40 minute read
Elizabeth Dearl
from Uncaged Book Reviews
by Cyrene
Elizabeth Dearl is a former Texas police officer who also owned a small bookstore for several years. She is an instructor and course developer for Writer’s Digest School’s Writers Online Workshops, and a part-time editor. Elizabeth lives in the Houston, Texas area with her husband and two fur children of the canine variety. She is the author of the award-winning Taylor Madison mystery series and Malicious Intent, a collection of her short stories.
Enjoy an excerpt from: Broken Mate
Malicious Intent Elizabeth Dearl Horror Shorts
Tales for every mood, running the gamut from quirky mystery to chilling horror.
When a lifelong friend betrays her trust once too often, an elderly woman plans the ultimate revenge. A young drifter meets a famous artist, with grisly results. A secretary’s get-rich-quick scheme backfires. Recently released from a mental institution, a woman fears she’s hallucinating -- but is she? A detective makes use of an unusual witness. A woman escapes her coffin for a final farewell. A real estate agent discovers why her best model home is scaring away customers. Is a cache of confederate gold really haunted? Often strange, sometimes startling, always unpredictable, these stories and more await you in Malicious Intent.
The Way to a Man’s Heart by Elizabeth Dearl
I sprinkled the chicken with Fred’s favorite lemon seasoning and slid it into the oven.
There. I was feeling smugly organized until I glimpsed my reflection in a polished copper pot. My hair was a disaster and I had flour all over my dress. My lipstick – which I’m unaccustomed to wearing – had been thoroughly bitten off, leaving a bright red rim around my mouth, which made me look like a vampire who’d just indulged in a snack. On top of that, I still hadn’t wrapped Fred’s gift, and he’d be here in less than two hours.
“Come on in!” I called out, grabbing a paper napkin to scrub off the remaining lipstick. I couldn’t take any teasing from Emma today. Not when it might turn out to be the most important day of my life.
Her painted-on eyebrows rose as she bustled through the door and caught sight of me.
“Let me guess. Your can of talcum powder exploded.” “It’s flour,” I said, swiping uselessly at my dress with a dish towel. “I was baking bread.”
She helped herself to a cup of coffee and plunked down at the table. I cast a frantic glance at the clock. How was I going to get rid of her?
Emma sniffed the air. “Mmm. Lemon chicken? That’s Fred’s favorite.” She smirked at me over the rim of her coffee cup.
“Is it?” I busied myself sponging the counter, refusing to meet her eyes.
“I ran into Jane at the market. She said she’d left Fred at home, and that he was getting all gussied up.”
Fred is Jane’s brother, who had recently come to stay with her. I’d met him the month before when it was Jane’s turn to host our weekly poker game. I know, I know – most elderly ladies prefer bridge or mahjong, but Emma talked us all into poker. She says it’s more stimulating. I suspect her real motive lies in the fact that she almost always wins. A nice supplement to her Social Security income, though it tends to leave the rest of us strapped for cash.
I examined her bright orange curls and wished I had the nerve to dye my own gray mane a younger color. I probably wouldn’t choose the hue of a radioactive carrot, however. Perhaps a nice, soft brown, as it was in my youth.
“Why are you staring at me?” she demanded.
“Was I? Sorry.” I twisted the sponge, which obligingly dribbled water all over my new shoes.
“Speaking of gussied up, Grace, you’re looking spiffy today. At least, I’m sure you were before the incident with the flour. Let me see, now. Fred’s putting on the Ritz and so are you and you just happen to have his favorite meal cooking . . . well, I’m not Sherlock Holmes, but I’m capable of putting two and two together.”
I wanted to tell her that it was none of her business. I wanted to toss her out on her artificially padded fanny. But me being me and Emma being Emma, I did neither of those things. Instead, I took a seat across from her and sighed.
“Fred is coming over to have dinner with me. Satisfied?”
She smacked her orange lips. “Ah. A special dinner for Valentine’s Day.”
I ran my flour-coated hands through my already disheveled hair and groaned. “Please, Emma, he’ll be here soon and now I have to change clothes.”
“That would be an excellent idea. And do something with that rat’s nest on top of your head while you’re at it.” She snapped her fingers and pushed back her chair. “On second thought, let me! I used to be a hairdresser, after all.”
I peered at her suspiciously. Emma wasn’t the type to pitch in and help out. She usually managed to suddenly remember some urgent errand or appointment if a friend dared to request her assistance.
“Come on, Grace, it’ll be fun! We used to do each other’s hair all the time when we were teenagers.”
“Well . . .”
The next thing I knew, she had me seated at my bedroom dressing table and was brushing my hair so vigorously that it crackled with static electricity.
“Ouch! Not so hard!”
