Cry Wolf

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crywolf Issue

November 2008











Caroline Rose Editor

Stephen Green Sub Editor

Hello and welcome to the first issue of the year of Cry wolf. I am the Welfare and Campaigns VP and as promised in my manifesto I will endeavour to grow and develop Crywolf. This years Crywolf society have kicked off with an excellent issue and full recognition must go to them for all their hard work. Thanks guys. I must also mention Stephen Green who is sub editor and chair of the society, who has come up with the goods! We look forward to more of his work and in the next issue he will be guest editor. I hope you enjoyed the freshers’ daily issues that we put out. Enjoy the issue. Caroline Rose

So this is it, my first real issue as sub editor of Cry Wolf, I’m really hoping that you will all enjoy the new look and direction that we have took. We have spent a lot of time making sure it looks up to scratch and does you justice. It has been a hectic week shouting at writers to get entries submitted and shoe horning the content into the pages, but what we have is good stuff. One thing you’ll see more this year is pictures, as we have secured a full colour spread this year we thought we’d fill it full of eye candy. So that’s all there really is to say apart from if you still want to be part of CryWolf drop me a email at and we’ll speak.

Cheryl McGivern President

Hey People, Just a quick update on what am up to at the moment….. Firstly I have now introduced the new version of "Fill Us In" cards, this is so that all of you can give the Executive Team ideas on what you want and also what were doing wrong also soon there will be the launch date of the executive sofa, which will be out in the quad for anyone to come and chat with us about student affairs. Our first monthly event is in November 2008, were we will be sending our students to GATECRASHER Birmingham, so keep looking out for our posters! Oh yeah and before I forget congratulations to the Bye-Elections winners, Welcome on board the team. Speak to you all soon

Catch you later, yeah. Stephen Green x

CONTENTS Two, this page Three, where to go in Wolves Four, Film Five, Literature Six, Varsity event Seven, Norway Eight-Eleven, Student Union propaganda Twelve, Anna is… get involved, Sudoku, Comic strip

Contributors, Andrew Heaton, Emma Robins, Chris Parr, Meg Hollowell, Vinny Banks, Victoria Birrell & Anna Clark Designed by, Darshan Patel 2

crywolf//november 2008


IN THE COMPANY OF WOLVES WHERE TO GO IN WOLVERHAMPTON Welcome back to Wolverhampton or welcome to Wolverhampton for all those fresh young minds eager to learn! For the new students – Congratulations! You’ve tackled UCAS and battled against the mile long student finance form, now you can start being a student! You may have completely good and honest intentions of going to every seminar and lecture. Think again! In reality you’ll miss a few, but for a good cause – being a true student. We’ve compiled a list of places that you may want to check out. This list of recommendations is written by students at higher levels for those entering their first. This is our advice that we lovingly pass down to the next generation of University of Wolverhampton students. Enjoy and be drink aware! The Royal London Pub extraordinaire! You’ll notice The Royal London in the centre right by the University, so it’s not at all far to have a sneaky little drink in between lectures (lemonade of course). The toilets alone are amazing with a nostalgic feel, complete with Barbie and Action Man wallpaper on the doors and the whole place screams ‘student’, that is metaphorically, not literally. An exotic choice of cocktails and other concoctions The Royal London is a pub that you could stay in all night and not get bored of your surroundings. And of course, how can I neglect the discussion of food? There is an ample choice available, including the oh-so original burger. The ideal place to lunch and for an evening out is easily The Royal London. Planet For all those indie boys and girls on a budget, and let’s face it – you are, check out Thursday nights at Planet. With only a five minute walk from the University this authentic indie hot spot (complete with sticky floors) is the best and cheapest place to be. A mere £10 in and all those lovely alcoholic drinks are free! Huzzah! Combine this with all of your favourite indie music and you’re guaranteed a top night out and 3

