August Issue
July 2022
Table of contents Table of Contents
Key Club Pledge LTG Note DNE Note What is Key Club? Division Updates Club Service Goals Division Goals July Calendar Articles & Visuals OTC Chino Concerts in the Park Best Beluga Q&A Beluga Word Search District Updates CNH Spotlight on Service Beluga Points Beluga of the Month Contact the DLT Contact the Clubs
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Page 1 | Table of Contents
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Key club pledge I pledge, on my honor, to uphold the objects of Key Club international; to build my home, school and community; to serve my nation and world; and combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions
Page 2 | Key Club Pledge
It’s back to school season Belugas! I hope you are all excited to go back to school. Personally I am ready to make the most out of my senior year. As we
approach a more stressful and busy time, please know that those around you are on a similar boat and will always be there to support you ! We have our first region event at THE BEACH this month so I hope to see many of you there!! I am very proud of all our progress we have made so far and I hope you are all excited to recruit and meet NEW Key Clubbers! Remember to stay connected as the school year goes on and look for updates about Region Training Conference and Fall Rally South With Beluga Love and Passion, Yahir Perez LTG
Page 3 | LTG Note
Hello everyone, hope you all are enjoying the last month of summer. As the summer comes to a close, it is inevitable that we begin to get ready to face a new year at school. Whether you are entering your first year in high school or starting your last, I do hope thar this year is a memorable one for each and every one of you. In my case, I entering my Junior Year and I am honestly quite nervous, however I plan to make the most out of it! Moving on, in regards to Key Club, the division has many events planned for the next upcoming months, including the recruitment and welcoming of the new Key Club Members that will be joining our BELUGA family this year! Alright, that's it from me this month, I hope you all stay safe and healthy and please try not to stress out over the start of school. I'm sure that you are going to do amazing! Stay Safe and Positive, Anette Martinez DNE Page 4 | DNE note
what is
Key CLub? What is KEY CLUB? Key Club is an international, high school student led organization. Through service and leadership, the members of key club work together to create a better place and a better world. Key club is made up of different levels known as the division, the region, and the district. Depending on the school you attend, your division and district mat vary. In your case, if you attend schools such as Chino, Chino Hills, Colony Diamond Ranch, Montclair, Pomona, or Ruben S. Ayala you are a part of Division 15 West! Above our division is the region level, in which we have 8 divisions that make up Region 13. Above our Region is the District level, in which we are a part of the CNH district!
What is PTP and the YES Initiative ? As a club, we focus on creating a better world through service. Therefore we have multiple preferred charities that we heavily support, including PTP and the YES Initiative. PTP, also known as the Pediatric Trauma Program is an organization that works to help reduce the number of children injured and killed by trauma. he YES initiative is a CNH founded fund that supports leadership in students scholarships, and any opportunities that positively impacts the development of children in communities.
Page 5 |What is Key Club?
Division Updates Merch Interest Form!! tinyurl.com/15westinterest
Summer Suggestions
Google Groups Page 6 | District Updates
Club Service Hours Goals 750
500 500
300 250 250
50 C ol on y M on tc la ir C hi no D Hi ia m lls on d Ra Ru nc be h n. S A ya la Po m on a
C hi no
Page 7 | Club Service Hours Goal
Division Goals 2,500 Service Hours
$3,500 for PTP/YES
525 hours completed
$1 for PTP
Page 8 | Division Goal
July Calendar Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat
5 12 19
6 13 20
August 5th - Chino Concert August 6th - Helping Through Hiking August 13th - Region Beach Clean Up August 27th - August DCM Page 9 | July Calendar
e l s c i t r
Vis u
s l a
Page 10 | Articles & Visuals
Officer Training conference Officer Training Conference, also known as OTC, is a conference held for both officers and members. During the conference attendees are exposed to the many different responsibilities and standards of their positions and are presented with an opportunity to learn many new concepts. In addition to the individual position sessions, there were general sessions held that covered topics such as communication, member recruitment, the branches of key club and many more!! Page 11 | Officer Training Conference
For OTC, this was my second time attending OTC as I attended last year’s virtual OTC. I got to the CNH District office building early, and met up with my girlfriend Simranjeet and soon checked in with our LTG, Yahir. Sim and I then hung out together outside until OTC commenced. I exchanged these bracelets I made for our officer board and OTC started and I honestly had fun. Everyone then went to different places for our first breakout session, I was in the Presidents’ session and I was able to get really good information and advice on how I can improve our club and know the process of getting something that Colony needs. As the session finished, all divisions had their DCMs, and I was able to introduce plans for Colony. As it finished up, I was able to meet Aranxa for the first time as we are in spirit crew together and I was delighted to see her. Next, we watched a few more presentations on Kiwanis, Recognition Contests, District Goals, etc. With all the sessions concluding, everyone started chanting “L-O-V-E WE LOVE OUR LTGs” and I screamed “L” so loudly and everyone began laughing. Sim and I were not able to stop laughing and she was like “JASMIN SAID THAT”. Overall, I personally had a good experience and a wonderful time and I cannot wait for more D15 events.