“Oh, hold still. Now, a chignon, do you think? Or is that too old-fashioned? Darn it, Grace, if you’d just cut this mess to a more practical length . . .”
“No.” Tom had liked my hair long. I’ve never forgotten how he used to twine it around his fin-
gers as he kissed me. Of course, that was before Emma stole him away from me. Their marriage hadn’t been the happiest, but still, she’d shared his home and his bed for forty-two years while my own bed remained empty and lonely.
In the mirror, I watched her wield the brush, hairpins sprouting from her mouth. Had I ever really forgiven her? Did anyone really forgive Emma her outrageous behavior, or were we all simply too intimidated to make a fuss?
I closed my eyes, trying to ignore the sharp pulls at my scalp. I’d waited so long for love to find me again, and now, finally, it had. Thinking about Fred gave me a delightful tingly feeling. And he was going to ask me to marry him. Tonight.
Just the day before, he’d shown me the ring he always wore on his right pinkie. Slender, silver, studded with tiny turquoise stones.
“It was my mother’s,” he said. “I’d hoped that my late wife would wear it as a wedding band, but she wanted diamonds. Well, her diamonds are buried with her now, I hope she enjoyed them.”
“I think it would make a lovely wedding band,” I had stammered.
“Do you really?”
“I do.” I’d blushed at that unintentional lapse into wedding vows, but he didn’t seem to mind. He’d held my face between his large hands and smiled down at me.
That’s when I’d invited him over to Valentine’s dinner, and he said he’d love to come, that he had something important to ask me.
“Voila!” Emma exclaimed.
My eyes flew open. I gasped.
“What have you done to me?”
“Magic. Don’t you like it?”
“I – I love it.” I think a part of me had expected her to put gum in my hair, as she’d done when we were in fifth grade. Instead, she’d braided and twisted up a lovely creation, one that softened the prominent bones in my face and seemed to banish the worst of my wrinkles.
“Someday,” she said, “I’m going to get rid of that gray for you.”
“Would you?” I had a sudden vision of myself walking down the aisle to meet Fred at the altar, my hair suddenly looking as young as the rest of me would feel at that moment. Blinking back tears, I said, “I’d like that, Emma. Someday soon.”
“Fine. Well, you’d better change. I’ll baste the chicken for you, if you like.”
“Thanks.” What had gotten into her?
I donned a dress of pale rose and dabbed a little color on my cheeks, then hurried into the living room to get busy with wrapping paper and tape. “Present for someone?”
I jumped. Emma had crept up behind me, an old habit of hers.
“For Fred,” I admitted, hoping I wasn’t blushing. “Oh, a Valentine’s gift? How sweet. What is it? Let me see.”
I held it up. “He told me he hates electric shavers.”
“Gad, he still uses a straight razor? That takes guts. But I guess it explains why his cheeks are always so smooth.”
“How would you know?” I blurted out.
“Oh, I know a lot about Fred. Of course, I’m sure I’ll get to know him even better after we’re married.”
My jaw dropped.
She bared her perfect dentures in a smile. “After I saw Jane at the market this morning, I went by her house to visit Fred. Sometimes it’s hard to get rid of that sister of his when we want to be alone, so I grab every opportunity.”
“You . . . and Fred?”
Emma didn’t seem to notice that my voice had risen to a shriek. “He acted so odd when I first arrived that I wondered what on earth was wrong with him. But then –” She fumbled with a silver chain around her neck and pulled the turquoise ring from beneath her blouse. “Kind of pretty, isn’t it? It’ll do for a wedding band until I can talk him into something more expensive.” She tucked the chain out of sight. “Fred told me that he was having dinner with you tonight so that he could ask you how he should propose to me – said he knew that you and I were old friends and he was hoping you could give him some advice about how to make it more romantic.”
“Advice?” I was having trouble breathing.
“Yes, but I assured him that he did just fine on his own. Anyway, I suggested I meet him here so that we could both tell you the good news, but I just couldn’t wait another minute. Oh, well, we can still have dinner together. There’s enough chicken for three, isn’t there?” She giggled. “You should have seen him, Grace. So charming. Down on one knee, begging for my hand.”
I looked at the razor.
When the doorbell rang thirty minutes later, I left the dripping package on the coffee table while I went to answer. I realized that I’d eventually have to decide how to dispose of the rest of Emma, but fair is fair. Fred had begged for her hand, so I’d make sure he got it – in a nicely wrapped box, tied with a big red bow. I hid the razor behind my back as I opened the door. Yes, he was more than welcome to her hand, but before the evening was over his heart would belong to me. I’d keep it in a jar, right next to the lemon seasoning.
