Cape York Girl Academy Newsletter Term 4

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2017 Principal’s Message

Principal Leanne Fox

This newsletter affords me the opportunity to focus attention on the highlights of many achievements by students throughout 2017. It is also an opportunity for us to review, reflect, and consider the educational landscape of our school and to give thanks for all who contribute to its success. At the close of 2017, I acknowledge our school community’s clear strengths – the wonderful school spirit and positive culture that thrives amongst the student body, the role modelling and professionalism inherent in our staff, and the substantial commitment through time by members of the Girl Academy board. Girl Academy is fortunate to have exceptional teachers, who do not merely teach but educate – helping students think, challenge, reflect and, hopefully in the process, to find and tap into their own beliefs and their own uniqueness. Our vision is to support our students to be confident, competent and courageous young women - who are creative, critical and independent thinkers who will make a significant contribution to their community. Last Thursday night we celebrated three such young women. Congratulations to Peah, Sharleannah and Corrin who successfully competed year 12 and have bright futures ahead. As I write this, Peah is attending a development program with the Australian Defence Force. Sharleannah completed school with a QCE as well as a Cert ll in Hospitality and Cert lll RATEP and is making plans to further her studies in education and Corrin has returned to Doomadgee as a much more confident and capable young mum. Another one of our girls, Kelly leaves us to further her education in a mainstream boarding school. Such successes are possible only when students, staff and families work together and I thank families for their ongoing support and commitment to their daughters’ education. School resumes next year on January 28th. Belinda will be in touch with families to finalise travel arrangements in mid-January. On behalf of everyone at the Girl Academy I wish all our students, and their families a safe and happy Christmas and look forward to working with you again next year.

Leanne Fox Leanne Fox

Cape York Partnerships Work Experience BY PEAH

For the last five days, I attended the Cape York Partnerships in Cairns to complete my work experience in administrative duties. During my time I was privileged to be given the opportunity to learn lots of different office tasks. I enjoyed everything I did and found that, although I was initially nervous, I was confident at doing all of the tasks given to me. I made lots of new friends with the staff that I worked with, and would really love it if I could get a permanent job there. I owe Miss Hazel A big thank you for organizing this placement for me, as if I hadn’t have had this opportunity I may have never believed that I could do it. Thank you Hazel.

Work Experience BY CORRIN WALDEN

Last week Kelly, Jamie and I participated in work experience at The Mossman Gorge Centre. This is an Indigenous eco-tourism development set up to help tourists or visitors that attend the Mossman Gorge World Heritage Site. At the centre there is an Indigenous Art Shop, a café and information desk that helps you to organise your trip, or dream time walk, around the Gorge. Kelly worked in retail, Jamie worked as a tour guide and I worked in the café. We all had a wonderful experience and recommend that you drop into the centre sometime.

Home Economics (Y7-9)/Hospitality Practices (Y10-11) BY TAMILEY GENAI

This semester, in Home Economics, Miss Di and Miss Annette both worked very hard with all the girls in our hospitality practical classes. They demonstrated and encouraged us to use the utensils in the kitchen correctly. They also helped us to prepare exquisite and scrumptious desserts, entrees, main meals and snacks including; brownies, jam drops, apple roses, Anzac biscuits, shortbread, scones, chicken laksa soup and chicken kebabs. We thoroughly enjoyed preparing meals and look forward to more cooking in the future.


Over the past weeks, during English, we have been creating short stories including some factual information about the characters. I wrote a short story about birds and an evil black snake. I researched some factual information about the birds and the black snake to weave into the story. I enjoyed writing my short story and am now illustrating it using pictures and PowerPoint. I have learnt a lot. I am looking forward to reading the stories created by other students.

Aquarium Visit BY ALINDA OLBAR Last Wednesday the girls and I, baby Arkaydia, Miss Karen, Miss Sarah and Neil went on an excursion to visit the Cairns Aquarium. We were lucky to have an aquarium guide who helped us to experience the journey of a raindrop as it descends from the mountain rangers in to creeks, streams and flooded billabongs, through the rainforest, past the mangroves, through the great Barrier Reef and finally into the Coral Sea. Our guide explained a lot about the fresh water and salt water sea creatures. She also talked to us about conserving and protecting life in these environments. We all learnt lots and had a great time looking at all the different types of fish, turtle, crayfish, snakes, frogs, other sea animals and their environments. Arkaydia had an especially awesome time, pointing at all the fish and laughing out loud!! After our Tour in the Aquarium we had a tasty Lunch at the Aquarium Restaurant, called Aquarluna. Following this, we walked to the esplanade for a swim. We had lots of fun cooling down while swimming around the pool and under the water fountain.

