Car Collector Chronicles ®
Volume IV, Issue 12
Car Collector Chronicles
High RPMs
Car Collecting Today Classic Rides Reports From the Field Oldsmobile (1897-2004)
Allanté (1987-1993)
Corvair (1960-1969)
GDYNets On the Web
Call for Articles
A Modest PropOLDSal
Night Before Christmas
Here it is the 16th of November and I have yet to type a single word for the December edition. I need to get moving! First off, do let me extend to all the best of the holiday season! May it be both a safe and enjoyable one for all.
Cadillac (1902- )
High RPMs
I do not know where you are as you read this? Here, in WI, we are already into the droll days of winter. While we have yet to have snow or blinding cold, the daylight hours are short and heavy coats are required. Along with personally having to wear a heavy coat daily, my rides have also donned their car covers, which shall remain in place until spring arrives; which could very well be June in Wisconsin! On the topic of storage I ran across an interesting piece of advice that sort of surprised me. I wish I could recall where I saw it, but it was from a reputable
Find GDYNets on the web:
source. It may well have been from a Cadillac dealer on a XLR web site? At any rate, the advice was to over inflate the tires to prevent flat spots while in storage. The reason I found this surprising is that I have always been led to believe that radial tires were not subject to getting flat spots from sitting for a prolonged period. I thought that was an affliction limited only to bias-ply tires? I pass it on, for whatever it may be worth. I am pleased to report that Car Collector Chronicles® -THE FORUM is now the official online home of the CadillacLaSalle Club Badger Region Chapter. CCC® is honored to have been chosen to house the group, and glad to be able to furnish it with a net presence. May we both benefit from the association! I am presently toying with the idea of installing an auxiliary electric fuel pump on The Gray
Lady, our ‘55 Coupé de Ville. The
idea being,, it will spring to life a lot quicker and easier after sitting without having been run for weeks, or even months. Anyone have experience with such a mod? Will it cure “hard starting” problems? Any do’s/ don’ts of which I need to be aware? Let me know!
GDYNets® on the Web CCC® -THE FORUM http://ccc.activeboard.com Car Collector Chronicles-scribd
CCC® Forum EMail:
December 2011
Saved 62 - 1962 Olds web site http://www.freewebs.com/ jeandaveyaros The Gray Lady - 1955 Cadillac Coupé de Ville web site
SAVED 62: A website devoted to our 1962 Oldsmobile Dynamic 88 convertible. The site also has a lot of information on Oldsmobiles and its founder, Ransom Eli Olds.
THE GRAY LADY: This website features our 1955 Cadillac Coupé de Ville and Caddy information.
DAVE’S DEN: A website devoted to a myriad of interests. Foremost is extensive information on the “Steel City” of Gary, IN. There are also offerings on steel making, U.S. Steel-Gary Works, U.S. Marine Corps, M14 assault rifle, of course Oldsmobile, and the tragic story of the murder of Gary, IN Police Lt. George Yaros.
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Car Collector Chronicles
Call for Articles I shall now present my perennial, impassioned plea for your help! It is the dead of winter. The holidays are soon to be behind you. You are house-bound awaiting the arrival of spring. What better opportunity to take an hour of your time and dash off an article for CCC®? The task is not nearly as daunting as it might appear. We are not looking for Pulitzer Prize winning prose. By now you have a good feel for who we are; which is just plain, simple folk, with our feet firmly planted on the ground. We speak the same language as you! “What better opportunity to take an hour of your time and dash off an article for CCC®? The task is not nearly as daunting as it might appear. We are not looking for Pulitzer Prize winning prose.”
