Candidature for position of director of standing committee on public health

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MOTIVATION LETTER Dear IFMSA family and SCOPH members, It is with great pleasure that I present to you my candidature for Standing Committee Director of Public Health for the term 2015/2016. My name is Cynthia Waliaula. I am a 5th and final year medical student at the University of Nairobi and have been an active IFMSA and SCOPH member since 2012. In the time that I have been a member, I have learnt a great deal working with many different people from different places on several areas of interest. IFMSA has opened my eyes to the enormous potential that we as youth and future medical practitioners have to change the world around us. I have been exposed to plenty of opportunities that have enabled me to grow both on a professional and personal level. I feel that with my experience and passion for public health, I am well suited to serve my fellow students in this position. My interest for public health began even before I began medical school. As a high school student, I volunteered at hospitals, children’s homes and schools and began to look at health on a greater level than just the curing of diseases. I began to appreciate the role of preventive medicine rather than curative medicine, the socio-economic aspects of health, the perception of mental wellbeing with regard to health, among others. In my second year of medical school, I was introduced to IFMSA and found an avenue that enabled and empowered me to actually effect a change and make a real impact not just in my local environs but globally as well. My experience as NPO for my NMO (2014/2015) and as well as SCOPH regional assistant for Africa has been invaluable in preparing me for this role. As NPO, I was able to oversee several activities within my NMO anti-malaria campaigns, anti-tobacco campaigns, blood donation drives, cancer awareness campaigns among others which are referenced in curriculum vitae below. I worked with several organizations including the Global Peace Fund and the Ministry of Health in Kenya and was able to create an avenue for future NPOs in my country to continue working smoothly with these and other such organizations. As regional assistant, I was able to continue working with a larger group of people and raise the participation of SCOPH in Africa both at a regional and international level. I have learnt a myriad of lessons while serving in this position, all of which have well prepared me to undertake an even bigger position. I would like to express my full commitment to working in this position. I am well aware of the amount of responsibility and work that this position entails and very ready to ensure that I live up to the expectations. As indicated earlier, this is my final year of medical school. I will be graduating in early December. Working with IFMSA has taught me how to balance my school work with other aspects and I assure you that should I be elected to this position, I will be fully dedicated to my work. I will also my starting my internship in May of 2016 and I would like to state that, should it be necessary, I will willingly defer and take a gap year in order to give my all to this position.

It would be an honour to serve in this position and I look forward to continuing to work with IFMSA regardless of the outcome. Should you have any questions for me, please feel free to email me at . Sincerely,

Cynthia Waliaula.

PLAN OF ACTION My plan of action is derived from the expressed interests of SCOPH members during various forums. These include: general assemblies (most recently MM 2015 Turkey), regional meetings, online meetings with SCOPH members from various regions and informal meetings. I believe that the best people to give direction are the people who implement change, in this case, SCOPH members. It is also derived from current world trends that affect health and therefore directly affect us. We are the ones who are in a position to make a difference and steer the future of health in the right direction. Personal experience, successes and challenges encountered in my past positions have also played a role in the development of my plan of action.

1. SCOPH GROUND WORK a. General Assemblies General assemblies are the biggest forums for SCOPH members to interact and share their activities and idea. The large number or participants can, however, be a challenge since not everybody is able to speak their mind and share their ideas and experiences. In the most recent general assembly, the SCOPH international team in conjunction with the sessions’ preparation team successfully conducted parallel sessions which, went a great way in solving the problem. I would like to continue with this trend as I think it enables members to gain much more knowledge. Smaller groups also encourage more members to speak up and share their ideas. Among the topics that have been on the agenda are: the One-health initiative, Climate change and health, NCDs, food and health, communicable diseases, neglected tropical diseases, organ donation and mental health.

b. Regional Meetings Regional meetings are a good forum for NMOs within the same region to share in similar situations. I would thus continue to ensure that proper standards of SCOPH sessions are held. In addition to this, it is my aim that there is a public health-related workshop during each pre-regional meeting based on the specific needs of the region. It would also be my aim, should funding allow, to attend each regional meeting and have as many members as possible of the international team attend each regional meeting.

c. Capacity building This can be improved in the following ways: - SRT workshops with a focus on public health - Issue – based webinars with experts and externals: For those unable to attend any international meeting this is would be a good forum for gaining knowledge as well as interacting with SCOPH members from other NMOs. - National GAs are also a good forum for capacity building thus the SCOPH international team would have to work closely with each NPO to increase SCOPH members within their NMO.