Maths and Prevocational Maths Mathematics at Girl Academy is divided in two classes; Young Mathematicians (Yellow Maths Group – Year 7, 8, 9) and Real Deadly Mathematicians (Red Maths Group – Year 10, 11, 12) Young Mathematicians are: Rickeisha Bally, Rosleen Brown, Dhamarrandji, Cinique Gibson, Alinda Olbar and Corrin Walden The Young Mathematicians focused on Money, Measurement, Data and Graphs Real Deadly Mathematicians are: Sharleannah Edwards, Tamiley Genai, Rashonda Murray, Jamie-lee Noble, Kellyanne Pearson, and Peah Satrick. This class focussed on money and measurements, this semster.


Last Friday we organised and held an art exhibition, to showcase some final paintings, in the library. Teachers, students and guests in Cairns attending the year twelve formal enjoyed the exhibition. Drinks and morning tea were provided. We were all very proud of the work that was displayed. Miss Leanne presented the year 12 students, Sharleannah, Corrin and Peah, their final certificates and gifts during the event.

The Mystical



nder the dark, depths of the deep blue water where the bubbles are almost as glassy as ice; it sparkles uncontrollably, brightening up the misty colored nest of sea creatures that live in this part of the ocean. When the current underwater flows gently in this particular area, flickering opaque crystals appear and float miraculously on the waves. This is the part of the sea where all the cute and cuddly fun-sized fish chant dreamily among the tribe of sea turtles. Under the dark, depths of the deep blue water, where it’s magical and super natural; corals and mystical rocks lie glowing. What also lies in this district of phenomenal events is a young female dolphin, named Ava. Ava is currently in her pre-teen years of her life. Ava has lost both of her parents in a tragic episode caused by the largest shark that roams in the dark sections of these waters. This shark’s name is Sonny. Sonny is a sad, cold-hearted shark that doesn’t care about anyone else but himself. His jaw is enormous; wider than a giant elephant’s foot. Every time Ava interests a stroll alone and strays too far, she reminds herself to keep a sharp eye out for Sonny. Fortunately, she hadn’t seen him since the tragic event occurred involving Sonny and her Parents. Ava’s great aunt, Isabella, has taken aboard the role of caring and supporting little Ava until she is capable enough to take care of herself. Ava and her Aunt lives in a heavenly, cosy den surrounded by exquisite, colourful sea plants and glowing rocks. Having guests around every now and then is never a surprise. Ava likes to think she lives in a palace, where her Aunt’s

the queen and therefore she must be the princess. Ava has a lot of friends in this mystical world down below, but she only has one best friend and that would be the orca named Kai. Kai and Ava had been friends since they were toddlers. They are always there for each other. They always exchange gifts, lunches and explore the underworld together. One morning, when the sun-light was creating fine bright streaks through the air and into the den, Ava woke up yearning to go for a stroll to her special place. She did this most days. She journeyed across the ocean to this place where she felt free of everything, along the paths near the caves. It was just as she rounded the corner, that something that was lurking in the shadows and gave her a fright. “Was that a shark?” she thought. After reassuring herself that she was in no danger, Ava began to reflect on her parent’s death. Before she knew it, she had created a plan and was on her way to collect her best mate Kai. Ava just knew Kai would help her. Before long, Kai and Ava were on their way weaving in and out of the ocean traffic: searching for Sonny to seek revenge. They searched and searched until they finally came across Grandfather Moss, the wisest octopus in the north. “What brings you youngsters all the way out here?” asked Grandfather Moss, “You are so far from home and I haven’t seen you, Ava, since you left these waters when you parents died?” “Kai and I are throwing a search party ourselves for Sonny the shark that killed mum and dad. We’re going to serve him a cold dish of revenge. Would you have any idea where he might be?” asked Ava.

“I’m sure it was a week ago, your Aunty Isabella and I had a chat over coffee,” replied Grandfather Moss. “Oh that’s right! She told me earlier last week she was visiting an old friend” Ava said. “When a tribe of dugong swam past us that day, your Aunty spotted a fin in the crowd. When she strained her eyes she recognised that it was Sonny,” replied Grandfather Moss. “So he must be hanging around somewhere here.” “Oh that’s great news! We are now on the hunt in the right vicinity,” said Kai. “Thank you for your time Grandfather Moss.” “Oh don’t mention it. ‘Always a pleasure!” replied Grandfather Moss with a grin. Time escaped quickly. Ava and Kai arrived back to the south side as the sun went down. Before they parted for the night, they created a plan to give Sonny a home visit in disguise, but they figured they would need details on his location first. That night when Kai travelled back to the Orcas Territory, he remembered that his little brother was a close friend to Sonny’s younger brother. Kai swirled around in the cool, blizzardy waves and wiggled up and down with excitement. Feeling very clever and determined to get revenge on the huge great white, he zoomed off as fast as a jet home to get some information from his brother. The next day, straight after breakfast, Ava decided to take her Aunt Isabella to visit her special place. They delighted in their swim, as the early sun from above shone down upon the back of their fins. They swam around joyfully performing loops and triangles whilst jumping and twisting in and

