2015 holiday fun

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It’s the little things that matter




01 CHRISTIAN best husband ever. Hard to find and best to keep. 02 KATALIN best wife ever. Hard to find and a must keep! 03 New LIVI best little girl ever. Our lives will never be the same and that is for the best.

RA=Requires Attention

First Christmas: Endless sparkles and twinkles. Seeing trees inside the house and wrapped boxes on the floor is quite a treat. SMILE at every living thing. Everyone and every thing is incredibly exciting and worthy of a “hi” and a big smile. The most fun is always the person behind the camera. So much love for all living things.

cutest kid ever

GROWING up: Livi is almost big enough to sit on a regular kid’s chair and join all the big people in the great conversations at the holiday table.

10 year unlimited warranty INCLUDED

KATI, CHRISTIAN. Our love for Livi is guaranteed for LIFE. This warranty is not negotiable.

FLYING is best when dad holds on tight. Flying in general is the best - thing - ever.

WINE is the choice of alcohol for parents. We heard this, but now we believe it.

HI. hi. hi hi hi hi hi.

DOG, any kind. Big dog small dog, my dog, your dog, picture of a dog. Natural love for dogs. Dogs are the best.



BOOKS. You can never have enough books. Feed your brain (and sometimes chew on the hard cover a little).

BECOME a parent and never have trouble falling asleep. Anytime anywhere. Guaranteed.

New DAD LAYING in bed and Livi is up. This never happens in real life.


We shall see if Livi likes pink or not. This face says: “hmm. I don’t know mom. I think I like all colors!”

Festive. Try to explain to an 11 month old why we do this. Why we put exciting looking pretty boxes under a tree. And why we put really shiny toys on a tree that said 11 month old cannot touch. Good luck. 02 SHINY box

01 CURIOUS Kid. Boxes on the oor are fun. 02 SHINY box is irresistible. Even more fun than the regular box. 03 SHINY toy. Really? You are going to tell me to not play with this? Way too much temptation.


WISHING there was something in this glass...

BEING A PARENT is hard. Sometimes all you want to do at the end of the day is to have a shot of some liquor. But nobody likes to talk about that. The truth is that one look at your ďŹ nally sleeping baby and you forget all your troubles.

JUST kidding. The best remedy for any hard day is laughter!

RA=Requires Attention

CUP. This is how you hold a cup.

HAIR STYLING: Look dad, I can ďŹ x your hair. I am getting so good at so many things now. I am almost a year old!



TAGS are still the most exciting part of any toy, clothing, furniture and so on.

Fresh. Pretend dinner or not, fresh ground pepper goes so well with everything!

01 MAITRE D(addy)


01 DAD is just simply awesome.


02 MOM loves to watch how much Christian loves Livi. 03 FITTING in: we try to make sure Livi is involved in everything we do. She is simply just a little person right now but her heart and mind are way ahead of her little body.

The big family. We love to focus on each other and check in with everyone at the dining table. Tasting new and exciting food is on everyone’s favorite list.




01 CHRISTIAN’S heart full of so much love it can hardly contain itself. 02 Katalin’s heart full of so much love and affection it feels like it is going to melt. 03 LIVI’S heart beating fast all the time from the never ending excitement.

Learning the way of a family life. Cooking together with three cooks in the kitchen. We all love to help prepare meals.

DAD likes to cook very tasty meals for us. We really like it when he cooks dinner.

01 SEASON the meal

02 SERVE with love

03 CAREFULLY plating the food

HERE, taste this. I swear you are going to love it!

EATING and being together as a family is truly priceless.

NO, REALLY taste it. Isn’t it great! It is anything you want it to be. Remembering and relearning how to use our imagination is truly fantastic.

IMAGINATION and creativity go hand in hand. We loved having pretend dinner at Livi’s table.

BLUE SHIRT is good, you can never go wrong with blue. Opinions and constructive criticism are abundant from the girls.




What better way to start the day than to have your family help pick out the best looking outďŹ t in your perfect adult bedroom?

TICKLES are a super fun way to get everyone laughing

YOU light up my world.

FLUFFY bed for jumping around. Jumping never gets boring. (That’s why mom and dad have such strong arms!)

SUPER strong arms.

SUPER strong legs.

01 HOLIDAY cheer. Always present in our lives

02 HAPPY child. Who would not love having furniture that actually ďŹ ts you?

Livi loves to mimic everything we do. Naturally. Seeing your habits mirrored in a small child is not always fun.

TOYS: most everything is new to our little girl. This makes everything super exciting to all of us.

New LIVI most adorable and charming face ever. She is so attentive, so devoted, so persistent, so perfect.

PIGGIE stuffed animal everyone knows little piggies bring you good luck - and laughter.

SHAPES and colors. They just won’t come off these metal cables. Must try harder.

no stuffed animals were chewed in the making of this catalog

The careful love of random objects



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Thank you to our fantastic photographer: Dawn

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