D22h dnews 04 1314

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Region 18 | Division 22 Hikina

Starting a new BEEginning Hi Division 22 Hikina!

April 2013 Volume 1 | Issue 1

Congratulations on a successful year of service, and welcome to a brand NEW Key Club year! As a new division and realigned region, I am so excited to see what we can all accomplish together this year and years to come! Thank you to all who applied for positions on the 2013-2014 Division 22 Hikina Team. I would like to congratulate Division Assistant, Johnny Zhu and Division Editor, Ako Gagarin for serving our division this year. Thank you to Mrs. Masuhara who will serve as our Region Advisor and Mrs. Fujinaka, our Region Advisor Assistant. It was great to see many old and new smiling faces at the first DCM of the year (April DCM)! As we started to train the new secretaries, we also set goals for ourselves and for our division for the 2013-2014 year! During our brainstorming activity, we gave ourselves no limitations. The members and advisors in attendance "blew up" my phone by texting me all of their ideas. From division projects to socials, I can tell that this year will "bee" AMAZING! As summer is around the corner, I encourage you all to have fun, meet new friends, and continue to actively serve your communities! I know we can do it!

DCON Region 18 Immediate past LTG Kelly Soares, immediate past member recognition chair and past LTG Keagan Sakai Kawada, Region Advisor Charlene Masuhara, D22 Hikina LTG Kathryn Teruya, D23 Komohana LTG, Allana Carpio, and D22 Makai LTG Jennifer Taniguchi.

In this issue: LTG’s Address New Div. Team Member of the Month Club of the Month Division Submissions On Time MRFs DCM Info DCON Experiences

Contact Us!

I look forward to serving with all of you this year! Serving with Aloha,

Kathryn Teruya Lieutenant Governor

Kathryn Teruya Lieutenant Governor kathrynteruya@gmail.com Ako Gagarin News Editor oka.y@hotmail.com Johnny Zhu Assistant Jzhu1597@gmail.com

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New Div. Team! A Few Words From Johnny Zhu: Hey Division 22 Hikina, How Do you Feel?!! For those of you that don’t know me, my name is Johnny Zhu, and I am currently “feeling good” to becoming your Division Assistant for the year of 2013-14. Although I am simply astonished to be chosen for this role, I am also very honored to help create an awesome year for our division. In taking this role as a Division Assistant, I am willing to commit my time, effort, and put Key Club as one of my highest priorities. The year of 2012-13 was my first year in joining Roosevelt High School’s Key Club, and through this one year, I learned to dedicate myself in making a difference in the lives of others through service and philanthropy. I want all members to show the willingness to do service out of their own generosity and because of the sociable acts and fun memories that can be created. I want all Key Club members to think of Key Club as a huge family where everyone may work together, meet new people, and get to know one another much better. These are my goals for the 2013-14 Key Club year. Please do contact LTG Kat or me if you guys need any help or have any questions. With nothing much more to say, I want to thank all you members for your inspiring dedications to Key Club, and let’s hope for even better in our upcoming 201314 year. In service to Division 22 Hikina, Johnny Zhu Division 22 Hikina Division Assistant

Lieutenant Governor: Kathryn Teruya Birthday Date: March 15,1996 Grade: Junior (Incoming Senior) Favorite Color: Lime Green Favorite Animal: Monkeys Favorite Service Project: ALL OF THEM! Why I enjoy Key Club: I enjoy Key Club because it gives me the opportunity to not only work with and meet new people, but it also allows me to make a difference in my community. I love to serve others while living through the Key Club International motto, "Caring- Our Way of Life".

News Editor: Ako Gagarin Birthday Date: February 2, 1996 Grade: Junior (Incoming Senior) Favorite Color: Red Favorite Animal: Tigers Favorite Service Project: Helping Kids! Why I enjoy Key Club: I enjoy Key Club because I love helping others and the smiles on peoples’ faces makes community service so rewarding. Also, the many friends I’ve made and the many people I met make the experience that much better. Community service doesn’t seem appealing to others, but to me it’s amazing. The difference you can make in your community is immense and that is why I encourage people to do service. KEY CLUB IS THE BEST!