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there’s a plethora of eateries to go to after your dancing session. Pizza? Curry? Fried Chicken? Take your pick. Get your neck scarves ready… The Civic Hall, Wolverhampton Do you like live music? If the answer is yes then read on. Almost every night at the Civic Hall and adjoining venues there is always a gig of some sort going on. Providing a mixture of music, comedy and everything in between it would be difficult to not find a gig to go to. With three venues all in one place; The Civic Hall, The Wulfrun Hall and The Little Civic, we’re spoilt for choice. If you find yourself with nothing to do on a Saturday night, wondering where in Wolverhampton you could go then get yourself down to Blast Off club night at The Civic Hall in the centre of the city. Blast Off is a weekly club night on a Saturday night playing all of the latest Indie hits including all of the old ones too! Also if you have attended a gig on the same night you can usually gain cheaper entry. Doors open at 10pm and it’s only £5 for entry or £4 for concessions. The Civic Hall boasts quite a few bars with some good drinks promotions on including; Double Vodka + Red Bull for £3.30 and Jacques Cider for £4.50. (Don’t forget to drink responsibly.) If Indie music or Saturday nights aren’t for you then other nights include Cheeky Monkey’s on a Friday night at The Little Civic, which plays a mixture of 70s disco, 80s disco, ska and a little bit of Indie. Or if you fancy something a little heavier try Corrosion, the Metal night at The Wulfrun Hall which is every last Saturday of the month. The Moon Under Water/Wetherspoons Every town has at least one ‘Spoons, and Wolverhampton is no exception. Set handily between the train station and the University, ‘The Moon Under Water’ is a lovely big place, with plenty of staff to pour your (cold, cheap) drinks, tables, couches (where you can normally find myself and other members of the

CryWolf team) and booths to sit around, on and in, and a place to stand and shelter from the rain when you’re desperate for a cigarette. It’s only downfall? DOWNSTAIRS TOILETS. A nightmare to get down and even worse to get back up when you’ve been in there a couple of hours, but apart from that, it’s a great place. See you there then! The Giffard Arms Hard to spot in Wolverhampton town centre. Perhaps even a little dingy looking on the exterior. But The Giffard Arms is not as frightening or anti-social as it may appear at first. Even with the gothic interior and that huge Ozzyesque chair in the middle of the room. Yes, it is primarily a rock/metal themed pub aimed at bikers and heavy metal freaks from all walks of life but that is generally reserved for the evenings. But if you’re into all that (I, undoubtedly, am) then The Giffard offers a variety of nights: Terminal Death for those extreme metal fans, Darkwave for the industrial types, and even a spot for those who still revel in the days of yore (i.e. classic rock). DJ’s are on most nights and the staff are heavily tattooed, pierced and extremely friendly. Check out Compiled by Anna Clark, Andy Heaton, Meg Hellowell and Emma Robins


The Light House Media Centre is aptly named. In a culture obsessed with profits and superficial entertainment, it’s refreshing to find a shining beacon of independence and originality. Most students will know the Light House as a cinema. With only two screens, it’s no multiplex, but what it lacks in quantity it more than makes up for in variety. The Light House’s programmes are filled with a mixture of independent and international films, prestige pictures, and classics. And if your hankering for something more mainstream, you can usually find one or two of the big releases crammed in there for good measure. But the Light House is more than just a cinema. Every month the centre boasts an exciting programme of exhibitions, ranging from traditional art to quirky photographs. And, as if that weren’t enough, there are also poetry readings; live music; and a monthly film and television quiz (but be warned: it ain’t easy). The Light House also offers a variety of training courses, in both traditional film making, and animation. Throw in friendly staff, a convenient location (not two minutes from the bus and train stations), and the Lock Works café, and you have what is undoubtedly the artistic centre of Wolverhampton. Let’s hope it keeps on shining. For more information, check out: Chris Parr

Man On Wire On the 7th August 1974, a French performance artist walked across a steel cable stretched between the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York. The walk lasted for 45 minutes, and when the artist finally stepped off the cable, the police were waiting to arrest him. The artist was Philippe Petit, and the documentary Man on Wire chronicles the staggering planning, tensions, and sheer passion behind what has been referred to as “the artistic crime of the century”. And it was a crime. Director James Marsh’s reconstructions have something of a Hollywood heist movie to them, and the interviews with the perpetrators are full of references to the danger and illegality of what they were doing. Despite this, it really isn’t hard to see why Petit’s accomplices stuck by him. Petit is one of the most charismatic, exuberant, and passionate people you could hope to meet. When he talks, it’s not hard to see why people would fall over themselves to help him do something that, at the very least, would get them arrested. Thankfully, Man on Wire avoids politicising itself by leaving out any mention of the events of 9/11. Those events were driven by a passion, but this is a film about a different kind of passion: a passion for imagination, for joy, for life.


