3 minute read
Four Children’s Books
from Uncaged Book Reviews
by Cyrene
3-Page Special Promo Harmony brantley
The Cryptid Party Children’s
Do you want to meet some new friends? No matter what they look like or who they are, friends are the ones who are with you whatever happens and whenever you need them. But it seems like a little girl is looking for her friends. Come and join her in The Cryptid Party. Help the brave girl find her friends so they can join her for a tea party. In this whimsical story that takes kids on a wild and wacky adventure to find well known Cryptids, author Harmony Brantley helps introduce children to the world of the illusive Cryptids.
Ellie May, What Did You Do Today? Children’s

What do you think Ellie May, the cute little pink pig, does in a day? Does she have a full day or a lazy one? Come and see what Ellie May is up to today in author Harmony Brantley’s new children’s picture book, Ellie May, What Did You Do Today?. Follow Ellie May, the pig on a wild and wacky adventure, on what she did today. Join her as she eats, plays, runs, and so much more. It looks like it’s going to be a full and fun-filled day for Ellie May. This book’s for anyone who loves pet pigs.

The Little Viking Who Could Do More Children’s
What can The Little Viking Who Could Do More do? Join this little Viking as he prepares his oar and goes offshore to fish. But when his net is torn, he has to go back to shore where a surprise awaits him there. With fun lines and rhymes, and colorfully vibrant illustrations, author Harmony Brantley hopes to entertain young readers with this short story. Go along the adventure with The Little Viking Who Could Do More as he finishes his chore. Enjoy this wacky adventure of a Viking whose chore is to find a forever friend. Will the young moth ever sleep? The little Moth needs help to be convinced to go to bed. Come and listen to a bed bug explaining to the young moth why it’s good to go to bed and sleep. Written and illustrated by Harmony Brantley, this whimsical story of a bed bug telling a young Moth the reasons to get snug in bed and have a good night’s rest. Both parents and children will enjoy the curious questions of The Snug Bed Bug.

What’s the hardest thing about being an author?
A: Personally, the hardest part is the grammar of writing. I have dyslexia so writing can be difficult. Having friends and family to help proofread is always the best too.
What is the best thing about being an author?
A: I absolutely loved doing the illustrations. I have always enjoyed drawing so being able to show off my art is so heartwarming.
What book changed your life?
A: The books that my grandmother read to me when I was young really shaped my world and imagination to this day.
A: Well for my book about Ellie May the pig. It is about my very own pet pig. As for the Viking and Cryptids that has just been an interest to me.
How would you describe your style of writing to someone that has never read your work?
A: Some say that my writing is adventurous and out-of-the-box.
Do you feel that writing is an ingrained process or just something that flows naturally?
A: That really depends on the topic. For children’s books, I try to do little rhythms to my stories.
What is the take home lesson you wish your readers will learn after reading this book?
A: To give ideas to people to look for things that interest them or to adopt a pet pig for yourself.
What books are currently in your to be read pile?
A: The series “Extinction” by Nicholas Smith is what I am reading right now. It is an extreme contrast to what I write.
Anything you would like to say to your readers and fans?
A: If you have a drive to draw or to tell stories, please make a book or a show, and share your work to the world!