Division Assistant: Johnny Zhu Birthday Date: May 12,1997 Grade: Sophomore (Incoming Junior) Favorite Color: Green Favorite Animal: Pandas Favorite Service Project: Relay for Life Why I enjoy Key Club: I enjoy Key Club for two main reasons: The gregarious services that I attend, and the generosity that I can show. Key Club is like a huge family to me. A family that that does services together, making services much more enjoyable, time-worthy, and filled with laughter. By doing Key Club services, I am able to make a change in the lives of others and the world around me.

Member Of the Month Lani Chung from Kaiser (For being an exceptional role model in training her Secretary elect)

Club of the Month Farrington High School Key Club (For actively participating in divisional events)

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Division Submissions At March's Kiwanis Family Dance, we entertained several mentally disabled people and their families, along with Roosevelt and Saint Louis. It was very rewarding and we learned how to interact with them. They were so friendly and we can't wait to do that project again. At the Kiwanis' Pancake Breakfast, we worked with several schools and sold breakfast to families. We met several different people from other clubs and learned how to be contributing members of the Kiwanis family. BY: David Au

Kiwanis Family Dance

Kiwanis Pancake Breakfast

Saint Louis Key Club participated at the family Easter Event at Salvation Army Kahala. We worked with kids by doing many different activities, like Keiki I.D., arts and crafts, games, and the Easter Egg Hunt. Our club enjoyed the experience and had a lot of fun blowing bubbles or playing games. It was great that we got to make many kids smile that day along with other Key Clubbers. BY: Ako Gagarin

Easter at the Salvation Army

Thank you for on time April MRFs: Farrington Roosevelt Iolani Saint Louis Rayson a nd B rant w ill be missed Kaiser Kamehameha Punahou

SUMMER CHALLENGE: 3 PROJECTS & 1 BOARD MEETING (AT LEAST) IN THE MONTHS OF JUNE, JULY, AND AUGUST DCM Information: May 4 10am-12pm @Iolani School Service: Food Drive (Bring canned food and monetary donations)

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DCON Experiences District Convention was an incredibly exciting and memorable experience. It provided attendees an opportunity to not only bond with their region, but to also make friends within the district. In addition to nurturing friendships, District Convention helped many students to grow as Key Clubbers and as people. The numerous workshops educated attendees on how to be better members, how to perform more effective service, and how to reach their full potential as individuals. It exposed everyone to the immense degree of spirit and passion that is associated with Key Club through the endless cheers, outrageous club attire, and the overflowing enthusiasm. On a more personal level, District Convention taught me so many things that would have been a shame to miss had I not chosen to attend this year. One of the most inspirational lessons that I have taken away has to do with achieving success, which I had learned through the motivational keynote speech given by Scott Greenberg. He enlightened me to the fact that oftentimes the biggest barrier that stands in the way of reaching your goals is your own self. When you keep a positive state of mind by letting go of personal insecurities and inhibitions, success comes naturally. This lesson is one that can be applied specifically to Key Club as well as to life in general. Whether you are having problems performing service or struggling with personal ordeals, it is important to remember the main point of Mr. Greenberg’s lecture: “Like hot air balloons, all of us are engineered to soar to great heights.” BY: Lani Chung I have to say that DCON was such an eye opening experience. One thing that really stood out to me was that even though Hawaii is so small compared to California and Nevada, we provide just as much service as they do. Service doesn't end at high school; there are so many opportunities for service as you go off to college. I really liked being able to get closer with other key club members outside of my home club. Just being able to see how excited people get over key club was so amazing. Everyone at DCON was just so enthusiastic and that made it was so awesome. I <3 Key Club.

BY: Gina Hyun

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