Monsters & Mayhem Stacey Rourke Fantasy Short
A dark secret lurks in Malaria Cain’s past. She tried to run but it’s gaining fast. There are years of her life she can’t recall. That blacked-out time could be her downfall. Madness is associated with
her family name. Ever since one among them let it take the reins. Now memories flood back of blood and pain Making Malaria fear she’s gone insane. Will the truth revealed set her free? Or secure her family’s morbid legacy? love this series), this is a good book to try before you give up. If other people are loving this as much as I do (I’m pretty sure they do), then they already know what to expect. They can expect a solid story, occasional humor at the perfect time, creative storylines that get all wrapped up in a bow at the end with little ribbons of hope for more stories to come. There’s not really much else I can say. Just go read it already.

Fang-Freakin-Tastic Review:
This review is hard because all I can think of is the word, “WOW.” Like, for real. This is the part of the story I needed next and had no idea. I’ve been curious about Malaria’s background for a while now. I’m so glad Stacey Rourke came through with this to sooth my in-between book releases craving.
Yeah, so we find out all about Malaria. Her background, her life before her afterlife, why she can be so horrid at times. It all makes sense now. The mystery that is tied up in this story is perfect. It’s heartbreaking, it’s cold, and Rourke delivers each piece at the perfect moment.
So if you are at all on the fence about this series (though I can’t imagine why they would be. I
Suburban Zombie High Jeremy Flagg Horror Comedy
Boxford High pranksters cause a chemistry lab to go wrong and students are forced to face something far worse than S.A.T.’s and cafeteria lunches – an infection that turns students into zombies scouring the halls for survivors. A group of unlikely companions; an artistic goth, star-athlete jock, disgruntled loner, would-be marine, sassy cheerleader, and angry Asian, set aside their homework to fend off the zombie apocalypse. As they fight through locker rooms and dance their way across the theater, they find surviving zombies may be more difficult than puberty. Now they must set aside homework and bake sale fundraisers to fend off the zombie apocalypse before the infection reaches beyond the walls of their suburban high school.

Fang-Freakin-Tastic Review: This is easily one of the best series I’ve read this year. It has the perfect amount of violence and humor that really makes me enjoy reading. If they were to make a movie of this book, and that movie is anywhere near as entertaining as the movie I watched in my head while reading this series, I’d even buy the DVD, and I haven’t bought a DVD in ages (do they even still release movies on DVD?). Was this book dark? Yes Was this book violent? Yep Was this book creative? Maybe, yeah, I guess. Was this book full of corny lines and movie moments? Absolutely. I think the characters in this series can be found in any high school on the planet. The pretty girl, the goth, the athlete girl, the weird kid. You know them. Hell, maybe you even were them. I know which one I was. This makes the kids in this book easy to relate to in the sense they kind of remind us of us. They’re smart asses, defiant, but smarter than adults give them credit for. The adults in the first book are kind of a mess. There are some good moments for them, but all but Ms. V would make me nervous if they were teaching my kids. The setting is exactly what you’d expect with the title. I liked the origins of how everything started too. That’s no something you really see every day. You’ll see it once in a while, but it’s not overdone for the most part. Plenty of action, violence, and gore, but not what I would consider gratuitous. The only thing I didn’t like about this series is that it’s only 3 books. If you like kinda cheesy horror movies and have a sense of humor, this series is worth checking out. There were a few more typos than I’m used to, but it wasn’t bad enough to actually take away from the story. The series could use a quick proofread and look for wrong spellings of words, but overall, it really is a great series. I liked this series so much, I’m not even taking points off for any mistakes I noticed. That’s how wrapped up I was in the story, and that’s saying something.

Accidental Magic Iris Beaglehole Faatasy
Welcome to Myrtlewood, a quirky town, steeped in magic, tea, and mystery… Life’s a struggle for Rosemary Thorn and her teen daughter, Athena. But their regular troubles are turned upside down after Granny Thorn’s mysterious death. Despite her cousin’s sinister maneuverings, Rosemary returns to Myrtlewood and the sprawling, dilapidated Thorn Manor. But there’s more to the old house than meets the eye, as Rosemary and Athena soon find out — in a whirlwind of magic, adventure, mystical creatures, and endless cups of tea. Life in Myrtlewood would be bliss if Rosemary could only clear her name in a certain murder investigation, solve the mystery and stay out of mortal peril – for at least a little while! A small town with endless secrets, strange activities, and a house with a mind of its own. If you love mystery, witches, paranormal women’s fiction with a midlife main character, and a big dose of humour, you’re going to love Myrtlewood Mysteries Book 1. Fang-Freakin-Tastic Review: I really like the ideas in this book. It’s interesting, occasionally funny, while also pulling at your heartstrings a bit. The characters are likeable for the most part while also quite flawed. Just as most of us are. The story is creative while pulling bits and pieces from mythology to create her own world. I’ll be frank, I think Rosemary is immature, irresponsible, and not particularly likeable. She’s supposed to be a mom but her teen daughter, Athena, is far more mature than she is. The fact that the daughter doesn’t have some kind of behavioral issue would be a miracle even more than magic if this were happening in the real world. She blames her issues on others and I just don’t care for that. It doesn’t make me care what happens to her. Athena doesn’t seem to have much respect for her mother, but I can understand why. Now, the rest of the characters are just fine. Even the villains are what you would expect from villains. Some of the characters are quite loveable. I’d love to know more about a few of the other characters. One thing I really enjoyed is the feel of the town. It feels like somewhere that magic really could exist. It’s somewhere I’d like to visit. It’s unique but also familiar. It’s the kind of town you see on tv. There’s the typical community dynamics, but each person in the town has it’s own little quirk that that shows they belong in Myrtlewood. The mystery aspect of this book was alright. I didn’t solve the mystery before the end of the book or anything, but the set up and follow through was pretty good. I won’t say it’s the best thing ever, but it was still enjoyable.

