D22h dnews 01 1314

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Region 18 | Division 22 Hikina

New Year of Service!

January 2014 Volume 1 | Issue 10

Hello Division 22 Hikina! Another month done already?! Can you believe it? In the next month, there will be lots of exciting events including Hawai`i Convention and the election for the 2014-2015 Division 22 Hikina Lieutenant Governor. Are you ready? You all are doing a wonderful job in continuing to serve your homes, schools, and communities. I hope you are all proud of what you have accomplished. I am very excited to recognize some of those who have gone above and beyond this year at HCON. We, as a division, increased greatly the amount of submissions for division judging. It was great to see so much

LTG Kathryn Teruya with D14 LTG Prajwol Devkota at the last CNH Board Meeting before 2014 DCON"

participation in the submissions and the judging. The judges at the division judging did a great job! As we will be packing up and getting ready to leave for HCON, please remember that it is your responsibility to stay in dress code even at the service project on Saturday afternoon and for the Lieutenant Governors’ Dance on Saturday night. Please make sure you bring a few pens or pencils to take notes during workshops. I hope you all are looking forward to Hawai`i convention as for some of us it will be the last time we may be seeing some of our Region 18 friends. Treasure HCON weekend and have

In this issue: LTG’s Address Division Submissions Major Emphasis HCON Info Recognition DCM Info Other Reminders


Contact Us!

As the year is coming to a close, it is important to look back at your goals you

Kathryn Teruya Lieutenant Governor kathrynteruya@gmail.com

made at the first DCM. Have you accomplished those goals? If you have, congratulations! If you feel that your goals are not yet met, what can you do to make those goals accomplishments? Please let me know what I can do to

Ako Gagarin News Editor oka.y@hotmail.com

help you. Thank you for all of your hard work as it does not go unnoticed.

Johnny Zhu Assistant Jzhu1597@gmail.com

See you at Hawai`i Convention! With love,

Kathryn Teruya Division 22 Hikina Lieutenant Governor

Pamela Fujinaka Region Assistant Pkfuj@iolani.org


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Division Submissions Featured Project


Every year, the ‘Iolani Key Club takes part in helping the Family Programs of Hawaii’s Christmas Banquet for foster children and their families. It is a nice event where there is food, cotton candy, parrots to take pictures with, and Santa who gives out toys to the kids. The key club helped with the goodie bags that were handed out. In these goodie bags there were cookies that were baked and bagged a week prior. This year we made 3,300 cookies for the 1,100 kids in attendance. This is a fun project that the club looks forward to participating in every year. BY: Kathryn Teruya

Key Clubbers baking cookies for a Christmas banquet

Key Clubbers helping kids at the NFL Play60 event

Roosevelt Key Club kicked off the new year by volunteering at the NFL sponsored event, Play60. Our members gathered at Aloha Stadium at 6:30 in the morning to help set up. Members were then broken up into different sections and were assigned with various tasks to help out. The members from Roosevelt Key Club helped with registration, welcoming family members with a warm smile and cheers through the morning. A group was assigned to the tunnel to cheer on the participants coming down. Loud cheers and chants could be heard faintly from the entrance as our clubbers gave it their all. Roosevelt then joined the rest on the field and pumped everyone up by doing some Zumba alongside the kids. We went to the different stations and screamed words of encouragement towards the future sports stars. Our members agree that this was such a great event to start off the year and we had such a fun time helping out the children BY: Marleen Tana

On January 18th, Saint Louis School participated in the judging for division awards at the Iolani DCM. We sat in the computer room for an hour judging the different categories. I judged the club of the year, member of the year, advisor of the year and treasurer of the year. I thought it was really exciting and fun to see other people from other clubs unite in one room and judge the different candidates for each award. The judging process wasn’t long and tedious as I expected, it was interesting because I saw the different personalities within key club. I met a lot of key clubbers during this time and it inspired me to submit for awards in the next key club year. Johnny Boy and Kathryn Teruya (Mom) did a great job of monitoring and assisting the voters. As an avid member of the Saint Louis key club, I encourage everyone in key club to judge next year. BY: Aga Gagarin

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Major Emphasis It’s Not Too Late! Get involved with our

MAJOR EMPHASIS “Children: Their Focus, Our Future” What is Major Emphasis? The Major Emphasis is, “Children: Their Focus, Our Future”. Key Club serves the youth through various projects. For example, we donate to the Eliminate Project, a current service initiative that provides vaccinations for maternal/ neonatal tetanus. Key Club has three preferred charities that relate to Major Emphasis • Children’s Miracle Network • UNICEF • March of Dimes Ways to promote Major Emphasis in your club: 1. Share service videos 2. Quizzes and prizes during meetings 3. Giving workshops 4. Showing the impact of service on these organizations 5. Ask for donations or pledges 6. Sharing contributions effectively through social media

Fun Fact: Key Club’s Major Emphasis relates to the Kiwanis Major Emphasis which is, “Young Children: Priority One”.

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Reminders " "

Dress Code for HCON

Link for the dress code video: http://www.youtube.com/wat ch?v=6zT-IJ_kmnc

Member Of the Month

Johnny Zhu from Roosevelt (For his immense dedication to Key Club and his community)

Club of the Month

Maryknoll Key Club (For their excellent participation in Division Judging)


Please submit at least one article and visual every month.

