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For the month of October, Browning has been trying to rebuild the club and find new members and officers. We have been attending Spirit Sessions, DCM, and RTC. We are planning on attending FRS and looking forward to the future of Browning Key Club!
For the month of October Cabrillo held general meetings with good outcomes and sold nachos at our homecoming fair in which we made a good amount of money ! We also attended rtc which was really fun and hope to have a fundraiser soon! We had our very own member Sam be wrapped in toilet paper at Movie Night DCM, even though our group lost it was fun to see everyone participate and we enjoyed watching girl vs monster as well as seeing others amazing costumes !

For the month of of October we’ve had 3 club meetings and 1 board meeting. 1 member has joined Jordan Key club. Members went to spirit sessions and Region Training Conference.

hiya ninjas for the month of october mcbride key club has been very active with attending spirit sessions and dcm we are getting ready for frs in november!!!
HIYAAAA NINJASSS!!! For the month of October, Millikan Key Club focused on our homecoming carnival where we sold milk tea and peach tea boba. We also had a fun service project linked to that where we made origami hearts to give out during the carnival. Overall, we made a total of $580 AND we’re donating half of the money to PTP!! We attended RTC and had lots of fun while meeting new people from our region! Additionally, we helped out in the Kidney Walk and met Sidney the Kidney. Remember, ITS A GREAT DAY TO BE A RAMINJA! HAVE RAMTASTIC DAY/NIGHT!
HELLO kicking ninjas! Poly has been doing swell, and thriving through this season! We recently just passed our fundraising goal of $1,200! With an active crowd ready to serve their community we have been great through service event attendance too! Poly has been booming through events every weekend, going to DCM’s, spirit sessions, service events, RTC, our upcoming service-social, and soon to be Fall Rally South! Ninjas undercover at night, we’ll be slicing through once again, hopefully with the spirit stick! Let’s go PTP and Ninjackrabbits
Some of us attended Movie Night DCM, spirit sessions, and Region Training Conference during the month of October. We are also preparing for Fall Rally South as well as helping out with a fair happening near a local park. We are also collecting dues and had some t-shirt orders.
Sato Key Club has officially submitted all dues paid members! We thank everyone that helped us raise money at the Sato Night Market as well as to the volunteer who went to the Burcham Elementary Faire! Moreover, our members are staying active by attending club and division events such as Aids Walk and Cops and Kids!
October was a pretty packed month for us. There were spirit sessions, DCM, and RTC. I had a fun time at RTC and had the pleasure to be apart of Spirit Team. I was able to take part in the process of creating, learning, and teaching cheers. The club as a whole plan on attending more events and planning our own.

HEYYY NINJAS! I’m Ashley Oviedo and I proudly serve as Wilson Key Clubs president. This month Wilson participated in giving their all at RTC! We got a sneak peek for FRS and are excited to bring the spirit stick home. Moreover, speaking of FRS we are getting ready to attend the last spirit session on November 5th to get us ready. Our club dues our due November 3rd as well as the deadline for the form to attend FRS! We are practicing our chants at the moment to give our all on November 12th!