This series feels more like an Urban Fantasy with Cozy Mystery aspects than strictly a mystery. It’s a good way to pass the time reading and falling into a book. Worth a read if you like books about newfound magic and magical towns.
The Write Hook Robyn Peterman Paranormal Women’s Fiction
Midlife is full of surprises. Not all of them are working for me.
At forty-two I’ve had my share of ups and downs. Relatively normal, except when the definition of normal changes… drastically.
NYT Bestselling Romance Author: Check Amazing besties: Check Lovely home: Check Pet cat named Thick Stella who wants to kill me: Check Wacky Tabacky Dealing Aunt: Check Cheating husband banging the weather girl on our kitchen table: Check Nasty Divorce: Oh yes Characters from my novels coming to life: Umm… yes Crazy: Possibly
Four months of wallowing in embarrassed depression should be enough. I’m beginning to realize that no one is who they seem to be, and my life story might be spinning out of my control. It’s time to take a shower, put on a bra, and wear something other than sweatpants. Difficult, but doable.
With my friends—real and imaginary—by my side, I need to edit my life before the elusive darkness comes for all of us.

The plot is no longer fiction. It’s my reality, and I’m writing a happy ever after no matter what. I just have to find the write hook. Fang-Freakin-Tastic Review: I have mixed feelings about this book (and series). I enjoyed reading it. I really did. BUT there were a lot of little things that just irritated me and kept taking me out of the story. I’m giving it a 3.5 instead of a 4 or 5 because of those details. Your readers care about details. Just in case you needed a reminder.
Do I love cliffhangers? No. I don’t. But I wait until a series has several books out before I read them anyway, so it doesn’t matter that much to me. I’d be missing out on a lot of great books if I didn’t read them bc I don’t like where an author divides up their stories. I’m more concerned with whether or not it’s a good story. This book has issues, yes, but the cliffhanger isn’t that big of a deal in relation.
There are some serious editing typos going on here. Between that and the author’s insistence on overusing certain phrases not only within each book, but throughout her entire library, that is a bigger deal to me than the cliffhanger.
Despite all my complaints, I really do love the ideas she puts out. The stories are engaging and interesting. I do hate being brought out of the story the way she does, but really the story is the main reason I keep reading her books. She seems to make the same mistakes in each of her books. So if you can overlook that, she has a ton of books you can enjoy. I do feel like she’s following some kind of formula for each of her books and each of her series. There’s a pattern to them, so to speak. Regardless, this book (series) was a great way to pass the time and as annoyed as I was, I don’t regret reading it.
knife point.
Lost to the Lake Anna Willet Thriller
Following a home invasion, a woman begins to question everything her husband has told her.
Beth Jacobsen wakes up in the middle of the night to a home break-in and is held at
Amy’s Review: Brilliantly written! What a magnetic story in Lost to the Lake by Anna Willet. This is the first book of Willet’s that I’ve read, and I absolutely loved the story, how it was written, and the premise. We often find out how people truly are and what kind of people they are when in a crisis, and unfortunately for Beth, she finds out about her husband, Marty. And then, after everything, the story keeps going, adding more thrills and chills. I have become a fan of this author and wonder why I haven’t read work by her before, but now, she’s on my radar. It’s one of those embraceable stories. It’s definitely un-put-downable! This is a magnificent story that kept this reader turning the pages. A definite attention grabber, so much I couldn’t put it down. Both thrilling and intriguing, all the way to the end. The characterizations are engrossing and dynamic. The author’s technique of raw, magnetic characters and great plotlines is a gift. Masterfully written! This author not only tells the story but shows it with words as well.
