Division 2 August 2015

Page 1



San Leandro Key Clubbers are enjoying their newsletter prize at the June DCM.

Recognition 9 Kiwi Points 15 PTP 23 District News 32

August 2015 Volume IV // Issue 3 Division 2 | Region 9 | Cali-Nev-Ha District | Key Club International

LTG’S Welcome Page 4

Upcoming Events Page 6

August's DCM Agenda Page 7

August’s Service Initiative Page 8

Recognition Page 9


Kiwi P Pag

Clu Rep Pag

Education: PTP Page 23

Points ge 15

District News Page 32

June DCM Page 24

ub ports ge 15

Contact Info Page 36

Articles Page 26



Hello, Division 2 Kiwis! Happy August! Summer is almost over, and believe me, I'm as sad as the rest of you. But hey, along with all the school work, college applications, and other things school related, we also have club rush, first meetings of the year, and Fall Rally North coming up soon! August and September can be really draining for a lot of us, but Key Club can be your savior! Don't stress too much and always do something you love. Be sure to attend service events and DCMs to get your mind off things. Lose yourself in the service of others! With the mention of Fall Rally North, it's about time we prepare for that! FRN Spirit Coordinator Pariya is working extremely hard to prepare our division cheers so we can win the spirit stick this year! With our numbers and love for Key Club, I'm sure this can be the year that we win. As dedicated members and officers of Division 2, it is YOUR duty to share the cheers with your clubs! In order to win, we need to be spirited, in sync, and LOUD! We will be having FRN preparation meetings in the near future! In the meantime, apply to be a Spirit Leader! You can take a leadership role in teaching cheers to the rest of the division! Remember, Fall Rally North isn't all about the spirit! It's about the Kiwanis family, celebration of service, and, most importantly, the Pediatric Trauma Program! Right now, we are in the process of raising funds for this wonderful cause! All clubs should be thinking of new fundraisers to raise money for PTP! We have until mid-October, so put on your thinking caps and get out there, Kiwis! Study up on PTP facts so you can raise money to the best of your ability. Summer doesn't stop Key Club, nor fundraising, so I hope you can all raise lots of funds! I hope you all enjoy the August newsletter, courtesy of Meiling. She's doing a wonderful job with these newsletters, so be sure to appreciate her work with a read! The normal newsletter questions will be featured at the DCM, so be sure to keep an eye out for specific topics. Have a wonderful few weeks left of summer, Kiwis! I love you all! Taking FLIGHT in Service,

Calvin Tang
 Division 2 Lieutenant Governor









Saturday 1






August Visuals, MoM, &


























Leaders applications due!

MRF due! 6PM.




OoM due! 6PM


August DWS: Kid’s Carnival August 9, 2015 9AM - 4:30PM Golden Gate Fields August DCM: Color War Rendezvous

August 15, 2015 11AM - 3PM Bonaire Park

Help out little kids between ages 3 to 11 by running booths and activities. There will even be pony rides and magic shows! All volunteers must attend a meeting the weekend before to be assigned their roles. Wage war on fellow Key Clubbers and those around our communities by decorating each other with color. Admission, along with one color of powder paint, is $10 pre-sale and $12 at the door. Additional colors are available at $3 for one and $5 for two.


August DCM: August 15, 2015

Division 2 | Region 9 Call to Order: 11:30 a.m. a. Pledges b. Roll Call a. Alameda, Albany, American Indian, Arroyo, Berkeley, Castro Valley, El Cerrito, Encinal, Leadership Public Hayward, Oakland, Oakland Technical, Piedmont, San Leandro, Skyline b. Advisors and Guests c. Old Business a. Club Reports b. Summer Board Training Conference c. August DWS d. FRN Spirit Leaders! d. New Business a. Division T-Shirts! i. Congrats to Dabria Fong from D26S for making the winning design! b. Kiwi Tip: G - Goals i. One of our goals for this year is fundraising! ii. Let's raise over $8,000 for PTP BY FRN! iii. Improve Kiwanis relations by attending meetings! c. Kiwi Tip: Back to School i. Summer is almost over ii. Fix your sleep schedule and study for tests! iii. Prepare for club rush and first meeting iv. Most important recruitment time!

