14 minute read
Interview with H.E. Mr. Luís de Almeida Sampaio Ambassador of Portugal


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ADVERTISEMENT and inquiries encourage me to further develop and move forward. I am constantly learning and gaining experience. I humbly try to pass on my own experiences, encourage the students´ curiosity, and at the same time perceive the business environment in a broader context. There are many variables for a successful business. It always depends on an individual‘s ability, but it also depends on the support of their surroundings. Few world-famous entrepreneurs have done it all on their own. Mostly they had a team of colleagues or a family around them. A stable and supportive team (be it colleagues or a family) are essential to successful projects.
A family is not temporary, like most other things. Do you rely on family support too?
Without the cooperation, support and understanding of my wife and two wonderful daughters, I could not have imagined my current work commitment. We can support each other, but also be each other’s fi rst critics. It goes for everyone, especially the children - they really do speak their mind. Coping with work and family life has been a major challenge for me over the past two years. Fortunately, with my family, we can enjoy our time together whether it’s doing sports, travelling, or spending time outdoors. I must admit I really do spend a lot of time working on The Julius project. Just like in my family, at work we also experience perfect teamwork coordination, as well as misunderstandings, backing ups, and sometimes also disappointments. But that is exactly our team´s strength. We can support each other, focus on the essentials, and move towards a common goal - to create an unforgettable guest experience at The Julius.

Text: Martina Hošková and M. Zisso; Photo: Zuzana Hubinková
I have chosen Croatia as my summer holiday destination quite a few times, which obviously makes me a typical Czech. I sure did enjoy the sea and atmosphere in Poreč, Pula, Omiš, and elsewhere. It is my pleasure to give space to the Croatian ambassador Ljiljana Pancirov on the pages of our magazine so that we can learn about her diplomatic experience in our country, think about her advice to the new generation of ambassadors, and feel fl attered when she appreciates our care of Czech cultural heritage. The ambassador herself feels that “it was my destiny to come to this very country as an ambassador”.
Can you please tell us a bit about yourself and the rich professional background you have developed so far?
I was born in Zagreb and have lived in that wonderful city all my life, except when I accepted my diplomatic duties. I have had experiences in Den Haag, the Netherlands; Helsinki, Finland (while also covering Estonia); then Pécs, Hungary; and I am now placed in Prague. My main education is in humanities, literature, and languages, with an additional fl avour of economics, which I took as my postgraduate choice for some time.
Should I go into more detail about my rich professional background, as you say, I can mention several assignments. For years, I worked in the international science project management during the wartime as a personal secretary to the President of the Republic. I then became a director of international relations at Zagreb University, and fi nally entered the diplomatic service in the Ministry for Foreign and European Aff airs. Our state was young in the 1990s and we were creating our own, modern, Croatian diplomatic service. In the ministry I was heading a Department for Northern and Western Countries, a Department for Diplomatic Education at the Diplomatic Academy, and a Department for Analytics and Policy Planning - a variety of diff erent topics, all being an excellent basis for the work abroad that followed. In diplomacy, one has to be an expert not only in politics and economy, but also in education, culture, security, the IT sector, and many other very specifi c fi elds. I am also a proud mother to my daughter Željana and my son in law Rutger, who, as a Dutchman, brought an intercultural environment to our family. My biggest love and creatures that adore me most are my grandchildren, Mara and Tigo. Whoever read Babička by Božena Němcová would understand our relationship and the importance of a granny’s love.
How do you perceive your long diplomatic work experience? Has it changed you as a person?
Let me start deep back in history. As I have already mentioned, I was born in Zagreb, the capital of Croatia, where the fi rst Bishop in the 11th century was Duh, the fi rst known Czech in Zagreb. We might say that in his personality we have the beginning of Croatian and Czech ties and a friendship between the two nations that has lasted for centuries, even today. Indisputably, my destiny was to come to this very country, Czechia, and be a Croatian representative on the level of ambassador.
Since I come from the continental part of Croatia under the infl uence of the Central European cultural circle, it is no wonder that living in Prague made my life comfortable and nice, and that I have felt at home since the very fi rst days of my mandate. When you are an ambassador in a country with which there are no open political issues then you have an easy job to keep the relations going smoothly and in a friendly mood. During my long career I have been a high ranked diplomat, then Chargé d’Aff aires for over a year, a Consul General, and fi nally an ambassador. I call it the crown of my diplomatic achievements, and highly appreciate the position. My personality is the same as it was before, I like to keep it unchanged, but the feeling that you can make the fi nal decision, even take the responsibility for it, makes you proud of your accumulated experience leading you in the right direction and to the fi nal positive results. When everything is fi nished, when all the titles go and the red carpet vanishes, what is left behind is the judgement of you, the memories you created with your collaborators, colleagues, and friends, and yes, if positive, this is the most precious feeling that overwhelms you.
You have been in the Czech Republic for three years. Can you share some of your impressions?
As I have already said, Czechia is deep in my heart and is very familiar to me and my mentality. The Coronavirus prevented me from travelling around more than I really wanted, but I still saw various parts of this beautiful country. I am impressed with how all the castles and fortresses are well kept, and I have a feeling that every town has one. Prague is beyond any imagination. I read legends about its secret places; I like to wander through its narrow streets, to enjoy the sound of the Vltava, and to mingle through the parks and green areas. My special love is South Moravia. Our autochthonous minority (Moravian Croats live around Mikulov and Břeclav and came to this area in 1533) live in this beautiful and vivid area, which is very similar to their primary homeland.
Relations between the two countries are excellent, stable, and unburdened with open issues, based on common cultural heritage, historical experience, and respect for common European values. The economic cooperation has intensifi ed in recent years, including big investment projects, but the economic fi eld always gives space for further enhancement. We have very active minorities who are among many bonds that bring us closer. Czechs in Croatia are the most active Czech minority outside the Czech Republic..

