Fine Art Landscapes: What It Takes to Observe and Interpret the Painting? Is there any key to understand and appreciate art - the art of painting and painting itself? It used to be simple earlier when paintings were the mediated reflection of an artist’s application of paint on a canvas. The art and style of painting have transformed a lot today. Take palette knife painting for example, does this technique not fill you with wonder how an artist uses the blade of the knife to paint the canvas? It may feel bizarre in the first instance to buy a painting that has been painted with the blade of a knife. But, painting with the knife produces an all unique result than a brush. This is a new technique where knives are used to produce a range of excellent color effects on the canvas from sweeping areas of flat color to textured impasto. Going deep into the technique is not crucial here, the thing which is necessary here is to understand the illustration that an artist tend to engrave on a canvas.
When you take a tour of an art or painting gallery, you see a number of contemporary fine art landscapes showcased. There may be more than one technique to imbue a canvas with the right color combination to bring out the desired effect. But, what it takes to find points of appreciation in a painting? Here, the technique is same for everyone - look, see and think. It needs just your eyes and mind to make a keen observation and interpretation of a painting. Our eyes get fascinated by the vibrancy of energy, fugacious nature and the play of color, but, this is confined to our observational skills. While a beautiful piece of fine art landscape that captivates our heart, we need to take ourselves beyond observational skills to interpret it appropriately. Looking and seeing a painting is the part of our observational skills and it just needs our eyes to do the job. But, when it comes to interpreting a painting that goes deep into our mind and soul, it needs to be given a bit of thought. This is mind work to draw the right inference on the basis of our observation and interpretation within an artwork’s context. We can make the right decision to buy a palette knife painting or any other piece of fine art landscape painting only if we are able enough to appropriately observe and interpret art- the art of painting and the painting itself.