d. Recognition | August 2015 i. Club of the Month: ii. Member of the Month: iii. Officer of the Month: iv. Kiwanian of the Month: e. Division Goals i. 5 service events in one month ii. Raise $150 for PTP iii. Prepare for FRN iv. Practice those cheers! f. Newsletter Prizes e. Comments/ Questions? a. Huge thanks to Arroyo for hosting this DCM! b. Let's have a colorful event! f. Adjournment

August’s Service Initiative The CNH Service Projects Committee created the Spotlights on Service Program to help educate members about Key Club International and Cali-Nev-Ha’s Service Initiatives to encourage active participation. Each month, a service initiative is assigned is assigned for clubs to focus their service projects on.

The August Focus is…

Children’s Education Education creates opportunities upon youth to explore their talents and imaginations. A child’s education directly affects our future. The future generation might just be able to cure cancer or create time travel machines. But without basic education

support, their opportunity to shine is not possible. This month, our focus is to support children’s education in every way possible. Read about some projects ideas that promote our August Focus.

1. School Supplies/Book Drive 2. Working with Kiwanis Kids/
 Builders Clubs 3. Tutoring Programs 4. Pencils of Promise 5. Save the Children

Click here to read more!

Service Project Ideas:

Submit the form but the 5th of each month. Send visuals to cnhkc.sp@gmail.com.

Once you've completed a service event that fits the service initiatives created by the district, fill out there form HERE



RECOGNITION ENCINAL had the most service hours. ALAMEDA raised the most funds. ENCINAL is our club of the month.


KIWANIAN of the month MIKE LE FAIVRE— He is an incredible asset to Division 2 as he

shows continuous support towards everything Key Club. At the June DCM, he helped out with barbecuing the foods and he allowed himself to be auctioned of to help raise funds.

OFFICER of the month has not gone unnoticed. Despite only being an officer for a few months, he has already grown and learned an incredible amount. In order to attend the July DWS, he even took an early leave from his SoCal adventure.

MEMBER of the month


ARIANNA KAN— Arianna is never too busy for service. Despite all her advanced classes and anything that may come up in her life, she always makes the effort to attend as many service events as she can. Not only does she have a nearly perfect attendance for her home club’s events, she’s also attended nearly all division events.


KHOI NGUYEN— His love, dedication, and passion for Key Club

Alameda “My favorite aspect of Key Club is having the opportunity to participate in community services that can help make a positive impact in my community and also being able to do all that while having fun with friends.” “My favorite memory of Key Club is winning my bid on Will Xu during the Lake Chabot DCM event!” “I hang out with my chill friends to stay cool.”

Member of the Month:

Hai Bin He


Member of the Month:

Louisa Liu

“I really love the fun sense of community amongst people I already know outside of the club. It helps me feel more connected with the world around me, instead of a little lone bean sticking it out in the world.” “They're all good memories. Key Club people are fun.”

American Indian “I like Key Club because we get to come together as a community to help others.” “My favorite memory of Key Club is helping out at the Kaiser 5k run. I had fun cheering and encouraging the runners.” “I like to play League of Legends and attend Key Club events.”

Member of the Month:

Sandy Mei

Arroyo “My favorite aspect of Key Club is to be able to serve the community, while meeting and bonding with others.” “One of my favorite Key Club memory was going to FRN for the first time, and seeing how many people were apart of Key Club.” “I like to read in the sun, while eating either watermelons or ice cream.”

Member of the Month:

Crystal Huang


“I like the variety of events so there's usually something that's close by and like fits your schedule.” “Having an assembly line of people make sandwiches at glide in SF.” “Give back to my community.”

Member of the Month:

Lily Dawson

Castro Valley “My favorite aspect of Key Club is being around such amazing people who share my interests and spending their time to help others, no matter how small or how big that deed may be. Key Club is extremely welcoming and has allowed me to form more and stronger friendships through service.”

