2 minute read
Ann Harris Bennett.................................................... Tax Assessor-Collector and Voter Registrar, Harris County, Texas
from Top 30 Woman 2018
by d-mars.com
d-mars.com Top 30 Influential Women of Houston
Ann Harris Bennett
Ann Harris Bennett Tax Assessor- Collector & Voter Registrar Harris County Texas
1001 Preston Houston, TX 77002 713 274 8000 www.hctax.net | ann.harris-bennett@tax.net
nn Harris Bennett is a 5th
Ageneration Texan. She was born in Timpson, Texas. She is a graduate of Roy Miller High School - Corpus Christi Independent School District. She attended both Texas Southern University’s School of Journalism and Communication and Sam Houston State University School of Court Administration and is a 45 year resident of Harris County. Bennett was sworn into office as Harris County’s Tax Assessor-Collector & Voter Registrar on January 3, 2017. She is the first African American female to win a Harris County countywide race. Her persistence paid off after four runs for two county administrative offices (Harris County Clerk and Tax Assessor Collector & Voter Registrar). She brings to Harris County nearly 30 years of legal and court administrative experience. As a public servant in county government, she stayed apprised of best practices and policies, security and legislation that affected the judicial system. Her skill set in management and conflict resolution, logistics strategies, legal processes, procedures, and research, document management, data inventory management, internal controls and security prepared her to be the successful leader and administrator of the Harris County Tax Assessor-Collector & Voter Registrar. She is a member of the Texas Tax Assessor Collectors’ Association and sits on legislative committees relative to Property Tax, Department of Motor Vehicles and Voter Registration. Bennett is a board member on the Harris County Appraisal District and Harris County Election Board. In addition to fulfilling her duties as Harris County Tax-Assessor-Collector & Voters Registrar, Bennett has successfully completed and exceeded the required hours of education and certification required in property tax administration, assessment, collection, appraisal, ethics, open meetings and public information. She ranks 3rd out of the 254 counties in the State for education completed. She attends the TAAD Conferences for Property Appraisers. Bennett’s public service career is rooted and fueled by her passion for transparency, efficiency, accessibility and accountability in county government. She is committed to providing the highest level of customer service to the residents of Harris County. She continues to update the office with the best of technology, security, equipment and employee training. Bennett is also proud of voter registration outreach and grateful for the help of 4,227 newly trained Volunteer Deputy Voter Registrars. These tireless volunteer public servants have assisted in registering 2,291,037 voters in Harris County. She is also an advocate for registering high school students of voting age. She is a staunch advocate for taxpayers. Bennett implemented payment plans that have assisted residents affected by Hurricane Harvey and other hardships. She has scheduled property tax workshops for homeowners, seniors and churches. Bennett takes great pride in successfully managing 16 branch offices and a staff of nearly 400, collecting $9 Billion yearly in property taxes for 75 taxing jurisdictions, collecting approximately $1.2 Billion yearly in vehicle registrations and is a good steward of the taxpayers’ dollars.