Division 2 January 2014

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Kiwi Chronicles OFFICIAL

D I V I S I O N 2 N E WS L E T T E R

A Castro Valley Key Clubber helps out with the games at the DWS Candyland Holiday Tradition.

Ice Sk8 to Elimin8 DCM 14 Q&A with Victor Chan 18 Conclave 101 30 CNH District Convention 2014 34

& more.

January 2014 Volume 2 // Issue 9 Division 2 | Region 9 | Cali -Nev-Ha District | Key Club


INSIDE TH LTG’s Welcome Message 4 Upcoming Events 6 January DCM Agenda 7 Division Goals 8 Recognition 10 Ice Sk8 to Elimin8 DCM 14 Dunsmuir Candyland Tradition 15 City of Oakland’s Holiday Dinner 16 Kiwanis International 17 Q&A with Victor Chan 18 Club Reports 20 January’s Service Initiative 27 Photo credits to Edmond Lau. 2

HIS ISSUE Articles 28 Awards Preparation 30 Conclave 101 32 Election Procedures & District/International Positions 34 District Convention 36 DNE’s Closing Message 40 Contact Info 41 Thank You 44


Hello Kiwis! Happy New Years! I hope you all are having a wonderful break. I hope it’s been relaxing for everyone! Since this is a new year, I hope you are all setting goals and are more determined than ever. We had a busy December, and now, elections are right around the corner! Make sure you do everything in your ability to prepare and make sure things run smoothly, whether you’re an advisor, member, officer, or candidate. I’m very excited to see who will be our Kiwi Leaders next year! Speaking of which, don’t forget to come to conclave. It will be an enriching experience and might even inspire you to run or apply for something! We’re nearing the end of our terms, and furthermore, we’re getting closer and closer to our goals! Make sure to do everything you can... It’s the final push. I have faith in you, Kiwis! You never cease to amaze me. I’ll see you soon! Deed of Kindness: Send someone a care package or a thank you/thinking of you card. It’s always nice to care about people and know that you’re cared about. Have fun with it — it can be anything from origami to buttons to chocolate. Be creative!

Flying with Service,

Division 2 Lieutenant Governor




January 2014 Sun



Wed 1

Thu 2

Fri 3

Sat 4

District Board Meeting




























99th Anniversary!


District Board Meeting January 3-5

Hope you have a great trip, Cindy! Your Kiwis will miss you!

Cindy will have limited internet and cell phone access. DCM/Conclave January 26 1-4PM* Studio One in Oakland* Kiwanis Internationalâ€&#x;s 99th

**Time and location are subject Good luck! :) to change!** Candidates: Don’t forget to turn in your service agreement.

January 22

Check out pages 17-19 for more information about Kiwanis International and to see a Q&A with Kiwanian Victor Chan.

DWS Studio One Clean Up Date: TBA 10AM-1PM Studio One Oakland

Come be apart of this divisionwide service and help clean Studio One, a community arts center for children.



Club elections should be coming up this month. Ask your club president for more information.

GOLDEN Division Awards Member of the Year: This contest recognizes one member per division who has served his or her club, division, and district diligently throughout the year. Club of the Year: This contest recognizes one club per division for overall excellence. Most Improved Club: This contest recognizes one club that has improved dramatically over the past year. Kiwanis/Faculty Advisor of the Year: These contest recognize one Kiwanis advisor and one faculty advisor per division who has gone above and beyond in serving their clubs.

Applicants must submit an E-portfolio. Winners will be recognized on stage at DCON! 7

As of November 10 according to monthly submissions

Service Hours: 12,608/15,000 hours

Funds Raised for PTP: $7971.02/$10,000 Funds Raised for Eliminate: $2887.89/$10,000

Fundraising Initiatives $150 per month, per club towards Project Eliminate. Recommended: 1-2 fundraisers per month. Ideas: Tapioca sales (get a bulk rate!), Safeway sponsorship, Host a DCM, Coin Jar, Sports tournaments, etc.