Member of the Month:

“I stay cool in the summer by hissing at sunlight and closing the blinds.”

Ethan Kwong

El Cerrito Favorite Aspect: Opportunities. Favorite Memory: FRN Summer Activities: Stay inside or bake

Member of the Month:

Stephany Su

Encinal Member of the Month:

“I love how Key Club has so many community service events and opportunity. I see other clubs and they don't have as much as we do. Key Club doesn't just limit themselves to just one event category. “ “My favorite Key Club memory is when we took our club photo for the yearbook because it's one of the very rare moments where the whole entire club is together at the same time.” “I like to eat ice cream to stay cool.”

Cindy Huynh

Leadership Public “My favorite aspect of Key Club is meeting all the amazing members and officers as well as seeing the all great service being done.” “My favorite Key Club memory is the last DCM I went to..” How to stay cool: “DRINK BOBA!!”

Member of the Month:

Joshua Tran

Oakland Oakland Technical “My favorite thing about Key Club is that I'm able to use my free time and convert it into something productive for my community.” “My favorite memory is the bonding time I had with my roommates at DCON.” “I like to drink McDonald's ice tea to cool down.”

Member of the Month:

Jimmy Chuong

Piedmont Member of the Month:

“I love going to new volunteer opportunities and experiencing different ways to contribute to a community.” “At a Jamaican Jerk Cook Off Festival my club volunteered at, it was really neat seeing the different booths with foods of different cultures.” “follow Calvin on twitter because it's dope”

Bentre Nguyen

San Leandro “Key Club not only offers an excellent opportunity for members to give back to their community, it also allows members to grow and develop leadership skills through events like OTC.” “My favorite Key Club memory was when the SL board worked super hard to fundraise for MNT week. (They dressed up as babies).” How to stay cool: “Go swimming and eat ice cream!”

Member of the Month:

Tiffany Lee

Skyline Castro Valley—

Oakland Technical—


El Cerrito—


American Indian—


San Leandro—


Leadership Public—

Will Xu Tiffany Huynh Michelle Xie Jenny Le


Emily Soe

Johnny Chen Serena Truong Deanna Chu Alex Gonzalez



Yuting Yu

Sarah Chin Hannah 


Vicky Le




Early MRF:

Submit your report form before the 1st at 6PM!


On-time MRF: It must

be received by 6PM on the 5th of each month.


Late Submissions:

You do not get penalized. Better late than never!


On-time MoM/OoM:

Fill out the Google Form and send in a photo by 6PM on the 10th!

Alameda Albany American Indian Arroyo Berkeley Castro Valley El Cerrito

Kiwi Points


On-time TMRF:

The Google Form must be timestamped before 6PM on the 5th of each month.


On-time Article:

They must be received by 6PM on the 10th of each month for full points.


On-time Visual:


Service Events:

Hold 5 service events in a month.


$150 to PTP/MNT:

Meet the monthly division goal of donating at least $150 to PTP or MNT.


Member/ Officer:

Each one in attendance receives a point!

Each on-time visual that is used in a Kiwanis/ newsletter or other form of division Advisers advertisement will Invite them receive 2 points. to division events!

40 72 51 79 25 117 15


Encinal Leadership Public Oakland Oakland Technical Piedmont San Leandro Skyline

67 17 23 30 62 46 50

ClubClubRepOrts RepOrts This past month our officers went to division officer training conference. Our officers also went to attend this month's division council meeting along with a few of our key clubbers. We also attended two relay events called See Jane Run and Relay for Life, located both in Alameda. This month we did not raise any money but we are preparing to contact Costco and other food establishments to donate food. We are going to set up a food booth in front of Bay Farm's ferry terminal. We are also finding other ways to raise money such as a bake sale.

It's finally summertime, but service never ends for Albany Key Club! We held two more candy lei making sessions for our middle school and high school graduations. At the actual sales, which took place over two days, we sold both the candy leis and extra ribbon leis from last year and ended up making $567 in total!