Fred: An Unbecoming Woman Annie Krabbenschmidt LGBTQ Memoir

As she recounts the journey from the blissful non-committance of her “straight” origins, to falling in love, to her years spent (shockingly) alone, Annie Krabbenschmidt’s debut book is both wickedly funny and heartbreaking. More autotheory than memoir, Fred deconstructs the institution of “womanhood,” defying gender and genre.
Amy’s Review: Powerful Memoir What a powerful story of life, love, and living as ones true self in Fred: An Unbecoming Woman by Annie Krabbenschmidt. This is the first book of this author’s that I’ve read, and I find telling this personal story, was very empowering. It is not always easy, or ever easy to let the world know who you really are. As I was reading the book, being gay or homosexual were words used, but also “the thing” was an interesting concept, as it was related to coming out, and talking to others about it. As I was reading it, I was surprised that I was surprised by people’s behavior. Many things stood out in this book, and here’s a quote, that kind of sums up what I was thinking. “This book wasn’t really supposed to be about womanhood with a capital W. But to understand the challenge of defecting from my preordained social identity as a straight, cisgender woman, in order to live out my queerness, you need to know that I was constantly inundated with cautionary tales of women who have failed: what Manne might call “unbecoming women—traitors to the cause of gender—bad women, and ‘wayward’ ones.” It’s definitely un-put-downable! Masterfully written! Brilliant writing!
Beneath Cruel Waters Jon Bassoff Suspense
A wrenching psychological thriller in the vein of Tana French’s In the Woods, Jon Bassoff’s Beneath Cruel Waters reminds us that the sins of the mothers are the sins of the sons.
Amy’s Review: A tantalizing thriller What a superbly written story in Beneath Cruel Waters by Jon Bassoff. I’ve read work from Bassoff before, and I enjoyed this book very much. The title brings the reader in, and then Holt and his mysterious, and painful past, lead him back to his home. To where he must resolve the demons between he and his dead mother. Memories, secrets, and a journey of discovery into the mysteries of life. The reader goes along with Holt on his hunt for the truth, and he must decide if that is what he really wants. It is a very well developed plot, and it had so many layers, that it was real. So many questions to be answered. It’s definitely un-put-downable! This is a magnificent story that kept this reader turning the pages. A definite attention grabber, so much I couldn’t put it down. Both thrilling and intriguing, all the way to the end. This read is more than just words on a page. Definitely an unpredictable story, my favorite kind!
Deadly Enterprise Kevin Chapman Thriller

THE DEAD GIRL THEY FISHED OUT OF THE EAST RIVER WAS A DRUG ADDICTED HOOKER, SO NOBODY REALLY CARED. Except that Medical Examiner Michelle McNeill thinks it’s a murder, and NYPD Homicide detective Mike Stoneman agrees.
Amy’s Review: Another Great Mike Stoneman Novel! What a suspenseful and gripping story in Deadly Enterprise by Kevin Chapman. I’ve read book one in the Mike Stoneman series. Mike is a detective with the NYPD. The books can be read separately, as each is a standalone, but to really get the feel for Stoneman, read the one that came before this one first. Sometimes, murders fall through the cracks, especially when no one cares or misses the victim. The other side of town, with the darkness that lingers from the street walkers, and the lost citizens of the city. I really enjoyed this story, and I love Chapman’s writing style and his way of showing the story. Stoneman is hot on the trail, with his partner in tow. I am a definite fan of this author! Whatever this author writes, I want to read. The characters had a lot of depth and were very realistic. The story brings the reader on a superb journey. This is a magnificent story that kept this reader turning the pages. A definite attention grabber, so much I couldn’t put it down. Both thrilling and intriguing, all the way to the end. Very impressive story telling. Magnetic.
of the blue.
