Heuristic Review of Passport Application Process Akshita Rastogi
Athira S
Debangana Roy
Madhan Raj
Heuristics: Nielsen (1994) 1. Match between System and User’s world
2. Design for obvious recognition, not user’s memory 3. Give feedback on status of system 4. Help users recognize, diagnose and recover from errors
5. Design to prevent errors 6. Ensure user control and freedom to leave 7. Allow user efficiency and flexibility
8. Use aesthetic and minimalist design concepts 9. Use consistency and standards 10. Help and Documentation
1.Recognition, Efficiency Looks like an advertisement and is difficult for the user to recognize the Register and login, hence is misleading.
2.Recognition, Efficiency, Help Helps the user in selecting and Understanding Terminologies.
3.Feedback, Efficiency The feedback on the availability can be given automatically instead of asking the user to click and know.
4.User Control, Efficiency, Lets the user choose what he wants.
5.Feedback, Efficiency The feedback on the availability can be given automatically instead of asking the user to click and know.
6. Efficiency This is annoying and Decreases the user efficiency, there should be some other way to check authenticity of user.
7.Feedback, Efficiency The password policy can be explained here itself instead of opening in a pop up window. And also if the password is not as per the given policy the feedback can be given then and there only instead of giving feedback after clicking next
7.Feedback, Error, Efficiency The password when does not match with the policy the system does not notify, instead after the entire page is filled and the user tries to move on to the next section, this error message pops up.
8. Feedback Lets the user know the system status.
9. Feedback Lets the user know the system status.
10. Efficiency This is annoying and Decreases the user efficiency, there should be some other way to check authenticity of user.
11. Efficiency Repetitive Information confuse the user.
12. Efficiency, Minimalism Although allows user to choose this is too much information for a user, can be presented in a better manner for easier understanding.
13. Errors, Efficiency, Recognition This information is placed in such a way that it is not recognized automatically.
14. Feedback, User Control User has no idea about what has been updated to what and how to reverse the action.
15. Efficiency, Error A first time user is confused because though he has registered, he is still a new user.
15. User Control, Recognition, Error, Efficiency User doesn’t know what is the passport act 1967 so this message isn’t clear to him.
15. User Control, Recognition, Error, Efficiency User doesn’t have a clear idea abut what to choose and why? No information provided here.
16. Recognition User doesn’t have a clear idea abut what to choose and why? No information provided here.
17. Consistency This information is not consistent with the offline form.
18. Consistency This information is not consistent with the offline form.
19. Consistency This information is not consistent with the offline form. There any one of the field is compulsory while here the Father’s Given name is compulsory. 20. User and System’s world, efficiency The left bar is not clickable though is looks like one. The only way an user can navigate back and forth the section is by going to the previous section one page at a time.
21. Efficiency, Recognition, Aesthetics and Minimalism So much of text on the help and reference section bewilders the user. It is extremely difficult for an user to find out what he wants to know from this.
22. Recognition, Efficiency User gets confused by the question because of the way the question has been framed
24. Error Recognition, And recovery, Error, Efficiency User gets confused because of the way the feedback has been framed
23. Efficiency, Feedback, User Control User is happy to get a feedback and reminder .
25. Aesthetic and Minimal Repetitive Information provided to the user, too much text.
26. User control, efficiency No information on how to validate and make changes. The user has to go back by pressing “prev� all the way back to the required screen to make changes.
27. Aesthetic, Efficiency Unnecessarily the sentence has been broken down.
28. User control, Efficiency In case the user has selected “yes” but decides to change his mind he cannot just select “no”. He has to unselect “yes” and then select “no”. That is so irritating.
29. Aesthetic and Minimalism, Efficiency Too much of text to read .
30. Efficiency, Feedback, User Control
User is happy to get a feedback and reminder .
31. Efficiency, Feedback User is happy to get a feedback about system status
32. Efficiency, Feedback, User Control
User is happy to get a feedback and reminder .
33. Efficiency For a person who is neither a minor nor married, this question does not even apply but still it is a compulsory question having options as only “yes” or “no”.
34. Efficiency, Feedback User is happy to get a feedback about system status
35. Efficiency Too many text content and chaos in this portion.
36. Efficiency, Feedback, User Control
User is happy to get a feedback and reminder .
37. Efficiency, System Status There is no information about how to get an appointment at this stage so the user gets confused whether he will get appointment after payment or should he first get an appointment. It is unclear to the user what should be done.
38. Efficiency, When the user is ready to pay by challan why will he be interested in seeing information about internet banking. These are useless information to him.
39. Efficiency, Feedback User is happy to get a feedback about system status
40. Efficiency, Repetitive information creates confusion in the user
41. Feedback, System & user’s World, Error User gets this message after cancelling the transaction and then clicking on “Pay and Schedule”. It might confuse the user as he would be wondering how to process the payment .
42. Feedback, System & user’s World, Error User is asked to click on a button which can’t be seen anywhere. It appears after a long time, till them he is confused what to do next.