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The Different Types and Why it Matters As Clinical Trials Halt, U.S
from Business Journal 159
by d-mars.com
HEALTH As Clinical Trials Halt, U.S. Covid Cases Surge
By Stacy M. Brown contract the virus are known in just 52 percent of cases, 7 of the 10 U.S. counNNPA Newswire ties with the highest death rates from E li Lilly recently announced that it would pause a governmentsponsored COVID-19 clinipeople of color make up the majority, according to data compiled by USA Today. Of the top 50 counties with the highcal trial because of a potential safety est death rates, 31 are populated mostly concern. by people of color.
The drug manufacturer did not spec- “Put simply, America’s history of racify the concern, but the experimental ism was itself a preexisting condition,” vaccine is reportedly similar to the one study authors wrote for USA Today. President Donald Trump has claimed Additionally, one report noted that cured him of the coronavirus. had African Americans died at the same
Earlier, Johnson & Johnson put the rate as whites; approximately 20,800 brakes on a COVID-19 vaccine trial af- Black people would still be alive. ter the company noted an “unexplained Dr. James Hildreth, the president of illness” reported by a participant. the historically Black Meharry Medical
I n College in September, Nashville, Great Britain Tennessee, told officials held the Black Press off on a potential vaccine “By engaging with the four that his school is among four when a participant reported a concerning reaction. Black medical schools, [participants] will have individuals who look like them, HBCUs preparing to host on campus COVID-19 The difficulty in producing a vaccine sitting across the table, having these conversations, and we clinical trials. Dr. Hildreth previously adfor the deadly virus comes as a new wave of think that’s going to make a huge difference.” vised against any vaccine touted by COVID-19 Trump, where infection has the presibegun. dent exclaimed would be ready before
Data provided by Johns Hopkins Election Day. University in Maryland revealed that “It’s true that Black people have little the U.S. surpassed 51,000 new daily trust in clinical trials, and that’s undercases on Oct. 13, marking the first time standable,” Dr. Hildreth stressed. “We’ve in over two months that the number engendered a level of trust with commuexceeded 50,000. nities of color that other organizations
The average daily number of new cases just don’t have, and it’s imperative for stands at 48 percent higher than two us as HBCUs to rise to this occasion.” months ago when 34,354 were reported. Dr. Hildreth noted that Meharry’s
More than 36,000 COVID-19 pa- trial would feature a vaccine made by tients were hospitalized on Oct. 13, the Novavax. highest number recorded since August. “I’ll be the first patient,” Dr. Hildreth
Statistics from the Centers for Disease said, again punctuating the trust that’s Control and Prevention reveal that needed to secure African American African Americans remain three times participants. as likely as whites to contract the coro- “By engaging with the four Black navirus, five times as likely to end up in medical schools, [participants] will have the hospital, and twice as likely to die individuals who look like them, sitting from COVID-19. across the table, having these conversaWhile the race and tions, and we think that’s going to make ethnicity of a huge difference.”those who COVID-19 have populations where