OTC was an event that I attended this event hoping to learn more about topics that intrigued me such as the graphic standards and communication. I found that the course on Graphic Standards covered a lot of topics that refreshed my memory in regards to my responsibility and guidelines of my position. Additionally, I also learned a lot from the communication course such as proper and professional communication versus the inappropriate and unprofessional communication. I found this to be extremely beneficial because I learned many ideas that I once did not know. Furthermore, we all split up into our respective divisions and held DCM’s. Here, our home club Colony was able to announce our takeover and the meaning of the event. Lastly, the second session was very energetic and filled with many presentations in which I felt I learned a lot from. Overall, I really enjoyed this event and found it to be not only extremely beneficial, but very fun and a very social event perfect for anyone! WRITTEN BY ANETTE MARTINEZ
Page 12 | Officer Training Conference
P-OTC was both edu beginning ice breake comfortable, follo presentation by our LT to learn some qualities remember some gen that I forgot. Overall, and I got to meet som our division an
OTC was truly a learning As LTG, it was weird to no time, but after many time I was able to adjust my p engaging. We were retu since 2019, but it was tru smoother than online. feedback I received a thankful to everyone wh heat we all had, it was lo for RTC !
Page 13 | Officer Training Conference
ucational and fun with a r session to get everyone wed by an engaging TGs Chole and Yahir! I got of being a president and eral key club knowledge it was a fun experience me new people that are in nd other divisions!
experience for everyone! ot be in the audience this s of being in the audience, presenting to make it more urning into IN-PERSON OTC ly beneficial as it ran a lot I truly appreciate all the and the LTGs are all very o showed up. Despite the ots of fun and I can’t wait
Hello fellow Belugas, my name is Aranxa and recently I was able to finally attend my very first OTC. At first I was nervous attending this event, but as the sessions happened, I became more comfortable. I was able to meet new people from the same or different division. I made new friends and connected more with the people in my idvision. I 100 percent recommend going to the OTC if you can. In the future, I hope to attend more of these fun events and show my pride for DIvision 15 West. WRITTEN BY ARANXA GARZON COLONY HIGH SCHOOL
OTC was amazing! It was colorful, fun, and an incredible chance to interact with those from another division! My favorite part was the secretary breakout, where LTG Yahir Perez informed secretaries of tips, tricks, and our duties. OTC was a great chance to make new friends, and I had an incredible time. WRITTEN BY JORDAN ALCATRAZ
Page 14 | Officer Training Conference
Chino Concerts in the Park
Page 15 | Chino Concerts
Chino Concerts in the Park is an event that is held every Thursday during the whole month of July and two weeks into August! The concerts are hosted by the Chino Kiwanis Club in which, key clubbers are invited to come out and help! There are many jobs that are given to key clubbers during the concerts such as serving food to customers, wrapping hotdogs and burgers and so much more! Not only will key clubbers work together to create a great concert experience for the citizens watching, however they will get to connect with new key clubbers and will be able to enjoy various types of music!
The Chino Concerts were a blast! Although I was mostly in charge of the nacho section, you could see the immense teamwork in all the other sections. Members from all over D15W were there to partake in this lively event! There were slow and busy moments, but throughout it all, there was never a dull moment. The music was entertaining, and the crowd truly seemed to have a good time, especially with their added food and beverages. With this event, you could very much see the impact that Key Club has on its community. Not only are the members building up valuable skills needed in their dayto-day lives, but the community is brought into a state of unitedness and joy. And to see smiles like that, that is what makes Key Club great. WRITTEN BY LTG YAHIR PEREZ MONTCLAIR HIGH SCHOOL.
For the Chino concert that I attended with my best friend and DNE, Anette, we got to help Chino Kiwanis run the event smoothly by assisting them in selling food and drink items. I was extremely surprised as after one hour of helping set up, people quickly filled up the lawns when the concert started. I got to meet new people from another community service organization and everyone was extremely kind which I appreciated. I was able to work with Aranxa who is in Spirit Crew and attends Colony as well, in providing the cold drinks and it was fun to bond with her. I got to meet new people from another community service organization and everyone was extremely kind which I appreciated. I was able to work with Aranxa who is in Spirit Crew and attends Colony as well, in providing the cold drinks and it was in providing the cold drinks and it was fun to bond with her. I got to meet new ... WRITTEN BY JASMIN PALACIOS COLONY HIGH SCHOOL...CONT.