Cause And Effect Pete Adams Suspense
A self-labeled enigma, Detective Inspector Jack Austin is at once miserable and amusing, melancholy and motivated. Running the Community Police Unit from his deck chair, D.I. Austin is known for his ability to solve crimes out
Sold Souls R. Weir Suspense/Thriller
The brutal world of human trafficking Underage children bought, sold, and sexually abused by their deviant owners Victims traded, used up, and spit out as if their lives were meaningless A lethal adversary approaching The Divine Devils with a proposition Locate and free her sister from the tortured, abusive shackles of being trafficked
Amy’s Review: Magnetic Read! What a tantalizing story in Cause And Effect: Vice Plagues The City by Pete Adams. I am a definite fan of this author! Whatever this author writes, I want to read. Jack Austin is a very unique character, not only a detective with great abilities, but he also suffers from mental illness, which not only adds to his personality, but can hinder how others perceive him. Insert a mysterious death of a police officer, and the secrets behind the death. This book deserves a second read! (and maybe more). It’s definitely un-put-downable! It is always an honor to read this author’s books. This author is a great storyteller. The story brings the reader on a superb journey. The story brings the reader on a superb journey. This is a magnificent story that kept this reader turning the pages. A definite attention grabber, so much I couldn’t put it down. A reader can get lost in the story. I liked that there was a balance of the story with the dark and light, and the light contained humor, which made it feel more real. How do some deal with what seems like the impossible is happening, but with humor. Amy’s Review: Magnificent Story telling What a superb thrilling story in Sold Souls by R Weir. This is the third, and highly awaited book in the The Divine Devils series. Yes, book 3 is finally hear. I am a definite fan of this author! Whatever this author writes, I want to read or when he puts out his audiobooks, I want to listen to. Sold Souls was just released (today as of this posting), and I couldn’t wait to read it, nor was I disapointed. This story brings Hunter and his team into the darkness and tortorous world of human trafficking. Children being bought and sold, used up and passed on as if they were a recalled piece of property. It’s a hard book to put down, but sometimes you have to take a breath. Weir did a magnificent job of painting the darkness of the world, some would like to pretend it isn’t there. It’s one of those embraceable stories. A definite attention grabber, so much I couldn’t put it down. Both thrilling and intriguing, all the way to the end. The writing of this story probably was not easy, and unfortunately, many of these stories are true, even if under the guise of fiction.

The Lost Power Avanti Centrae Thriller
Spain 1057: During a thunderous battle, the first King of Aragon wrestles Alexander the Great’s priceless Egyptian weapon from the Moors, but finds it holds a terrifying and mysterious power.
Amy’s Review: Magnetic reading What a superb story in The Lost Power by Avanti Centrae. This is the first book in the VanOps Thriller, and I actually read book three first, and now, I’m reading (or have) read the other two. This review is for the first book in the series, and it is very powerful. First, I am a big fan of this author, I was after I read book three, and going back to the beginning, I can say, I’m definitely a fan, and whatever she writes, I want to read. It is a very well-written plot, and I enjoyed it. It’s an amazing work that makes you think this is a true story, and maybe it could be. It’s a wonderous tale of mystery, and science, adding in intrigue, and the wonder of what comes next. It brings the far past to clash with the story’s present. It’s a fast-paced, intriguing, unputdownable book! Maddy and Will are interesting characters, with a lot of depth, and they bring their knowledge and appearance in the story as something incredible. It’s a plot with many subplots, history meeting it’s present, and the entrance of a sniper... It is always an honor to read this author’s books. This author is a great storyteller. The title drew me in, but the story made me stay. This book captures the reader’s attention at chapter 1. The author’s technique of raw, magnetic characters and great plotlines is a gift. It’s a great story to follow and try to figure out what will happen next. This author’s characters develop and interacts well with the other characters
Sing Like A Canary Isobel Blackthorn Mystery

Retired police officer Marjorie Pierce is on her way to Lanzarote to track down her old informer, Billy McKenzie. Billy ended Marjorie’s career, and she needs an explanation; an apology.
Amy’s Review: Jaw-dropping action What a magnificent story in Sing Like A Canary by Sing Like A Canary. The fifth book in Blackthorn’s Canary Island mysteries, and what a story it is. A “retired” cop Marjorie needs to find her old informant, so she travels to Lanzarote. It’s the start of an adventure and action-packed story, that makes Marjorie intent on finding Billy, before the gangsters who are also looking for him. This story has multiple layers of plots and in-depth characters. Marjorie isn’t sure who she can trust, she has her own self on this mission, which also discovering her betrayer, if it wasn’t Billy. It’s not an easy search, but a suspense journey for Marjorie, wondering where he could be in this Island town. It is a very well-written plot, and I enjoyed it. It’s one of those embraceable stories. This author is a great storyteller. A definite attention grabber, so much I couldn’t put it down. Both thrilling and intriguing, all the way to the end. The characterizations are engrossing and dynamic.
Snifter of Death Chris Karlsen Historical Thriller
The summer of 1889 was proving to be a strange one for Detective Inspector Rudyard Bloodstone and his partner.
The Ghost Of Villa Winter Isobel Blackthorn Mystery
English psychic Clarissa Wilkinson is holidaying in the Canary Islands. Hoping to have an adventure, she boards a tour bus bound for Villa Winter, a secret Nazi base on the idyllic island of Fuerteventura.