Croatia is the biggest holiday destination for Czech people. How do you, as an ambassador, help promote your country?
Czech people actually established tourism in Croatia at the end of the 19th century. Have a look at the short Jiří

Menzel’s documentary Vaše moře, naše moře and you will learn a lot about the history of the tourist industry. What I am saying by this is that the Czechs know Croatia, Croatian people, and basically our tourist potential. Anyway, I still give a lot of interviews in various media outlets, talk at tourist presentations, and use every opportunity to inform people about how beautiful, safe and reliable we as a tourist destination are. War operations in the 1990s, Coronavirus lockdown - nothing could have prevented our Czech friends from coming and enjoying summers at the Adriatic. Nowadays, you are becoming exclusive tourists. We want the Czechs to be present more and more throughout the whole year, not only at the seaside but also the inland of the country. We welcome the fact that many Czechs decided to become investors in Croatia.
We go on holiday to Croatia, what do you do during your free time in our country?
Being an ambassador does not give you a lot of free time, even during weekends. Surrounded by people all the time, in the offi ce, at social gatherings, gives you little time for yourself. These precious personal moments I keep for my closest friends and for me, myself. I believe I am a good cook. I like various kinds of music, getting emotional peace by reading books, and enjoying natural beauty. Nordic walking is a welcome activity and reminds me of my Finnish times.
Can you give some advice to the next generations of ambassadors?
My piece of advice follows my lifeline behaviour, and it says: “Be human, remain what you really are, study all your life because knowledge is upgraded every minute and you have to be in. Do not think that you are above others, you are just fi rst among equals. Do not look at other people von oben, every person is a value by itself, which might at some time be valuable to you too. Ambassadors are a kind of managers, but in order to be good and successful ones they have to have the right information and a wide knowledge. The richness of personality is of utmost importance. And above all, they have to be respectable. Just a pose, does not count”.
The EU presidency of the Czech Republic starts on 1 July this year. What are you, as a representative of your country, expecting?
Croatia, as the youngest European Union state (since 2013) started presiding over the EU Council in the fi rst part of 2020 and succeeded in solving European issues in the best possible way. It was a very complicated time burdened with the start of the Covid pandemic and its consequences worldwide, and at the same time Croatia was struck by an earthquake. Czechia is preparing very seriously for the presidency, and I believe that the results will be the best possible. War in Ukraine and the energy crises will be among the main topics for sure. Croatia is always open to sharing its presidential experiences with its Czech friends.
This interview is taken on the occasion of your national day. What are your wishes in this regard?
On 30th May 1990 the fi rst democratically elected multiparty state parliament was constituted and therefore this date we celebrate as a Croatian National Day. The year 2022 has an additional meaning as we also celebrate 30 years of the international recognition of the Republic of Croatia, starting on 12th January when the European Community recognized Croatia, and many other countries followed. It has been very important to us because Croatia had a diffi cult path to freedom and suff ered irreparable losses during the war. My wish for peace, stable democracy and security, economic prosperity, and peoples’ wellbeing goes to my own country, but also to all of the likeminded states.
National day of CROATIA
Text: M. Zisso; Photo: Zuzana Hubinková
On the occasion of the National Day, the 30th anniversary of international recognition, and the Armed Forces Day of the Republic of Croatia, H.E. Mrs. Ljiljana Pancirov, Ambassador of Croatia and Col. Zdravko Barbarić, Military Attaché hosted a reception at the Prague New Town Hall.