Page 16 | Chino Concerts
On July 7th, I finally got the chance (after a whole year!!) to attend a Chino Concert hosted by the Chino Kiwanis! I was once again put on nacho duty so it was quite the throwback thursday! Although I didn’t really get to pay attention to the live music all that much, I did see that everyone had a great time and enjoyed the music. Hands down the best part of the entire night was definitely getting to hang out with my friends, new key clubbers i hadn’t gotten the chance to meet yet, AND some members from the Cal Poly Circle K though!! The memories I made that night really made all the exhausting hours worth it and made me look forward to the next couple of weeks :) WRITTEN BY ANNIE LY MONTCLAIR HIGH SCHOOL
So I kind of went there late, but as we arrived we got to work quickly. we were selling food and drinks, and I was in charge of drinks. I would help pass out drinks to the customers. Then later we switched shifts with the other people and I helped make nachos. I would just help out around, and see if anyone needed anything overall. WRITTEN BY ALANA YEE DIAMOND RANCH HIGH SCHOOL
Page 17 | Chino Concerts
.... people from anothe organization and everyo which I appreciated. I was who is in Spirit Crew and a providing the cold drinks with her. With the amount honestly got a bit overwhe passed out in front of Anet a small break and drinking felt better. I continued to w Aranxa left around 8:00pm was almost over, crowds b wanted to bring food hom thought I had in my mind w to have a specialty sandwi free one and it was delic after a few bites. Before le the rest of our division to walked me to my car. I d experience but definitely p and take more breaks WRITTEN BY JASMIN PAL COLONY HIGH SCHOOL
er community service one was extremely kind able to work with Aranxa attends Colony as well, in and it was fun to bond of crowds and people I elmed to where I almost te. However, after taking g some of Alexis’s water, I work with the drinks and m. By the time the concert began to rise as people me. By this point, the only was how much I wanted ch. I did eventually get a ious, but quickly got full aving as my shift ended, ok pictures and Anette id overall have a good plan to drink more water at the next concert! ACIOS
Page 18|Chino Concerts
best Beluga question of the month What is your DLT's go-to OUTFIT for the first day of school? A new crop top and shorts!
colorful crewneck, black exercise anythin shorts! comfy th doesn’t lo too bad
A black top, a button up shirt, a belt, some baggy jeans, long socks, and my conve Page 19 | Best Beluga Q&A of the Month
g hat ook d
Beluga Word Search R X Y R X F T A T K M A F E U X G C B I O C X D I U H L C W Y D D N L
C S K E Y C L U B N S N B V K P S M D I Z K H A G K K U T S I N L L R M T S U S Y E K E F A S L P Q P G I E A O V W H O Beluga Key Club
CNH Kiwanis
Lavender DCM
erse. Page 20| Beluga Word Search
District Updates
Check out Joanne Do's AUGUST Newsletter to BEE up to date on all the latest District Updates Check out the Official CNH YouTube channel as well for addition important information and updates To find information, resources & updates about key club, visit the CNH Cyber Key HERE: cnhkeyclub.org Page 21| Division Updates
Spotlight on Service
CHildren's Education
The month of August is dedicated to Children's Education!! There are many reasons why the support of children's education is so vital for the next generations. With the proper education, students are presented with many opportunities and skills to help them grow and develop! This month is focused on projects and events that motivate, encourage, and support ways to help children's education.
Service Project Ideas:
Fundraising Ideas:
School Supplies Drive to collect supplies for students in need
Hosting a Tutoring Session
Book Drive to collect books to donate to children Host a College/Career Fair
Visiting a Library to promote education for Children Host an Auction to fundraise money to support children's education Page 22| CNH Spotlight on Service
Beluga Points 1st Place: Montclair High School 2nd Place: Ayala High School 3rd Place: Chino Hills High School 4rd Place: Diamond Ranch High School 5th Place: Colony High School 6th Place: Chino High School 7th Place: Pomona High School
100.4 97.4 0
Page 23| Beluga Points
Beluga of the month Member of the Month
Alana Yee Diamond Ranch High School
Officer of the Month
Angelina Phan Diamond Ranch High School
Club of the Month
Colony High School
Kiwanian of the Month
Anna Alvarado Ontario-Montclair Kiwanis
Advisor of the Month
Mr. Misawa Chino Hills High School
Page 24| Beluga of the Month
CONTACT THE Dlt Lieutenant Governor | Yahir Perez D15W.ltg@cnhkeyclub.org
Executive Assistants | Keira Umali & Chloe Wang D15W.execasst@gmail.com
Secretary | Annie Ly D15w.secy@gmail.com
Historian | Zackary Delima D15whistorian@gmail.com
News Editor | Anette Martinez d15w.newsed@gmail.com
Tech Editor | Annie Huang Fundraising Coordinators | Ria Parikh & Eileen Wang d15w.fundraising@gmail.com
Service Project Coordinators | Jaden Nguyen & Sienna Villalobos d15w.spchair@gmail.com
Spirit Coordinator | Alexis Sabandal Member Recognition Chair | Therese Mendiola d15w.mrchair@gmail.com
Page 25 | Contact the DLT
@d15wbelugas @cnh_keyclub
CONTACT THE Clubs Chino High School | Jaden Jones Jadenjones0528@gmail.com
Chino Hills High School | Kellin Vu vukellin@gmail.com
Colony | Annie Huang tzuhanhuang2005@gmail.com
Diamond Ranch High School | Micah Santos micahlily@gmail.com
Montclair | Ciara Towns 3ciaamtow33@gmail.com
Pomona | N/A Ruben S. Ayala High School | Maggie Hsieh maggietihsieh@gmail.com
www.linktr.ee/ d15westbelugas
Text beluga2223 to 81010
Page 26|Contact the Clubs
Thank You for Reading