out of the water. As they journeyed, they chattered with each other and sang lullabies. Sometime later they arrived at the caves. As Aunt Isabella swam around the corner towards Ava’s special place, she was confronted with a curtain of beautifully coloured seaweeds hanging in front of as an entrance. She was speechless. As Aunt Isabella swam through the curtain and inside Ava’s special place, her jaw dropped more and more. She was completely blown away when she saw three large, shining shelves with sparkling diamonds and gorgeous, bright, pearls neatly displayed. She wondered outside the back gates of the cave, admiring the thousands of glistening lights beaming upon the garden beds. As Aunt Isabella continued searching inside for new discoveries, she realised that she too was showered with glittery effects from the magical world. Everything Aunt Isabella caught sight of was truly breath-taking. Ava’s Aunt Isabella literally couldn’t stop smiling! She was smiling more than ever before. Aunt Isabella told Ava that she NEVER wanted to leave her special place. Then dreamily went off on her way again, singing melodies and picking out some extremely lavish flowers from the garden beds. That was when Ava turned around and bumped into Kai. Kai quickly grabbed Ava’s hand and pulled her to the side. “I have been thinking about our plan all night long, Ava,” said Kai. “And Guess what?” “What? What? What?!” Ava said. “I’ve found out Sonny’s address from my brother!” Kai exclaimed while gasping hard for breath. “So, where is it? And what are we

waiting for? Let’s go!” shouted Ava impatiently. Without realising, they left without telling Ava’s Aunt Isabella, Ava followed flat out behind the beautiful orca, Kai, who lead her off through the valleys of the mystical underworld. They managed to reach the dead end of a slippery cliff top when Ava almost stumbled down on the rocks. Luckily, Kai grabbed her before she could slide down the steep embankment. “Ava? Check this out. You have to see this!” muttered Kai. “Oh my! What is this place? I’ve only been here for five seconds and this place already gives me the creeps!” muttered Ava. “I agree. This place is pretty creepy!” said Kai, as the roaring, wintry, breeze rapidly sprinted up his neck. “But what are we waiting for? Let’s get going!” “Who dares to trespass my land!” boomed a deep voice from under a large black coral. “Hello?” said Ava in a low, shaky voice. Feeling very scared as she and Kai grabbed a hold of each other tightly. “Who are you? And what are you doing here?” croaked from under the coral. Kai and Ava gradually shifted themselves closer and closer towards the huge black coral. “Hey, we don’t mean any harm? My name is Kai and this is my friend Ava. We are looking for the large great white shark named Sonny. Would you be able to help us find him?” said Kai. Sand dust from the ocean bed boiled up instantaneously flying up to the air forming streaks like lightening. Every sea creature in sight disappeared and the ocean floor shook like thunder as the

large, scar faced stingray fluttered out from underneath its home. “My name is Mr Ike and I think I know exactly who you’re talking about.” His voice croaked deeper and deeper as he spoke. “So will you be able to help us find him, Mr Ike?” inquired Ava with a soft voice. “Can you see these scars on my face? These were all done by Sonny himself, what a foolish creature. We used to battle each other all the time because I was the ruler of this corner of the ocean and he didn’t like the idea of that. But that was all before I crawled under this huge coral, shutting myself out from the world. I had to leave my home: my castle. Sonny took this away from me. He took everything. One day, I’d like to get revenge on him.” “Please tell me where we could find him? We’ll return having solved your problem,” said Kai sincerely, while looking down at him. “He lives near the banks west of here, in my castle. You won’t miss it as it has big spotlights that radiate into the courtyard.” said Ike.

“Thank you,” said the both of them together as they dashed off into the darkness. Kai and Ava kept swimming hard west until they entered a patch of water where navy blue, turquoise, and lime green, violet and pink hues that blended together as the currents swirled within the waves. Swiftly they swam, gazing up at the beautiful colours. Soon they slowed down, concentrating on their mission. It didn’t take long then, before they spotted a castle built on the on the edge or the reef of surrounded by green moss ahead of them. Bright yellow spot lights flashed down into the courtyard before them. They noticed it was dark around the sides of the castle, so Ava, with Kai following, crept steadily towards it and spied through the windows, eager to spot Sonny. This was their chance to do something about Sonny after their long time searching. However, they still hadn’t quite decided what to do first. They hadn’t prepared the disguises they had originally planned to use.