In the beginning of June, our seniors graduated with honors while we ushered the ceremony for it go smoothly. Later, we helped an elderly women with renovations and clean-up, so she would not be fined for the work she isn't physically able to do. At Camp Arroyo, we raised the happiness among families and their children affected by heart disease by running booths with games and crafts. At the Oakland Fruitvale's Night Market, we set up a drawing station for the children as one of the many entertaining booths there. To end the month on a sweet note, we attended the latest DCM at Lake Chabot and had a blast!


This past month our club continued to distribute our baseball tee merchandise throughout various schools among the district. We also contributed to the Bethel Food Pantry, where we helped the church by distributing goods to guests. In addition, we also participated in an Installation BBQ with San Leandro High School’s Key Club.

Send in a photo of your club to Meiling at d02.cnhkc.dne@gmail.com to make sure your club gets to be showcased like it deserves.

We haven't done anything yet this summer, but we have planned a bake sale on Fourth Street in Berkeley (July 18th) and a Plastic Free July event at Adventure playground (July 18th as well). We also have scheduled many trips to GLIDE to help pack and distribute sandwiches, all of these trips occurring in the coming months.

In June, Castro Valley worked at the Bethel Food Pantry in San Leandro on the 18th. On June 19th, we hosted our annual End-of-the-Year BBQ with over 40 attendees. We worked at a kitchen preparing food at St. Vincent de Paul Kitchen. On the 22nd, we hosted a fundraiser at Rockin' Jump. Castro Valley and San Leandro hosted the June DCM at Lake Chabot, providing a BBQ and an auction from members of the division and the DLT.

This month we have been preparing for and serving at the WorldOne Festival in Cerrito Vista Park. The WorldOne radio was founded in 1995 and WorldOne festival in 1998. The event its lead and coordinated by a teacher at El Cerrito High School, Corey Mason.

During this past month, our members are going strong despite the heat and summer vacation. We attended our monthly Alameda Food Bank event. We also got involved with an organization called Rhythmix and helped them pass out flyers and advertisements in two separate events. Lastly, or focus event of the month was Relay for Life. Fourteen of our members served for a total of 120 hours. We also had a clean up event on the day after for Relay for Life.

Send in a photo of your club to Meiling at d02.cnhkc.dne@gmail.com to make sure your club gets to be showcased like it deserves.

For the month of June, some of the members of our key club were able to attend the DCM. There, they were able to learn more about the way their actions positively benefit those around them.

Do YOU want to show off what your club has been up to the past month? Contact your club’s Editor/Historian and send a summar y along with a photo to Meiling at d02.cnhkc.dne@gmail.com.

Send in a photo of your club to Meiling at d02.cnhkc.dne@gmail.com to make sure your club gets to be showcased like it deserves.

For the past month, we have been doing services with Uhuru. We also attended the June DCM. Although we have not done as much as we wished, we have services lined up every weekend.

This past month Piedmont has earned $88 for the Eliminate project from the monthly bubble tea sales. We hosted a "Goodbye Seniors" for our fellow seniors Key Club members. We also volunteered at the Alameda Japanese Bazaar.

This past June was a great month. Sadly, we did not have as many events as we would have liked, but overall, we still had a great month. This past month, we had our Installation BBQ at Stenzel Park in San Leandro for our board and Arroyo's (not a service event). The first event of the month was the Cherry festival which happened near downtown San Leandro. We helped with setup, clean up, and booth running. We also had our monthly food pantry which was on the same day as the Cherry festival. Our Davis street food packaging event was also fun. It was the latest event, near the end of July, we packed food for the homeless and canned goods. Our club was not able to provide a picture for the food pantry, but the 2 below are from the Cherry festival and the Davis street food packaging.

In the month of June Skyline's Key Club has helped out at our school's graduation, participated in a cultural festival, and donated to a toy and clothing drive. In July, however, we have started to dwindle in participation and events. We plan to escape from this rut soon and become a more active club.




• • • • •

Playground Injuries Domestic Dangers Biking Accidents Car Crashes Drownings Most accidents occur in or around the home!

The Kiwanis CNH Foundation established the Pediatric Trauma Program in 1994.