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The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas World War II is in full swing, and eight year old Bruno (Asa Butterfield) is moving from Berlin to a new home in the country with his army officer father (David Thewlis). From his new bedroom’s window, Bruno spots what he thinks is a farm, on which all the farmers wear striped pyjamas. Bruno soon befriends Shmuel (Jack Scanlon), another eight year-old boy living on the farm. Of course, we know that the “farm” is, in fact, a concentration camp, and that Shmuel and all the other “farmers” are really Jews. The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas follows Bruno as he learns more about conditions in the camp, from Shmuel, and from German propaganda. Director Mark Herman does a good job of making the subject matter accessible, as well as vocalising thematic problems such as authority and education. But, although the decision to have all the characters speak with English accents serves to paint them all with the same brush, wouldn’t German accents have served better? Ultimately, the film works well as a piece of historical education for a younger audience (though the 12A rating may make it inaccessible to children), and it does provoke thoughts. Unfortunately, none of those are thoughts that haven’t been provoked by other, better films.


PAUL MCDONALD He’s Walsall’s golden comedian, writing books involving a dictionary addiction and a naked goat. Let’s face it; it isn’t very often that Walsall gets a mention in any book that appears in Waterstones! Emma Robins interviewed fiction writer Paul McDonald to talk about his latest book. 1. When did you first realise that you had a flair for writing? When I was a student I thought I’d try to earn a bit of extra cash by writing stories for the women’s romance market. I sent my first story to a magazine called My Weekly using just my initials in the covering letter. They accepted it and sent me a cheque for thirty quid made payable to Ms P.J McDonald (my mom cashed it for me). You could get a lot of beer and Pot Noodles for that kind of money in the 80s, so I continued to write similar stuff throughout my student years. They were very formulaic, embarrassingly clichéd stories, but getting published gave me confidence, together with a sense that I might have a flair for fiction. 2. Your characters and storylines in your books are very original and entertaining. Where did you find inspiration? I’m not keen on the word inspiration. People who want to write fiction often waste a lot of time waiting for inspiration and, for me at least, it doesn’t come. I have to actively hunt for things to write about. I often choose an incident from real life and use that as a foundation. I build a fiction around it using characters created from people 5

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I’ve met, read about, or been told about. They’re usually distortions of the originals. I push the story along bit by bit, always thinking about my potential readers and what will make them want to stay with it. I’m flattered that you use the word entertaining because that’s what I aspire to be. Novelists have too much competition not to be entertaining these days. Whenever I encounter a novel that’s not entertaining I’m quick to bin it (I’m speaking metaphorically of course: what I actually do is iron the dust-wrapper and pop it on eBay). 3. In your latest book, Do I Love You? the characters are easy to identify with. It is also nice to see Walsall actually appearing in the literary world. Do you think that there is an element of your life experience within the book? If I had any sense I would have set my novels in Tahiti and applied for an Arts Council travel grant to go and research them. But people are always saying you should write about what you know and I think that’s good advice. Indeed, if you’re a comic novelist there are few better locations than Walsall. At one stage it was listed as the ugliest town in England, and as any humorist knows, ugly is funnier than beautiful. Think about it: Walsall is funny in ways that the Lake District isn’t. And the answer to your life experience question is: To a degree, yes. I think it’s impossible to detach yourself from your fiction regardless of how much you try. At one level or another there’s always something of you in it. That doesn’t mean that my work is autobiographical in any obvious way – far from it. Given the nature of my novels you’ll un-

derstand why I need to stress that. The parallel people often draw between fact and fiction can be alarmingly crude. Because I tend to write in the first person some readers assume my stories are literally true. Over the years I’ve had many people write to me, ring me up, or stop me in the street to ask if one of my characters is ‘really’ so and so. A gigantic bloke approached me at Bescot Market once and asked me if my character, Big Horrible Ugly Ken, was based on him. I told him absolutely, emphatically and unequivocally not (with my fingers crossed behind my back). 4. As an author would you ever consider any of your books being adapted into a film? It would be nice to have a film made of one of my novels, mainly because of the stonking great cheque that would come my way. I’d be able to pay off my mortgage, and afford a decent hair transplant. Plus if the film was a success it would bring my writing to the attention of a bigger audience. So if someone fancied doing it I’d almost certainly agree. As a matter of fact I wouldn’t mind a bit-part myself - although I’d have to insist on a no-nudity clause. Actually, a couple of years ago I was approached by someone who wanted to do a stage version of Surviving Sting, but nothing came of it. That could be because they had trouble raising the cash – who wants to finance a play set in Walsall? It makes Springtime for Hitler sound like a good idea. Mind you, the latter turned out to be a hit in the end, so who knows? 5. What is next for your writing? I’m writing an academic book