Service Initiatives 100 hours per month, per club. Recommended: 4 services per month. Ideas: Bell ringers, trauma dolls, clothes drive, book drive, gift wrapping, dance marathon, etc.


Membership Goals „12-‟13


„13-‟14 Goals Increase by:

















Castro Valley




El Cerrito












Oakland Tech








San Leandro












R ECOGNITION American Indian Public had the most service hours. Piedmont raised the most funds. American Indian Public is our club of the month.

Division Kiwis of the Month Kiwanian of the Month

Officer of the Month Lewis To

Phuoc Khong



Division Member of the Month Oakland Tech: TYLER TO “I like the services that Key Club gives. It’s both fun and helps people out.” “My new year’s resolution is to stop staying up late and help out as many people as I can.”

Club Members of the Month Alameda: MATT MARBELLA “I like enjoying Key Club meetings and raffles with my friends.” “My new year’s resolution is spending more time outside my house with my friends and family.”


Club Members of the Month Albany: RASHA HOURI “Key Club is a nice place because you can help a lot of people through Key Club’s activities and at the same time, you can meet a lot of friends and new people. Not to forget the fun activities and games that we do all together!” “My new year’s resolution is to volunteer some of my time to help people and learn new leadership skills.”

American Indian Public: NYDIA BURGOS “I like the encouragement that the Key Club board gives to get the members more interested.” “My new year’s resolution is to be more healthy and less tempted to eat junk food like chips.”

Arroyo: ANNIE FANG “Without a doubt, my favorite key Club memory was when I volunteered as a dinner server. From this experience, I learned how to work with people, especially elders, more efficiently.” “My new year’s resolution is simple but hard to achieve: I plan to become more optimistic, worry less, and ultimately enjoy a happier life.”


Club Members of the Month Castro Valley: DEVIN PON “What I like about Key Club is that I can be myself and make tons of new friends.” “My new year’s resolution is to work harder to give back to the community through community service.”

El Cerrito: CATHY PHUN “Key Club is a great club to meet new people from the other Key Clubs, and it’s the perfect place to learn new things about myself and the club. Plus, the events are awesome! “My new year’s resolution is to keep my grades up in school and hopefully try something I’ve never done before.”

Encinal: DESHAWN JOHNSON “I like how Key Club organizes events for youth apart of the club to experience and meet other divisions and working with each other to accomplish Key Club’s goals.” “My new year’s resolution is to exercise more and not have senioritis hopefully, but that is gonna happen.”

Oakland High: ERICSON LUIS SANDOVAL VISCARRA “Key Club is a great way to help out the community, meet new people, and make new friends.” “My new year’s resolution is to become a better man.”


Club Members of the Month Piedmont: DANIEL LIN “My favorite Key Club memory was passing out bibs and shirts to the runners at the Piedmont Turkey Trot and being able to watch the full event.” “My new year’s resolution is to try my best on the SAT and school, and try to stay at #1 singles on varsity tennis.”

San Leandro: NATHAN BALMES “Some favorite Key Club memories are when I have a lot of fun with my girlfriend Shirley and our friends while we bring smiles on the faces of the people we help.” “My new year’s resolution is to help others more often and give back to the community.”

Kiwi Points Note: These Kiwi Points are percentages per member and have been calculated directly from the MRF!

Alameda: 25.70

Castro Valley: 80.75

Piedmont: 103.67

Albany: 28.57

El Cerrito: 0.00

San Leandro: 29.48

American Indian Public: 64.23

Encinal: 5.53

Skyline: 36.40

Arroyo: 28.47

Oakland High: 14.40

Berkeley: 19.01

Oakland Tech: 33.08


Piedmont is in the lead!


Ice Skating DCM By Danica Liang, Alameda

Photo credits to Phoebe He.

