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Articles From Your Division

Tree Lighting Event

Provided by Nathaniel De Francia (PVHS)


On Friday, December 3rd, our volunteers and members participated in the city’s Tree Lighting event. The event was hosted by the city and members of the community were invited to come and check out the Christmas tree and see it’s decorations and lights. The event aimed at lifting the Christmas spirit and providing the community with a space to enjoy the Tree. The event itself was located at the corner of Broadway and Cook St. and it started at 4:00.

Volunteers were there for a couple of hours helping out. Members worked at a stand nearby and gave out hot chocolate, cookies and other treats to anyone from the community. They also helped clean up and provide assistance for the event after it was done. All the volunteers worked very hard and the organizers were very thankful for their help.

Dog Toys Event Recap

Provided by Finn Westley (SLOHS)

A big thank you to everyone who showed up to help out with this event , it was a huge success! We had a dozen members come out to Santa Rosa Park to help us make a range of different dog toys for community service hours. We will discuss how we want to donate these toys at our next meeting so that everyone can be a part of it. To those of you who participated and received your community service hours, remember to report them in this form. This will allow you to receive credit with Key

Club. At our next meeting (Tuesday, January 11), participants will also receive a raffle ticket for attending the event. Keep track of your community service forms and turn them in to Ms. Martin in the career center digitally if possible; this is how you receive credit for your hours with the school.


January Service Events

Provided by Jeremy Lee Oani (ERHS)

With the holiday season, the ERHS Key Club has still strived to give opportunities to our members to give service while also giving everyone the holiday break that they deserve.A service event we also participated in was the road cleanup on Payton Way on December 11. This was a very successful service event as we were able to clean up a very serious litter abatement on the road whilst having lots of fun with members of the club. During the holiday season, we were able to collaborate with Righetti’s Interact Club and do holiday service events together! Some of these included working at the Elks Lodge during their seasonal Christmas events or other Christmas festivals. This is what we mostly have done this holiday season for our members. We have decided to also give our members a well-deserved break for all the hard work they have done this past semester. We hope to continue our endeavors in the new year! Go warriors!


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