Unintentional injury is the leading cause of death in youth 90% of those deaths can be prevented! TRAIN doctors, nurses, and first responders in child care. PURCHASE pediatric medical equipment. FUNDRAISE! - Movie Night - Carnival - Bake Sale

The main goal is to reduce the number of children killed or injured by trauma.

- Pie Officers - Talent Show - Restaurant Fundraisers

Part of the funds from Fall Rally admissions goes towards PTP.

Oakland Children's Hospital is one of the six partner hospitals. • Other partner hospitals are located in an Diego, Loma Linda, Madera, Honolulu and Reno.

June DCN: K-Auction & Ann

nual BBQ

Articles Between the summer homework and the vacations, Division 2 Key Clubbers still make the time for service events and socials to bond with each other.

End-of-the-Year Barbecue Johnny Chen, Castro Valley School’s finally out! After a year’s worth of stress, all-nighters, and hard-work, Castro Valley High was ready to enjoy their summer but before everyone could take off and have their fun, CVHS Key Club threw their annual End-of-the-Year BBQ to relax and hang out. In addition, our attendees would have the opportunity to see their 2015-2016 officers that they bid on get pied. As always, the location was set at Lake Chabot

where members could have the freedom to play on the field, talk in the shade or just eat all sorts of food. When the day of the BBQ rolled up, over 40 Key Clubbers showed up to have a good time and make new friends. We kicked it off by grilling some of our food a n d m a k i n g s u re t h a t everyone was getting settled in. At around 1PM, we began the first part of the officer pieing, with our amazing president and

s e c ret a r y, a n d i t wa s SMASHING! After all the excitement from the first pieings, we moved onto the ice-breakers to get ever yone more familiar with each other. Through all the yelling, laughing, and competition, we were able to bond closer with our Key Club family. From all the exciting icebreakers, we transitioned to the Scavenger Hunt, where teams of 5-6 were formed. There was a lot of debate

about which team was able to find all the items but in the end, the winners were Sabrina Ho, Sylvia Dang, Alex Dinh, Yuuki Tanaka, and Jeff Lee. Their prize was a boba drink of their choice! Once the scavenger hunt ended, we finished off the pieing for the rest of our officers and everyone had ecstatic reactions to all the different pieings! Eventually, everyone was satisfied with all the excitement and the BBQ ended. Several members stayed behind to help clean up. Regardless of how hot the day had been or how much the whip cream feel/ smell lingered, there is no doubt that all the Key Clubbers that came on June 19th to the Castro Valley E n d - o f - t h e -Ye a r h a d a spectacular time!


See Jane Run is a running marathon filled with many volunteers of all ages. This event happened on June 21st from 7 am to 12 pm. Our Key clubber s arrived pretty early and helped with the event. We helped set up many tables and helped cleaned up. We also helped pass out chocolate to participants who finished the race. The race started from 8th Street of Alameda, and it went along Alameda’s beach and back. There were many participants running this marathon, some with their children too. We also worked as course marshals and also we helped pass out water to participants. This event was pretty short compared to its previous years’ events, but

however, it was pretty fun to be able to see participants get into shape with their family and children. We also passed out medals to the participants which were beautifully decorated. Our fellow Key club volunteers were also given a green See Jane Run shirt in Angela Quach, Alameda which we had to wear volunteering for five hours, during the marathon to the marathon was over. show we were volunteers. To thank us for our We had fun helping volunteer services, we were setting up the See Jane Run giving goodie bags filled with event and also we bonded many kinds of cool things with other Key Clubbers too. such as gift cards. I really We a l s o h e l p e d enjoyed volunteering for this packaged snacks such as See Jane Run marathon and bananas and trail bars into I look forward to bags in which the marathon volunteering again next year. runners will eat from. After

oakland fruitvale night market Michelle Xie, American Indian While volunteering at the Oakland Fruitvale Night Market, we had a glimpse of the dancing, culture, and joy a community from a section of our hometown had to offer. We had a task to set up a drawing booth where kids attending this festival can draw to their h e a r t ’s c o n t e n t w h i c h included the Golden State’s


Warriors’ symbol in honor of their win at ! the championship. Current co-Vice President Joyce Hoang described the night market to be unexpected in a good way because she did not expect a clown making balloon animals. Current co-Vice President Haley Tran felt volunteering here made her happy from the

new culture she has been introduced into and admired the dancers who moved in a way she said she never could. Oakland Fruitvale’s Night Market was truly an experience that was spectacular to all of us despite being volunteer work.