On Friday, December 6th, Kiwis, Red Devils, and Blue Devils were invited to the annual ―Ice Sk8 to Elimin8‖ event. It was a fun social, the perfect way to start the upcoming weekend. As Key Clubbers started arriving, I helped out with Key Clubbers checking in. I passed out DCM agendas to Kiwis as they waited in line. Even though it was freezing (My toes were numb!), it was nice to stand outside and be able to greet Key Clubbers and socialize with them. Division 2 was the first division to meet up for its DCM. The meeting went well and it was especially exciting because a newly-chartered club, American Indian, was present and we got to welcome them to our ohana! Even though I am terrible at ice skating, it was still a very enjoyable experience. Everyone seemed to be having a lot of fun. :)

Photo credits to Cindy Weng. 14

American Indian

Photo credits to Phoebe He.

Castro Valley

By Francisco Aguilera , Castro Valley On an early December morning, Key Clubbers from all over the division came together to serve at the Dunsmuir Annual Holiday Tradition. The Dunsmuir estate is a huge 50 acre historical estate featuring many antique buildings and a beautiful white mansion. Every year, they host a holiday tradition filled with great food, fun games and even horse carriage rides. This year, Dunsmuir also incorporated a kids’ zone into the park. This was a place filled with arts and crafts, games and a small patting zoo just for kids. But before any of the fun could happen, Key Clubbers had to help set up the kids’ zone beforehand. This included setting up tables, getting the games ready and wiping all the water off wet surfaces. We finished just in time – as the last arts and craft table was being set up, joyful children with huge smiles on their faces came running towards the tent. All the key Clubbers went to their assigned stations to help. Some managed the carnival games while others helped out at the arts and craft tables. Some Key Clubbers even got to be docents inside the mansion. They had to dress up in early 1900s attire and show people around the mansion. Not only was this a great learning experience, but it was also lots of fun. Overall, this event was a huge success and we put lots of smiles on children’s faces. This is definitely one of my favorite events during the holiday season and I hope to see it grow in the future.





City of Oakland’s Holiday Dinner By Breana Wong, Arroyo On December 23rd, a lively dinner filled with music and festive meals took place at the Marriott Convention Center. Volunteers throughout Division 2 joined in to serve the guests in need for the holidays, making the dinner very successful! Many guests attended while volunteers served fruit punch, pumpkin pie, salads, and a Christmas meal. The event was not only towards a good cause, but it was also fun -- working while rocking out to live concerts! To end the service, Key Clubbers joined in on the happiness and even shared a meal with out guests.





Kiwanis International is an international service club founded in 1915. To reach out to more people and make a greater impact on local communities, Kiwanis International has formed a family of servant leaders including K-Kids for elementary school children and Key Clubs for high school students. On January 21st of 2014, Kiwanis International will be celebrating their 99th anniversary!

A Brief History Founded in 1915 in Detroit, Michigan, the club focused on business networking, but by 1919, they changed their focus to service. In the 1960s, the organization became international with Kiwanians representatives in 11 European nations. In 1987, women were officially allowed to join.

Statistics 


Each year, Kiwanis clubs sponsor almost 150,000 service projects, raise more than $100 million and devote more than 6 million hours to service.


There are more than 80 nations and geographic areas involved with Kiwanis International.


Q&A with Victor Chan Kiwanian Victor Chan has been with the Kiwanis Family for a long time. He has been involved with Key Club as a high school student at Skyline, Circle K as a student attending Sacramento State University, and is currently involved with Kiwanis. He has played a vital role in Division 2. (He was even part of this division when he was in Key Club!) He is the Kiwanian advisor for Oakland High, Skyline, and American Indian. This year, he serves as the Region Advisor Assistant and helps supervise Division 2.

Q: How long have you been in the Kiwanis Family for? Describe your experience with the Kiwanis Family. VC: I have been a Kiwanis Family member since 2000. I was a member of Skyline Key Club. I continued serving in Circle K International when I went to college at Sacramento State University. After graduating from college and moving back to Oakland, I joined the Kiwanis Club of Oakland in 2011 where I am now the Kiwanis advisor for Key Club.

Q: Have you noticed any changes over time or anything interesting with the Kiwanis Family? VC: The Kiwanis Family has definitely grown over the years. We didn’t have more than 10 Key Clubs i Division 2 when I was a member. I’ve also noticed that Kiwanis Family relations have improved. When I was a Key Clubber, I had no idea what Circle K or Kiwanis was.

