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"REFLECTION OF MICA" : From Old World to The New 02
The idea comes from a world-shaking investigation that exposed Illegal Mica mining and childlabor are common in Jharkanhad, India and many children are starved, injured or even killed. I try to make a memorial design for local children, which extracts sections and emotions from mining process to shape the form and space. Through the spiritual power of the landscape, more people can understand and stop this dark industry.
Childlabor in illegal Mining
The Brightness and Darkness of Mica in Jharkhand India Child Labor in Illegal Mining
Children's body size is easier to enter the cave
Children's hands are more effiecive to pick mica
Children get only 80 cents a day for working
Loop Lines of 4 Emotions
From Sections to Space : An Endless Route Narrating Miserable Destiny
Organization of Story, Space and Scene
Morphology Possibilities of 4 Rings
Section Series about 8 Basic Mining Process of An Indian Child
Space Sequence
Perceiving Lifeline of A Local Child Labor by 4 Periods of Emotions
Master Plan of Memorial to Childlabor