at the moment, and to be honest it’s boring me to death. I’m eager to get it finished so that I can start another novel. A couple of my friends suggested I should write something about clairvoyants and spiritualists, and I’m beginning to feel that this has some mileage in it. Certainly the whole business is ripe for satire. I may revisit my original hero, Dave McVane, and have him go on a spiritual journey. I have an opening scene in my mind where he’s conducting a press conference and suddenly begins to develop stigmata. The novel may also feature a character of the Derek Acorah type, or possibly even Derek himself, although I’ll have to consult my lawyer first. 6. And the golden question. Who is your favourite author? Why? The American writer Philip Roth is certainly one of my favourites. I’ve been obsessed with him for many years (though not in a weird way). I’m interested in fiction and the creative process, and many of Roth’s novels take that as their theme. They’re often about the joy and significance of writing fiction in the modern world (and the problems too!). He is also funny and his implicit point is frequently about the importance of maintaining a sense of humour. In citing Roth as my favourite I’m not comparing myself to him of course: we’re very different writers. His novels offer profound comments on the human condition, while mine depict characters whose testicles catch fire. However, though Roth may be a contender for the Nobel Prize for Literature, my books outsell his in Walsall. Emma Robins


VARSITY As all you sports fanatics know, varsity day is the biggest sporting event of the year for our Uni sports teams and this year was no different. Full of passion and pride, Wolves were victorious again over our biggest rivals but there were a few disappointments along the way. After a great end to the season last year and a positive pre season, the men’s football team got off to a poor start as the second eleven were held to a 1-1 draw and the first eleven were comprehensively beaten 6-3. The day started off with plenty of preparation on my part. First of all, sorting out t shirts for the big night ahead, and secondly, sorting out sports cards for all the lads who didn’t have one, or didn’t know what they were! Maybe over confidence, or naivety got the better of myself and the rest of the boys as the display on the pitch was definitely one to put behind us. UCB, however, were a totally different outfit from the side that took a hiding last year.


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Stronger, fitter and more tactically suited to a derby day. They took the honours and made us pay as the awards took a step to the hostile side! Barracuda in Birmingham was the host, as UCB stumbled across noise debates which were eventual downfall of their prestigious SU bar and it didn’t let anyone down. Although wolves were the winners on most fronts and over the day on the whole, the football celebrations got the better of everyone involved after a few rounds of drinks nearly caused a full scale riot! What should have been friendly banter turned sour and had the potential to turn a great day into a bad one! In the end, brains beat pride fists and order was resumed and everyone, on both parts enjoyed what can only be described as one of the nights of the year in Oceana, Birmingham. Vinny Banks


NORWAY TOUR On the 14th March this year, the University men’s football team travelled up to Norway for their annual tour. The trip had a lot of potential and it no way did it disappoint. The weekend could not have got off to a worse start though, as Coach Andy McKnight pulled out due to illness so it left the club to travel without their well respected top man! The boys knew they were always going to be in for a tough time in Norway, picking their wits against professional opposition was always going to be a mountain to climb. And it would show just how much the team had come on since the disappointing start to campaign pre Christmas. IK Start, opponents to European heavyweights Ajax in the Uefa cup a few seasons back were the side that hosted our first match of the tour. Playing at their old stadium on a brand new all weather pitch was something plenty of the lads had never experienced before and everyone thrived on the opportunity. Captain Mark Adamcyzk chose to pick the side that beat a good Coventry side just a week before to start against the Norwegian outfit and it’s fair to say that Wolves were the better side in the first half, despite trailing 1-0 at the internal courtesy of a great piece of counter attacking football. The game was played in the most horrendous conditions. Snow and wind made it hard for the tourists to get any rhythm in the second half and eventual fitness and pure quality by some of the IK Starts, youngsters gave them a 7-0 victory. The second game of the tour was abandoned due to the extreme conditions that weekend and no groundsmen were able to clear the pitch for us to play. This brought a disappointing end to the tour as only one game could be played. A side a few leagues lower than IK Start were the arranged opposition and a different outcome was surely on the cards for that second game. But as it stood, no game could be played and all the boys came home with their heads held high. This season, the club are looking to travel to Norway again for a tournament against sides from all over Scandinavia. Vinny Banks