Q: Describe your favorite Kiwanis Family related memory. VC: I don’t have a single favorite memory, but my favorite memories involved working at food 18

banks and feeding the homeless and hungry. Those were events that I always remember doing as a member of Key Club, Circle K, and Kiwanis. I believe no one should ever have to go hungry. The world produces enough food to feed everyone and yet we still hear stories of people starving everyday.

Q: Why did you decide to become a Region Advisor Assistant? What do you like about this job? VC: It’s all about giving back to the organization and my home division that gave me something to look forward to during my high school years. I really enjoy helping out behind the scenes, making sure events run smoothly and guiding our young leaders of today to be even better leaders of tomorrow.

Q: What do you enjoy most about being part of the Kiwanis Family? VC: I truly enjoy the camaraderie of being part of the Kiwanis Family. Being able to serve the community with your peers, to develop your abilities in leadership, and traveling long distances to see your friends hundreds of miles away makes being part of the Kiwanis Family worthwhile.

Photo credits to Cindy Weng, Leon Liang, and Julie Ho.


C LUB R EPORTS ALAMEDA Alameda Key Club has been doing well and we are offering a ton of service events -perfect for the holiday season! Our past services include flyering for Rhythmix (a community cultural arts centers) to promote their future events, serving 1,500 meals on Thanksgiving Day through Oakland Chinatown Salvation Army, creating holidays cards that we will be delivering to Oakland Children's Hospital, volunteering as elves for the Oakland Children's Holiday Parade, helping out at the North Face Endurance Challenge and Run or Dye. This month, we are looking forward to volunteering at Salvation Army once again to serve meals on Christmas Day. We are also scheduled to volunteer with Uhuru Pies and our local Food Bank -- the first time during the term!

ALBANY Our club has been quite active this month! We attended the Oakland Children's Holiday Parade where we helped out carrying the banner dressed up as elves. We walked through the parade and even appeared on TV! This month we also made cards for a "Winter Wonder Candy Card" Sale we do at school every year. Club members met up to make a lot of cards to sell. We plan to sell these cards that come with Rice Krispies or pepper mint barks for one dollar, which will be given to people during class on this following Thursday. Funds made from this sale will be given to PTP and Project Eliminate. Other events we attended include the "Albany Library Sale", where we volunteered at the local library.


AMERICAN INDIAN PUBLIC Within the month of November 15 to December 15 our club has participated on volunteering at a food bank on Thanksgiving Eve and Thanksgiving day. Followed by ordering our T shirts and Adopt-a-Park at Diamond Park in Oakland California. We have also began a canned food drive. Lastly, we participated in the Dunsmuir-Hellman event "A HOLIDAY TRADITION" for the City of Oakland Parks and Recreation center.

ARROYO We had two different events over Thanksgiving break. We helped assemble fruit baskets for the less fortunate and the other event, we helped cook and serve turkey. Our club is planning on attending the Holiday Dinner DWS. We are also planning on volunteering for an event "Meals on Wheels," which sounds like an exciting event. We are planning our Kiwanian Takeover, where we will be taking over a Kiwanian meeting and raise money through auctions of baked goods, coupons, etc.


BERKELEY Berkeley High Key Club participated in many events this month. We went to the candy land fair, hosted a bake sale on 4th street, Berkeley half marathon and helped out at the Berkeley High Holiday meal. At the Candyland fair, Berkeley high key clubbers wrapped presents, did face painting and gave presents to children. The bake sale was very successful because we sold nearly everything and made quite a bit of money. The Berkeley half marathon was an extremely successful event. We had many members volunteer and they all thought it was very fun. Finally, we volunteered at the annual Berkeley High Holiday meal. This event was 2 days-- on Friday and Saturday. There was a lot that needed to be done. Key club members said they really enjoyed helping out and would like to volunteer next year as well.