Do not think you have nothing of interest to offer. Far from it! Write about what you know best. That is your car. Just as car folk have no trouble, and enjoy, talking about their car(s), they also enjoy reading about other owners rides. If they did not, CCC® would not now be in its fourth year of publication, believe me. Why is your ride special to you? How did you get into the old car hobby? What have you done to your car? Where have you been with your car? What problems have you encountered with your car, and how did you deal with them? The potential, in terms of subject matter, is virtually endless. Once you get started, you will find that the words will readily flow. The key is to determine that you will in fact sit down and “get started.” Just do it! All that I ask is that your article be in a text format, so that I can manipulate it if need be. Adobe® .pdf docs may not be changed. However, email text or a word processing file sent as an email attachment is capable of being formatted by me, as needed. Don’t forget that pics spiff up an article. If you have ever attached a photo to an email you have the needed skill to send me a picture to include in your article. There is indeed truth to the maxim that “a picture is worth a thousand words.” We, and that includes your fellow readers, really do want to hear from you! Additionally, in this regard I am seeking your help. While I do enjoy putting the newsletter together, I want it to be something far more than just my personal sounding board. I cannot do that, and it cannot be that, without your input. Believe me when I say that it would be far more enjoyable for me to be editing your material, rather than having to create my own month-after-month, after month! Make a decision to contribute an article for CCC® in 2012. You have nothing to lose, and everything to gain, by doing so. Send your submissions and photos to OldsD88@gmail.com. See yourself in print in 2012!
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Car Collector Chronicles
A Modest PropOLDSal I do not try to hide the fact that I hold a soft spot in my heart for Oldsmobiles. I do because Oldsmobiles were the only cars my family members ever bought. My high school ride was a 1960 Oldsmobile Super 88 Holiday SceniCoupe. My brother ordered it from the factory with 3-on-the-tree. It is, and always will be for me, the one that got away! Any admirer of Oldsmobiles has to also appreciate the contributions to automotive history by Ransom Eli Olds. Among them are the first U.S. made vehicle to be exported, the first use of assembly line production methods, the first speedometer and a slew of others. As Olds was only affiliated with Olds Motor Works (later to become Oldsmobile, and even later a part of General Motors) for a relatively short time, his contributions to automotive history are not limited to Oldsmobile. As is well known, after departing the Olds Motor Works he went on to form the REO Motor Co.
“First opening
Preserving the legacy of both R.E. Olds and Oldsmobile is the task taken on by the R. E. Olds Transportation Museum http://reoldsmusuem.org/. The museum is a recognized IRS 501(c)(3) charitable organization. It is housed in a modest building leased from the City of Lansing, MI. That building is located smack, dab in the middle of a flood plain! First opening its doors in 1981, it now has 52 vehicles in its collection; ranging from an 1886 Olds steamer to the very last Oldsmobile produced in 2004. It publishes a quarterly newsletter, titled The Spirit. The museum, though small in size, also holds the distinction of being named one of the 10 best small car museums in the country by Car Collector Magazine.
vehicles in its
With GM killing off the Oldsmobile line, corporate support of the museum came to an abrupt end. Continued funding is a problem. Particularly is this so given the condition and location of the museum building. It is in need of repair. The collection has outgrown the available space. You and I are not going to solve these problems, but we sure can help. If everyone reading this article saw fit to donate to the museum the cost of one tank of gas for their classic car, I estimate the museum would have $6,000 more than it has right now. I assure you, that sum will accomplish a lot. The museum does make it easy to donate, should you be so inclined. Donations may be made online, via PayPal®, here http://reoldsmuseum.org/monetary-donations. I hope you will join with me in trying to keep the R. E. Transportation Museum from going under!
its doors in 1981, it now has 52 collection; ranging from an 1886 Olds steamer to the very last Oldsmobile produced in 2004.”
