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Region 18 | Division 22 Hikina

Surfing in Service

July 2013 Volume 1 | Issue 4

Division 22 Hikina, I can’t believe that our summer is coming to a close! It feels like it just began! I hope you all had a blast and made many lasting memories at at the beach, on vacation, or for some, in summer school. As school starts up again, please don’t forget your duties and goals as a Key Club member/ officer in addition to your responsibilities as a student. Remember that we all strive to do our best in all aspects of our life including school studies. Please make the best of this year and focus on accomplishing your goals you set for yourself. Never be afraid to ask for help from teachers, classmates, advisors, and myself. Seniors, this will be your last year in Key Club… it’s sad just thinking about it, but keep in mind the idea of legacy. Have a golden year! I am very excited for many of you to attend RTC, I hope you all are too! Be sure to bring covered shoes, cameras, and spending money in addition to the normal packing list. As leaders, please know that you represent your school, club, and division while attending these types of events, so please follow the code of conduct and dress code. Thank you!

2013-2014 CNH District Convention Committee In this issue: LTG’s Address Division Submissions RTC Information Member of the Month Club of the Month On Time MRFs Other Reminders

This summer has been great! I have loved seeing all of your bee-utiful faces at DCMs, socials, school, and many other random places! I look forward to seeing even more of you in the future!

Contact Us! Kathryn Teruya Lieutenant Governor kathrynteruya@gmail.com

You all have made me so proud this summer, and I can’t wait for the school year to start so we can all start building and serving our community even more!

Ako Gagarin News Editor oka.y@hotmail.com Johnny Zhu Assistant Jzhu1597@gmail.com

Thank you for all of your service and leadership you provide for your community. You are appreciated and are making a difference.

Pamela Fujinaka Region Assistant Pkfuj@iolani.org

I can’t wait to surf in service with all of you!

Kathryn Teruya Lieutenant Governor


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Division Submissions Featured Project: Farrington Key Clubbers started their summer with big F-U-N by helping-out to beautify their school along with other clubs. On June 01, FHS Key clubbers dedicated their precious summer hours on painting the school walls of the biggest building on FHS. The Farrington staff and the community were devoted to renovate the school piece by piece for a better educational environment for the students and staffs. Currently, Wing 6 at Building A is completely renovated and expected to open sometime this year. In addition, the Farrington Key Clubbers are beyond

Alexis Andrada painting her school colors (Maroon & White) on the walls around Building A

happy when helping their school and giving back to the community#" BY: Jhon Malabed


Key Clubbers helping Aloha United Way pack boxes

For our July DCM, our service project was to help out Aloha United Way, which makes a big impact on our community. We helped them by making an “assembly line” and packing boxes with forms and brochures for hundreds of companies. This was important because it helped spread the word, and also allowed the companies to donate money to the organization. There were a lot of members at this event which made the work go by pretty fast. It was very fun to be able to meet other members and officers from the other clubs. We really got to know each other well! After the project, we had a DCM where we discussed upcoming events, and then had officer training for treasures and vice presidents. My favorite part of this was when I was able to sit in and listen to the treasurer training. It was very interesting to be able to understand what they did, and the responsibilities they have. It was really a great experience! BY: Caroline Kodama

Division 22 Hikina having a great time bowling at the June Social

Definitely a highlight of my summer! On June 29th, Division 22 Hikina had an awesome bowling experience. Meeting at Fort Shafter Bowling Alley at 3pm, Key Clubs from different schools came together to have fun. Participants had to pay $15 with $5.50 of the money going to Project Eliminate. The bowling groups were mixed with students from different schools so we could acquaint ourselves with people we didn’t know. I had no idea how my group was going to be like, but those who joined me were the best. The sportsmanship shown during the social was amazing. It didn’t matter how high the bowling scores were. It was about having fun and enjoying yourself with others. By: Samuel Han

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Reminders "

WELCOME BACK TO SCHOOL Don’t forget our goals for this GOLDEN year: • •

Division Goals Each club should strive for 5 projects a month Members should attend District Council Meetings Each club should submit at least one article and visual every month

" " " " " " " ‘Iolani " Punahou " Kaiser Saint Louis " Roosevelt Farrington " Kamehamea Maryknoll " " " " " " Member Of the Month " " Caroline Kodama from ‘Iolani " (For going above and beyond to continue

• • •

District Goals As ONE district, our aim is 46,000 members As divisions, we want to contribute $150,000 to PTP As clubs, we want to collectively serve 1,000,000 hours of service As individual members, we each want to save 3 lives from MNT

Region 18 Training Conference When: August 10-11, 2013 Where: ‘Iolani School What: A training conference to bring together officers and members with informative/fun activities and workshops

Thank you for on time May MRFs:

active service during the summer)

Club of the Month Punahou Key Club (For showing enthusiasm toward service and the start of the new school year)

DCM Info When: August 11, 2013 Where: ‘Iolani School Time: 8:45-9:45 am "


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August 2013

Welcome back to school Division 22 Hikina! Sunday





Friday 1

Saturday 2

3 MRFs DUE! Turn in Submissions!







10 RTC at `Iolani!




14 Honolulu Kiwanis Meeting


16 National Tell a Joke Day











27 “Just Because” Day

28 Honolulu Kiwanis Meeting




RTC! August DCM

Keep these Key Club core values in mind as you start your golden school year: leadership, character building, caring, and inclusiveness.

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