CASTRO VALLEY This past month, Castro Valley attended many service events including the Candyland Set Up and the Candyland Holiday Tradition Division Wide Service events. We also attended the Salvation Army Thanksgiving Lunch where we served the less fortunate a Thanksgiving turkey meal. At different Safeway locations, we had Salvation Army bell ringing events too. We had a bake sale as well as a food drive. To help fundraise for Eliminate, we attended the Dublin Iceland event along with the DCM. Also, we helped out at the Berkeley Half Marathon.


EL CERRITO Last week, we recently had a school wide winter carnival. We sold drinks and hot dogs from Costco and it was really fun. We plan on having a bake sale in Berkeley soon during winter break. Hopefully next month, we will have more opportunities for our El Cerrito club members!

ENCINAL In the last month our club had participated in the social event at Color Me Mine. Also, we've recently talked about a new community service opportunity for Encinal Key Clubbers in which we can help kids from Paden Elementary School with their reading skills. It is set to begin on the first week after winter break.


OAKLAND HIGH For the month of December, we've engaged in various events. On the 6th of December, we went to Key Club's DCM at Dublin Ice Skating Center! On December 7th, we participated in the Oakland Holiday Parade in the afternoon & the Red Lion Hotel Auction later on that night. Also, we signed in for our very own high school's campus cleanup & are currently working towards our 10 hours in order to begin fundraising.

OAKLAND TECH Recently, the club has been trying to come up with new types of fundraisers. We've also formed committees to help us come up with more ideas and also to give the members a chance at experiencing some type of leadership. We have not started our committee meetings yet, but they are soon to come. We've also planned a social for the members. In terms of services, we've been able to find some more interesting services that seem to interest the members.


PIEDMONT Recently, we volunteered at the Piedmont Turkey Trot in helping to pass out bibs to the runners. We also aided Uhuru Pies in their pie campaign and plan to continue helping through throughout the holiday season. Additionally, a few of our members teamed up with Oakland KIWINS at the Oakland Kiwanis Holiday Auction. As for fundraising, we are continuing to raise money for the Eliminate Project through our bubble tea sales. With our school's Winter Faire coming up, an opportunity for clubs to promote themselves, we hope to recruit more members to join the Kiwi family!

SAN LEANDRO Our club help a Kiwanis take over at the beginning of the month. We raised about $200 and had the opportunity to get to know our fellow Kiwanians. We have also been participating in the Dunsmuir events. We also recently elected our freshman representative Celia Martinez. We are excited to have her as part of our board.


SKYLINE Skyline this month has been going great. Our Thanksgiving break event of serving food was fun, and our bake sale during late November ended up being amazing as well. This month, we've started our book drive where people donate books for children in low-income areas. Boxes for donations have been distributed to English teachers, and it's only a matter of time before our book drive grows even bigger. Besides that, we have mock elections coming up, and we've been doing fundraising as usual -- we're planning to sell chain bracelets and possibly sunglasses.


January’s Service Initiative The CNH Service Projects Committee has created the Spotlight on Service Program to educate Key Clubbers about Key Club International and service initiatives. A service initiative will be assigned to every month for clubs to focus on!

This month’s service initiative is...

Goal: To raise awareness and prevent the occurrences of unintentional injuries among children.

Statistics: 90% of all unintentional injuries can be prevented. Unintentional injuries account for 45% of all deaths among children 14 and under.


Educate parents about common dangers that can be found in and around the home. 27

Organize a community-wide campaign for safe driving and seat belt use.

Host a bicycle rodeo - to teach children the skills and precautions to bike safely.

San Leandro

San Leandro

San Leandro helped serve food at the Stepping Stones Thanksgiving Dinner.

Articles Alameda decorated clear, glass ornaments in preparation for an upcoming fundraiser.


Alameda 28





An Enjoyable Bake Sale By Anna Xu, Skyline At the bake sale we held in Montclair Village, we raised funds that would be donated to PTP. To the Skyline fundraising chair Vivian La, the bake sale was a “great experience” where the junior learned a lot about organizing events and interacting with people. “We baked a lot of goods that we were able to give some away,” La said. “Even though people didn’t like sweets, they were still able to make donations, and we really loved that. We were able to connect with other members and with a purpose.” Skyline Treasurer Lauryn Yee expressed the same sentiments. “I was part of a good sized group selling baked goods to the many people walking by during the sunny day,” Yee said. “I have never been at a bake sale before, so I didn’t know how well things would sell, and I found that people are very generous when it comes to donating to a cause.” According to Yee, the cupcakes and cookies were like an added bonus to many of passer-byer’s donations. “I was glad that people appreciated our efforts to help kids,” Yee said.