Bethel Food Pantry Kristen Chhom, Arroyo

On the 25th of June, Arroyo Key Club volunteered at the Bethel Food Pantry, where a weekly activity is held every Thursday from six to eight in the afternoon. At the event, new faces joined us in service.

Vo l u n t e e r s g r e e t e d guests at the door, validated guest stamp cards, and also handed out portions of food and supplies at various stations. The different products given to guests included canned food, fresh goods,

small cakes, and washing detergent. Extra precautions were given to homeless guests, as they were given extra sup-plies to support their living styles, which included necessities such as food and common utensils.

Have you recently gone to a super fun event? Do you want to find a way to make sure you never forget about that amazing experience? Are you interested in sharing what you learned from that particular with your fellow Key Clubbers? All you'll have to do is send in an article to Division 2 News Editor at d02.cnhkc.dne@gmail.com along with any photos you may have!


~•~•~ Articles and visuals submissions count towards the Membership Recognition Program! Contact your club secretary for more information.

Hey Kiwis! Can you believe that summer is already coming to a close? I hope all of you have gotten the chance to have fun and enjoy yourselves during the time away from the confines of a classroom. I know the days have been getting longer, but that just gives us even more time to fill them with lots of service. This may sound a bit crazy, but I'm actually very excited for school to start up again. I can’t wait to see all the new faces around school and in Key Club. School also means that some of the funnest events of the year will be right around the corner. RTC and FRN are definitely not events you'd want to miss, so make sure you set aside time in your schedule for them. It’s also never too early to start preparing your spirit gear! Division 2 will dominate at Fall Rally North with our spirit, passion, and even attire. I’m very excited to see all of you at the August DCM! I heard it will be filled with lots of colors and new faces. With Love, Meiling Zhang Division News Editor 2015-2016

Calvin Tang Division 2 Lieutenant Governor d02.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com (510) 505-4477

Stephen Liang Executive Assistant d02.cnhkc.ea2@gmail.com (510) 666-5486

Meiling Zhang Division News Editor d02.cnhkc.dne@gmail.com (510) 909-4393

Calvin Cheung Executive Assistant d02.cnhkc.ea3@gmail.com (510) 913-6888

Rachel Fong Executive Assistant d02.cnhkc.ea1@gmail.com (510) 219-4252






Lucy Peng LucyPeng213@gmail.com (510) 219-9939

Xiuhoon Giang xiuhoong@gmail.com (510) 710-7474

Young Cai youngcai543@gmail.com (510) 336-1223




Maya Shen Annie Fang Julia Pew 00xiaowei00@gmail.com pennyfromheaven2@gmail.com juliapew@students.berkeley.net (510) 510-4812 (510) 388-6855 (510) 847-3957


Song Quan songq99@gmail.com (510) 600-5896


Serena Truong serena.t98@gmail.com (510) 381-1954


Kathy Yan yankathy5@gmail.com (510) 875-8365


Janelle Le janellekle@gmail.com (510) 363-4038


Allan Nguyen Adrienne Le allanguyenn@gmail.com adriennelauren98@gmail.com
 (510) 759-0252 (510) 316-2872




Rachel Fong 16rachelfong@gmail.com (510) 219-4252

Lilian Nguyen lilianguyenn@gmail.com (510) 463-7298

Nikki Phu phu.nikki@yahoo.com (510) 918-8289

Douglas Gin region9advisor@gmail.com
 (925) 785-7616

Lisa Grover lisagrover81@gmail.com (707) 410-8499

Thank you for reading! If you have any questions, comments, or concerns regarding the newsletter or submissions, feel free to contact Meiling or Calvin.

cnhkeyclub.org | keyclub.org

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