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no matter what, when I get back and when its safe enough to travel again, I will have a fabulous time catching up with everyone and hearing their stories. You released two books in 2020, what can we look forward to from you this year? Uncaged welcomes VK Tritschler Welcome to Uncaged! Your latest release is called “Trade Secrets,” and is a romantic comedy. Can you tell readers more about this book? When I wrote Trade Secrets, I had a picture of a young woman fresh into the world of corporate marketing who finds that her expectations of what the world will be, and reality of it and the people she must work alongside, vastly different. Emily finds herself stuck in between her boss bawdy boss Jimmy, and the handsome Harry who works for the competition. She is hired by Jimmy to spy on Harry and find out trade secrets, but as she learns about both men, and subsequently herself, she must decide where her priorities truly lie. I like that readers are divided about the characters and whether they love or loathe them. I think as a writer to create a character in which two readers can interpret and relate to in quite different ways, is a great feeling because I think that is also how we react to people in our own lives. What have you found the hardest to cope with during the pandemic? What are you looking forward to when a lot of restrictions are lifted? We have been extremely fortunate to reside in South Australia. Locally we have had minimal restrictions, and therefore it has not impeded my life dramatically other than being more mindful which I think can be nothing but positive. But I did have to cancel a trip to Canada to visit my family, which I was disappointed in. My Grandmother, a living legend at over 100 years of age, was key in my desire to visit. But I know that
More books! I have so many ideas rattling around in my brain, that it seems impossible to get them all down in a timely manner. But I have set aside writing goals this year, and my next book which is a paranormal romance is due out in April. I also have someone working on converting one of my books into an audiobook, as I have become a fan of these myself as my life has been getting busier. I am also assisting with the local Youth writing group again this year, because there is nothing like kids to keep you motivated and remind you why you started writing in the first place. Do you edit out anything substantial in your novels in the editing process? Do you make that extra content available in any way to readers if you do? I am a visual writer, which means I see the story in my head as I write it. What tends to happen is not that I edit out a lot of things, but rather that my typing can’t keep up with the story in my head and I must add things into the book. Which means often when I have editors read through my work, I end up having to elaborate on scenes or bring in more of the backstory to satisfy the reader. Therefore, I don’t have ‘extra’ content that is available as such, but I am certainly keen in the future to release content which is solely for my fan base. I have one story I started in NanoWriMo which I would like to send my fans once I have finished the editing phase! What was the first book that made you laugh and/ or cry? I will be honest here and let you know that when it comes to reading, I am an easy crier. I did it for Black Beauty when I was just a kid. I have cried as I have written stories many times. But laughing? That ones a little harder. Smile? Definitely. But laugh out loud funny is a hard button to press. But I did laugh Issue 56 | March 2021 |