Ava and Kai were peering in different windows when they caught each other eyes. Realising time was running out to sketch a new plan, Ava spotted something moving around in the sea grass not far from the house. Taking care not to splash, she swam closer to investigate the fuss, with Kai following close by. She was so surprised to find it was only her cousin Mackenzie and Sonny’s little brother Moses playing, Ava stopped in her tracks and searched for Kai’s reaction. Kai, reassured her saying, “We have a job to do. Let’s get back to it!” They started off towards the castle again. Turning around a corner of the building, Ava heard a loud thud. She turned immediately thinking it was Kai. But Kai wasn’t there. Noticing an entry, she rushed into the castle to find Kai standing over Sonny who had been knocked out. Kai was wrapping a tape across his ENORMOUS JAW. In shock, Ava had fainted head first onto the concrete floor. Kai quickly went to Ava, checking to see that she was

ok. Realising that she would be fine and come out of it soon, he left her lying there.

confinement of his coral home for the first time since Sonny had scarred him.

As time went by, Kai made a phone call to of his brothers asking for any equipment that may be fit to lock up Sonny’s body in. It didn’t seem long before Kai’s three brothers arrived at the castle gates, with a large steel cage. Kai and his brothers safely hauled Sonny’s unconscious body into the cage and fastened him down tigthly with heavy chains to prevent him from escaping. It was as Kai fastened the last chain that Ava began to stir.

As Mr Ike caught up to Kai he called out,” Let me fix this man for good. Sonny deserves to die!” “No!“ replied Ava, “ If anything, he needs to suffer. He needs to see all of us lead happy lives while he lives his life confined to this cage. He will never swim our oceans again.”

“We’ve got him Ava!” exclaimed Kai. “He’s going no-where from here.” Ava managed to sneak a smile as Kai and his brothers tied the cage to the back of an underwater taxi. They dragged the cage holding Sonny along the ocean floors, the racket of the wheels on the taxi screeching and the chains rattling like snakes. The noise grabbed everyone’s attention including that of Mr Ike who began to follow them, leaving the

Mr Ike moved back into his castle the next day. He got everything he ever needed back into his life. Mr Ike continued on to live his life comfortably in peace. He couldn’t thank Ava, Kai and Kai’s brothers’ for the big changes made to his life. Kai and Ava were always very pleased to meet Mr Ike. He invited them and their families, including Aunt Isabella, over regularly for a celebrating feast at his castle. Following these feasts, Ava and both Kai would volunteer to help clean up around his castle.

That side of the ocean, where Mr Ike lived once again, was no longer known as the dark side. Everyone living around the area were friends and connected together as one and everyone down below, in the mystical underworld, believes the world is now a much brighter one without him. Sonny’s family agreed that he deserved what he got dished up. Thanks to the very best, the best friend in the world, Kai ; Ava is now the happiest girl in the world! She couldn’t thank Kai enough for all of his help throughout her quest with Sonny. Ava, Kai and Mr Ike all agree that Ava’s parents would appreciate the job well done. Ava is eternally grateful. Sonny? Well he lives on in his dark, lonely cage with only the memories of his once luxurious living in Mr Ike’s castle.

Work Experience BY RASHONDA MURRAY YEAR 11 I am currently undertaking work experience at the Mossman Gorge Centre. I have been working in the retail and art gallery areas. My supervisor is Nakita. She is assisting me to learn how to manage and operate the stores. So far, I have learnt to use the cash register, how to access and transport required stock from the storage room and how to conduct myself when serving customers. I worked with four other girls, Nikita, Darian, Dimitra and Roberta, from Mossman. They are good company and help me by modelling customer service. I enjoy talking to the customers, mostly tourists, to explain where we are and where to go. I also engage in small talk, such as to ask them where they come from. I am thoroughly enjoying my work experience and look forward to returning next week.


The Cape York Girl Academy was provided with some tickets for students to attend a magic show. These tickets were kindly donated from local businesses including, Reef City Maintenance and Construction, Uninet Enclosure Systems, Port Douglas Stationery Hib and Twin Rivers Roadhouse. We enjoyed the show immensely. I particularly enjoyed when the magician gave a man in the audience an empty bucket then magically moved the duck from a table on stage into that bucket. I have no idea how he did it!

Creating Books

BY RICKEISHA BALLY This Term I spent some time with Miss Sarah and Arkaydia in the Daycare. In English I created books to read to Arkaydia. I enjoyed making the books and reading with her.


n Thursday 16th November, three of our pioneer year 12 students: Sharleannah Edwards, Peah Satrick and Corrin Walden were treated to a beautiful Formal Dinner at the High Falls Restaurant in Whyanbeel, QLD. This was the first formal in the two-year history of Girl Academy. Many thanks to the principal and staff for the work they contributed to making the formal one that impressed our invited guests and one that our graduating year 12s would treasure.

Year 12 Formal


Sharleannah Edwards, Peah Satrick and Corrin Walden.

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