Continuation of SCOPH manuals and creation of a SCOPH start-up kit to enable activation SCOPH in no-active NMOs. Inter-regional online meetings

d. External representation Together with the LPH, I would like to make SCOPH members of more opportunities outside of IFMSA that will empower and enable them to do their work to an even better degree.

2. COMMITMENT TO TEAMS a. Team of officials With regard to the team of officials, my intentions are to: - Attend all general assemblies, team of officials meetings and as many regional meetings as funding allows. - Work with the Liaison Officer for Public Health Issues, Liaison Officer to WHO and Liaison Officer to Student Organizations in order to create more opportunities for SCOPH members to grow professionally in knowledge. - Work with the Regional Directors and SCOPH RAs for the betterment of public health within their regions. - Work with the EB under the new structure to ensure that all activities are carried out properly according to IFMSA standards.

b. SCOPH International Team As is the norm, selection of RAs will be done soon after the team of officials is elected. These together with the development assistant, Liaison Officer for Public Health Issues and the Director make up the international team. The work of the international team will be to: - Ensure a proper handover from the previous team in order to set a good base for the new team and ensure that work continues smoothly. - Form a working plan at the beginning of the term and distribute duties well in advance in order to ensure that there is no stagnation of activities. - Hold at least one monthly meeting on current on goings, challenges and plans for the future in every region. - Include the program coordinators for public health related activities in discussions pertaining to specific programs. - Ensure proper planning and execution of SCOPH sessions during regional meetings, SRTs and any other public health-related workshops. - Work with each specific regional assistant to develop and activate SCOPH in NMOs within their region and encourage attendance of National GAs by regional assistants. - Strengthen inter-regional communication through inter-regional online meetings as well as use of the “Buddy system�



Ensure that there is always communication with the international team and SCOPH members through the official Facebook page, regional whatsapp groups, Skype, live chats and video updates from the international team. Ensure participation of the international team in virtual campaigns especially during major world health days.

3. CONTINUITY OF SCOPH a. Handover As has been happening over the past term within the international team, I would like to ensure proper documentation of SCOPH activities and meetings. This will help in monitoring and evaluation of activities as well as ensure smooth handover for future teams.

b. Reform process Ensure implementation of the SCOPH strategic plan concurrently with the IFMSA 2014 2017 strategic plan as well as ensure that members are conversant with the new leadership structure.

SRT Participants-Universal Health Coverage and Post-2015 Agenda

CYNTHIA NABUKANDA WALIAULA Personal email address: Official email address: +254 725 721 050

PROFILE  SCOPH (Standing Committee of Public Health) Regional Assistant for Africa 2014/2015, International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations (IFMSA)  National Public Health Officer 2014/2015, Medical Students’ Association of Kenya (MSAKE)  Fifth year medical student, University of Nairobi  Ambitious, Hardworking, Dedicated

WORK EXPERIENCE SCOPH (Standing Committee of Public Health) Regional Assistant for Africa, IFMSA 2014/2015 Responsibilities:  Facilitating SCOPH sessions at the 10th ARM held in Kampala, Uganda in December 2014  Coordinate public health activities in Africa under the Standing Committee of Public Health o For example: World Diabetes Day online campaign, World STOP-TB day, World No Tobacco Day  Organize regular meetings either online or in person between all the National Public Health Officers within the region. So far, 4 successful online meetings have been held with increasing participation from NPOs and SCOPH members in the region  Facilitate interaction between different NMOs within the region  Provide communication channels between the SCOPH director and National Public Health Officers

