2 minute read
Cassie A. Levy .....................................................................CEO, Emmit Moss Trust
from Top 30 Women 2021
by d-mars.com
Cassie A. Levy
CEO, Emmit Moss Trust
assie A. Levy is the 2nd
Cgeneration owner of Emmit Moss Trust (EMT), formerly known as Moss Properties, named after her late uncle Emmit Moss.
Ms. Levy’s leadership successfully presents her in a class by itself, as a premier female minority landlord, owning approximately 100 properties in Harris, Liberty, and Fort Bend counties. She has weathered ice storms, Hurricane Harvey, and many floods to continue the 70-year-old business. Since inheriting EMT in 2013, she has aggressively remodeled over 85 homes. Ms. Levy instills the gift of volunteerism and philanthropy in her employees. EMT entered into a community partnership with Kingdom View Inc. to establish Naomi’s House. The Naomi’s House was a transitional home for female ex-offenders reentering society as entrepreneurs with community support. Additionally, she has remodeled three homes in Louisiana inclusive of furnishings. She has volunteered with numerous organizations including the World Youth Foundation, Fort Bend County Habitat for Humanity, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated, the Levy Cancer Foundation, St. Jude for Childhood Cancer, Christian Faith Women of Virtue, March of Dimes, Lighthouse Christian Academy, Delta Academic Artistic and Philanthropic Foundation, Suburban Sugar Land Women, Women Professionals in Government and Delta Educational and Charitable Foundation to name a few. She is an active member of the Suburban HoustonFort Bend Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta and was selected Delta Dear of the Year for the Southwest Region in 2020. She is a member of the Naomi House Hall of Fame, recipient of Top Ladies of Distinction Community Service award and the Fortitude Award from the Delta Gamma Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta at Texas Southern University. She continues to actively conduct workshops on developing your own business and trains other organizations on establishing nonprofit foundations, while donating her professional skills. She is a member of the Fort Bend County Appraisal Board Commission. Prior to EMT, she worked for the City of Houston in administrative positions for 17 years serving four City Controllers and three City Attorneys. Additionally, she was a Bank Manager for several financial institutions for 18 years. Cassie holds a master’s degree from Springfield College Houston and a bachelor’s degree from Southern University. She has spoken at numerous graduations and luncheons inspiring others to benefit from their successes and challenges in life. Her mission is, “Let’s make it happen, because the service we render to others makes us great public servants.” She continues to mentor young female entrepreneurs and partners with organizations in our community that make a profound difference.
Cassie A. Levy CEO Emmit Moss Trust
PO Box 23787 Houston, Texas 77228 281-543-0387 http://www.emmitmosstrust.com mossproperties83@yahoo.com