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Club Updates


On November 6th, ERHS Key Club held our monthly street clean up with our sponsoring Kiwanis! Members came and helped clean up the streets of their city, picking up any trash they could find and putting it into trash bags. Masks and gloves were worn to stay safe, and this service event gave key clubbers an awesome opportunity to do a great thing for their community, get to know their fellow members and sponsoring Kiwanis, and rack up those service hours! Overall, there was an incredible turn out, and we’re so so glad we have such amazing Kiwanians that give us the chance to clean up our streets every month!


not least, Jordan won member of the month for being so involved within our club and division! This recognition was announced at the Holiday at Hogwarts event on December 10th and will be posted the day after!


On November 30, Centennial High School held their annual winter festival, where clubs had the opportunity to set up a booth, promote their club, and sell food in order to raise money for their club. For Centennial Key Club’s winter festival, we decided to sell pepperoni and cheese pizzas. Anyone could order pizzas from Key Club’s booth for $2 each. As a club, we raised $170 in sales and sold out in less than one hour! Members had the opportunity to raise service hours by either working at the booth or by walking around and promoting our booth. We gained a total of 55 service hours from this event!


On December 3rd, our president, Madi, confirmed that we will have members recognized this month! Yuli and Shaymaa won the “Most Dedicated Flock” for being in Key Club for a very long time. Abigail and Nalani won “EWEve got Spirit” for being the most spirited and attending division events as well as FRS. Audrina won Little Lamb, and Nika won black sheep. Last but


On November 18th right before Thanksgiving break, we had a nice meeting talking about how fun FRS was! we also talked about a new service project for December, club photos, and our Key Club potluck!


The month of November is known for the celebration of Thanksgiving and to express gratitude for what we have. Unfortunately, not everyone has the opportunity to celebrate due to economic problems. The Kiwanis Club took note of these circumstances and decided to make a change. They invited Key Club to join in on the event and we were thrilled. The event consisted of making food baskets and personally delivering them to families in our local area. On November 20th, members went on trips to the supermarkets and picked out treats for various families. This included turkeries, eggs, potatoes, and much more to have a celebration. After the trip to the supermarket, members created food baskets and prepared everything to be delivered. Key Clubbers went with members of the Kiwanis Club such as Mrs. Germain and personally delivered the treats to 11 families. They were thrilled to know that they would be able to celebrate with their families and have a large amount of food for dinner.

On November 10th Santiago Key Club had one of our general meetings of the month andit was after school from 3:00pm to 3:45pm! At this meeting we went over lots of information about new and old business and for our icebreaker we had a competition! One of our service projects for November was Shave the Day which is an app that you play a game and raise money for combating childhood cancer. After the competition was over we gave the person with the highest score a shoutout on our instagram! Our winner was one of our very active members Rachel Lee! We had lots of fun and we hope to have many more fun meetings like this one to engage with our members and to make some friends! Thank you to the officer board for making this meeting so fun!


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