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The Students’ Union (SU) held a mini-fayre to showcase its’ student offering at Walsall campus on Thursday 6 November. Students from all campuses came along to see what the SU, University and Walsall town centre had to offer. The day was a success as students took advantage of company promotions, information, advice and support, freebies, a games zone, barbeque and the opportunity to register for an NUS Extra discount card. The event was a benchmark for potential future events the SU is looking at hosting on Walsall Campus. For more information about LIVE IT, please contact Eric Potts, Sports and Societies Vice-President on (01902 32) 2047 or e-mail

STUDENTS IN THE RED DAY OF ACTION The Students’ Union (SU) held a day of action on Wednesday 5 November as part of a NUS priority campaign on higher education funding.

The SU were one of hundreds of unions taking part nationally in the campaign, Broke and Broken, to highlight levels of student debt caused by inconsistencies in higher education funding across the country. The Students in the Red day of action incorporated students writing their debt on a tag and tying it to a helium balloon. Later during the event, the balloons were popped by ViceChancellor, Professor Caroline Gipps, and members of the University’s Board of Governors. UWSU President, Cheryl McGivern, said “The day of action was a great success and we are delighted to have been involved in this national campaign organised by NUS. “Students came out in full force to make a stand and reinforce the message that we want to keep the cap on fees. The ViceChancellor releasing the balloons was a symbol of the University’s solidarity with our message”. Students in the Red is the first stage in which the SU will engage with the NUS campaign. The SU is also hosting a funding debate on Friday 21 November, which will be attended by students, University Executive and Board of Governors, NUS, councillors, local business people and special guest, MP Rob Marris. For further information please contact Caroline Rose, Welfare and Campaigns Vice President on: 01902 322045 or e-mail 8

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POLICE DROP IN SESSIONS The Advice and Support Centre in the Students’ Union first launched itself as a Hate Crime Reporting Centre in the Academic Year 2006/07. The initiative was undertaken as part of the True Vision Initiative for self-reporting and supported by our Student Crime Reduction Sergeant. In order to further develop this scheme as a service to our students for Academic Year 2008/09, the Advice and Support Centre, in conjunction with our own University Liaison Officer PC Claire Yeomans, were keen to provide a location where students could pop-in and speak to a police officer on a regular basis, in a relaxed, yet confidential environment. PC Yeomans will therefore be available between 12 noon and 2pm, every alternate Wednesday (starting 5th November 2008) at the Advice and Support Centre, Students’ Union on City Campus. She will primarily be on hand to answer queries and concerns, as well as take reports of incidents, in confidence, should she be required to. However, students are also encourage to simply drop by and get to know PC Yeomans, who is regularly on campus for the benefit of students and can also be contacted by email at any time at


Missed out on the bye elections?


Don’t worry, if you are interested in being school rep for your school then we still have places open. All you will need is 25 nominations from students. If you don’t know what the job entails then its basically heading up the course reps in your school. You will bring their collective issues to school and students union committees. It looks great for your employability and you will meet new people. You also chair your school council.

November 2008

The following positions are still up for grabs:

Higher Education Funding Debate Arena Theatre, City Campus Friday 21 November 2008 1:45pm-4:45pm

Graduate school School of Education School of performing arts and leisure Humanities Languages and social sciences Wolverhampton Business School School of Engineering and the built environment

Police drop-in Sessions Advice and Support Centre (ASC), City Campus Wednesday 5 & 19 November 2008 12-2pm

Edinburgh Trip Friday 21 – Sunday 23 November 2008

December 2008




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World Aids Day: Knicker Fashion Show! The Zone, City Campus Monday 1 December 2008 2-4pm SHAG Awareness Students’ Union 1-19 December 2008

Police drop-in Sessions Advice and Support Centre (ASC), City Campus Wednesday 3 & 17 December 2008 12-2pm International Disabled Day Students’ Union 3 December 2008 National Blood Service: Blood donation Courtyard, City Campus Friday 5 December 2008 9:30am-12:00pm & 13:30pm16:00pm


Leigh French

Dave Anson

Eric Potts

Caroline Rose

Academic VP

Sites & Democracy VP

Sports & Societies VP

Welfare & Campaigns VP

This is the first Blog I have written since before freshers’ so what has happened? Freshers’ seems a long go away now but I am still being reminded of it and its successes, just the other day I got an email from The Film Soc mailing list, I signed myself up to keep in the know how and its good to see that Give it a Go helped to create what seems like a hugely active society. I am looking forward to the next big screening. The other major ‘event;’ was The Student Written Submission , The Union have been busy writing an Academic report and all the Sabbs and Mr Knight had to present that report to external Auditors, I’m sure you don’t want the details of it but it was another successful mission. See ya!