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Car Collector Chronicles
R. E. Olds Transportation Museum—Facts Address: 240 Museum Drive Lansing, MI 48933 Ph. (517) 372-0529 Visiting Info - Hours: Tuesday – Saturday, 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. (Closed Mondays) Sunday, 12 p.m. – 5 p.m. (Closed Sundays November – March) Admission: Adults $5, Family $10 Students & Seniors $3 Group Tour: $3 each, 15 or more people Membership (available for purchase online): $15 Senior (65+)/Student, $25 Individual, $35 Family, $100 Supporter, Lifetime Member $1000
Museum Vehicle Holdings YEAR/Model - OLDS 1886 Steam Carriage
YEAR/Model - REO 1906 REO Model B Runabout
1901 Curved Dash
1908 REO Runabout Model B 4 Passenger 1909 REO A Two Cyl. Touring
1904 Curved Dash 1905 N 1920 Economy Truck 1921 V8 Model 46 1921 46T 1926 2 Dr. Roadster 1930 Viking Sedan 1937 Model L Coupe 1937 8 Four Door 1940 70 Series 1942 98 Club Sedan 1948 Futuramic 1951 88 Four Door 1953 NASCAR Race Car 1962 F-85 1963 Starfire 1964 Dynamic 88 1964 Vista Cruiser Wagon 1964 F-85 Cutlass Convertible 1966 Toronado 1969 98 Convertible 1972 Vista Cruiser 1974 98 Regency 1976 Omega 1979 Brougham 1981 Omega 1981 Toronado XSC 1982 Cutlass Ciera 1984 March Indy race car 1985 Cutlass Salon 'Darth Vader' 1988 Cutlass Conv. 1995 Aurora 1999 Alero 2004 Alero The very last Oldsmobile, period, built in Lansing
1911 1923 1927 1928 1929 1932 1936 1938 1976
REO Truck REO Speedwagon REO Flying Cloud 4 door REO Model FA Grain Tk REO Model B2 Flying Cloud REO Ambulance/Hearse REO Flying Cloud REO Speedwagon Fire Truck Diamond REO Raider
YEAR/Model - MISC 1919 Bates "Steel Mule" Tractor w/ Trailer 1926 Star 2 Door Coach 1935 R. E. Olds Michigan Driver License 1952 Plant 3 Fire Truck 1996 GM EV1 Electric Car 2003 Cadillac CTS
[It does seem a bit unfortunate that the holdings do not include a 1953 Fiesta, a 1957 w/J-2, or a 1962 Starfire?]
Car Collector Chronicles
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And in the garage, there wasn't a trace of a Ford, Chevy, or even a Dodge. The presents were wrapped and the lights were all lit. So I figured I'd mess with the Olds for a bit. I popped the release and raised the hood. Then a deep voice behind me said, "Looks pretty good." Well, as you can imagine, I turned mighty quick, And there, by the workbench, stood good ol’ Saint Nick! We stood there a bit, not too sure what to say. Then he said, "Don't suppose that you'd trade for my sleigh? I said, "No way, Santa" and started to grin, "But if you've got time, we could go for a spin!" His round little mouth, all tied up like a bow, Turned into a smile and he said, "Hey! Let's go!" So as not to disturb all the neighbors' sleep, We pushed the rocket quietly into the street. Then, taking our places to roll down the hill, I turned the key, popped the clutch and let the horsepower work its will. The sound that erupted took him by surprise, But he liked it a lot, judging from the look in his eyes. With the Goodrich's smokin', and the tail pipes singin’, We headed on out where the street racers go. Santa's grin widened, approaching his ears, With every shift, as I went through the gears. Then he yelled, "Can't recall when I've felt so alive!" So I backed off the gas and said, "You want to drive?" Ol’ Santa was stunned when I gave him the keys. When he walked past the headlights, he shook at the knees! Then the big block exploded with an incredible sound! Santa mashed the pedal and the tires shook the ground! Slamming into second, again into third! I sat there just watching, at a loss for words. Then I heard him exclaim as we blasted from sight, "Merry Christmas to all, IT’S BEEN ONE HELL OF A NIGHT!" [I would gladly give credit, but I know not who authored this parody?]
– Ok, I’ve had my say for the month. Now it’s your turn! I invite/encourage submission of your comments, opinions and article contributions. I also ask that you please help spread the word about our publication. Everything sent shall indeed be reviewed by me. Submissions should be sent to CCC® at OldsD88@gmail.com. –– Now that you have finished reading this month’s issue of the newsletter, come start/join an ongoing dialog with other CCC® readers and like-minded car collector folk on the CCC® Forum. Stop by, check us out and share your views … . _______________________________________
Time for Tires? TBD