Amy’s Review: Brilliant storytelling!! What a magnificently suspenseful story in Snifter of Death by Chris Karlsen. This is the second book in the Bloodstone series. I’ve read the first one, Silk, and the third one, A Venomous Love. So, I was definitely looking forward to reading this book. The crimes are just as interesting, and disturbing, as ever, and Bloodstone is on the case. I like that it’s not just all crime and investigation, we learn about the crime as a reader, but then things take a dramatic twist. Ruddy is not just a detective, he also has a life, but it doesn’t interfere with the tasks at hand. Solving some of the most gruesome crimes. This story had several plots going on, and the reader gets to see a side of Rudyard that we haven’t before. This book deserves a second read! (and maybe more). It is a very well-written plot, and I enjoyed it. It’s one of those embraceable stories. It’s definitely un-put-downable! Even though I read these books out of order, I recommend that a new reader starts from the first book and read each one. They are stand alone, but you get to see the growth and more personal side of Rudyard, and how there is always a new, and interesting case or in this book, cases. A reader can get lost in the story. (I also had to look up what Snifter meant, and it makes sense for this book’s title. Amy’s Review: Mystical and Magnetic read What a magnificent story in The Ghost Of Villa Winter by Isobel Blackthorn. This is book four in the Canary Island series, and again we catch up with psychic Clarissa. We’re on Canary Island in the small inland town of Fuerteventura, which from reading previous books, we know has a legendary, and supernatural background. Villa Winter is in Fuerteventura, and it used to be a Nazi base. Intrigued, Clarissa is determined to visit and explore. Armed with her friend, crime writer Richard, they discover something that makes them more curious, rather than run the other way. It’s a mysterious and superbly ghostly story, with a killer on the loose, and the more they investigate, the more secrets are uncovered, and tried to be covered up. I am a definite fan of this author! This story felt very realistic to me, and I love a good suspense, mixed with ghosts and spirits, and the supernatural. It’s one of those embraceable stories. It’s definitely un-put-downable! A reader can get lost in the story. This author not only tells the story but shows it with words as well.

Sheltered Jacob Paul Patchen YA Historical War
With America under attack from within, twelve-year-old James must fight his way to freedom while trying to hold onto his values and virtue.
“We are all given a space in life to fill, a roaring emptiness in time… and it’s how you choose to fill that void, that will determine the difference in becoming a man or a legend.”
Amy’s Review: An original story What a remarkable story in Sheltered: When a Boy Becomes a Legend by Jacob Paul Patchen. I am a definite fan of this author! A very passionate and strong read. I enjoyed this story, as it had many plot layers, and the characters were dynamic, and had a lot of depth. Many had backstories that showed how they ended up where they are now. In just reading the first chapter, there is a line that stood out, and it almost defined the story, and how important life was to these orphans. “And for me, for us, our duty was to protect the innocent and to bring our nation back together as one, united by the damage from the hate and the cruelty of adults. ‘There’s a bond in misery, a brotherhood that comes from suffering together,’ my father used to say.” It’s a powerful read, and it shows, not tells, of this dystopian life, and what is needed to survive this war. James is a character who was almost forced to lead and take care of others, but he had that spirit, that innate power within him, even with his own demons, to take care of the orphans who relied on him. It all started when the missiles were aimed toward the United States. James had courage he didn’t know he had. It is always an honor to read this author’s books. Definitely an unpredictable story, my favorite kind!
Newman’s Awesome Year Lynn F. Austin Childrens

The Newman Tales share adventures of Newman, a Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier, rescued from the meat-industry in Taiwan and saved from euthanasia at the Humane Society. Despite what life has thrown his way, Newman Lives with the mantra, “When things seem really bad, beautiful things still happen.”
Amy’s Review: I just wanted to give Newman a huge hug. What a magnetic story in Newman’s Awesome Year by Lynn F. Austin. I just became a fan of this author and her best friend, Newman! Any story about Newman, I definitely want to read, maybe over and over again. I think more people should read it, not just children, but people of any age. Newman is a Wheaten Terrier, who was rescued, and this rescue saved his life. Newman went through some unspeakable abuse until he found himself at the Human Society, and then his forever home. Here we learn how he started, and his ever-lasting love and loyalty to his new home. Newman tells us his story about how he had to behave when he would be displayed for prospective parents. He just wanted to be loved, and have his own home, backyard, and family. As Newman says, “Sometimes great things happen when you least expect it.” Now, Newman has his own family. I highly recommend this book. I heard about it when the author was on the Marketing Palooza segment on The After Show with McKensie Stewart & Amy Shannon. I read this book to give my unbiased and honest review.
Tapestry of My Mother’s Life Malve von Hassell Historical Biography
Tapestry Of My Mother’s Life is a biographical account of a woman coming of age in Germany during the 1930s. Malve von Hassell explores her mother’s life through the fragmented lens of transmitted memory, and its impact on the second generation.