Thank you for on time Aug. MRFs: ‘Iolani Kaiser Roosevelt

Punahou Farrington


DCM Info When: February 16, 2014 Where: Aqua Hotel (Kauai) DCM Starts: 8:00am - 9:30am

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Hawai`i Convention Code of Conduct Key Club members, Faculty advisors, Kiwanis advisors, Kiwanis members and invited guests are expected to demonstrate behavior consistent with the high ideals of Key Club and should abide by the provisions of this Code while in attendance at any Key Club event. Every member will respect the authority of the Sergeant-at-Arms Committee, Key Club Administrator, and designated staff. Responsible Behavior: • All participants are expected to abide by all government laws and regulations. • All participants must respect the personal property of others, as well as the property of any meeting or lodging facility. The placing of signs or messages on the windows of the hotel rooms is prohibited. No materials may be affixed to any hotel or convention center walls. Any damage caused by the individual must be paid for by that individual. • All participants may not possess, use, and/or consume any alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, weapons, firecrackers, or anything of a dangerous nature or act in any way unbecoming of a Key Club member or advisor. • All participants may not possess or use any drugs or other controlled substance, with the exception of medication prescribed for the attendee. • All participants are expected to abstain from any activity of a sexual nature. • All participants are expected to not tolerate hazing or any action that creates unnecessary physical or mental discomfort, embarrassment, harassment or ridicule of others. • There will be no stealing of the Lieutenant Governor’s bell or gavel. Lodging: • All participants must sleep in their assigned room. • Female participants are not allowed in the room of any male participant, and male participants are not allowed in the room of any female participant at any time even if advisor is present. Violation will result in the immediate dismissal from the Convention. • All Key Club members are expected to abide by the curfew. • No Key Club member is allowed on hotel balconies after curfew. Dress Code: • All participants are expected to abide by the designated dress code for the entire event. • At no time will any clothing with any inappropriate language or graphics be allowed. Any tshirts, shorts, or skirts deemed to be of inappropriate length will not be allowed. Specified length is no shorter than two inches above the knee. • All participants are required to wear their name badge and Convention wristband at all Convention-related activities or events. • The wearing of hats, beanies, and slippers will not be allowed unless it is part of a costume

Treasures of the SEA

2014 Hawai`I Convention Dress code Friday Evening Dress Code: “Spirit Attire” Male: Trousers, jeans, collared shirt, club or aloha shirt, club t-shirt, and covered shoes. Slippers are not allowed. Shirts without tails may be worn untucked. Shirts with tails must

Female: Trousers, jeans, collared shirt, club or aloha shirts, club t-shirt, aloha print dress or muumuu, and covered shoes or sandals. Slippers are not allowed

ALL: Clothing with logos other than those Key Club related are not allowed, including polos. All outfits should be of appropriate dress standard (no midriff, etc.). Saturday Morning Dress Code: “Division T-Shirt (Tastefully Casual)” from morning till afternoon ALL: Division T-Shirt, jeans/shorts no shorter than 2 inches above the knee, and covered shoes. Saturday Evening Dress Code: “Sunday’s Best” for the dinner, banquet, and dance

Male: Aloha shirt, button-down collared shirt, slacks, and dress shoes. Athletic shoes, jeans, slippers, and sneakers will not be allowed.

Female: Dress with two straps, no shorter than 2 inches above the knee, and should not be skin tight OR blouse with appropriate slacks/with skirt no shorter than 2 inches above the knee, and appropriate shoes. No jeans, slippers, and

*Note: Females are allowed to wear strapless dresses, dresses with one strap, or dresses with spaghetti straps. However, it is REQUIRED that they need to wear a sweater, jacket, or coat throughout the evening (General Session, Dinner, AND Dance). ALL: Outfits should be of appropriate dress standard and be in a tasteful manner. Sunday Morning Dress Code: “Key Club Related or School Attire (Tastefully Casual)” ALL: Key Club related or school attire, jeans, shorts no shorter than 2 inches above the knee, slacks, skirt, and covered shoes. Slippers will not be allowed. Enforcement of Code of Conduct: • Violations of this Code will result in notification to the Region Advisor and chaperone. • Violations involving destruction of property, possession, consumption or use of alcoholic beverages or controlled substances, vandalism, theft, gross insubordination, violence or sleeping room violations (boys in girls’ room/girls in boys’ room) will result in immediate dismissal from the Convention. • Within 30 days of the conclusion of the Convention, notification of the violation of this code by any member(s) disciplined will be made in writing by the District Administrator to the school, sponsoring Kiwanis Club, parents of the member(s), and the Kiwanis District Secretary/Executive Director. • It may be determined by the District Administrator, Coordinator of Sponsored Programs and the Kiwanis District Secretary/Executive Director, that an entire club is in violation of this code of conduct. If so, that club will be suspended from attending the following Key Club Hawai‘i Convention.

February 2014 Sunday






Saturday 1 National Freedom Day


3 January MRF Due





Submit for the Newsletter!


HCON February DCM







Are you ready for HCON?!

HCON Happy Valentines Day









President’s Day



Send a Card to a Friend Day

Make a Friend Day



Tell a Fairy Tale Day



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