 Contribute towards planning of the African Regional Meeting as part of the international organizing committee  Assist in activation of SCOPH in countries where it is inactive or does not exist. o Currently working on activation of SCOPH in South Africa, Zimbabwe and Guinea  Facilitate activities and project implementation within the region and assistance of various NMOs with national activities including National Gas st 1 African SRT Organizing Committee Member and Workshop Coordinator  Logistics coordinator o Visa assistance o Transport coordinator o Accommodation liaison  Facilitator for public health workshop themed ‘Universal Health Coverage and the Post-2015 Agenda’ which ran over 4 days and had 30 participants. National Public Health Officer, MSAKE (Medical Students’ Association of Kenya) 2014/2015 Responsibilities:  Oversee activities concerning public health at a national level o Activities undertaken include: Local neighbourhood clean-up in association with Global Peace Fund-Kenya, World Malaria Day Campaign, Blood donation drive, World Cancer Day campaign in association with Relay For Life  Facilitate communication among local officers  Coordinate projects both nationally and at a local level  Liaise with public health organizations including the Ministry of Health in order to provide assistance for various activities  Appointment of local public health officers IFMSA Certified Trainer Responsibilities:  Organized and facilitated local TNT, August 2013.  Facilitate trainings on soft skills such as conflict management, leadership skills, team building among others.  Facilitate workshops on training of new and old trainers

 Provide specialized trainings to cater for the needs of the various IFMSA standing committees Coordinator of Life, My Choice Anti-Suicide Campaign Responsibilities:  Conduct awareness events on the prevention of suicide to high school and university students.  Facilitate training activities to students and the general public  Conduct fund raising activities for campaign Ubongo Brain Awareness Program Organizer Responsibilities:  Conduct events to raise awareness on the brain, its function and brain diseases to primary and high school students  Enhance scientific knowledge of young people and the general public The Pink Move Breast Cancer Awareness Project Member  Conduct awareness events on self-breast examination, early detection and treatment of breast and cervical cancer to medical students and the general public.

INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCES ATTENDED 1st IFMSA Sub Regional Training in Africa, Mombasa, Kenya, June 2015  Logistics coordinator on the organizing committee  Facilitating sessions on universal health coverage and the role of the youth in the Post-2015 agenda World Conference on Tobacco or Health (WCTOH), Abu Dhabi, UAE, March 2015  Official IFMSA representative  Advocating for youth issues regarding tobacco control  Assisting in writing the youth declaration towards achieving a tobaccofree world. 66th IFMSA General Assembly, Antalya, Turkey. March 2015  Overseeing and facilitating international public health sessions  Facilitating African regional public health sessions

 Assisting in organization of projects 10th IFMSA African Regional Meeting  SCOPH Regional Assistant  International Organizing Committee 64th IFMSA General Assembly Hammammet, Tunisia March 2014  International Public Health Leadership Training  Head of delegation (MSAKE-Kenya)  Presidents’ and plenary sessions  SCOPH Sessions (Standing Committee of Public Health Inaugural African Youth Assembly by the International Youth Council held in Nairobi, Kenya in July 2013  Student representative for Kenyan youth 2nd Sub Regional Training held in Ras Sudr, Egypt in May 2013 62nd General Assembly International Federation of Medical Student’s Association held in Baltimore, USA in March 2013  Training of new trainers (TNT)  SCORP Sessions (Standing Committee of Human Rights and Peace)  Soft skills trainings  Student exchange programs

COMMUNITY SERVICE Volunteer at St. Philips School Mathare: January 2010 - October 2010  Teaching children between the ages of 3 and 14 through music.  Fund raising food drives for the students and their families. Volunteer at Langata Women’s Prison: March 2010 – July 2010  Women empowerment music program.  Adult peer education and personal life skills training. Volunteer at Kenyatta National Hospital: 2006 – 2008  Data entry

 Assisting in patient care  Manual help in administration of food and medication

EDUCATION  Ongoing: Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (Level V)  2009:Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) House Captain 2008/2009  2005: Kenya Certificate of Primary Education PERSONAL INTERESTS  Singing, travelling, cooking, reading, hiking

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