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aloha run


althea aguel | poly | member Aloha run was amazing! I got to cheer the runners on with some members of D13S and D13N. It was so cute to see how all the runners would instantly smile or take videos of us. I loved meeting so many kind people at the event whether they were runners, vendors, or Aloha Run staff. Overall, we all had so much fun in helping with this event! I can’t wait to volunteer again next year!!

plarn service event

nisha patel | poly | president For our PLARN Interclub with Jordan Key Club, we repurposed plastic bags into mats! Using scissors and the magic of knotting plastic together we were able to create something sturdy with purpose! Plastic bags is one of the biggest contributors to waste on Earth. By repurposing the plastic into mats, we aren’t only helping those out suffering from homelessness, but also doing our part to protect the planet. We only have one planet, so make sure to…

Region 8 Olympics made a comeback this term! It’s been almost 3 years since the last olympics, making this event historically important.

The event started off with an opening session when the lieutenant governors and KFF Chair introduced themselves. This was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and the Key Club Pledge. The divisions had their separate DCM’s and joined back together for the main event… THE OLYMPICS!

Five division-mixed teams were created. They went head to head during multiple rounds of “Poncho” and then games. The games included Air Balloons, Life-Size Cup Pong, Bucket Pour, and Relay Race.

The four games prior helped the team members get to know each other and build team spirit. The Relay Race was the most anticipated event. Two members first completed a three-legged race, then two members popped a balloon by running into each other, then one member carried a egg safely to the runner that carried the team to victory by crossing the finish line.

After these five events, Team For the Win took home the win!

Following the closing sessions, Division 13 South pranked Region 8 with water balloons to help them beat the heat!

Region 8 Olympics was an unforgettable event! Thank you to the Lieutenant Governors for organizing the event and the efforts of all the committees that made this event possible!

aoc7 neighborhood clean-up

tea satarino | wilson| secretary

The AOC7 Neighborhood showcased our members ability to work cohesively with not only each other, but members of other organization to benefit the community. The event started with a cleanup of the neighborhood surrounding a school where we removed waste ranging from fast food containers to diapers to a rusted out saw blade. After everything was safely disposed our members began their work cleaning up the Franklin Middle school campus by helping to remove weeds, and sweep up large amounts of dust and rocks left over from renovations. Our members worked with volunteers from several different organizations to accomplish this feat, and all in all it was a blast to work with such amazing people towards creating a more beautiful and safe environment for the students and families in the area.

teqball tournament

chelsea lucero | poly| historian

Poly Key Club had an amazing service opportunity with Teqball USA Tournament :DD We helped clean the curved tables that the players played on as well as catch out-of-bound balls! We had to be alert though, because it will hurt if you get hit by the ball :000 (friendly reminder to bring your MRF’s haha). Although our choices were limited, we got free food vouchers!! We also got these FIRE t-shirts that we took home as a souvenir to remember this event by. All in all, it was lots of fun volunteering, learning all about Teqball, and getting to know each other better as a club :^)) We look forward to seeing more of our members at our future events like these!!

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