Oakland Holiday Parade By Michelle Ha, Oakland High On December 7th, Oakland High Key Clubbers participated in this year's Oakland Holiday Parade. At this event, they marched from downtown, near the Marriott Hotel, all the way to Lake Merritt. They were assigned to get into positions where they were needed. Coordinators would tell them where to go and what they needed help on. Overall, it was a great day because everyone was getting into the holiday spirit! Oakland High

“It was an interesting experience. It was also kind of fun

since we were all embarrassed together. We had to wear tights, elf shoes, a vest, and a hat.” — Albany Key Club 29

Awards Preparation How to Save Your Files Stay organized and make sure all of your

Graphic Standards Don’t forget about this! Graphic Standards will be like your extra brownie points. :)

Starting Early Take screenshots of important emails and social media usage throughout your term. Collect a compilation of these. Use all resources available to you on the CNH CyberKey!


How to Organize Your Application

One word: Folders. Divide into subsections.

Setting Deadlines Start early. Budget your time by creating a schedule/calendar for yourself. Work at it little by little.

Criteria Adhere to Graphic Standards. Read the rules and fill out your application correctly. Complete the supplementary forms (some of these only apply to certain apps): Checklist, E-signatures, and Proof of Attendance.

Visit this handbook and check out the links from the CNH Cyberkey!


Conclav Concla Photo credits to Julie Ho and Cindy Weng.

Procedures 

Prior to the event, two people from each club will choose two delegates for conclave. Delegates may not be candidates.

Candidates will speak about their qualifications for 3-5 minutes.

Members in attendance and delegates have the opportunity to ask questions during the caucusing session.

The delegates will vote for one candidate. If there are more than 2 candidates, there will be a second round with the same routine (speech, caucus, vote).

Possible Caucus Questions (“Serious questions” will be prioritized over non-serious questions.) Why do you want to be LTG? What will be your focus as LTG? How will you avoid procrastination? How will you handle criticism? How will you effectively voice your division’s concerns? Compare Key Club to _________. Perform your favorite Key Club cheer. 32

ve 101 Duties of the Lieutenant Governor 

BEE a liaison between the clubs in your Division and the District

Promote Kiwanis Family and Key Club core values

Plan and hold Division Council Meetings (DCMs) and an Officer Training Conference (OTC)

Attend mandatory Board Meetings and Trainings

Submit a Division Monthly Report form for each month

Work on assignments from your assigned District Committee

Communicate with your Region Advisor and Executive Team

For more information, check out this manual: http://cnhkeyclub.org/downloads/CTC/CTCLTG%20Files/CTC-LTG%202012%20Files/LTG% 20CTC%20Manual%202012.pdf





REGISTRATION CHECKLIST CNH DCON 2014: Your Golden Ticket Note: The recommended deadlines are divided into weekends to accommodate for different Key Club meeting days.


You must have school and/or school district approval for overnight events (usually referred to as a field trip request.) Make sure you KNOW what forms to complete and HOW EARLY they must be submitted. The advisor must submit these forms.

Failure to comply with school policies may jeopardize not only your opportunity to attend this event but potentially future Key Club events.

If your school or school district denies your club from attending convention, then your club may not attend.

BY FEBRUARY 1ST - PROMOTE CONVENTION Tools include the Call to DCON Video, DCON promotional flyers, and sharing previous DCON experiences during meetings.


1. Compile a list of students and advisors attending the convention. You really want to encourage your club’s new officers to attend DCON, and remember that the only qualification to attend DCON is to be a dues paid member in good standing! Be sure to have the following prior to registration:

    

Name of attendees and office held (if applicable). Email Gender Shirt Size Number of Vegetarians

2. Continue collecting payment for the convention registration, hotel reservation, and transportation. 3. Have the primary advisor complete registration.