Amy’s Review: Magnificently written memoir What a magnificent title in Tapestry of My Mother’s Life by Malve von Hassell. I am a big fan of this author! And have read several of her books. von Hassel writes about her mother’s life, and how the memories can be fragmented, and how because of her mother’s life, living, surviving during the Nazi era of Germany, it affected generations of her family. The focus of the story is based on Christa’s memories, and how they are put together through telling stories. It’s the perception of the person living their life, and then talking about it. Tapestry definitely fits this title, and it is a un-put-downable story. The life she lived, sharing it with stories, memories, and memorabilia and artifacts saved from childhood. Christa lived a complex life, especially with how she grew up, and it affected her life there after and her children’s life. The past can affect the future, and it’s how the past is looked at. I really enjoyed reading this story, and I felt connected to a life’s story that I had no part of. And now, I think it has affected me as well.
New Era Tommy B. Smith Horror/Occult

Insomnia. Headaches. Fear. It drove Marjorie down, cost her a career, and almost destroyed her marriage. When she and her husband Terry escaped to the quiet green countryside west of the Mississippi River, their new home, it seemed too good to last. Amy’s Review: Magnificently written story What a thrilling (and chilling) story in New Era by Tommy B. Smith. I am a definite fan of this author! Whatever this author writes, I want to read. This story touches the heart, and then rips it out. No, really, it shows that there isn’t such thing as peaceful quiet. Marjorie experiences a lot of things that I can related to, most people can relate to, no sleep, severe headaches, and most of all, fear of what’s inside of her and what is out there, in the world. There is no escape, and even running away to find quiet, isn’t what it seems. I’ve read a few of Tommy B. Smith’s books, and this is my favorite! It’s definitely un-putdownable! Both thrilling and intriguing, all the way to the end. The characterizations are engrossing and dynamic. I just love, love, love this story. This story was very unpredictable. This author not only tells the story but shows it with words as well. It’s written so well, that your skin crawls and the chills run down your spine, so much that you have to stop, take a breath, and continue on.
50 States Richard R. Becker Mystery
An Idaho farmer who aches for absolution after a tragedy is given one more chance at redemption. Two runaways cross paths in a Tennessee bus station with only one ticket between them. A family sees looters racing toward their home as they escape an Oregon wildfire. A young couple takes a reckless turn off a state highway in Utah and find themselves in a nightmarish government biohazard area.
Amy’s Review: An entertaining collection What a grand collection of stories in 50 States by Richard R. Becker. This book is the first title of this author’s that I’ve read, but I did read all 50 of his short stories. I do like the premise, each story takes part in a different state, and the stories vary. The genres of the stories vary as well, and each one is a complete story, leaving the reader feeling satisfied. Short stories are not easy to write, and Becker does a great job of writing these stories and is very talented. A multi-genre writer, that can write short stories. I just became a fan of Becker. The stories also had different points of view, so one may be first person, and another third person. This book deserves a second read! (and maybe more). So many adventures, losses, triumphs, tragedies and even horrors. This book takes you on a wild journey. Of course, I had to jump ahead to read the story on New York (since I live in upstate NY), and then I went back and read all the stories until the very last one.
The Dark Web Murders Brian O’Hare Thriller

I AM NEMEIN. I AM EMOTIONALLY DETACHED FROM MY KILLINGS. I AM NOT, THEREFORE, A MURDERER. I AM AN INSTRUMENT OF NEMESIS, A PUNISHER. This is a theme running through a number of blogs on the Dark Web, written by a serial killer.
Amy’s Review: Magnetic read! What an intriguing and chilling story in The Dark Web Murders by Brian O’Hare. I have read stories from this author before, and I am a definite fan of this author! Whatever this author writes, I want to read. The Inspector Sheehan mysteries are one of my favorite series. I’ve read them out of order, but each one is a standalone, and I want to make sure I read all of them. This story revolves around the “dark web” which is way beyond what we know as the internet, not just the dark side of the internet, but where people can be whoever they want to be, dark or not. Sometimes once in a while, there is that one “username” that is way beyond dark, and this time the psychopath has a dark web blog, almost taunting and bragging about what he is doing. So, that’s all I’m giving you, read the book. It’s a wild and unimaginable place, especially inside this killer’s head and his side of the dark web. You don’t have to know code or technical jargon to read this book, it’s your cat-and-mouse game on the web and in IRL (Real Life) for Sheehan and his unit and this serial killer. It’s magnetic, so much you can’t put it down. It is a very well-written plot, and I enjoyed it. It is always an honor to read this author’s books. Both thrilling and intriguing, all the way to the end. A reader can get lost in the story. And it’s a new twist on a modern-day mystery slash thriller! This is a magnificent story that kept this reader turning the pages.

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