2 minute read
from BLUSH DREAM #28
a made-to measure boutique for ARTEGEMMA
Gabriela Maier, the talented and discreet creator of Artegemma lets us in on a few details about her talent nestled in the heart of a natural simplicity.
By Helena Perdoux-Frances
While instinctive and calculated slowness, Gabriela Maier, independent artist and jewellery designer, confesses a nonchalance that she delights in. Her projects mature and develop at the chosen pace. The art of selling being difficult, she had to find a kindred spirit who understood her, completed her and took care in this aspect of creation. Her shop is a must-see place for all fashion lovers. Known for her audacious curiosity, Elizabeth distills a positive energy and leaves a memory imbued with harmony and mastered experience. In love with stones and style, Elizabeth is an exceptional partner for Gabriela Maier with whom she shares the same aesthetic requirements.
Gabriela Maier, trend setter
Trends are born off the beaten track. Gabriela understood this well and knew how to keep clear of the displayed fashions. Each of her clients must find her own path leading to the pleasure provided by luxury, the real one, that born from the encounter of the daily life and the sublime. Wearing jewellery suited to one’s morphology and natural style creates a trend, that of an indisputable affinity between the body and its adornment. Just like Elizabeth, Gabriela wants to emphasize beauty, not price. Luxury has to her a value other than that of the great classics whose celebrity status has surpassed the merit of rarity.
Gabriela Maier, who are you?
If you asked Gabriela Maier what her greatest fear is, she would admit to you the anguish that torments her artistic soul, her fear of abandonment, the supreme affront... the one that haunts the bottoms of drawers. Her jewels must live their life as ornaments, day and night, being one with the wearer. Gabriela would tell you about her deep need to anchor herself in futility...
“I am a simple and complex woman who likes contrasts. In love with luxury and everyday life, I am their hyphen”.