season to ensure the best quality and continued affordable prices.

We have implemented a not-for-profit, no-frills model with lower overheads than communitybased stores. The boxes are second-hand and existing freight routes are used so minimum cartage is not an issue. Additionally, the Mayi Market has been supported by Rio Tinto to purchase a second-hand chiller truck, which will further reduce our freight costs and achieve long-term sustainability as we keep costs low for our customers. Our new truck will be on the road to the Cape in the coming months.

There is minimal handling and no delivery costs—customers meet at the Mayi Market pop-up stall to pick up their orders from the truck as it arrives in their community.

The Mayi Market encourages pre-orders online and through local O-Hubs, however a pop-up stall for purchasing on the day is also provided with limited stock. The stall is run by local, or outreach, O-Hub staff and supported by community volunteers.

Our customers are so happy with their fresh fruit and vegetable boxes that they are even taking photos of them! This photo was sent to us from a loyal customer in Hope Vale.

“My favourite thing about Mayi Market is setting up, unloading the boxes and seeing smiles on [people’s] faces when they receive their boxes.”


Through outreach support from the Coen O-Hub, Lama Lama Rangers and their families, based at remote Port Stewart, received their orders of fresh fruit and vegetables, frozen meat and dozens of eggs in June. The Lama Lama Rangers are working hard caring for Country so it’s important for them to keep healthy. Since receiving their first orders, the rangers have also used the Mayi Market for very large food orders to cater for big week-long meetings, and events.

Community members in Wujal Wujal eagerly anticipated their first Mayi Market delivery in June. Word spread fast upon the arrival of O-Hub staff, with purchases quickly increasing to more than 100 boxes.


“The food is so fresh, it’s like going to the market in Cairns. Food here is either too green or too ripe and only keeps for a few days, but my Mayi box lasts the whole two weeks. I now order every second week and will do so in the future.”

“Karen” now purchases her fruit and vegetable boxes every two weeks, and buys the meat boxes to stock up her freezer.

“The local shops are expensive, and you have to get in quick to get the items you want before they [sell out]. This is a guaranteed purchase, you are aware of what you are getting! I buy from Mayi Market because it’s good quality, there’s variety and it’s cost effective.”

At first “Amy” was dubious about the Mayi Market, but she’s now very impressed by the variety, quality and price of our boxes.

“Mayi Market saves me so much money, it is such good value for money. The food is so fresh—straight off the truck and straight into my fridge. I always get the fruit box because my kids love it!”

“Sandra” has two kids at home under the age of four so it is important that she has access to lots of fruit and veggies to fill their growing bellies.

“It’s saving me the cost of going to other shops that don’t even have much!” In order to get the things she needed, “Judy” was travelling out of her way.

“Mayi Market was there in our time of need when we were in lockdown—it came at just the right time! The food is affordable and fresh! I don’t shop at the local store, it’s too expensive. So before I would time my [long] trips to [the nearest big shops] to their delivery dates to get fresh fruit and veg. This is so good for budgetting too!”

“Tanya” is now saving money on fresh produce as well as money on fuel, and valuable time, rather than having to travel

far for good quality, affordable produce.

Families can place their orders online at www.mayimarket.com.au, through their local O-Hub, or on our helpline. The Mayi Market will be shifting to a subscription model through the website over the second half of 2020, which will ensure that families have a convenient and flexible supply of fresh produce.

On the Mayi Market Facebook page we also provide our customers with fun food facts to promote an increased daily intake of fruit and vegetables.

Word spreads quickly when the Mayi Market truck rolls into community. In May, we sold more than 100 boxes at our second Hope Vale market.

Our customers are exceptionally happy, as evidenced by this review that Rachel Salam left on our Mayi Market Facebook page in June.


The customers’ names in this section have been altered to ensure the individuals cannot be identified.

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