Hey Everyone I'm the Sites and Democracy Vice President, I’ve been in post since July, since the students started back I hope that everyones enjoyed their time here, and that we at the Students’ Union have been exceeding what you want from us, the build up to Freshers was a nervous one but everyone at the organisation and Bestmates worked their socks off to ensure we started the term with a bang! Since Freshers’ we've all been busy doing various tasks, I've ensured that there will be a drop in centre over Telford for student’s to visit their Telford Officer during the week, and we're looking at turning the old bar into a social space for student’s to relax, watch television, play table tennis and spend time with friends. I hope everyone enjoys their year.

Hey Everyone, I’m Jack your Non Portfolio Officer, firstly I’m both honoured and excited to of been elected for this post on the executive team, and am looking forward to all the upcoming events, in particular our Worlds Aids Day event on the 1st of December which I am assisting Caroline with. I’m currently also in the process of establishing a Terrance Higgins Trust Society, and will soon Jack Whitehouse be recruiting members and promoting sexual Non Portfolio Officer advice and AIDS awareness. Unfortunately, I don’t have much of a word count left in this edition, so until the next time, take care. Hello, hope everyone is having a good year. Well this term in Telford we have done various things like acquire Telford students deals with Subway and various local night clubs. We also had a Halloween Party in our TF2 bar which was great. Anyways, if you are ever in Telford come check us out. Norman Dungwa Telford Officer

Hey guys, hope everyone is enjoying their time back at University. Just a quick note to let you know what I am currently working on. Recently I had a new policy passed for the Athletic Union which so far has been really successful. I have a couple of new projects which I am working on, firstly after the success of Fresher’s Fayre we have decided to put a mini fayre on at Walsall called ‘Walsall Live it’ which is on the 6th November at Walsall campus at the Students’ Union building. There will be sports and society members along with local companies, including bars, giving away freebies and letting you know what there is in the local area. My second project is a cooperative effort with the president to put on a Valantines Ball. For more information on any of these things or interest in my area please don’t hesitate to send me an email. Thanks,

Hi everyone, I hope you freshers’ have settled in after an amazing freshers’ week. The main things I am working on at the moment are a day of action for student debt which is 5th November and a HE funding debate on 21st November. You should come along, our MP will be here. I am also working on World Aids Day which is December 1st. we will be having a knickers fashion show and awareness day in Zone 34 at City Campus. Also looking forward to the Walsall fayre “live it”. I have also been recruiting for the Diversity committee with help from Ann. I have been on elections committee for the recent bye election. I have also been elected to NUS National Council and will be on a steering group for a BBC Mental Health Campaign.

Hi, Ann here your Diversity Officer to support and encourage liberation groups within the University. It has been a busy time since elections finding my feet and generally getting to know my way around the job. My priority is to find members for the Diversity Committee I am still looking for students for each of the following positions: Black Student Rep International Student Rep Ann Hayward Part Time Student Rep Diversity Officer Women Student Rep Postgraduate Rep If you are interested in any of these positions please email me at Thankyou to everyone who has signed up to us so far. Write Soon



crywolf//november 2008

GOING OUT? STAY SAFE If you're going out this Christmas, please be aware of your personal safety and make sure you plan your journey home. An unlicensed taxi or private hire vehicle is not only illegal – they could be dangerous. The driver will not have had a criminal records bureau check and the vehicle will not have been examined by Wolverhampton City Council for roadworthiness. It might not even have a current MOT. It is also very unlikely that an unlicensed vehicle will be insured to carry passengers – so if the vehicle is involved in an accident and you are injured, you won’t be able to claim damages or compensation for your injuries. Travel tips for getting home safely at night • Plan your journey home beforehand. • Book your taxi in advance. Before you get in, check it is from the firm you booked with and has a proper licence plate. • Carry the number of a trusted, registered taxi company with you. Contact details for licensed taxi operators are listed on the Council’s website at • Only flag down Hackney Carriages. Private hire vehicles must be booked in advance. • Agree the fare before you get into the taxi • Always sit in the back behind the driver • If for any reason you feel unsure, do not get into the vehicle. Follow this simple advice to stay safe whilst enjoying yourself • Let someone know where you’re going and what time you expect to get home • Eat before drinking as food slows down how fast alcohol gets into your bloodstream. • Avoid drinking in rounds as this often means drinking at a faster pace. • Drink smaller drinks or use more mixers. • Never accept a drink from someone you don’t know and don’t leave your drink unattended • If your drink has been moved, topped up or tastes different then don’t drink it • Always have enough money to get yourself home If you have any queries about the information outlined above please contact me on the number below.

