2 minute read
Johnte’ Archer, JD...................................................... CEO/Founder, J. Archer Insurance Group and SHE IS A CEO Foundation
from Top 30 Woman 2017
by d-mars.com
Johnte’ Archer, JD
Johnte’ Archer, JD is the CEO
of J. Archer Insurance Group/Archer Commercial
Insurance Group, a multinational independent insurance brokerage. Founded in 2009, the affluent firm, is a notable Arthur J. Gallagher and Willis Towers Watson Diversity Solution partner, an M/WBE firm selected based on their proven capabilities and their track record of exceptional performance. The firm has experience serving the risk management/ insurance needs of clients ranging from high net worth individuals to multi-national public and private organizations. Archer is a proud graduate of the University of Houston (Go Coogs!) and Pepperdine School of Law in Malibu, CA where she earned her law degree. She is no stranger to community service and advocacy with roots firmly planted through her membership into the illustrious Epsilon Lambda Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. in the Spring of 1998. She has a distinguished background as a participant in the Texas Legislative Internship Program (TLIP), The Mickey Leland Congressional Internship Program, and as a Legislative Aide for the US House of Representatives. She is a champion for girls and children evidenced by her early service as a law clerk with the Children’s Law Center in Los Angeles, CA and Guardian Ad Litem work with Child Advocates. Archer is also the Founder/CEO of The SHE IS A CEO Foundation, a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization founded to encourage entrepreneurship, enrich character and develop a love for charity among girls. Through its programs, the foundation strives to create entrepreneurs one little girl at a time and support other organizations that educate and enrich the lives of girls. Archer is proud to say that the organization will have served over 700 middle school girls through its Entrepreneurship Academy, Conference and Pitch competition since its inception in 2015. Supporting her community, girls and other women in business is Archer’s passion. She serves as the finance chair for the board of St. John’s Downtown, is an active board member of the Bread of Life, Inc. and Temenos CDC/II & III. She also proudly served as a host committee member for the Heroes for Children’s Annual fundraiser for families with children battling Cancer, “Heroes for Handbags.” Above all, her proudest accomplishment is her family, spiritually led by her husband, Ike and grounded by the daily adventures of their 2 ½ year old son John Christopher.
Johnte’ Archer, JD CEO/Founder J. Archer Insurance Group and SHE IS A CEO Foundation
5252 Westchester St., Suite 260 Houston, TX 77005 Ph. 281.501.8331 www.archerinsgroup.com www.sheisaceo.org