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This year’s Region 3 Officer Training Conference, “SUPER MARIO-TC” was a fantastic learning experience for the officers of the new term. Held on June 17th at the McFadden Institute of Technology, Officers across the region received training for their respective positions. At the beginning of the conference, the Region’s Lieutenant Governors performed a hilarious skit about Mario’s adventure through OTC! There were many engaging workshops and activities that provided us the knowledge we needed to set us up for our year of adventure! As treasurer of Bolsa Grande Key Club, I attended my respective workshop with some of my fellow officers which was held by my Lt. Governor, Valerie Tran! In this workshop, I was able to learn about Key Club International’s preferred charities, how to create effective fundraising, the membership update center, and annual dues! I also attended the second workshop held by Valerie Tran in which we played a fun game of “Would You Rather” where I got to learn more about my fellow officers and their opinions on several topics. After the workshops, we were fed pizza and I even saw a table giving out free shoes before the closing remarks. Events like these make me love being an officer of Key Club because I get to meet so many new people across the region and also learn the value of leadership and helping my own community. I cannot wait for what this year has in store!


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