Last chance to book! All bookings must be received by noon Friday 14 November 2008

Andy Poulton, Licensing Officer Tel: 01902 550186


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crywolf//november 2008

ANNA IS... Hello and welcome to my first column. I’m Anna (as the name suggests) and each Cry Wolf magazine I’ll be telling you something that’s happening in the wonderful world of Anna. Well in this issue things aren’t so rosy in my world. I’ve only been back for a month and already I have no money because of rent and transportation costs. The last two years I decided to commute from Birmingham, but for my final year I made the conscious decision to live in Wolverhampton so I can be close to the library. However, with all the financial stress that comes with living away from home, I’m finding it hard to concentrate in my lectures, never mind going to the library. So here I’m going to be showing you how I’m mentally and physically surviving on little money. Wednesday – No lectures today, which means I don’t have to spend money meeting my friends in Go Eat. Went to have some breakfast, but I have no milk. Toast? I have to throw away the first couple of slices because of mould. Attractive. Pasta for dinner, without any sauce. Thursday – Meet friends in the old Costas. They have coffee, and I have flavoured water from ASDA. I am truly living the dream. I have no lunch because I’m trying to ration my food. I’m feeling pants from the lack of food and find a chocolate bar in my cupboard which restores some kind of energy which allows me to do some reading. Friday – I go back home to Birmingham with the last of my money in my overdraft. I’m finally back to the safety net of my house where milk never goes off and there’s always plenty of food. Hurray! The half a stone I had lost this week from lack of eating is quickly put back on with my mom’s portions of roast dinners. Tuesday – Have been home all weekend, so financially it’s been an O.K. week, apart from having to borrow money for bus fare for me to get to work. That’s something else I haven’t mentioned yet. It’s one thing to have lack of food, but there’s also the embarrassment of not being able to afford the basic things like bus fare. I’m lucky enough to have good friends who have been helping me out. Wednesday – Beef noodles for lunch. For dinner, it was yet again the delightful pasta and vegetables. I really don’t know why Gordon and Jamie don’t serve it up, with the right seasoning, it doesn’t taste too bad, or maybe my taste buds have just got used to it. Anna-Maria Clark

Just because your students doesn’t mean you have to eat badly. Steak. You can get a steak really cheap if you find a Morrison’s I’m talking sub a quid cheap. If your not lucky enough to be near a Morrison’s you need to shop around, try ASDA but buy meat that’s reduced as its nearly out of date. Right all you need to is rub each side of the steak with olive oil, pepper and salt, then fry in a good pan for three minutes each side (this gives you medium rare, bit longer or less depending on your taste), and that’s all there is too it, catch you later, yeah? Stephen Green

GET INVOLVED Perhaps one of the best things I could recommend for any student is one of the most obvious – join a society. I know you’ll have been badgered and harassed during Fresher’s Week by numerous societies begging for your membership, but, let’s be honest – they do have a point. University is a time for exploration as much as learning, so why not join a society about something you’re interested in, but clueless about? Better still, join a society for something you’re passionate about and meet other enthusiastic people; share ideas, pursue your hobby & have a laugh. Societies are fantastic places to meet people, grow as a person and learn new skills (I had only basic first aid skills before I joined the St Johns’ society last year). If there’s not a society for your particular interest – I don’t think we have a cookery society, for example – why not set one up? Not only will you have a great time, it’ll look fantastic on your CV (employers always love “extra-curricular” stuff). So there’s my advice – if you’re in a society, great, if you’re not; definitely give it a thought! Check out the SU website for details of all current societies & how to set up your own. You’ll never know what you’ll learn... Victoria Birrell


crywolf//november 2008

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