Students and advisor(s) must be registered within one session of the online registration process with ease - also, please remember that there is a 1 advisor to 12 students ratio.

 

Code of Conduct (must be sent WITH club registration printout and payment) Medical Forms (advisor keeps these during entire convention)

BY FEBRUARY 15TH - COMPLETE THE PROCESS By this date, you are recommended to have: 1. Completed and submitted all necessary school forms. 2. Sent in the complete registration and fees to their correct destinations.

Submit ONE CHECK, a printout of the registration, AND one code of conduct for EACH attendee.

3. Complete hotel registration for either Hyatt Regency, Sheraton Grand, Holiday Inn Capital, Express, Fairfield/Courtyard, Residence Inn, or Hawthorne Suites

You will be asked to show proof of hotel registration at the registration booth.

If this plan is followed and all forms are correctly completed, you should have no problem meeting the February 20th DCON registration deadline! 37



I hope you had a fantastic holiday break! I know I did. :)

Hello Kiwis! What a fantastic month of service we just had! Snaps and claps for you all. :) Seriously... I like to keep up with what clubs have been doing (it’s hard not to when I always get notifications from the Facebook groups. I’m not complaining though. I LOVE getting notifications!) and it was truly the season of giving. Keep up the great work! How has your break been? For me, it’s been super wonderful having so much time to relax (and celebrating the end of college applications! May the new year be ever in our favors....). One of the questions we’ve asked our MoMs was “What is your new year’s resolution?” Here’s mine: Stop complaining. :) Time is flying by so fast. We’ve already reached the halfway point of the school year and we are probably three-quarters of the way done with our Key Club terms. :( Officers: that doesn’t mean there isn’t enough time to initiate change and reforms within your clubs. Everything you do in your term will help build a great foundation for your club that the 2013-2014 board can expand upon! Speaking of 2013-2014, I cannot wait for conclave. Good luck to the candidates running for the LTG position and good luck to everyone running for a club position! I highly encourage you to speak with the officer who holds that position to get more information about that position and to get advice. We have so many budding Kiwi leaders and I am so proud and inspired because of you all. Stay golden, Kiwis. :) Happy new year! Here is an inspirational quote for you: “Never look back unless you are planning to go that way.” — Henry David Thoreau

Yours In Service, , Division 2 Newsletter Editor 40

C ontac t Info Cindy Weng Division 2 Lieutenant Governor

Jeff Van


Executive Assistant


D02.cnhkc.ea2@gmail.com (510)-779-8215

Danica Liang Division Newsletter Editor

Julie Ho


Executive Assistant


D02.cnhkc.ea3@gmail.com (510)-213-3049

Edmond Lau Executive Assistant D02.cnhkc.ea1@gmail.com (510)-701-6980


â€&#x; s t n e Presid

C ontac t Info





Jay Zhang

Ayleng Giang

Cindy Tran

Han Tran








http:// albanyhighkeyclub.weebly.com/


Molly Wampler


Kevin Moyung

berkeleyhighkeyclub@gmail.com castrovalleyhighkeyclub@gmail.com (510)-861-8641

(510)-996-8272 http://cvhskeyclub.tk/


(510)-695-3636 http://arroyokeyclub.webs.com/



Christina Zhou

Tsz Yau Wong







Kiana Go

Janet Yan

Alan Kwok

Taylor Chow







http:// oaklandhighkeyclub.weebly.com/


http://piedmontkeyclub.wix.com/ home



Jessica Huynh Slhs.kc2@gmail.com

Lena Chen skcpresidents@gmail.com

(510)-383-6080 http:// slhskeyclub.weebly.com/


(510)-318-0993 http://skylinekeyclub.webs.com/

Region Advisors


Douglas Gin

Lisa Grover




Thank you for reading! If you have any questions, comments or concerns regarding the newsletter or submissions, please contact Cindy or Danica.

Photo credits to Danny Wong.


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