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Region 18 | Division 22 Hikina

Serving Into Summer

June 2013 Volume 1 | Issue 3 LTG Kathryn Teruya with Division 28 South LTG, RJ Immerman at the May Board Meeting in Rancho Cucamonga, California.

Hello Division 22 Hikina Man!! I hope you all are having a fun and safe summer! Region Training Conference is right around the corner, and I hope you are all excited! Please remember to turn in all of your forms and one check from your club ON TIME! Start talking to your parents if you are interested in attending Hawaii Convention and District Convention in 2014. Let them know that it is important to you! The DCON theme this year is “Your Golden Ticket”. I hope to see you all in Sacramento, California in April 2014! There will be lots of information that will be provided about both of these events in the near future. I loved the turn out for the June DCM! Let’s all try to attend the July DCM as well. This month we will be helping out at Aloha United Way on July 13th, please make sure to save the date! All of you are doing such a great job serving your community! I am so proud to be serving along the side of such amazing leaders! As summer continues, please keep your caring and “can-do” attitudes, start preparing for the upcoming school year, and enjoy time with family and friends.

In this issue: LTG’s Address Division Submissions RTC Information Member of the Month Club of the Month On Time MRFs Other Reminders

Contact Us! Kathryn Teruya Lieutenant Governor kathrynteruya@gmail.com

Please feel free to contact me at any time through email, phone call, or text message.

Ako Gagarin News Editor oka.y@hotmail.com

Have a GOLDEN summer!

Johnny Zhu Assistant Jzhu1597@gmail.com

Kathryn Teruya Lieutenant Governor

Pamela Fujinaka Region Assistant Pkfuj@iolani.org


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Division Submissions On May 19, 2013, Farrington High School volunteered at Ala Moana Beach Park for the Honolulu Triathlon. The Farrington Key Club members needed to be at the location by 4:00 in the morning. You heard it right! Four in the morning till ten. The members were obligated to passed and collect time chips from participants and cheered for the participants. Also, before the triathlon started the Farrington Key Club and Iolani High School Key Club were responsible to mark the participants’ number on their left arm and leg. BY: Joy Camile Ravina, Jhon Michael Malabed, and Michelle Fermin

Marvie Rellanos passing out time chips to the Honolulu Triathlon participants.

On May 31st, there was yet another funfilled Kiwanis Family Dance as Roosevelt’s Key Club took over the Palolo Valley District Park Gym. For two hours, the members were creating conga lines and line dances with the attendees, making sure everyone had a dance partner. Flora Ky and Michelle Luu led the Lucky Numbers drawing with Flora passing out the various prizes and Michele shaking the bag full of numbers. Roosevelt Key Club and Saint Louis Key Club got to dance with different people under the multi-colored lights. We welcomed them by teaching them different dances, such as the Electric Slide and the Cupid Shuffle. Members got to meet new people as well as talk to some of the attendees while showcasing their moves on the dance floor. Along with dancing, Roosevelt’s Key Club even managed to spell out the words “Key Club” with the members and our new friends for a picture. All in all, it was a memorable night, both for the Key Clubbers as well as the people who attended the KFD. BY: Marleen Tana

Roosevelt Key Clubbers having fun with the attendees of the Kiwanis Family Dance

Featured Project: During this past Saturday, June 1, the senior class of ‘Iolani School graduated. If you ever stopped and marveled at the amazing decorations all around the graduation stage it was because of the graduation set up committee that made it all possible. The ‘Iolani Key Club was also part of this committee. What did we do you ask? Well, our job was to gather all the leaves you saw hanging everywhere, and individually wash each and every one. We would also separate the appealing leaves from the not so appealing and then categorize each appealing leaf according to size. Looking back, it was a very tedious job. However, we all had fun while doing it. Time passed quickly because so many people came to help which mad everything much easier. The graduation set up was all about trying to give the graduating class the best experience possible and to make everyone there feel like one big family. It was nice to see that all the hard work of preparing the leaves paid off by seeing them hung all around the stage! You then realize that whenever you see something so amazing and beautiful, someone prior to that took the time and effort to make it. Just making others happy by putting a smile on their face is really the best thing you can do at the end of the day. BY: Tyler Wong


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Reminders "

Region 18 Training Conference When: August 10-11, 2013 Where: ‘Iolani School What: A training conference to bring together officers and members with informative/fun activities and workshops Requirements: Fill out Registration Packet and pay a Registration Fee of $60. Mail them early! ALL DUE BY WEDNESDAY JULY 17, 2013 TO: Charlene Masuhara Region 18 Key Club Advisor Hilo High School 556 Wai!nuenue Avenue Hilo, Hawai‘i 96720

If you have any questions, contact Region 18 RTC Chair Jensen Fontanilla at jefontan@iolani.org or Region Advisor Mrs. Charlene Masuhara at chmasuhara@gmail.com or (808) 345-4737"

Thank you for on time May MRFs: ‘Iolani Kaiser Roosevelt Kamehamea


Saint Louis Farrington Maryknoll


When: April 11-13, 2014 Where: Sacramento, CA Theme: Your Golden Ticket DCON LOGO THEME CONTEST APPLICATIONS ATTACHED BELOW

Member Of the Month Alana Laanui from Maryknoll (For continuous dedication to serving her club)

Club of the Month Roosevelt Key Club (For tackling on the start of the summer with lots of service)


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July 2013 Sunday


Tuesday 1

Wednesday 2

I Forgot Day

*International Convention in Washington DC July 3- July 7

(Show appreciation for someone who doesn’t always get the recognition they should!)

*Email LTG Kat for more details concerning Kiwanis Meetings






3 MRF, Article, & Visual Submissions DUE!







13 8am-1pm Aloha United Way Packing 1pm-2pm July DCM

Happy Independence Day!

10 Cheer up the Lonely Day

(Do a service project that cheers up those who need it)




17 RTC Forms are DUE!













National Ice Cream Day Plan an interclub/ club social!



Paperback Book Day (Gather school supplies to donate to children shelters)


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