in Hamilton
JOB VACANCIES FULL REPORT: 3RD QUARTER 2013 This is the second of quarterly releases that provides information about real-time labour demand in Hamilton. The information presented here reflects online job postings from July to September 2013.
OVERVIEW There were 6,742 unique job vacancies advertised online in Hamilton during the third quarter of 2013. During the same time period, the Hamilton CMA (which includes Burlington and Grimsby) unemployment rate averaged 6.5%, representing approximately 25,800 people out of work.
Number of Job Postings Unemployment Rate (Hamilton CMA)
Similar to the second quarter of 2013, the majority of job postings (71%) only broadly indicated Hamilton as the location of work, followed by Stoney Creek (14%), Dundas (8%) and Ancaster (7%).
TYPE OF EMPLOYMENT 4,264 postings specified the type of employment (full-time, part-time, or full/part-time) involved in the advertised position. Of those postings, more than three quarters were for full-time jobs, 16% were part-time and 8% were full/part-time. Far fewer postings indicated the duration of employment, that is whether the position was temporary or permanent. Only 2,365 job ads identified duration, of which 68% were permanent positions.
JOB POSTINGS BY INDUSTRY Employers generally do not specify industry in a job posting. This could be due to job seekers being able to figure out the industry based on the company name or employers preferring to focus on the occupation they are seeking to fill rather than industry. Only 25% of job postings during this quarter specified their industry. The top specified industries were: Retail and Wholesale Trade
Health and Personal Care Stores (NAICS 446) Miscellaneous Store Retailers (NAICS 453) General Merchandise Stores (NAICS 452)
Food Manufacturing (NAICS 311) Machinery Manufacturing (NAICS 333) Primary Metal Manufacturing (NAICS 331)
Prepared by: Workforce Planning Hamilton Data Source: Vicinity Jobs Inc.
Health Care and Social Assistance Hospitals (NAICS 622) Nursing and Residential Care Facilities (NAICS 623) Social Assistance (NAICS 624)
JOB POSTINGS BY OCCUPATION Top Five Occupational Group Postings
The top five occupational groups accounted for 58% of all job postings in the last quarter. Similar to the second quarter vacancy report, sales and service occupations were the most common postings. This aligns with sales and service being the most common occupation in Hamilton. A higher proportion of sales and service occupations indicated they were part-time positions than many other occupational groups. Health occupations were also more likely to be part-time positions. About the Data Workforce Planning Hamilton has contracted with Millier Dickinson Blais and Vicinity Jobs Inc. to receive quarterly job vacancy statistics. The technology platform collects any data from online job postings including location, industry, occupation, type of employment, duration of employment and job posting source. As data is collected throughout the year, labour demand trends over time will be analyzed in future reports. Why are vacancy statistics useful? Job vacancies capture a portion of real-time labour demand in the community. As most detailed information on local employment trends is only released every five years with the Census (and beginning in 2011 the National Household Survey), most studies are limited to working with data that can be several years old. With job vacancy data, we can see the type of work employers are hiring for in Hamilton right now. Vacancy statistics are used by job seekers, employers, community organizations and governments to help determine where the jobs are.
Prepared by: Workforce Planning Hamilton Data Source: Vicinity Jobs Inc.