From left: H.E. Mrs. Ljiljana Pancirov, Bc. Martin Radkovič MBA, owner of the Vinařství Ritopeky, Břeclav; a member of the Croatian minority from southern Morava
From left: H.E. Mrs. Ljiljana Pancirov and H.E. Mr. Jordan Parvanov Parvanov, Ambassador of the Republic of Bulgaria

Members of the Embassy of the Republic of Croatia: Mrs. Gordana Pokupec, First Secretary, Colonel Zdravko Barbarić, Military Attaché, H.E. Mrs. Ljiljana Pancirov, Mrs. Romana Dvoráčková, and Josef Dvořáček, MBA, Minister-Counsellor, Head of Economic Department, Embassy of the Czech Republic in Zagreb

From right: His Eminence Dominik Duka O.P., Cardinal Archbishop Emeritus of Prague and H.E. Mrs. Ljiljana Pancirov
From left: H.E. Mrs. Ljiljana Pancirov and H.E. Mrs. Gita Kalmet, Ambassador of the Republic of Estonia

From left: H.E. Mrs. Ljiljana Pancirov, members of the Paste Lace Association “Frane Budak” from the island Pag, Croatia and Colonel Zdravko Barbarić, Military Attaché
From left: Colonel Jean-Charles Peltier, Embassy of the French Republic and Colonel Mohammad Reza Pourbasirat, Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran
From left: H.E. Mrs. Ljiljana Pancirov and Mgr. Hayato Okamura, member of the Chamber of Deputies Parliament of the Czech Republic

Singers Mr. Branko Barbir and Mr. Dario Grašo, Klapa Sol, H.E. Mrs. Lijlana Pancirov, members of the Paste Lace Association “Frane Budak” from the island Pag, Croatia and Colonel Zdravko Barbarić, Military Attaché
From left: Bc. Martin Radkovič MBA, owner of the Vinařství Ritopeky, Břeclav; a member of the Croatian minority from southern Morava, H.E. Mrs. Ljiljana Pancirov From left: Meshulam Zisso , H.E. Mrs. Ljiljana Pancirov, and Eva Anderová

Mrs. Vesna Karavanić, lacemaker
From left: Mrs. Lidija Kovařík, Managing Director at Illusion Art Museum in Prague, Mrs. Natali Munitić, Croatian National Tourist Board – Prague Offi ce, Mrs. Jana Krásná, Czech - Croatian Society, Mrs. Ivana Tichá, Czech - Croatian Society, Mr. Luděk Hladiš, Aviareps agency
From left: Ing. Josef Dvořáček, MBA, MinisterCounsellor, Head of Economic Department, Embassy of the Czech Republic in Zagreb, H.E. Mrs. Ljiljana Pancirov, and Mrs. Ing. Romana Dvořáčková
From left: H.E. Mrs. Ljiljana Pancirov and Mr. Jan Bondy, Director of the Public Diplomacy Department, Ministry of Foreign Aff airs of the Czech Republic, with his wife

From left: Zuzana Hubinková, Ph.D. and H.E. Mrs. Ljiljana Pancirov