2nd Quarter 2011 Newsletter

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Knee Deep 2nd Quarter 2011

Cypress Knee Sea Scout Squadron

River Cruise Anyone?

Inside this issue:

SEAL Dates

Montgomery, Alabama


Journey to Excellence 2 Side Boys


Land . . . Ship?!


New BSA Tour Plan


Important Dates


Ok, so we won’t be aboard a luxurious paddle boat replica, and we won’t have 3 course meal and we won’t have staff waiting on us hand and foot. So What?!

and did I mention we will have lunch on board?

The Cypress Knee Sea Scout Squadron is planning a trip down the scenic Alabama River on May 7th. We will begin around Autaugaville and leisurly work our way down the river, through the locks and back to Autaguaville. Oh

ing Program. If you are between the ages of 14 and 21 and this sounds like an adventure to you, please let us know! Space will be limited so let us know soon! Contact Cassandra Washington at (334) 262-2697 for further information!

This all day trip is designed to get more youth excited about being on the water and on boats. It is also an opportunity to introduce the youth to the Sea Scout-

Cypress Knee Squadron is Looking for Volunteers “The task of a leader is getting his people from where they are to where they have not been “ —Henry Kissinger

Cypress Knee Sea Scout Squadron is seeking individuals to serve in some very important positions both at the Squadron (Council) level and at the Unit level. Currently, we are in need of a Squadron Yoeman (Secretary), a Squadron Purser (Treasurer) and of course we are always seeking all

levels of Ship (Unit) leadership! The qualifications are rather simple. If you are a male or female and are 21 years of age, then you qualify! No experience is necessary, we will train! If you meet the qualifications and are interested in making a difference in the

lives of America's youth, then step up and step in to give us a hand! We promise you will find this job one of the most rewarding jobs you have ever done! If you are interested, please call Cassandra at (334) 262 -2697.

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Knee Deep

2nd Quarter 2011

Sea Scout Advanced Leadership (SEAL) Sea Scout Advanced Leadership (SEAL) Training is a petty officer (youth) leadership training course offered by the Sea Scout Support Committee. This is a one week, hard core leadership course that is conducted at sea. If you successfully complete the course you will be awarded the SEAL Training Award, which is a silver pin with twin dolphins, to be worn on your uniform (see right). This course is a leadership course,

not a seamanship course. It covers such topics as preparing, goal setting, organizing, supervising, com-

a registered Sea Scout. You must have earned the Seaman Ordinary rank prior to attending SEAL training, and you must have a thorough, working knowledge of Chapter four of the Sea Scout Manual. Upcoming SEAL

manding, communicating, training, motivating, and other skills that will help you in functioning as a leader in your Ship and in life.

6/25/11– 7/3/11

Chesapeake Bay, Maryland


Galvaston Bay Texas

To attend a SEAL class you must be

Journey to Execelence Scouting’s Journey to Excellence” is the BSA’s new council performance recognition program designed to encourage and reward success and measure the performance of our units, districts, and councils. It is replacing the Centennial Quality Awards Program as a means of encouraging excellence in providing a quality program at all levels of the BSA.

Some of what JTE brings to your units:

1. A framework for planning the year. 2. A method for evaluating your unit. 3. Guidance in areas where you might do better.

good performance.

5. Early warning of potential proble 6. Recognition for good Scouting. 7. Benchmarking to get ideas and tips from other good units

For More Information on JTE, 4. Speci ic guidelines and Contact Commodore Mike or your standards of what is considered District Executive.

Savvy Speak Side Boys Tending the side with side boys, as we know it in modern practice, originated long time ago. It was customary in the days of sail to hold conferences on the flagships both when at sea and in open roadstead;

also, officers were invited to dinner on other ships while at sea, weather permitting. Sometimes the sea was such that visitors were hoisted aboard in boatswain's chairs. Members of the crew did the hoisting, and it is from the aid they rendered in tending the side that the custom originated of having a certain num-

ber of men always in attendance. Some have reported the higher the rank, the heavier the individual; therefore, more side boys.

Knee Deep

2nd Quarter 2011

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Land . . . Ship?! What is a Landship Land I have heard of, a ship too, but

on land or a Landship.

never in my life have I ever heard of a Landship! What the heck is that?

These meeting spaces—or Landships are based on the customs and traditions of the navy and can be as elaborate or as sparse as the youth wish to make them. Their sole purpose is to provide a nautical themed space where the youth can conduct the ship’s business.

A Landship—simply put– is the place where Sea Scouts meet on land. For

Landships are always outlined in the shape of a boat. A minimal landship can be set up by any unit and usually consists of the ensign (US Flag), two chairs on the stern (or back of the landship) and a place for each crew to sit together.

obvious reasons, we can not put a real boat in a building and Sea Scouts still need somewhere to meet indoors, so we recreate a vessel on land—a Ship

Many times, these landships are transformed into an area where a Bridge of Honor will take place. A Bridge of Honor is a recognition ceremony where the youth are recognized for the achievements that they

have earned. In these ceremonies, the Parents, Grandparents, brothers and sisters are welcome and in fact encouraged to attend. Landships –when handled correctlyembody every aspect of the Sea Scouting experience

New BSA Tour Plan The old adage “the only thing for certain in life is change” is holding true with the National Council, BSA! National Council Boy Scouts of America has adopted a new tour permit policy. The tour plan (as it is now called) is a checklist for best practices to be prepared for safe and fun adventure. Completing the tour plan may not address all possible challenges but can help ensure that appropriate planning has been conducted, that qualified and trained leadership is in place, and that

the right equipment is available for the adventure. In addition, the plan helps to organize safe and appropriate transportation to and from an event, and defines driver qualifications and minimum limits of insurance coverage for drivers and vehicles used to transport participants. This form must be complete and submitted at least 21 days in advance to ensure the Council Service Center has enough time to review the plan and assist you in updating

the plan if it is found defective. When the review is complete, the second half of the plan is returned to you to carry on your travels. As of this writing, the Cypress Knee Sea Scout Commodore is working with the Council President of Program to review how this will affect the Squadron’s current sailing policy that was adopted last year.

Cypress Knee Sea Scout Squadron Tukabatchee Area Council 3067 Carter Hill Road Montgomery, AL 26111 Phone: 334-262-2697 commodore@cypressknee.us

We’re on the Web http://www.cypressknee.us http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=342314169070

Dates to Remember River Cruise 7 May 2011 Alabama River

Squadron Meeting 4th Thursday of Every Month Rotates, so keep your ears open

New Leader Training TBA Council Service Center

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